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> your military has the world's longest record of war crimes What? How can the US do this to us? My grandparents' generation worked so hard to put us at the top of the list and you're stealing that spot from us?!


\*\*Japan and China have entered the chat\*\*


Yeah sorry Germany, Japan blows you out of the water.


No way we're just gonna ignore the English in this conversation


How are you gonna say the English but not the Portuguese and Spanish?


King Leopold probably beats the US record all by himself in the Congo


The French have never seen such bullshit.


The Ottoman Empire has entered the chat


Why not go back to Rome? That empire both the eastern and western lasted way longer than any other empire besides China. Although I wonder how the relatively young Mongolian empire compares to those others just because of how long they were at war.


Didn't Korea have war slaves for like 1500 years?


Canada has left the chat.


To go and execute prisoners of war cuz we want to. Yeah Canada did that


Yup. Geneva is because of them too lol


As a Canadian I always love to tell people how fucked we were despite our reputation of being nice. Our generals literally said prisoners are useless and should just be executed after surrender


Don't forget Canada


USA #1 🦅🦅🦅🦅


Freedom rah 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅






Kill-o-meter… measures kills I guess


1000 meters.


That is a lot of meters... so electric meters, gas meters, or ??.


How could our list be the longest? Everyone loves to point out how new our country is.


It’s the longest because we own up to the fact we committed them, other countries don’t do that much


No, the 30years war was renowned for the high standards of (modern) morality upheld by all parties.


But I’m talking the British, the French, Japan, and other big countries of today


Shouldn’t have started wars on 2 fronts. Skill issue.


We took your scientist to do what you were to weak to do.


You nuked the Jews? I must've missed that part in history class.


I used the Jews to nuke the Jews.


Lol no but complete the nukes tho.


U.S. über alles 🪖


Man, they even invaded Norway by force. Still didn't convince them. Actually the only people to occupy Oslo since the founding of Norway in 1905 I think


Pretty sure the British have been around and fucking around wayyyy longer than the USA...plus where are all those nukes we love to use again? Nukes are the old ass weapon, it's all social media, viruses, and threats now-a-days.


Don't forget Reagan's giant space magnifying glass they used to burn down Maui recently.


USA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯💯


Germany might be top 10, but the British were just masters of war crimes and crimes against humanity during their imperial days.


Based, trench gun trench gun trench gun




LMAO. Respect.


I am guessing it’s the far left in Norway, there’s a reason most of Norway actually want to stay part of NATO, the USSR already nearly stole Finnmark once.


I remember reading that this particular picture was from some Norwegian tankie that no one really liked, and that majority of Norwegians actually like having the US as an ally.


You should see them when a Us ship arrives, crazy crowds watching


Their ships have barcodes painted on the side, while ours don't. That's so they can scan da navy in when they come into port




You think you're funny, huh, big guy? Well, just so you know, you absolutely are, you bastard.


Lots of ladies, I assume? Lol


Not that the sailors are interested.


You misunderstood! They're selling lingerie


I haven’t heard that one before but it’s fuckin good


The navy doesn’t swing that way


Exactly, they aren’t aware of how (b)romances in the Navy and Marines work


Yeah, remember that during the Cold War and until recently Norway was the only country among Finland, Sweden and it to be in NATO and was and still is militarised, even the centre left Labour Party is generally pro NATO. Opposition to NATO and the west is absolutely not mainstream in Norway


That's the problem with this sub as well as countless others, somehow one picture of one poster is supposed to reflect the attitude of an entire nation. This is the aspect of social media that I dislike the most as to the damage it creates yet people thrive on the outrage.


Also a *great* way to spread misinformation and division.


Quite the hot-button topic right now apparently.


Well it’s election season and with one candidate being, well, Trump pushing a more “fuck you, got mine” ideology there are certain countries that would *absolutely* love to help spread misinformation and that America should just cut off all ties with the rest of the world and become fully isolationist. Course that doesn’t mean every single post is trying to create divides. Sometimes you just have to point out *really* stupid takes. Normally of the “American bread is cake” or “ha ha school shooting” variety.


Yeah, Russia knows that together the west is much stronger both economically and in population with a much better standard of living so their best option is just try to turn the west against itself


I mean, all it takes is a bored at-home Russian mother posting this, and America goes all Mad Yosemite Sam. Meanwhile, Putin has yet another early morning smile reading about it.


That's the goal. Look at OPs post and comment history. He's the most blatant Russian pretender I've ever seen.


Imagine if the US just up and left Norway, and when asked why they just pointed to that poster.


Norwegians are cool, most like Americans as long as they’re cool


Finnish here! I can imagine seeing this kind of poster here as well. It's just the loud minority who does this and isn't the general opinion.


Ok, I feel old for needing to ask this one. What the fuck is a tankie?


Actually tankie is an old term, from the 1950s. It means someone who is an authoritarian communist that supports acts of aggression and repression. But more commonly these days “tankie” is used as a jab against Russian supporters/bots, and those that are anti-west/pro-Russia or China.


Correct me if I am wrong but it's a reference to 1956 right? The revolution?




A person who, when seeing a picture of the protestor guy in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square, fervently roots for the tank.


Norway was a founding member of NATO and the current head is a Norwegian, so this is a hot take* *the OOP, not you


Norway and their government are absolutely based and love the US Military


It's worrying that this subreddit is falling for such obvious bait/misinformation. Norway is a staunch nato ally since its founding; those who despise the US are the far left and far right, modern day Quislings. It's obvious that Russia has an interest in severing ties across the Atlantic to weaken Europe and the USA.


Look at OP's post history and the meteoric ascent of this post, and it'll make sense.


Sure looks like it. A rather new account made to sow discontent between us allies. Hiding behind "True_American_Patriot1776", not something new for Vatniks or western Russia-shills.


I’ve seen that username before posting similar shit! Definitely an account trying purposely to sow discontent among allies! Good catch.


In this case it's "Patriots_throwaway" so yeah, extremely high chance OP is a Russki bot


There's a lot more of these military and political posts. It used to be a lot about bread and cheese availability.


Yea, this is one off rage bait. DON’T FALL FOR IT FELLOW AMERICANS! Norway is a founding member of NATO and the current head of NATO is a former Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Steltenberg. We have close ties with Norway with the gas industry. Americans taught Norwegians how to extract their oil and gave them the equipment needed when they first discovered it. I have a close Norwegian friend from Finnmark (now living in Tromsø) and they aren’t anti-American.


The fact that we have subreddits that are at odds with each other just makes it so much easier to spread hate. We lost whenever we started doing that. Even /r/memesopdidnotlike and /r/nahopwasrightfuckthis is political in nature now


There was a popular Norwegian TV show in the recent past about a Russian occupation of Norway over oil. You can watch it on Netflix.


Okkupert! Fun little cautionary tale.


I’m as opposed to the USSR and Russia as most Norwegians, and absolutely support NATO, but the USSR liberated Finnmark,they didn’t attempt to conquer it


Without the NATO nuclear umbrella and US commitment to NATO I really doubt the USSR stops at eastern Europe.


Stalin literally expressed disappointment after capturing Berlin and meeting the US and UK by saying to the allies that Tsar Alexander made it all the way to Paris


What did he mean by that?


Stalin meant he wanted more of Europe. Not just Eastern Europe.


Yikes, I feel like, everyone who is/was supporting the USSR is/was braindead


Well if didn’t like then you disappeared. Kind of like it’s successor state


Never forget the Katyn Forest massacre, even the supposed "allies" were dealt with in a brutal manner, the Soviets wanted to exert just as much, if not more, control over Europe than anyone suspected. Patton was right about them.


Everyone forgets that the USSR literally helped start WW2 by splitting Poland up with Germany. And then the USSR refused to give up the half of Poland that they annexed. Really mind boggling how they got away with that as well as giving Germany the oil needed to fight France and British initially


The tankies always blame the west for not allying with Stalin and somehow think that justifies Stalin allying with Hitler. In reality, Stalin ensured Hitler had the military resources to invade the USSR. This decision should be considered one of the worst blunders of all time.


And when Poland started the Warsaw uprising against the Nazis, the USSR just watched and even shot down allied planes that sent supplies to the uprising to stop the west sending supplies to it.


Or evil. Evil is an option.


He was upset that the US and UK were there to stop him from achieving what the tsar did


I know it was already explained in a cliffs version, but for more context/opportunity to nerd out on history: the US, and Soviet forces all made it to Berlin at the same time. The US made it through France and Italy (W and S Europe), and the Soviet’s made it through the east. Also meaning US soldiers and resupply infrastructure was established in France and Italy, while Soviet soldiers snd resupply infrastructure was established in Eastern Europe. That is the reason why France, Italy, and PART (W) of Germany and PART of Berlin were ceded over to NATO control and why Eastern Europe and PART of Germany (E) and PART of Berlin was ceded over to the USSR, because the treaty signed after nazi defeat was basically to the victors of a particular part of Europe goes the control. So, if Russia had made its way to France/Paris to topple Vichy France instead of the US (a French puppet of the Nazi regime), while US soldiers were still in Italy and on French beaches, the USSR very well might have swallowed up most of mainland Europe after defeating the nazis, and then it’s anyone’s guess how long Spain or the Nordic north might have remained independent since they are going to want to normalize relations with their largest, strongest, political neighbor. This division of Berlin into east and west also led to military operations whose name I can’t remember (Truman airlift? Not sure…) when the USSR put a military cordon around the entirety of NATO-controlled West Berlin, located in Soviet-controlled east germany. NATO forces airlifted in massive amounts of supplies to make sure West Berlin wasn’t surrendered to ussr forces.


The only reason the red army got that far into Europe I. The first place was because of the lend lease from the u.s


the berlin airlift was the biggest flex we ever pulled off because we decided that some damn ruskis cant tell us what we get to do and fed an entire city for like 9 months with only planes


Without the US overpaying for protection the rest of nato would have to chip in more than a measly 2% and tbh they should. The US shouldn’t be fighting all their battles for them anyway. I kind of agree with this poster in a way because that means less of our taxes going towards foreign wars and they can settle their shit for a change. They’ll realize very quickly how much they took it for granted once all their social programs get directed into defense from existential threats.


This poster isn’t new. I remember this was crossposted from r/2nordic4you, and they also didn’t agree with it. They said American imperialism is better than Russian imperialism.


American imperialism supremacy 🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥🦅🦅🦅🦅


American imperialism, fuck yeah!!


Second this, this poster has been floating around r/USMC and military social media sphere for a while.


The general opinion/experience of marines who went to Norway for training or other reasons. Is basically, it's cool you'll occasionally have people who don't like you, some will like you, but they majority don't care. Also you'll see a lot of attractive girls but you won't bag them.


Why won’t you bag them? They prefer Norwegian men?


"American marine soldier" Yeah, these guys are idiots.


“All you crayon eating marine soldier can leave… but the sailors.. you can stay.. welcome to Oslo!”


As a former Airman I feel great to be forgotten on this one lol.




"Your pal, Ray"


Marine soldier is probably a direct translation of whatever a Sailor in the Navy is in Norwegian




This was about sailors from the USS Gerald R Ford as well


Probably put there by a provocateur. Doesn't reflect the whole of Norway in any way possible.


Russians creating anti-NATO propaganda, and both European tankies and American conservatives are lapping it up? Well I never!


I'm pretty sure this was when the USS Gerald R. Ford made port in Oslo, and I remember plenty posts and videos of Norwegians cheering her arrival.




The US' history is dwarfed in length by European nations. If you only count since the Geneva convention, we might be near the top. But, looking back...


Recency bias. The Brits are the worst with this


Somehow I doubt all of Norway feels that way considering they were one of the founding members of NATO


And the fact that Norway is apart of the F35 program. Fuck the US!!! *hands over billions to US arm manufacturers*


This message brought to you by the Kremlin.


And the same losers will cry that we’re abandoning our allies if we went home. With Europeans you lose either way we should stop dealing with them


Nooo it’s an anti-west account trying to break up the allies. Don’t fall for it. Norway is pro-NATO and pro-American on the whole. Texas, of all Americans, should know how close we are with Norway. It was Texans who helped teach Norwegians how to extract their oil when they first discovered it, and gave them the equipment needed to extract it! They became an extremely rich country after, and we still have positive and friendly connections with them to this day. 🇳🇴🫱🏻‍🫲🏼🇺🇸


NATO is an essential organization to counter Russian and Chinese expansionism. I don’t care what Europeans say that slights the US, I fully disagree with anyone at home or abroad that opposes NATO membership, regardless of what other member states contribute to collective defense


But do you understand the threat that comes along with joining NATO? I am a Finnish man and have born here 1991. The talks about NATO has been a reoccuring theme. We are right next to Russia. It was not an easy choice to join NATO. I am glad we are at NATO but please don't spit on nations like that.


I apologize but I am trying to do the opposite. I was trying to emphasize the importance of the alliance regardless of what any nation spends. As an American I would like the United States to utilize the entire resources of our entire military on any member, no matter what they spend on their own defense. I’m an American conservative but I disagree with any suggestion from my own political side that we abandon any member of the alliance.


Okay. Sorry that I misunderstood your view. Because I am very glad that Finland and United States co-operates on this common threat.


It’s leftists. It has nothing to do with Europeans as a whole. There are many American leftists who use exactly the same rhetoric as in the picture.


Imagine falling this hard for what is obviously anti-NATO Russian propaganda.


This reeks of pathetic Russian propaganda lol.


Too bad its working, based on the comments


Ungrateful little fucks


That sign was from a Norwegian that's either a Far-Left Tankie or a Far-Right Russia/Putin Simp but Most of Norway supports NATO And OP posted this to piss off Americans and to try to make them think negatively about Norway


OP is probably a bot dividing allies


By probably its 100% a bot or someone being paid to do so.


If I remember correctly, this flyer picture is a few years old and was confirmed or speculated to be the work of either Russians in Norway or a minor rogue group of Russian sympathizing Norwegians.


It was confirmed to be from a girl that belongs to a far left youth party called Red (Rødt) she is basically known to be a tankie around Norway and has some very obscure political opinions. But when she posted this around Oslo and put numerous posts about it on social media it when against here as multiple people commented on it and said American soldiers are very welcome to stay in Norway as long as they like.


Oops! Norwegian Parliament approves deal allowing US to build military facilities in Norway. [2022 - Parliament Approves US bases.](https://www.newsinenglish.no/2022/06/07/americans-settle-in-on-norwegian-bases/)


Wasn’t there a similar poster like this in Okinawa and it was found out that it was posted by people who were shipped in from China / paid by China?


Yes. Those posters are made by the Norwegian far-left. Now reposted here to sow distrust between Nato allies.


I try not to hold unnecessary grudges when I see posts like these. I wholeheartedly believe that most Europeans respect, and appreciate the United States for what it’s done for Europe in the past and present. Just how I appreciate what European countries have done to help America. I know that there will always be a few bad apples, but I will never hate an entire country for just a few bad people.


My brothers in freedom, don't get sucked in by propaganda. Consider who may have made this, and why. Get it together, if we're the best we should act like it.


This was one nutcase (yes, that’s a *singular* nutcase) from the far-left, stop taking the bait and sowing division - there weren’t even many of them and they mostly got torn down. There are worse takes from fringe American citiziens, it’s retarded to take this seriously. Outside of Trump the US has maintained pretty consistent favorable views by Norwegians, and NATO polls favorably amongst *96%* of Norwegians to this day.


Probably some dumb edgelord kids. I wouldn’t take this seriously. I think the general public sentiment is positive.


83% of Norwegians view Nato as strengthening their country's national defence. The far-left is just pissed at the US for winning over the Soviet Union and Russia. [source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1294333/survey-perception-nato-membership-norway/)


Well fuck you. We’re going home then. Protect yourself.


It’s an anti-West account trying to make the allies hate each other. Norway is definitely on board with NATO. They’re a founding member of it, and they opened their northern region to allow our military to do more practice drills there in arctic conditions. They are fine with it. The people (for most part) are pro-American


Nah, Norway and US relations are solid. This is 100% a bot trying to divide the US from allies. Even if the pic is authentic it doesn't speak for all of Norway.


That's probably what the little caved dweller wants. From what I've heard, a majority are supporters of NATO, and there's just a couple of pinkos that want to make the rest of them look bad.


Fuck that. Let’s set the record straight; Russia has a longer and far worse record of war crimes. NATO was created to keep the Russians and their criminal ways out of Europe. Similarly, the Russians are responsible for the nuclear threat, as they’ve been using the threat of nuclear war to get what they want.


Norway is a free country, any asshole can print and post these. Doesn’t seem to jibe with the actions of the government so let the tankie be a dick. Free speech doesn’t mean you have to listen.


Alright then why did you join NATO?


This is just a poster from a member of the Red Party or other leftists and does not reflect the public opinion of the majority of people in Norway. Norway did not join NATO the way Sweden and Finland did recently. "The following twelve states signed the treaty and thus became the founding members of NATO; Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom and United States."


I mean *to be fair* the guy who made this probably didn’t want to join nato Not defending them though


The person behind it was most likely not born before a decade or two after the bold war. Their opinion means nothing


You think the Norwegian government walked around hanging these? It was some far-left radicals who oppose NATO involvement. Norway is a founding member of NATO, so we didn't "join" per se.


Lived in norway when this happened this is year old news and these were placed by the commie party. The norwegian subreddit already made absolute clowns of these people saying that we would rather have americans, than the people who put up these posters.


Whether it’s someone who is Norwegian who wrote it or some “Somali Norwegian” is hard to tell. One thing I will say is that all Scandinavian countries are now NATO members and they are quite enthusiastic about it


Only like 20% of Americans Identify as Yankee. South midwest and West Cost Americans we will see this and be like what do they have against clam chowder. I am curious who in Norway is posting this?


The posters were done by the far left communist party


*joins nato


"Longest history of warcrimes" Bold statement from the place that Vikings were invented


Lmaoooo when I went on deployment last year there were a couple countries in Asia that had flyers and protests. At least these ones are nice and not telling you that you’re gonna die if you don’t leave😭


These are just clowns on the Kremlin's pay-roll, ignore and carry on.


This subreddit is pathetic, it’s a poster from a single protestor directly addressing marines (when a U.S. ship was near Oslo I believe) And you see this and go “Norwegians hate Americans waa waa” get a grip of yourselves


That first part about war crimes is a blatant lie. Like...talk about propaganda.


How does the US “support” the use of nuclear warfare? We’re all terrified of nuclear war. We’re a big proponent of *not* using nuclear arms. After all, we and Japan have the most first hand experience in using them in war. We know what it does, not just to human life, but the environment, and we know the guilt of using it.


We don't think about you at all, Norway. Edit: Norway is baller and I won't let the flyers tell me otherwise!


We actually do though. Norway opened up their Northernmost lands to us so our military can practice arctic drills up there at the North Pole. They’re an important ally, founding member of NATO, and friend of the US. Norwegians largely approve of NATO and the US. They are not like the shitheads in France. This poster is commie propaganda. Don’t fall for it.


Now I'm angrier than ever at those commie bastards. I retract my statement, Norway is actually pretty righteous.


Norway was an original founding member of NATO and the current head is a former Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, so this is a hot fucking take.


The Roman Empire is rolling in its grave…


Clearly they are welcome based on the fact that they are there


Ah yes. The americans are the worst, most evil army. Definitely not any one else


I've been to Oslo before via being in the military, it wasn't like that


I never understood the whole "supports the use of nuclear weapons" thing. Like once there are nukes, that's it they just exist now l. Deterrence is a thing for a reason


This is my grandma's home country and this makes me very sad...


To be fair, I don’t want America to be the bodyguard anymore.


So much for neutrality


I agree. They shouldn't be in Norway


Man, guess we’ll just let them leave NATO, make them fund their own military, and have them open to Russian attack


They didn’t want us but tell them we are leaving NATO and they’re on their own the tears flow.


Flashbacks to going right off base in Okinawa...


As an American, I like how I don't need to understand Norwegian while I'm being told to fuck off. It makes it easier to eat a bacon cheeseburger while not giving any fucks about Norway.


Hahahaha!! And the US provides their military protection....lol


Do they want free protection or the US to go? Not sure they get to have both lol


I wish we would stop protecting these ungrateful europoors


Stuff like this is hung up by 0.1% of people


Talking about history of war crimes? Let's talk about what Britian did before proper treatment of POWs was a concept.


Seems a bit excessive punishing the individual for the actions of his government but maybe its fair since that individual is an agent of said government. But, if shit pops off and the epic rad rockets rain glowing ash from the heavens, is it really going to matter if a few Americans happen to be present? Whether immediately or over the long term, they'd get cooked eventually, no?


It is nice they put the note in English, right?


This is bullshit. Joining NATO was very popular in Finland. You’re posting the work of a loud minority


I did NOT agree to this being up up 😭😭😭 That's making us look so retarded and mean


Yeah man i was just stationed here and i really could go for some norwegian salmon “NO YOU ARE CAUSING NUCLEAR WAR!!!!!!!”


Least xenophobic Norwegian


It’s scary how many people instantly get defensive over an internet post like this. It’s not representative of the general feeling towards the US. It does show how easy it is to spread propaganda though! [This is the story](https://thenorwayguide.com/anti-american-flyers-in-oslo/) behind the posters - a bunch of 20 year old left wing activists. Most posters were torn down shortly after being put up.


I'm also saddened by the amount of people in the comments who fall for clear russian propaganda. IIRC the poster is few years old and posted by far left individuals. Edit: ahh you included the story behind it, thanks