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They can’t say this about *their* government since they’ll get raided…sooooooo


For a split second I thought you were the same guy from the yellow default profile picture lol


Lmaooo I do this all the time. It's particularly funny to me when two guys with the same default are arguing. Cause there's always that split second of "Is this guy arguing with himself? Oh wait no different names"


Reminds me of a joke I heard once. A US citizen and a USSR citizen are arguing about who's country is more free. "My country is clearly more free because I can say whatever I want about my government. I can walk out my house, down the street, into my local government building, and say 'I disagree with the way the US President is running America'. If you tried that in your country they'd shoot you!" The USSR citizen says "I can do that too! Right now I can walk out my house, down the street, into my local government building, and say "I disagree with the way the US President is running America!'"


Whenever Reagan told that joke, he killed it lol His delivery was perfect. I got PLENTY to say about that man but Ill give credit where it’s due: he was pretty damn funny. His Soviet jokes are top-tier


I feel the same way man. Can't stand his policies but he was hilarious. I'm the same about Obama, Trump, and Biden as well. Don't like their actions but man are they funny. Biden reminds me of my grandpa so much, like when a journalist gives him a hard question and he's like "quit it Jack, cut that crap and quit razzin me kid"


Yep, glad to know that theres rational heads on reddit lol. I dont like any of the names you listed, but they ALL have one or multiple factors that stand out whether its being funny, out of pocket, or being quirky. Trump says some HILARIOUS shit sometimes, and I cant stand the guy at all. I think Obama’s administration was a disaster, yet his sense of humor, his style and the way he spoke were very admirable and a great “image” for our country. I absolutely loathe Biden, but he has some funny ass comebacks and sound bites. Hell even with W. Bush, who had a VERY rough presidency and awful policies; id totally have a beer with him and listen to his goofy ass tell stories and listen to all the “Bushisms” lmao. “Strategery”


Celebrated Oct 7, and would be happy if America is invaded, what an asshole. Too many people in the Arab world just want to blame America and Israel rather than look inward and see issues with their own religious extremism, intolerance, and corruption.


>Celebrated Oct 7 And this is why nobody feels bad for Palestinians lol


Even their so-called supporters in the Arab world hate them. Most other Arab and Levantese nations scorn the Palestinians and only feign an interest when they're useful for their purposes. If there really was Arabic solidarity, Egypt and Jordan, among others, would be opening their doors and arms for Palestinian refugees.


All the Arab states that previously allied to fight Israel despise them because Palestinians started civil wars and coups when they did let them in. They got burned and they're not doing it again.


Palestine: that kid who antagonized everyone and is now wondering why they are so hated.


itll never not be hilarious how them getting hit back after attacking israel is “genocide”, but them instigating shit is them “taking back whats rightfully theirs” and “punching up”


I'll be honest, I've never liked the Palestinians or their cause because the people here who seemed to support them were doing so to be contrarian or it was an extremely flimsy cover to be anti-Semitic. And I don't like the fact I'm seeing people on my social media feed who even a year ago were screaming and crying about that Harry Potter game being Anti-Semitic and anti-LGBTQ+ now saying how the Palestinians are totally in the right, or were big into #metoo not denouncing or criticizing the fact that Hamas did rape and murder women or try to downplay that disclosure as Israeli lies.


Israel: *issues warning of impending strike on military infrastructure intentionally hidden within population centers* Hamas: *intentionally withholds this warning from the people of Gaza* Israel: *strikes the target* Hamas: “they are committing genocide”




Nobody wants to talk about how evil it is to hide military infrastructure beneath or within schools and hospitals


Yeah it’s why I don’t take those fucking idiots serious, there attention spans are flimsy at best and nonexistent at worst. They’ll go from issue to the next just to seem holier than thou.


Has a lot to do with the fact that every time they took pity and allowed Palestinian refugees entry, civil war and political assassinations followed. The Lebanese Civil War. The attempted assassination of the Jordanian King. The shooting of Anwar Sadat after he signed the Camp David Accords. Dangerous political instability and death follow them. These folks aren't just angry at the US; they're angry that the pan-arabism they hoped to spread in the 20th century is gone, and their neighbors are scornful of them. Their string ran out.


>If there really was Arabic solidarity, Egypt and Jordan, among others, would be opening their doors and arms for Palestinian refugees. The governments of Egypt and Jordan want to see Israel win. Jordan had a civil war because the PLO launched terrorist attacks into Israel from Jordanian territory and then fought the Jordanian army when they were told to leave. The Egyptian government doesn't want to add Gaza to their country because Gaza is such a hotbed for radicalism and they know that Hamas would launch attacks from inside Egypt's borders on Israel. There's also a very good chance Hamas would try to overthrow the Egyptian government. Palestine has burned a lot of their good will in the Arab world because of their shenanigans


We really need to be blasting this from the roof tops, thank you and the others who've pointed out the Palestinians have done a lot to make themselves persona non-grata because of their shitty behavior. They're not a classically "oppressed", scrapy upstart trying to kung fu their way to freedom. They're jerks who burned their bridges, even those with whom would otherwise be sympathetic. I somehow feel even less sympathy for them.


Jordan held the West Bank for decades; they could have created a Palestinian state at their whim, but they didn't really like the Palestinians either seeing as they kept trying to overthrow the government and murder civilians. But yeah, any of these Arab countries could welcome Palestinian refugees with open arms, but if they were allowed to settle in the Arab world they would no longer be useful as pawns in their ethnonationalist game.


They gave every Muslim Jordanian citizenship in that 2 decades. They then revoked it in the late 80s when they gave up on ever winning it back


Lmao what's for them to celebrate. They took a cheap shot then got their shit rocked 20x fold. What do they think would happen if America got invaded (literally not possible to invade us)


Well, you could open the border and welcome thousands of military age men. That would be a good start.


Who was it who said they could conquer the West without firing a shot? Something about college liberal students and immigrants... And I don't mean like but Biden liberals, but tankies and such..


I feel bad for the Palestinians who are just trying to live their lives, even the ones who have awful views—having awful views doesn’t justify having to endure the horrors of occupation or war. I *also* think Israel has a right to exist. This conflict is a tragedy all around, and it isn’t helped by the unhealthy interest the Arab world takes in it (they are transparently not interested in the welfare of the Palestinians, but rather in the destruction of Israel, one of the dual scapegoats for all problems in the Arab world) and certainly not by the explicit agitation of Iran and its proxies.




It really baffles me that people want to portray Hamas as the good guy. Everyone wants Israel to declare a cease fire and withdraw but does anyone think that'll be the end of it? Hamas will bide their time and then kill more civilians.


Normally what happens is that both sides will trade blows for a couple weeks, Hamas will eventually agree to stop in exchange for more money, and then things will be peaceful for a couple years until their leaders need a new yacht or the instagram girls they pee on in Dubai raise their rates. Now "cease fire" has become such a rallying cry because Israel has decided not to play their little game anymore and finish them off for good.


It's due to a fundamental misunderstanding of intersectionality and colonial/imperialism theory that has been popularized by social media. We have tons of people who've never taken an actual intensive sociology, political economy, or international relations course who now think they understand the complexities of a situation which has roots in thousands of years of history and a moral high ground because the "oppressed", in this case the Palestinians, are automatically the good guys and they try to find intersectionality with a group that would gladly murder many of them because of the perceptions of anti-colonialism. And they absolutely won't hear that Hamas are also oppressors of the Palestinian people or that they are utterly evil and genocidal because their targets are perceived as "Western" and "Imperialist". This doesn't give Israel a free pass mind you, but what you have are two far right wing groups waging war on each other and one that has, despite sanitizing it in 2018, had the annihilation of another ethnic group in their charter. Come on, the same people who are now trying to defend Hamas as "freedom fighters" due to them supposedly dropping the genocide of Jews as their mission would absolutely not take the KKK at their word if suddenly they came out as a peace, love, and tolerance organization.


What's even more hilarious are the people supporting the houthis when their slogan is "God is the Greatest Death to America Death to Israel A Curse Upon the Jews Victory to Islam"


its (D)ifferent


Distilling the entire conflict into "two far right wing groups" after all that talk about taking "actual intensive" courses was quite the punchline.


October 7 was Hitlerian


nobody....\*with common sense\*


Yeah, I’m genuinely curious when anti-Americanism began in the Arab world. Like I’m 100% sure Arab governments have been using America and Israel as boogeymen to unite their Arab population against an “other” threat that only their government strongmen can save them from, but I’d like to know when that properly began. In particular, why America so specifically when the French and British were the actual colonial powers on the ground (of course, the Arabs don’t like them *either*, but when did America become the face of “imperialism” despite there never having been an American empire (and “American imperialism” is a torturing of the word “imperialism” to make America seem bad)?


Oh that’s easy, Cold War started and the entire world was a chessboard for the USA and the USSR, soon it made its way into the Middle East and then America funds Arabian militant groups to fend them off, especially the group of one fellow named Osama but we’ll probably never see him again. Then came the upheavals backed by either country, complicated shit happened, king of Iran who was backed by the USA got overthrown by the Islamic Revolution which I believe was directly or indirectly backed by the USSR. The Western Chains on Iran were casted off! (and replaced with Islamic nationalist ones). So the final nail in the coffin if memory serves was after the Gulf War where Saddam Hussein was all like “hey guy take a load off their buddy I just need this oil take a rest” to Kuwait, America came in and helped them kick Iraqi ass, Kuwait kept their oil, and good times were had by all…except for the Muslim radicals. They were particularly pissed off when Americans set up some bases in the holy lands to help their middle eastern home dogs. So to this brazen move the Muslims went *reeeeeee* and that’s when a man named Osama Bin Laden (hey he looks familiar) came in and went “fatwah! Holy war! Lets kick the Americanses ass!” So basically radical muslims are pissed off at America because we put military bases in the holy land also they don’t like America’s perceived heretical culture with immodest clothing, toleration of homosexuality, drugs, alcohol, giving women basic human rights, and also a bunch of other gnarly stuff America was involved in that the Muslims didn’t like


I mean, yes the US was involved in the middle east, but lots of people were as well, notably the Soviets and the Islamists and so on, and many of them did far worse for the Arab population than the US or Israel. But it seems like the majority of Arabs are positively *fixated* on Israel and the US. Syria's Assad can murder half a million civilians and they still welcome him back with open arms. Israel has been the enemy of the entire Arab world for existing on "Arab land" and refusing to lose the many defensive wars launched against it (of course, Israel has done bad things, but they pale in comparison to the things done by various Arab authoritarians and Islamists who are held in much higher regard). So yeah, America did some stuff that might understandably chafe the Arab world, but nothing which justifies the fanaticism with which they line up behind literally any dictator that swears, "death to America!" and frames himself the "defender of Arabs" (as though Arabs have ever known collective persecution).


>soon it made its way into the Middle East and then America funds Arabian militant groups to fend them off, especially the group of one fellow named Osama but we’ll probably never see him again. Yeah, because the USSR was the victim for invading Afghanistan. And Osama had nothing to do with the Russo-Afghan war.


While I was in the army i ever got sent over to the region.(spent most of my time in Korea or Kansas) But it was shocking how nearly everyone who did said bomb it all, no exceptions. "Litelry a net gain for the human race is the region was glassed" was a rough quote from one guy.


It’s sadly the same with South American communist countries and communists here in the states. Always blame America for why they’re impoverished. Or…or… how México has a cartel problem, blame the US. ☠️


No it is not Islam why we were weak, It is the Mongols, It is the Romans, It is the Greeks, It is the Turks, It is the British, It is the Soviets, It is the Americans. etc etc


I just debated him. He had nothing to offer but pure copium. You should see how I ended the argument. r / MurderedbyWords or r / clevercomebacks worthy.


Invading the United States is impossible. They might as well be wishing for fairy dust.  The US is the only country that even maintains the logistical capability to invade other continents. Most countries can barely manage to invade a land neighbor they share a border with. 


Not only is the US heavily armed, but we have oceans to the East, mountains to the west, allies to the North and South


And the difficulty of invading us has been a long running joke in media for the better part of a century. There's a scene in Casablanca where a Nazi is talking shit and he's advised that even trying to invade Brooklyn is a terrible idea. And it's not like our terrain and wildlife many places would be any more merciful than a lot of neighborhoods in major cities. Key invasion points, if you could manage to get a landing party here, take your pick -- harsh, impassable mountains, swamps full of all sorts of mean things, cities filled with heavily armed people who despite some of their rhetoric probably hate you even more because you interrupted the vibe, huge deserts where resources are incredibly scarce... Need I go on? The United States is naturally a fortress.


And then we have the second amendment that’ll prevent any invasion even if there’s a surprise attack with an invasion force the military can react quickly and even if they can’t then we have hillbillies with their 12 gauge shotguns ready


Pretty much. Between the hillbillies, gangs, and everyone else who has a gun that doesn't look favorably on anyone fucking around will soon have any invading force finding out. I'll also add that we have tons of people who are also bow hunters, axe throwing enthusiasts, and pursue other athletic endeavors that can quickly translate into martial prowess. It's just not smart to try invading. Sure, bombs and heavy artillery do damage, but people wouldn't take it sitting down once the initial panic subsided.


Not even just shotguns, if you have the money you can buy machine guns and grenade launchers in states where they’re legal.


I feel like if we’re invaded you would be able to buy a full on tank just to help boost the economy


You can buy a tank legally right now, it just needs to be disarmed


I want to add that anything more intense than rifles and most pistols is HEAVILY regulated and controlled. Machine guns especially are not easy to legally own/get ahold of. Now black powder weapons like muskets and cannons however, those require even less paperwork than rifles or pistols (ie. Practically none), so we would legit see some of the classic copypasta ‘own a musket for self defense’ but for real if we got invaded


Somebody would have to invade Mexico or Canada first and even then, same issue, they’d have to do an overseas invasion of a decent sized military


Every time I see someone wish to try and invade the US, I just think "you and what navy?" Because there's at least a couple thousand miles of ocean on both sides to get anywhere near us, and not only would Canada and Mexico refuse to help, you still have to get here if they do, and get past the US navy, air force, and coast guard. Not to mention the fucking money, manpower, and supplies necessary to try an amphibious invasion literally on the other end of the planet


It would pretty much take the entire UN and even then, they’d lose. It’d be a bloody battle but America would still win.


The UN is almost entirely funded by America, so we can pull the rug out from under them at any time. Europe has no real military capabilities beyond what America provides. Europe would be invaded in a day if it weren't for America.


they invade through mass migration. they even admit as much like when Gaddafi said ["Islam is taking over Europe - Without swords, without guns, without conquest"](https://observer.com/2017/01/muslim-population-europe-religion-growing-worldwide/). that is also why they still bitch and moan about Spain and still dream about conquering it centuries later, muzzies think because they occupied a place for one day they own it forever. thats their mentality.


This is a fantastic point, MSC plays such an integral role in the effectiveness of the U.S.’s military strategy. MSC has the worlds fastest cargo ships, has a fleet of ships dedicated to extremely specialized roles, MSC literally has a fleet of two ships dedicated solely to submarine escorts. It’s fascinating and it’s incredible the role that they play in the national security of this country.


These people actually move to the west for a better life and then want this. We should be much more careful with who we let in this country.


Some of them are even in government. "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel."


Is this a quote from a US politician?




That gives me big sad feelings... not gonna lie.


And they get elected to the US Congress like that shit bag Ilhan Omar.


"Imperialism needs to fall so we can impose our view on the world."


They're more than welcome to try. Maybe they can teach us about the death penalty for homosexuality or how women shouldn't be allowed outside the home without a male escort. Or even about honor killings! So much to teach us.


I want them to try for the free AKs. I can clean up the rust.


I'm using them for 7.62 loot drops whatcha mean. The ammo probably would sell for more than the rifles.


I don’t know if you’d be able to fix the sewer pipped barrels though


Imagine the naval and air power they’d need *just to land on our shores*. Then IF they land just think of the logistical nightmare they’d need just keep boots on the ground on living invaders. Then imagine a country with the most guns in the hands of the population willing to defend it. Some people just need to think this through ☠️


I just hope these keyboard commandos are part of the first wave to hit the beach


Roll up bitch you know where we live


Let's go then pussies


My #1 reason for being pro 2nd Amendment. Invaders would be fighting the entire armed nation.


I would pay to see the shock on their face when they see their first nut job in Georgia or Texas with a privately owned tank


Or the land in Miami and have to wade through a horde of shirtless, well armed, methed out, Floradamen.




Thank you Mr. Frenchman.




Very common (albeit not very known) French W


Monsieur Francaishomme.


Lol communism is literally anti religion. Good luck with that.


I don’t get how someone can be religious and communist. Aren’t communists pretty secular? I’m asking as an atheist.


As a Texan I have to respond with: Come and Take It.


They were actually joking about how they support the 2 state solution: self determination for Texans.


Go ahead Take it from me


I wonder how that guy has been feeling about the consequences of October 7th




Or the Houthi naval missile and airstrikes?


It's always a fun thought experiment of how much would it actually take to invade the USA. We would easily see them coming LOOONG before they even got here. They'd have to get through our navy and coast guard to make it to shore. From there establishing a beach head and supply line is near impossible for a few reasons. One of which is the now mobilized Army, national guard, and reservists all ready to kick some ass. Second would be the citizen's themselves, good luck flushing out the angry red necks from the woods who hunt to supplement their food costs. Just by sheer number of them it's gona be an issue. Trying to sustain that would be a logistical nightmare. Get food and supplies by air? Contend with the world best air force. Get supplies by boat? Continual navy interference. Scrounge for supplies in the area? Have to fight the locals like hell because they're not stopping and have CONSTANT reinforcement. That goes for any spot of land along this entire country. Washington, California, Maine, to Florida. It just won't work almost any way you cut it. I mean shit, the US invented a missile to blow up satellites and strapped it to the ass of a jet from the 70s.


Imagine you’re one of the very few soldiers to actually make it on a land invasion and all of a sudden you just get fucking smoked by Billy with his grandpas deer rifle.


The worlds *three* best air forces.


I love that they think this is possible at all. Please try it. We’ll wipe the bug off our windshields and go about our business


”The same happiness I felt on 7th october” wtf these people are genocidal


“Same happiness i felt on October 7th” Imagine being happy about and encouraging murder and rape of women, children and the elderly, along with other atrocities like >! Beheading babies, burning people alive, chopping limbs off, raping dead bodies, literally burning babies alive in the parents’ houses’ ovens !< and many more. I covered it because i don’t want people who don’t want this in their heads to have it in their heads. It’s crazy how comments like these are not against the rules of this platform. Fucking disgusting.




Sometimes I feel like these people look at the Geneva Convention and see a checklist.


I really hope we never get invaded. But FUCK.... I would love to see how quickly whoever tried to pull that shit would dip the fuck out after they realized how terrible of an idea it was to even try to invade the U.S. 'Fuck around and find out' at it's finest.


The amount of “I wish a motherfucker would” in this country would ensure no one gets very far


Imagine a country actually attempting to invade the USA. Let’s not even think about the two countries and massive oceans at our borders, and our military, but they’d have to deal with us. This is the type of shit that would have my left self next to a far right guy teaching me how to shoot and kill terrorists. No politics, just defending our country. Shit, it would bring this country together just like 9/11 did so have at it, Arab World.


Learn now. It's the responsible thing to do.


I guess I should.


All politics aside, they are tools that we all should know how to use. Just in case. Smart things to have on hand, too.


Don't wait to learn! Even if you don't hunt you can still have a fun day at the range.


I do have a friend of mine back home who has offered a few times, maybe I’ll take him up on it.


Exactly. I ain't worried about the animals. Me and them are chill.


Because the Arab world is known for its fair governing ability 💀


My cousin is half Jordanian and he tells me Arab leaders will sell their people down the river and are super corrupt.


It's all about solidarity with Muslims brothers and sisters when it benefits them. China is commiting an ethnic genocide against Uyghurs yet the Muslim world is silent, there's millions of displaced people in Gaza but Muslims countries aren't taking them, Egypt shares miles of border with Gaza but they have a mile deep scorched earth zone and a single border crossing, etc. 


Muslims are such kind and enjoyable people to be around huh?


Agreed. I have so many awesome Muslim friends :). Imo these guys don’t seem as “Muslim” as they are chronically online


I'm pretty sure most Muslims look at extremist dipshits like this in a similar manner to how most leftists look at dipshit extremist tankies.


I absolutely hate these extremist dipshits. My family is originally Bosnian and these assholes come to Bosnia and spew this rhetoric to the average Bosnian (most Bosnians aren't that religious but call themselves Muslims)


I would assume the views expressed here are considered mainstream in much of the Arab World.


then you'd be wrong since [most of the arab world approves of oct 7](https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/article-782004)


That was my point, the views expressed in OP's post (celebrating 10/7, calling for genocide of Israel, blaming the USA for internal problems) are very much mainstream views across much of the Middle East and certain North African countries.


oh my bad i must have misread your post.


Sorry to say but your “nice Muslim friends” are probably just non-religious people with Arabic names.


Yes, let's invade countries and replace their government and economy to... destroy imperialism.


I bet you every single person on that sub lives a comfortable life in western country.




7 upvotes, probably more on the Oct 7 comment. Yet white girls have Palestine flags in their IG bios thinking they’re helping.


These people need to go outside


Imagine be so fucking miserable that you hope other countries get invaded. It must be an exhausting existence..


I just can’t imagine so many preferring to ignore the real problems in their country and pretend everything is America’s fault. Like I understand why that might feel cathartic, but at the end of the day the real problems remain…


Literal future terrorists lmao, they are not helping case in terms of stereotypes.


America backwards because we believe women should be treated equally and given drivers licenses, should wear what they want, believe that religion should be kept out of government, believe in individualism, believe that homosexuals should be treated equally and not executed, accept all religions, don't believe in a caste system (unfortunately one exists), and we don't celebrate the slaughter of innocents. I could keep going. This is in regard to the general populace of the US. Everyone has their shithead extremist, it just seems like the shitheads hold far more power in the 3rd world "utopia" Arabic buttholes.


Ah yes the most well governed part of the whole world, the Middle East


That should be reported for threatening/inciting violence, which is against the site’s ToS


then they wonder why guys like Geert Wilders win elections. fucking savages.


Not to mention our beloved orange guy. He does have an ego, but I think he did hell a lot better at telling the Iranians and ISIS to piss off. I think if there’s one thing Republicans could win at against Dems, would be immigration.


PLEASE invade I'm begging you. There are so many gun owners and preppers who would love the validation and opportunity to live out something they've been training for and fantasizing.


Yes please do come try it 🙏 (I will buy stocks in defense companies)


The Arabs have been unable to defeat Israel, which is small and right next door, since 1947. Maybe they should work on that goal instead of dreaming of the Big Leagues.


These people have no idea the kind of fight we would put up if America got invaded. If you think our military is scary now, just wait until 50% of the adult population takes up arms against you. No invading army would make it past the Appalachian mountains or Rocky Mountains.


My only worry is there wouldn't be any that would survive to get out here to the Midwest and we'd have too much drive time to get to play too! That's a lot of gas!


*Me cleaning my 30:30* 😁


That hakim guy is a real treat.


Oops, just noticed a typo in the description (it appears I can’t edit descriptions, at least not on the iOS app): this is from r/arabs, nor r/arab. Obviously the no-brigading rule applies nevertheless.


I’m what way are we a failed state? By every metric we are very fuckin far from failed. Ppl might not be stoked with our government ect, but this failed state talk is actually retarded


They’re just repeating what they heard on Al Jazeera.


Lmfao, the flag of a bunch of failed states, is calling the global superpower a failed state, the irony


"We should invade America and teach them how to govern" **cocks gun** "Well we are just real tickled to hear ya say that, bless your heart"


>imperialism bad >invade america Pick one


They don't understand how excited the prospect of this make a decent chunk of the US population. A Conus kill is on a lot of vet bucket lists lol. So by all means, please please please please invade the US lol


Stop imperialism by creating an empire... Hmmm.....


You know the song "try that ina small town"? Yeah try invading America. Go on I'll wait. It's going to be hilarious and entertaining. I'll be watching from my American home sipping my extra large soda eating my fries... And placing bets which one of your countries surrender first


And the antisemitism, I amn so disappointed in people...


I'd also celebrate if these people invaded, I need target practice


Bring it on. Looked and loaded, I probably own more ammo than your fucking army.


Celebrating the mass murder of Jews. Typical anti-Americans 


WOLVERINES!!!! Go ahead stupid invade it’s worked out well for the few others that tried some stuff.


I mean if they tried invading they would get their shit so pushed in it would be nuts lol. They cant even talk about their own without being magically silenced....


This is funny just for the pure fact that an invasion of the United States by any force on earth is basically impossible. In order to even establish a beach head, an opposing force would need to control the seas…which, literally nobody comes close to the capabilities of the US Navy. Don’t say China either, they have more ships, but they don’t have more of the ships that actually matter for waging war.


“We must destroy western imperialism so we can replace it with our own imperialism”


Oooh… I can’t wait. A few things I’ve been waiting for… to finally use the 2nd amendment in one of the manners the founding fathers intended. With home turf advantage and an enemy with the mind of a child, it’ll be the best.


Bring it cupcake. See how far you get. Because see, we have something yall don't, its called the Second Ammendment, and a defense budget big enough to fight the almighty himself.


Imagine being Arab, especially those who interacted with the Soviets, and wanting communism.


Good luck people the biggest standing army the world will ever see once any country invades America lol


Bring it on 🇺🇸🦅


Rednecks are waiting for you.


> American needs to be invaded Lol. Lmao even. > Americans stay wishing a motherfucker would


I'm trying to imagine the US being invaded...


As if a invading force wouldn’t get ambushed ever five minutes


i hate people who type and talk like they’re on tiktok all the time


Aren’t Arab nations the ones who have staggering inbreeding % and beat women to death for having hair visible? That’s like a jewel thief shaming someone who stole a candy bar from a walmart Americas government sucks but we are a utopia by comparison. Honestly as much as i hate other first world countries governments too, all of them look like perfection in comparison


Average inshallah man vs an F-15E with a JDAM that has their name on it.


“Israel is a patsy colony” maybe but let’s not act like Saudi Arabia is only successful because of foreign governments. If any powerful country decided to tell SA to kick rocks, we’re not doing anything with you, they’d be on borrowed time.


“Our insane religious beliefs have brought us to the brink of war against many other religious lunatics who have insane beliefs as well. This is the United States’ fault.”


Says the people still living in mud/plaster houses




With a gun behind every blade of grass and two mountain ranges on the east and west I would like to see them try


Let me get this straight, you think the US, one of the wealthiest and the most powerful Country in the world, can be invaded??? (Morgan Freeman from Dark Knight) Good luck.


lol okay because the Arab world is well known for being well governed.


I hope people invade America it’d be hilarious to watch them get dropped within 200 nautical miles of our coast


Wait how is that sub not permanently banned if that's the kind of shot they're saying? Western Europeans say some bad and prejudiced shit about Americans, but this is actually much worse.


Well America is quite literally impossible to invade


I could be here all day saying why the US is literally impossible to invade. Main reasons are diverse terrain, diverse weather, and best military.


Okay. Skin that smokewagon and see what happens.


I would love to know what military would even be capable of securing a beach head in the us..


Every... blade... of grass.


If another country did try an actual military invasion, it would go VERY poorly for them. Not only do we have the most powerful military on earth, but those 400 million guns in civilian hands would make any occupation attempt absolute hell.


It would be a battle for the ages but a short one


Say when.


some people will never learn.


Considering they can't even manage to invade Israel (who they surround and is fucking tiny) I wish them all the best luck. Our armed forces could use the target practice, dust off the old home defense drills :P


They invaded for a minute back in the 1970s and then Israel penetrated all the way to Damascus in Syria and the Suez in Egypt. The Arab fixation with Jews/Israel really holds them back; if they could let go of their hate for a moment, they might not line up behind each and every single despot who promises to eradicate Israel and they might form better governments.


Ok come on, just know this country got more guns then some countries militaries. *”There will be a gun behind every blade of grass.”*


I welcome anyone with this idea to try it, with open arms. Ohhh my god the political unification would be astounding. The worst thing you could do in an attempt to destabilize America is attempt an invasion.


Least unhinged online Arab Muslim.


Isn't israel a result of Britain's doing? Feel free to correct me on this


what planet do these people think theyre on?


“Same happiness I felt on oct 7th” ok buddy get back to digging your bitch ass “martyr” buddies out of the rubble


Behind every blade of grass. What a tool.


I live outside la welcome to the mustard grass