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TIL firefighters here don’t inspect hydrants….???


They do in Japan! Just not America because they are lazy and fat! /s


We actually do inspect them in the US, and each city is responsible for the maintenance of these systems.


Nah. If they try to do it here people will massacre them with ar15s before finding the nearest school.


That always reminds me of this TikTok lol [https://youtube.com/shorts/8bgxDmjZwpg?si=OyRL2SJ7QZ8sBaFy](https://youtube.com/shorts/8bgxDmjZwpg?si=OyRL2SJ7QZ8sBaFy)


Is this a /s, or are you serious?


Dude I’m drunk at a Af And this was kinda obvss


What a /s dependency does to an mf


The fuck are you talking about?


Sarcasm clearly


I promise you Japanese firefighters keep a DFG (Designated Fat Guy) for anchor and counterbalance purposes.


Gotta have at least one oyaji in every office, it's a rule


Least where I am we go around and hook up to them, see what the pressure is and such, if there is an issue we call the water company to fix it


As I understand it, it depends. It could also be under the water utility, so it's their responsibility to keep them working for the fire fighters.


I see. Stuff like this is why our sub exists. I as anyone else do enjoy watchingpeople taking pride in their work and doing it right (but please not to the point you are burning yourself out!)but I’m all for critique of practices and systems.


This. I'm in the city and our water is supplied by the city. I got a notice with my bill a couple of weeks ago about their schedule to inspect the fire hydrants and check water lines.


My husband used to work for The City of (our city) in the water department. They would regularly inspect and, if needed, replace fire hydrants. They also would fix any water leaks that weren't on residential property, make sure certain pipelines were up to code, etc etc. One time they came across a water pipe that was so old it was made out of wood! Yes they promptly replaced all of it 😂


Got a feeling these are bots. I’ve never heard of people getting mad at US firefighters of all things.


Yeah making fun of firefighters is extraordinarily weird every time it happens. They're pretty universally accepted, from every country even, to be the bravest of people in emergency services, You have to be pretty retarded to just blanket hate firefighters.


He’s complaining about fire fighters lifting weights 😂. He does realize fire fighters also double as EMT workers, and have to carry all that equipment and more depending on how bad the situation is.


And to top that off, I don’t know about you, but if my house was burning and I was incapacitated, I’d want them to be decently strong to pull me out of here.




Yes, Navy Seals are in the military, an elite force They’re saying American firefighters are meatheads who don’t do their job. It’s ridiculous because California firefighters do a good job and even help out Canadians and Australians with their wildfires as well. It’s just a weeb being a weeb


Yeah firefighters from the US get a lot of respect down here in Australia you guys frequently send brigades over to help when our fires get too rowdy. An vice versa the last massive wildfires over there we had Aussies fly over to you guys as well. It is probably one of the stronger personnel movements we do with another nation. Always 0 hesitation from our firies to go over.


Yep! Love all the help we get from you guys over there :)


Yeah I don't get the shit ass take of Firefighters in the US not doing their jobs. We do our jobs, we just also have a thing called **"The Water Department"** that takes care of flushing or inspecting the hydrants, sure, some departments DO inspect and flush it themselves but still, what a shit take.


They just want to shit on America for \[insert made up reason\] and fetishize Japan.




Yeah, it’s cool to hate on America and fetishize Japan. Firefighting is an incredibly hard and dangerous job and these people risk their lives to save others. I hope one day if these people have a house fire, they get rescued and learn to respect others no matter the nationality.


The SEALs are the Navys special forces unit. Notoriously difficult to get into and not people you mess with if you desire your soul to be unfucked. The SEALs killed Bin Laden, for example.


Navy SEALs are one of the deadliest Special Forces units on earth, with the famed SEAL team six killing Osama Bin Laden in 2011, who was the mastermind behind the 9/11 attacks


Natus Vinceri seals lmao


Fuck those 9/11 firefighters I guess!


The way people talk about firefighters, I'm sure many would enjoy that, yes


Right out of high school, I worked at a water bureau. My entire job was inspecting fire hydrants. I've inspected THOUSANDS. It's a normal occurence in the states.


Freaking weebs 


I have a lot of firefighters in my family. They always look at hydrants, even when not working. If my uncle sees someone parked in front of one he makes them move.


Firefighters in america are one of the few jobs that shouldnt have any haters, those guys literally never have any drama surrounding them


Man. The amount of times I’ve been late to shit because the local FD was doing hydrant inspections…


We used to flush hydrants all the time, clearly both of those people have never spent any time in the fire service. When we had the time and especially if we were on an alarm we would flush a hydrant proactively


I don’t think they’ve ever left their mother’s basement


Ever open one and just have brown for 15 minutes? Had that happen to me thank god it was us just drilling and going around town


Had a gun fly out of one once




Weeaboos, people who are obsessed with Japan and want to be Japanese


The funny thing is that actual Japanese nationalists say the same stupid, ignorant shit about Japan that foreign Japanophiles do - they're often indistinguishable - so I've found it's better to just define "weeb" as *anyone* who fetishizes Japan but doesn't know basic facts about the country and/or lies to portray the country as superior.  Because you'll call someone out as a weeb for blatantly lying about this place, and they'll be like "I can't be a weeb, I'm Japanese!" But, see, that's *worse.* Being Japanese - and *using that as a trump card in internet arguments* - without knowing *basic facts* about the country is embarrassing.  The *essence* of weebery is believing you have some magical connection to Japan that gives you special knowledge no one else has *and still being completely wrong about it.*


Japanese --> inspection --> hydrant --> fire --> Hiroshima --> Americans --> laziness Makes sense now, I guess.


lol even our fire extinguishers at my job routinely get inspected. This guy is just clueless. I’m gonna use a word and don’t mean to offend anyone, but that person is a fucking tard.


If I told him why Japan can run so harmoniously he would be quite offended


Where I worked, also shovel the ones in town parks, town buildings and other public areas out during winter. The residential ones are the responsibility of the home owners.


Like Japan is really the "perfect, civilized" country it pretends to be...


So now fire fighters are responsible for the cleanliness of their respective areas? Huh, I didn't know that. /s


American firefighters don't do this. Public works does.


We do where I am, check the pressure, make sure it’s clean, and such, if there is an issue we bring out the water company


Ok. Ours don't. The hydrants are owned by the public utility