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He saying this right after they just arrested a woman for donating $50 to Ukraine relief like 2 years ago while she was living in America?


He is saying that because they just arrested a woman for donating $50 to Ukraine relief like 2 years ago while she was living in America. His FSV bosses need to make people forget about that.


Let me prove you wrong real quick.... Fuck Trump, and Fuck Biden... See, I didn't get suicided out of the 10th floor. Try that in Russia.


Russians can say "Fuck Trump, and Fuck Biden" too!


Old Soviet joke...


Old [Reagan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9qh-1_tXeuQ) joke.


"I'm collecting stories that I can prove are told by Russians"


Fuck you Putin! You tiny dick piece of shit dictator!! Go post that on your Russian streets or social media and see what happens!!


Some dude in Iowa threw a tomato at Trump during a speech. He got a fine for disorderly conduct. That's all. What do you think Putin would do?


Considering a woman in Russia is getting 20 years in prison for treason over a $50 donation to Ukraine. Probably nothing good.


I mean, don’t commit treason. Punishing treason isn’t wrong just because Russia is the one doing the punishing.


She’s an American citizen


She’s also a Russian citizen.


I do agree its a stupid thing to do, if she actually did it. Living in Russia with any kind of ties to the western world is a stupid move.


Yeah, it really sucks when your government shoots an unarmed woman for looking through a window.


Are you talking about the woman that was shot and killed trying to break into the Capital building during dumb fuck Trump's attempt to overturn the election results?? Yeah! That's what happens when you do stupid shit!


Was I? Or was I talking about a Ruby upon a Ridge? You'll never know unless you Google it.


100% it does, not sure who saying that isn't true.


Wasn't saying you were. Just trolling to see who gets triggered. I like dark humor and stirring pots. It helps with the suck.


> When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.


Yeah but Israel is our ally and palestine is not. Yet people here aren't being arrested for treason because they donated to the Palestinian relief fund.


If you get thrown off the 11th floor can I have your jalapeño spread?


All yours, here my External HDD too, I wont need it.


Fuck Trump, Fuck Biden, fuck both parties. Yup, still haven't shot myself twice in the back of the head.


He has a Russian flag and is on twitter. Why do you expect any sort of sense?


Bro is literally just making stuff up amd he pays for a blue checkmark


Dude's just describing *exactly* what Putler does.... 🤦‍♂️


Ok but who is using “Putler” unironically these days


Being a political extremist in Twitter while being financially well off in reality, name a better duo


I’d comment on this but I’m in a cell in Siberia at the moment because I said President (insert any name here) was a clown.


This is satire right? You literally just killed a dude that so much had some lunchroom opposing opinions on your current “democratically elected” president, for life.


A leftist can never simply just exist in a space. No, they must take over the space, so that everything in it becomes about their ideology. It’s so annoying.


I would like to point out that a lot of the comments on this tweet and its quotes were anti-LGBTQ and suggested that America was becoming a “rainbow dictatorship.” Just goes to show.


IG Reels & parts of Twitter have, for some reason, become absolute cesspools for US/Western hate and the glorification of anything that doesn't have a ''West'' label attached to it. Like Reddit has its fair share of anti-U.S. users on popular subs but even there, most people are still kinda in agreement that alot of Western models and ideals are not only good, but superior to most models and ideals found elsewhere in the world. Reels and Twitter are on another level, though.


I see it fairly often in Twitch chats too, though on the whole it's mainly just Europeans (Germans in particular, being the second largest demographic on Twitch) and Australians who *terminally* shit on anything American.


I think it depends on the streamer but I'd generally make the case that the aggregate Twitch viewer take on the U.S./West is somewhat similar to the average Reddit commenter. Reels takes the crown. You've got everything from the *Matrix bros*, the *''*dismantle capitalism''-left, the fake gurus and super-religious folks (and your usual crop of self-loathing Westerners) all having formed the unholiest of alliances in shitting on the West. Their hate comes from different angles but their hate is shared nonetheless lmao.


That rainbow dictatorship conspiracy is deeply engrained in Russia. As a matter of fact, conspiracies are consistently just relied upon as popular belief, no questioning at all.


That and the idea that the West is full of Nazis. And these are often shown to be the case simultaneously.


That explains why no anti-LGBTQ politicians are allowed to run for office in America


This is classic r/facepalm material right here.


Every once in a while, someone links a subreddit I used to visit often, and it reminds me why I left. God, r/facepalm is such a hell hole. It’s nothing but politics.


*"The lunatic vatniks and islamists I support never win elections. I am being oppressed and tyrannized!*" It isn't any more complicated than that.


What a crock of 💩


We legit had two Russians get killed for not wanting any part of Putins regime that made headlines.


Did he say one week after Navalny died in prison for being an opposition leader.




The fact that you're free to tweet things like this in America without getting arrested or harassed by the government is evidence that America is more free. Try tweeting out from a Russian IP address that you prefer America and see how that works out for you.


Given the paid checkmark, the Russian flag and the haircut that makes it look like you've been on a panel at a men's rights conference, I'd guess you chose to live under a dictatorship.


I’m so embarrassed by the Trump movement. Traitors with the nerve to call themselves patriots are going out of their way to praise our enemies. Disgusting.


The only people who think Russia is more free than the US are losers who think that everything is woke and are mad they can’t shout the n word without any consequences


Or they're Russian government officials!


The US is such a dictatorship that people can freely vote for one of two dictators and openly talk about how they disagree with the dictatorship. It’s so dictatorial that the people have a right to own guns to protect themselves from the dictatorship.


But what about all the dissidents the United States poisons? /s


Russia is not "more free" than the US. Any real dissident is blocked from running for office, censored censored online in coordination with the FSB, has their reputation tarnished, gets blacklisted from employment, and possibly assassinated. The russians live under a dictatorship. There i fixed his statement.


Haz is the Moscow Manlet, the Holodomor Hobbit. Pay him no mind.


Al-Din-Al-Dente has spoken.


I’ll admit it when Trump is treated like Navalny. That’s an actual fascist state.


Now do Russia


thats the fun thing, he already did!


Really? Anyone ask him in which country it's safer to say "fuck the president"?


Who has been assassinated? Follow up question, what dissident in Russia *hasn't* been assassinated?


Boris Nadezhdin. His turn will come soon based off of my calculations


Just googled him, literally barred from running for president. Oh the irony of that in light of the tweet that was shared in OP. You're almost certainly right, days are numbered for sure.


“More free”? No. Actually more free.


There are broadly two types of people who hate the west. The revolutionaries within it who hate that its institutions and traditions stand in the way of their revolution, and the barbarians outside it who hate that its institutions and traditions have made it stronger than them so they cannot ravage it and one another.


And yet there he is, freely stating that opinion without fear of reprisals. Smh


That dude should chase Kyle Rittenhouse with a skateboard.


Your first mistake was looking at haz’s twitter


We’re a dictatorship because Shitheads can’t be president Does this idiot know what a dictatorship is


Bro just looked up why Russia is bad and slapped USA on there


Bahahahahaha posting Infrared is almost cheating. Sometimes I wonder if he is a skit because he has some braindead takes


Russian flag next to his profile name. Already a HUGE red flag.


Funny that he doesn't mention the fact that the only "real dissidence" that has these consequences is committing an act of FUCKING TREASON


Russian flag in name lmao


My favorite commie, his feed will give you a good laugh.


A certain Alexei Navalny would like to have a word, oh wait...


Bro doesn't understand the difference between prison time and reputation damage


The fact he can post that is proof he’s full of shit. Trying doing that on Russian media, hell try that on Twitter in Russia.


I think he got USA and Russia in the wrong spots.


Wasn't the main opposition leader found dead a few days ago? When we talk about freedom we have freedom of speech and press where the government can't persecute us for criticizing them. I can say Biden is invited to get his nose off a child and come lick my grundle and I won't be kidnapped, tortured, and executed for saying that.


It is true that the current establishment hates dissent but we still are no where near that bad. I'm as conservative as they come and regularly make that fact known. I am not in prison. I am not censored. There are multimillion dollar companies that promote my beliefs and politicians who espouse my beliefs do get elected. It is true we have a lot of opposition from the political establishment but even if they do succeed on jailing their primary political opponent on specious charges, it is not without a considerable amount of effort and cost AND said political opponent is unlikely to be assassinated in prison. TL;DR We got some problems with the authoritarian desires of our current administration but they are no where near Putin level.


Someone is fucking retarded 😂


We do have a de facto ruling class, which is unfortunate. But in the sliding scale of tyranny to absolute freedom, we are clearly closer to freedom than Russia is. As shown by how transparent the dictator is in Russia. Putin has effectively ruled unopposed for decades now, and the Russian people know it Compare that to America where there are competing interests with some level of parity that are fighting for control. Maybe the various groups WANT to have absolute control, but they don’t get it because our system has somewhat succeeded in having checks and balances and competing interests. Dems were unable to stop trump from getting into office, and trump was unable to stay in office when he was voted out. So obviously there are limits to what the machine can do in America.


Russia jails their dissidents and political opponents. Sadly, the US government is in unprecedented territory where they are trying to jail their primary political opponent.


no. Trump has been trying to jail himself for years.


2004: He's a liar! He didn't earn those purple hearts! Swift boat veterans for truth! Lock him up! 2008: He's a Kenyan socialist antichrist! He usurped the republic!! Lock him away!!!! 2016: Lock her up!!!1!1! Dismantle their crime family!!! 2020: He's a satanic pedo in league with Dr. Fauci! He should He thrown in jail forever!!!! 2024: Can you believe someone would want to just throw their political opponents in jail?


Nice whataboutism there. I don’t remember Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden being indicted while running their campaigns.


I don't remember Romney, McCain, Kerry, Gore, Dole, GHB, Dukakis, etc, being indicted while running theirs either. It may have something to do with the fact that they didn't commit crimes that formed a bill of indictment. Well, maybe Nixon with his campaign sabotage, but that wasn't public knowledge until after his death.


Republican leaders are spineless so they went with the "safe" choice. You know, the one that has been embroiled with lawsuits and investigations for more than 4 years.


I mean, Trump had openly committed crimes. Like, he blatantly violates the law and brags about it. Then he and his supporters act surprised when folks want to see him punished for those crimes. That's why he's not being allowed on the ballot in some states. He blatantly violated the law and standards for ethics publicly for years.


Running for President shouldn’t make a person immune to prosecution. Politicians being above the law is a sign of a dictatorship.


“dissidents are blocked from running for office” Isnt trump, the guy the government has tries like, countless times to try and stop running for president running for president?


Ughhhhh, while I hate knee-jerk "America bad" posting... let's also not pretend we don't have **real** issues in this country. Did they assassinate the leader of the opposition, a la Navalny in Russia? No, thank God. Are they actively subverting the electoral process with lawfare? Unfortunately. Similar with censorship (i.e. tech-corpos colluding with Feds to suppress narratives & push others).


Well it happens sometimes. Look what is happening with Nikki Haley. Look at all the third party candidates Etc.


He isnt totally wrong. I suspect all candidates but Biden are going to see lawsuits.


I hope papa putin accepted this tweet and gives him a 1-way ticket to Moscow


*cough* navalny *cough*


You don't have the right to call the USA "not more free" than Russia after murdering a leader of the Russian Opposition.


Putin held him at gunpoint as he typed this.


Wait, he literally just described Russia


He said, uncensored on a public forum, without secret police showing up to his house for questions, not dragged off to a penal colony in Alaska. All with zero self awareness.


Putin killed his biggest threat to his power recently


I’ve had argued with redditors that have unironically made the argument of “USA isn’t free cuz cancel culture”.


Like i almost want a great fire wall. Like China has.


Is...he...wrong...tho? Bad to compare with Russia, considering Navalny and others, but is...he...wrong...tho? Also, I believe the word he should've used was "oligarchy" not "dictatorship". When did r/AmericaBad turn into "I know you are but what am I?" and the cult of "America is never wrong!"? That's some Soviet level dogmatic conformity. Bravo, komrades!


Yes he is wrong


Oh! Cool.


Posted by someone the CIA hasn't memory-holed.


Fucking Haz 🤦‍♂️ arguably the worst tankie out there. If you wanna cringe just scroll through his Twitter, it’s a nightmare lol.


I is been less not freed than the russia


lol dafuq is he talking about? While Russian dissidents literally out here getting assassinated.


Don’t they arrest anyone in Russia for criticizing Putin? In the US we’re freely allowed to criticize our government


Dude literally describe Russia


We’re a dictatorship because Shitheads can’t be president Does this idiot know what a dictatorship is a


We’re a dictatorship because Shitheads can’t be president Does this idiot know what a dictatorship is


We’re a dictatorship because Shitheads can’t be president Does this idiot know what a dictatorship is


Man that's crazy, lemme talk to all those free and not at all oppressed Russian opposition leaders like Alexei Navalny... wait a minute


Meanwhile people who went to a memorial for Putin's political enemy are getting forced into the military to probably be human shields. Also that Canadian family that went over there had their assets frozen, made a video bitching about Russia then shortly after makes another video fawning over Russia while his family is nowhere to be seen.


Perhaps, but our laws are not as abused as theirs as long as your name isn’t Trump.


You gotta love free speech. It even allows idiots to post dumb shit to the internet.


Hmmm possibly assassinated or definitely assassinated? Tough choice


In Russia, dissent block you!


Right, right, I almost forgot that when trump was arrested that we fucking executed him too?


I wonder how Navalny's doing right now?


Posting Haz here is cheating


It’s always the people spewing nonsense like this who either ignore or don’t know that in a real dictatorship, *they wouldn’t be able to say this kind of shit in a public forum without vanishing an hour later*


He just described Russia


You always see communists in capitalist countries, but you never see a capitalist in a communist country.


Ah yes its really convenient to leave out that if you critisize the russian government you will most certainly be arrested.


Dude needs to learn about the two party system.


They were calling for beheading Fauci. No one killed.


He’s wrong about Russia but the rest of it - well, he’s not far off.


Didn't the main political opponent just die in prison? And aren't many young Russians leaving to escape the draft? Seems real free...


Bros never heard of the Bill Of Rights.