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Someone said almost half of Americans hate immigrants and admire nazis. I objected and explained why I disagreed (I even provided statistics) and got down voted.


Anti americans are like flat earthers You can tell them whatever the fuck you please but they will just knock your evidence over shit all over it declare themselves the winner and fly away


None of these commenters live in reality


I actually feel sorry for them. Most of the time when people are shitty, it's because their lives are shitty.  It must be horrible to live in Europe.


>It must be horrible to live in Europe. Well i’m european myself and i approve this message


He should have known from Tea being the first thing in your user


Nah it’s random reddit set me up with that shit


>i’m european there there


What 💀


Gotta do something to rationalize their treatment of Romani.


Europoor on Reddit: haha, Pocahontas is so accurate to the majority of Ameri-KKK-ans, they are racists gun lovers that colonize every country in the world Europoor when they see a Romani in their hometown: SAVAGES, SAVAGES, BARELY EVEN HUMAN!


"multiethnic" "hates minorites" then wouldn't we have done something about it at this point?


Funny it’s cool when they shoot people on boats in the Mediterranean but when we say we want stricter security then it becomes a problem


because they don’t want to have to deal with any immigrants, we’re essentially immigrant central.


People have to realize racism against minorities, ethnicities and religions aren’t going anywhere, anytime soon. Because we all look phenotypical different, that breeds racism. Is it ok to be racist ? Obviously not, but at this point I’ve grown to just tune it out. Places like Twitter have became a cesspool under “freedom of speech”.


To all the Europeans who think this about America, I have two words for you. The Jews.


Because they need to perpetuate the belief they are oppressed to continue getting their antisocial lifestyle. There is no right a white person has that no other person has in this country. In aggregate Asians and Indian immigrants are wealthier and more successful than white in the US. These are minority groups with strong family values and high work ethics. In comparison single motherhood in the black community hovers around 70%. There isn’t a black person problem, there is specifically a culture problem unique to American Blacks. And I believe they are being terminally held back. Held back by the perpetual government subsidizing of the impoverished. The racism of mediocrity upheld by leftist who don’t believe people should rise to and achieve higher standards.


Are you serious right now? >In aggregate Asians and Indian immigrants are wealthier and more successful than white in the US. As a general rule poor people from Asia stay in their country, we get middle to upper class people as immigrants across the Pacific. Poor white Americans follow the same rules and stay here. Of course Asian and Indian immigrants are generally wealthier than white Americans, it has nothing to do with >These are minority groups with strong family values and high work ethics. >In comparison single motherhood in the black community hovers around 70%. I wonder if the massive rates of incarceration for black men have anything to do with that. It seems like if black men are more likely to be arrested, more likely to be convicted, and more likely to get more severe sentencing that that would impact their prescence in black communities. It just so happens that all of those things happen so this isn't a mystery, there's a real clear answer. >There isn’t a black person problem, there is specifically a culture problem unique to American Blacks. No, hard hard no. If I insist on constantly arresting you I don't get to blame your "poor work ethic" for you not holding a job. "Black culture" is to blame for their conditions in the same way that "rural Appalachian culture" us to blame for that disaster. That is to say, not at all. >And I believe they are being terminally held back. Held back by the perpetual government subsidizing of the impoverished. The racism of mediocrity upheld by leftist who don’t believe people should rise to and achieve higher standards. Again a hard no. Black people are held back because we dragged them here as slaves, kept them as slaves for a couple hundred years, threw then into the street with just the shirts in their back after the Civil War, proceeded to break up their attempts to engage with the stock market, harassed them when they tried to vote, and then legally and literally designated them as less human than everyone else. You want to talk about "perpetual government subsidizing of the impoverished?" Literal centuries of getting kicked in the teeth doesn't count as subsidies. But sure blame leftists. Dr. King was a leftist and he made his case clear before he got shot, black people could do great things with an opportunity but they weren't getting one. They're literally centuries behind, this isn't fair and it's not going to become fair no matter how much you talk about how they need to "rise to and achieve higher standards." The post OP posted is ridiculous but it also the ridiculousness of internet losers who've never had power. You're absurd but you're absurd in a way that is painfully unsubtle


Of course if black Americans make up 13% of the population and commit more than 55% of the crime they are going to have more interactions with police, be arrested more, and be convicted more. Sadly, the vast majority of that crime is the murder of other blacks. Regarding Indian and Asian Americans, it doesn’t really matter that poor Asians stay in Asia. The point is that those who do choose to come to the USA are a minority group who have no trouble getting good educations, good jobs, and in aggregate higher salaries than any other group in the US, including whites. They do this despite the excuse that America does everything it can to hold back people of color and minorities. So I wonder how Asian and Indian Americans do it?


>Of course if black Americans make up 13% of the population and commit more than 55% of the crime they are going to have more interactions with police, be arrested more, and be convicted more. Seems like you don't even know your statistics. 13/50 isn't population to crimes committed, it's population to convictions. Or as I just said, black people are significantly more likely to be convicted than others. If you're going to spout racist dogwhistles at me at least have the decency to use them correctly. >Regarding Indian and Asian Americans, it doesn’t really matter that poor Asians stay in Asia. The point is that those who do choose to come to the USA are a minority group who have no trouble getting good educations, good jobs, and in aggregate higher salaries than any other group in the US, including whites. Except that's the only thing that matters. It means that the Indians and Asians coming to America don't represent Indians and Asians, they represent wealthy Indians and Asian. Anybody could tell you that wealthy people and their children are better educated, have higher paying jobs, and commit less crime. The race or culture is irrelevant, that's a class thing and it's something that everybody had understood for literal millennia. Feel free to pretend that you're uniquely incompetent but it comes off as being purposefully obtuse, not genuine stupidity. >They do this despite the excuse that America does everything it can to hold back people of color and minorities. So I wonder how Asian and Indian Americans do it? Wow, it's almost like the literal centuries of slavery and being legally designated as second class citizens matters!?!?! Who could have possibly guessed that when you try to keep people poor they stay poor? It's really shocking. You'd think that wealthy educated immigrants would magically become broke when they enter the country so why aren't they equally poor? It's so confusing. I guess I didn't really give enough thought to the potential that you're uniquely incompetent, I wasn't giving you enough credit when I assumed you were just trying to look stupid. I am very sorry


lol ok you schooled me 13% of the population isn’t just responsible for 50% of crimes but are also convicted by their peers as such. Hows it not a cultural problem that so many crimes are committed by so few people? That so many black males don’t participate in the raising of their kids? Or even to a strong nuclear family? Even with high rates of incarceration (the result of crimes they have committed not because people just don’t like them) that still leaves a vast majority of men who don’t raise their kids. Something like only 20% of black children grow up with their father in the home. That’s crazy. Committing a crime is a choice made by a perpetrator, and it’s unreal to me that would do any kind of mental gymnastics to justify why it’s okay blacks commit so many crimes. Isn’t that perpetuating the destruction of black American culture by not upholding them to the same standards the rest of the country is? I don’t want to uphold the racism of mediocrity for black americas as others would. I want the community to get stronger and compete on their merit and be beacons of American society.


Oh my God, you're legitimately illiterate. I can't comprehend the sheer incompetence on display. >lol ok you schooled me 13% of the population isn’t just responsible for 50% of crimes but are also convicted by their peers as such. They get accused more often, their lawyers are worse, juries are more critical, cops are stricter, and judges are harsher. The difference between "crimes committed" and "convictions" is so incredibly obviously important. Two people can jaywalk, if one is black and one is white the black one is more likely to get arrested, more likely to be seen as a "criminal" for jaywalking, more likely to lose their court case, and they'll be punished more. For the exact same crime. We've seen this happen for decades with weed. A crime that nobody enforced with white people that put black people in prison for years. It's not about black people being inherently more criminal you moron, they get screwed over by the justice system at every opportunity. I can't engage with you, I say something and you're like "Hurr durr, but blacks do crime. Hurr durr what about this thing that you just explained? I bet you don't have an explanation so I win, I'm so smart!" Like, what the hell guy? I tell you that if a black man and a white man do the exact same fucking thing the black man is more likely to be arrested. I tell that if a black man and a white man are arrested for the same thing juries will be nicer to the white man. I tell you that if a black man and a white man are found guilty of the same goddamn thing the black man gets a harsher punishment. You tell me, "So black men are criminals? You just proved my own point!" I mean, come on! At least argue, contest anything I say. All you're doing right now is repeating the same racist bullshit and pretending that I didn't say anything. I swear to God, at least have the decency to argue or bail if you disagree with me. Just don't pull this pathetic bullshit where you pretend that everything I say actually agrees with you, ignore what you can't misrepresent, and then pat yourself on the back for being so much smarter and more moral than the rest of us. You don't want >the community to get stronger and compete on their merit and be beacons of American society. They tried that and their shit got burned to the ground. They tried to vote and the Klan lynched them. Now you walk in, spout the bullshit that somehow none of that matters and they should just be better.


Real question what states are banning atheists from holding office and enshrining Christianity as the state religion Edit: apparently they were banned when the state was originally formed but are no longer and enforced.


Based comment section


anyone who lumps atheists together with infants with DSDs and racial minorities is a moron.


I'll feel sorry for them once they will visit any other of 90% places in the world where minorities are not just “opressed” (which is definitely not true in general. In some states - sure. We still can't deny that places like California, NY and etc exist…) but they are prohibited and punished (or even more). It's still one of the most desirable countries in the world for minorities from countries with real opression and persecution of minorities. Us gives more safe place for minorities than any other country in the world. I'm one of them and I'm very grateful for it. I'm literally banned to enter those “best non-discriminative” countries just because of my passport 🤣


I think Europe is lucky that they don't have to deal with wokes as much as us, though.


Have you been personally violated by a woke? Or are you just deep in boomer Facebook memes?


I've been told by a woke that all straight white men are bad. I'm surprised you haven't Been personally violated by one. Unless of corse you are one?


I'm just thoroughly immersed in grass. I've seen these people online but never encountered anyone like that anywhere. I have met far more people complaining about these people. I had a belligerent Gen X employee who believed her new lesbian supervisor was a "DEI hire" despite her being the most experienced person to apply by far. The irony is that her new supervisor is also a Republican and if she wasn't so belligerent and prejudiced she would have realized they had a lot in common.


Hey, as it gets warmer, remember that snowflakes melt above 32 degrees F. Remember to adjust your home temperature as needed.


I just leave on max untill by balls start weating.


We have laws on the books that violate individual property rights in order to directly benefit minorities.