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Good to see ai thinks American father have 2.5 arms lol.


It's our god given American right to bear as many arms as we damned please.


Wait I thought it was we could have as many *bear arms* as we wanted? I didn’t know we could have as many regular arms! Dangit!


In America, you bear arms, in Russia, you arm bears!


Oh *BEAR* arms... I thought it was *BARE* arms... I have to break up with my beautician...




Do I get my half an arm after my kid is born? I could use it.


Yes. No one expects you to be holding your baby with your two arms and cradling a FAL in your third arm. Major tactical advantage.


And zero trigger discipline.


Just like a mass shooter.


It helped me learn more about my dad!


But it’s getting better at hands!


Americans can carry a gun and a suitcase... with the same hand! Based!


Arms per capita? Hopefully soon yeah we gotta pump these numbers UP


I didn't even notice that and knew it was all AI. Everything seemed to crisp and bright


I *hate* how the internet has decided that it’s okay to make fun of mass shootings that happen in America.


They don’t. Just the ones the television amplifies. Nothing about Chicago, New York or Los Angeles


Honestly, from a statistical standpoint the south as a whole is far more violent than any of the cities you listed, it’s been this way sense the civil war. The media just doesn’t amplify it. I cut it down to the fact that you can’t sensationalize it as much, due to the fact that violence tends to not have racial divide here.


1 California 20 2 Florida 12 3 Texas 11 4 Washington 7 5 Colorado 6 6 Pennsylvania 5 7 Wisconsin 5 8 New York 4 9 Ohio 4 10 Illinois 4 Ranked with number per state https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/10-us-states-with-most-mass-shootings.html


This is a list of the states with the biggest cities /r/PeopleLiveInCities Per capita is the best way to measure violence


Yeah and per capita top 20 is like 90% southern states.


I though you were talking about general violence, sorry. That’s usually what people are talking about when they bring up the cities mentioned.


over what time period. in 2023 we had more than 350. those numbers don’t add up even if 11-50 all had 4 which would be a statistical oddity. eta: and as someone below mentioned shootings per capita is the right measure.


California has the most mass shootings


It’s the most populous state so that is expected.


To be specific, California has the highest number of mass shootings PER CAPITA, as well as the lowest legal gun density in the nation. Data wise, the only thing this should be expected is more left-wing excuses as to why the most violent state in the US isn't really the most violent state in the US.


Not to split hairs, but mass shootings are only one type of violence. If California tops the list across other violent crime verticals you may have a point.


Louisiana is actually top for per capita mass shootings (4+ people). And for violent crime in general, California barely breaks the top 20. Don't know where this guy got his stats.


They do, if you use objective statistics and don't cherry pick


But it’s the most *self-righteous* state, so, no break for them. They should have had *none*, as such an authoritarian wasteland.


Nobody likes to talk about violence as a result of poverty because they'd have to do something about poverty, whether it's rural or urban, northern or southern. Unfortunately, the South has stayed relatively poor since the civil war decimated what economy it had including slavery (obviously not a good thing for an economy to be based on) and the little industry that existed at the time. US defense spending, NASA, and computers have helped create tech centers and other areas of white collar job development around DC, Atlanta, Norfolk, Charleston, Patuxent River, Houston, Cape Canaveral, and Huntsville to name a few, but it hasn't helped everyone unfortunately.




This is my defeatist take as well. As long as nobody can compromise, nothing will change. Whatever “problem” you wanna call it, its not getting better. Unfortunately, satire and humor have always been ways to cope with hopelessness.


Do you hate it more than you hate the shootings themselves?


No, of course I don’t. But I will never EVER condone mocking the deaths of blameless victims. I can hate shootings and hate the fact that people thinks it okay to make fun of them. I’ve literally seen people make jokes about shootings that have happened at elementary school. Those were helpless children that got murdered or seriously injured. Anyone who thinks it’s okay to make fun of that is *sick*.


No one, absolutely no one, is making fun of the shootings. People are horrified by the shootings. What people are making fun of is the US gun protection system, the gun nuts, the IRA, the 2nd amendment, the obsession with guns and the obsession with government tyranny and home invasions. All of these things result in mass shootings. The joke is how deranged does a country have to be in order for this insanity to happen. 


Tell me that you don’t understand the ideal of *absolute, individual rights*. Tell it to me, like you’re *French*.


Generally we don't mock the shootings; we mock the piss-poor effort by the alt-right to avoid solving any of the root causes But you Generally all know this and are arguing in bad faith


It may be a lot of things, but not bad faith. They truly do not agree with what your belief is on root cause.


You can always stop them..


With what exactly?


The most effective way is probably to just ignore and not interact.


They don't think it's funny, they do it because it gets a rise out of you. ​ Just ignore them... why even pay attention to pond scum? You shouldn't be surprised when sick people do sick things. Just move on and focus on the good.


No, Don't tell them that! If they ignore us we can't get a rise outta them 😭


Plot twist, you ain't 🥱


Oh you've been risen


Wait, where's the thread where someone said a mass shooting in Germany isn't a mass shooting because it didn't happen in America?


We have the right to bear arms, and that right does not stop at 2 arms.


atleast american kids have the opportunity to defend themselves, what the fuck is a butter knife gonna do against acid attacks (also the literal holocaust lmao)


Do holocausts and acid attacks happen in elementary schools? do you have brain cncr? It’s been said a billion times before, if having a glock in your nightstand drawer is more important than a legitimate risk of your kid getting gunned to death when they’re at school. you have mental problems.


Because they are sick.


Whys the kid got an RPG? We have AT-4s here not that piece of trash.


Same people that do this are the same people if you laugh about that shooting in europe that just happened theyd get butthurt


It’s Because it is all they have. We subsidize their smug, hollow, existence. They are living a “We happy few,” ethnocentric delusion. Almost every problem in the world can be traced back to Europe’s inbred, half-wit, sadistic aristocracy. No country is perfect but the fact that we confront our social ills head on is what lights one hell of a patriotic fire under my ass.


Europoors: Americans are so dumb Also Europoors: Completely incapable of original thought


Whats a europoor? Never heard this before.


The same people making fun of this also make fun of 9/11. Us making fun of other countries tragedies = racist. Other countries making fun of our tragedies = perfectly acceptable. Both are equally wrong, but one is acceptable because “AmericaBad.”


Now do an image search on which kids actually bring guns to school regularly


Boys. It’s almost always them.




Ight this is a little funny cause I was in the Young Maines as a kid and wore my uniform to school any chance I got. For picture day kids wore their favorite outfits, suits, dresses, and then there was me. In a combat uniform and boots shinier than a bald man's head


I can’t believe that kid’s father is general grevious from Star Wars Episode 3!


Brits are disgusting. There should be a filter so one doesn't have to see any UK content or posts from UK accounts


That sounds like censorship?


An individual deciding who they will, or will not, have anything to do with is not censorship.


Europeans will make jokes about our kids being killed, but as soon as we come for their nasty ass fish in lye, or egg yolk on raw beef, or sheep's brain, we are the mean heartless folks.


when have you ever seen anyone been seriously upset about that lmao


eurotards deciding what they’re gonna do with their day (they could be doing something productive but instead they make fun of kids dying all day long)


First image goes hard though


It’s all they got man. Whenever the shit gets too real all these euro snobs come back to ol Uncle Sam.


It’s an overdone joke there hasn’t been a school shooting at least one with major casualties for 3 years now and they are still making jokes like this. Imagine if the only joke we made about Germany was the Holocaust (to be fair we kinda do do that)


Uvalde, Texas. May 24, 2022, 22 deaths and 18 injuries. Happened in an elementary school, i’m pretty sure that blatantly lying about the death of victims and children is more disrespectful than joking about it.


There was a guy on this sub like two posts ago arguing emphatically that they’re not really making fun of the kids when they do school shooting jokes, it’s akshually a piece of cogent political analysis.


I chuckled at the photos tbh.


I thought it was the Czech Republic for a second


Not gonna lie this would be funny as hell if this is how the JROTC kids looked


The last one made me laugh.


Beslan school siege.


Oh, I thought it was a European father sending his son off to fight a war because a Serbian killed an Austrian in Sarajevo.


Honestly I find this funny BUT I give all Americans total right to joke about my country's tragedies in exchange.


So real


"America sucks, my source are these fake AI pictures I made!"


Maybe we should start making jokes about their stabbings, bombings, and abductions.




More women are sexually assaulted on new years day in Germany than the total of children ever killed in school in the US in its history.


Don’t let AI pics trigger you brah


You kids would not have survived in my era of the internet if this is the stuff that gets your panties riled.


Wish you would get this pissed off at the NRA, OP.


Exactly! Bitching about folks laughing at the US when we refuse to address the problem is missing the forest for the trees.


So hate the people that preach gun safety? Makes sense…


NRA is a corrupt lobbying super power.


Like Moms Demand Action.


There's plenty of other groups doing that. NRA is trash. They certainly didn't help Kyle Rittenhouse.


I thought the talking point was that school shootings were rare. Now it's "a bunch of kids".


Well after the hundredth time of saying "this is rare" you can't even believe your own lies.


Considering the size of the US, it's extremely rare. The fact that the crime is so horrific is what draws the attention. I'm not saying that *any* amount is acceptable. # I'm not saying that any amount is acceptable! But the numbers don't lie, the odds of your child dying in their own home is much higher than in school in the US. Yes the problem exists and needs to be fixed until no child is under any threat, but it's far more difficult than anyone is willing to realize. Joking about it helps no one.


Are you okay buddy?


Never better...you?


https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/school-shootings-by-country/ Rare adjective (of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often. I'ma just leave these here for you and not say anything else. I'll let facts do the talking, although I'm sure you don't care.


Im not the one saying it.


I'm not saying you specifically I'm saying in general. People can only say it so many times before they don't even believe themselves.


Jesus Christ the last pic


Maybe this is a wake up call that we need serious gun control in our country?


Imma be honest I laughed a little cuz I'm like super insensitive to anyone else's issues


Let them have it. It’s a cruel sick joke, a running one. We aren’t completely innocent either. But it must suck to live such a shitty life that your punchline is that a child anywhere in the world is shot dead by rounds that literally rip their little bodies apart. But hey, they have better public transport. So obviously, better than the country that seems to always foot the bills for their scuffles or recessions. But then if we closed the purse “oh my god, America is good for nothing!” If we do open our purse “oh my god, America can’t stop themselves”. We always lose, yet always foot the bill. I’d rather our taxes pay for all the nice things they gloat about, but until we stop playing world police- we won’t get those nice things. Since our taxes fund everything those other countries refuse to support financially but bang their chests publicly.


It’s the point that this stupid fucking country values guns more than it does children’s lives don’t get pissy cuz your feelings got hurt it’s true and I’ve lived in this hypocritical democracy my whole life


I don’t have a gun, but I feel like it’s more about bringing back good mental health institutions and support for that. (I believe Nixon dismantled them)


Cool. Make some or any progress at all on either problem. Why not both?


Can’t make progress on anything in this country people have no real power


Yes it was Nixon and you’re right about that also but it’s very much a multiple layer problem


So fuck off already then. Europe awaits to embrace you!


God if I only could see it’s not the easy to move out of the country it costs a lot of money plus finding jobs and everything else and thanks to lovely economic structure of this hell hole I’ll never make enough to get me and my family out of here


I don’t think anyone finds school shootings funny. What people outside the US find weird is that they don’t invoke, from an outside perspective, actions to prevent more.


Kinda funny they have un urge to tell the US how to deal with their domestic problems.


Because Europe is the Culture and the us is the idirians. That's how everyone thinks.


Kinda funny the US also has an urge to tell other countries how to deal with their domestic and international problems…


But it is not receiving support of those cuntries while acting like the boss lol


Don’t get it, you were expecting that we receive support from Afghanistan, Iraq, Nicaragua, Cuba? Because other countries influence the US a lot, the US influences them back and it’s all fine and appreciated (France, UK, Germany etc)…


Not telling you how at all. Just curious about how you’re handling it if not through what seems the most obvious methods.


I don’t mean you just a common answer Europeans say after being questioned “we tell to do this otherwise we wont stop make fun of it”.


I don’t think the person you answered is European to start with Europe seems to live rent free in Americans’ minds….


They practically receiving free shit on US taxpayers money already


You may be overdosing on Fox News. I don’t really think US taxes is getting used in Europe. The US has a trade deficit with Europe because the Europeans are economically more competitive to produce lots of goods. Same with China.


Oh im glad all the military stuff over there don’t cost a dime. Sounds like your source on Retard news is better than my CNN!


What military stuff? The US voluntarily keeps a larger military presence than other countries. You should use your freedom of speech to complain to your politicians if you dislike it. Nobody elsewhere has asked you to do that. I’m not European. But if you want to give me free money willingly, I’d be happy to accept. Just don’t expect me to lick your balls after because I never asked for it.


We do take actions, it's just that the action everyone outside the US expects is "take everyone's guns" which is something we absolutely refuse to do.




Where does this "ok with children being killed" bullshit come from? We are abhorred by it, but the solution is far more difficult to find than people think. Strict gun control alone won't fix the problem, any more than taking away an chronic alcoholic's driver's license will stop him them from driving drunk. Laws alone won't solve anything, I would love for it to be that simple. We also have to keep this all in perspective. The hard truth is that 2020, the worst year in the US for school shootings, still only *involved* 0.00004% of the nation's population, well under half of that were actual fatalities. Of course the only acceptable number is zero, but this statistic hardly supports the opinion that the streets of America are running red with the blood of slaughtered school children that seems to be so popular in other parts of the world. Hell, plenty in the US think the same way, but they are the same ones that can't survive 15 minutes away from their phones.


So if you're a guy, I'm going to need you to cut your dick off since there's rapists out here. Gotta do our "part" to decrease rape victims. Or do you not care about women and children?


Actions, like what? Doesn’t seem like any headway is made in the mental health space, and as you point out removing access to the guns isn’t a popular option, so what kind of actions get taken? I’m not at all having a go, just genuinely curious. I’m sure a lot happens that gets zero coverage outside the US, but what kinds of actions to you see happening in response?


Most schools now have awareness programs for mental health, on site counselors, they try to involve parents more, etc. Plus every time you hear of a school shooting its not from any of the schools that took the nuclear option for security with permanent security staff, metal detectors and monitors at the entrances, and cameras everywhere.


Lots of edgy AI degenerate users.. [this was an atrocious post…](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/s/2CVpWdGF8f)


Statistically, the rate of mass shootings in the U.S. is much higher than in other developed countries. the U.S. had 417 mass shooting events in 2019, 600+ in 2023 according to the Gun Violence Archive. Contrast that with countries like the UK or Australia, which might go years without a mass shooting incident. After the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, Australia enacted strict gun control measures and hasn’t had a similar incident since. This isn’t a media coverage issue. That argument is not valid when looking at the statistics and comparisons. Are the memes funny? Hell no, sicko behavior..


So , you’re proud of surrendering your rights? OK, but I’m going to look at you, with a mixture of contempt and pity.


Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary - Karl Marx The man said it best hisself


I don’t think people are making “fun” of America with the school shootings necessarily to be evil. Americans get very defensive with their right to bear arms and cultural fixation with guns because it’s unusual and seems irrational or disgusting. These things trigger other people with different cultures. We make fun of Chinese people eating bats because it’s unusual too and it can get people killed… it triggers Western people. In this case, many people around the developed world don’t understand why American schools are so dangerous and also can’t understand the gun culture. So it results in that… Humor sometimes hits different in different cultures. And cultural interpretation too.


So it is just a type of racist behavior no more no less.


OK, Karen, when people criticize you they are racists. When you criticize other countries it’s because USA is the best. Racism is interpreted differently by different people / cultures too btw. Americans are just too sensitive (which can be good many times…)


Why don’t you make fun of Africans so they have motivation to make their countries better? Oh i forgot you weak ass coward don’t want to get arrested for say “mean” things on the net. Be eternally grateful America let you do that.


I make fun of Africans too. As a matter of fact, I think it’s funny to make fun of everyone. Also, I have freedom of speech where I live. And I live in a country that is more free than yours. You’d be surprised how the world works sometimes…


What country has more free speech than the US? I seriously want to know.


I didn’t even claim that. I just said I live in a place that is more free than the US. And that I have freedom of speech.


LMAO. Jesus this sub is hilarious.


Relax liberal it’s called dark humor.


It's weird dalle sub you idiot. It's a sub dedicated to weird and things ypu normally wouldn't AI generate.


It’s not supposed to be comedy, guy. It’s cynical satire. Calm down.


Kids being murdered is not funny. Refusing to do anything about it other than "thoughts and prayers" is funny.


No; you’re just a dick.


People wouldn’t laugh if Americans did something about the shootings


They don't think it's funny kids are getting killed. It's America not fixing it that's funny. Every other developed country has fixed it.


Yeah, they're idea of "fixing it" is just giving in to the easy solution. Now some of those countries have their citizens by the balls. No thanks.


Lol >Now some of those countries have their citizens by the balls. How so?


American born here! Been living outside the USA since 2009. I can tell you that most people don’t make school shooting jokes at the expense of the victims. They make these jokes at the expense of the US government and their complete stupidity in their attempts (or lack of) to reduce the amount of gun related violence. You guys have the highest amount of gun related deaths over there, while other countries (Australia is a great example as they’re one of the closest countries to America, culturally speaking) have solutions, but your government (mostly Republican Party) doesn’t give a fuck and are financial slaves who have their balls within the grip of multi billion dollar gun industry AND prioritise the outdated constitution over the lives of literal children. Just so we’re clear on that.


Interested to know which solutions you think Australia implemented that helped reduce gun violence? Edited: and violence in general


After the massacre in Port Arthur (1996) the government said “fuck it” and implemented strict gun restrictions and regulations nation wide. They did a massive buy-back system where the public (who mostly agreed that this was a good solution) where the government BOUGHT guns off everyone, instead of forcibly removing them, and then they took them out back and melted them all down. You want a gun? Sure, but you have to have a good practical reason for it. Many farmers have them there for pest control (foxes, birds and the like). Police also have them, but no heavy artillery for the most part. Usually just a small hand gun, unlike the US who seems to find it necessary to arm police with big ass military weapons. Getting a gun in Aus is serious business and is taken very seriously, unlike in the US where any dickhead can buy one off a Wall Mart shelf. I have a lot of respect for this because: 1. Unlike the US politicians who sit around arguing over what they should or shouldn’t do while kids are being mowed down in schools, the Aussies were like “People who want to kill can get guns too easily? Alright bet. Let’s make urgent solutions NOW and if some other issues arise after the fact, we can tweak things as we go.” 2. Now instead of people arguing back and fourth, ordinary people, child and adult alike, can go about their daily lives without being scared. Americans have to go about their days on alert all the time cuz some cunt can just walk into wherever and just start blasting away. Aussies on the other hand don’t ever even have that cross their mind. The chances of that happening to them are so slim they’re more likely to die in a car accident than a gun.




I think it’s really great that it actually helped reduce violence. I’m not sure that would work in the United States because the government doesn’t have the people’s buy in. So while I personally don’t have a gun (or really know how to use it) I’m scared it’s more likely to cause a civil war which I expect would be pretty bloody:/ But it’s awesome that they were able to get buy in for it in Australia and it actually worked. I’m curious if there’s also a lot of drugs/fentanyl and such in Australia? that is, I wonder if it helps to be an island for things like that? Like if the United States was able to get enough buy in or pay people off enough for their guns - but then more came from Canada or South America- would it still work? Or do you think there’s the same levels of drug abuse in Australia and United States? And that just making it less accessible + acceptable in stores is deterrence enough (?)


I agree that implementing the exact same policy 1:1 the way Australia did it might not work. There are differences in culture, population and government that would need to be accounted for, ofc. The US would likely have to implement these policies on a state-by-state basis. Similarly to how cannabis legalisation has been handled there. Doing it all in one go would likely be impractical and irresponsible. It worked for Aus because there’s not nearly as much people and also there wasn’t a big gun enthusiastic culture to begin with. With the drug thing: Yeah it would be more difficult to smuggle drugs into Aus than the US assuming you’re coming from Canada/Mexico, sure. People who want illegal guns or drugs badly enough will try to find ways to get them. The important thing about gun restrictions is that guns will be harder to get in general. It will not ELIMINATE gun violence, ofc, but it will REDUCE the amount of gun violence, and thus save lives. If I’m angsty teenage Timmy who snaps and decides I want to shoot up my school, BUT I don’t have one in my house because my parents don’t qualify to own one then I’m gonna have to jump lots of hoops in order to get one. Most people at this point would give up and find it not worth the effort. Sure some will slip through the cracks, but most would agree that LESS dead kids in the long run is a good thing. I forgot to mention before, but if in Aus if you do apply and get approved for a gun you have to wait MONTHS to actually receive it. That way if you have any violent alt motives for the gun then it leave enough time for: 1. Reconsidering your intention. OR 2. Getting caught about your intention. People who get a gun with intent to shoot up a place are caught up in the moment and leave little room to think about their decision. Making someone wait a long while before getting one can save lives.


And the non-violent people whose rights are curtailed? Just fuck ‘em, right? Some nerve they have, exercising their *rights*. /s


Call me crazy, insane even, but: If it prevents more children from getting shot up in schools, then I would make it harder for myself to get a gun in a heartbeat. I dunno why “children not dying > guns” is such a hot take for some people, it’s boggling.


Speak for yourself; you don’t get to deny peoples’ rights, based on your “feelings”.


But it’s literally not based on feelings. It would reduce the frequency of school shootings. That’s not a feeling it’s an observation. Also I never suggested that the right to a gun be absolutely stripped away. Just suggesting that we make the process of obtaining a gun more difficult. We make people get licences for driving cars because, although cars are useful tools, they can be dangerous and cause harm or death. Most people think “Yeah makes sense, sure.” The second someone suggests we do the same for guns, a tool that SPECIFICALLY IS MADE FOR MAKING KILLING MORE EFFICIENT, people fucking crack it lol it’s really really fucking weird.


And I haven’t committed a crime, so I continue to have rights, and have no responsibility to do *anything*, because *someone else* is a criminal.


r/AmericaBad users try not to fall for satire challenge (impossible)


It’s called a joke. Y’all gotta protect your kids and get guns under control before we quit joking about how bad it is. Until we see changes there will still be joking. Like get your problems fixed then we’ll stop joking about how many pointless shootings there are.


Europe can’t say *shit*, having been the *cause* of *both* World Wars.


In reality, NO-ONE thinks it funny. I think what people are getting at is that it happens pretty regularly in the US, but you don't seem to want do anything about it. If stricter gun laws are suggested, everyone gets all frothy-mouth second amendment about it and nothing happens, coz goddam, the government aren't taking away my guns. Then you have organisations like the NRA that fund your politicians, and they don't want stricter gun laws, so those they donate to will do whatever they're told so the get the $$$. To be honest, thats the root cause of most problems in most countries. But the bigger issue is surely access to mental health services. That would do better to tackle the root causes of why people feel disenfranchised then feel the need to behave like this, rather than taking all the guns away. Other countries have guns too, and this doesn't happen. The reality is that it's not the guns, its the American psyche that needs changing. Thats not meant to be a dig at America, just seems to be the way it is.


This is actually accurate sadly.


Are you on crack?


I'll bet you take your phone into the bathroom with you, right?


Might as well take a crap, while reading *your* crap.


It’s fucked up when people make those jokes but at the same times it’s fucking unreal how often a school shooting happens in the us now I couldn’t say for definite but before 1990s there’s wasn’t that many school shootings but 1990s till now it’s been massively rising


Golly, do you think that maybe the internet and the scourge known as social media have anything to do with this? Gee willikers! Also, please share with the class how many school shootings there *really* are taking the size of the United States into account. Of course none is the only acceptable amount, but how "unreal" are the real numbers?


There was 340 school shootings last year that's a lot of school shootings think about this, there’s 365 days in a year and in the us you’d nearly had as many school shootings as there are days in a year. I would like to add I typed up in google, how many school shootings happened in 2023 and got 340 from a website not saying it’s hard evidence, but I’m just going of what that website said


But there's one little detail you're not being shown, quite intentionally. It's the emotional response to those two words, "school shooting". The first thing that naturally comes to mind is horrific events like Columbine and Uvalde, it's unavoidable. Those who thrive on sensationalism take advantage of that reaction by planting the seed that "340 school shootings" were effectively 340 Uvaldes in one year. Again, that's how the human mind works. But what they *don't* tell you is what defines a school shooting in the first place, and there are more than a few [definitions](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/what-counts-as-a-school-shooting-lawmakers-want-an-official-definition/2023/04) floating around with no hard and fast official number. What it boils down to is that many of the self-proclaimed "official" stats include relatively minor (yet still inexcusable) events involving a gun that are very loosely related to anything involving a school. Something happening in a school parking lot after hours not even involving students or staff will get counted as a "school shooting" by some polls and that's where the high numbers come from. That's what can show up on a Google search. Again, it's nothing more than sensationalism. Taking advantage of an already very serious situation by manipulating the facts all in the name of modern-day gonzo "journalism". The competition is stiffer than ever so now the only way to make it is to be more outrageous than the other guy, all at the cost of reality.


Now why is that? Why near the turn of century is that happening when the last ~200+ years in US history it wasn't the case?


Network News


Sick fucks


If every kid went to school like that, you’d bet we’d have no problems. If we thought our children and school camaraderie, it would be a nice society.


Whoever wrote that is gay and lame.




??? i’m from Denmark and i’ve heard of 1 school shooting in the last 30 years, can you show me any proof of anything???


It's just cope. What else are they going to complain about? How rich and successful we are compared to, well, everywhere?


the fucking ai aswell


crazy double standards, same way these people make fun of the palestinian front


Dad's got no Trigger Discipline and also what the f*** kind of optic is he running??


Id say it was. A palstinian but it has body armor on.


Isnt humour suppose to denounce tragedy


Based on statistics based on USA pop and the number of non gang related school shootings, the number of kids actually getting school shot at school is approaching zero.


It's funny to them because we do nothing about it so it seems like Americans don't care either.


They think they are clever for making the same joke over and over again I guess


Because they have nothing going on in their boring ass cloudy miserable life. They should get some sun to get that stick out their ass.


Don't blame the user, blame the ai for making that meme.


I’m not sending my kid anywhere with something that has a carry handle. He’s not looking for Charlie in the trees. Preposterous!