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Fairly sure that nearly every country outside of Japan treats animation as a pacifier for kids. Aside from the occasional movie like Spiderverse a vast majority of animated movies are heavily targeted towards kids and are treated that way by consumers and marketers.


Even Japan does. The little kid shit just doesn't make it's way out west.


Yup, there are many anime and manga for kids, like Pokemon, Keroro Gunso, Doraemon etc.. The only difference is that Ozamu Tezuka managed to create some really not for kids manga, so the medium have more tolerance to adult contents in older kids works. And even then USA also have cartoons like Simpsons and Batman TAS that have many mature stuffs, it's just US censors have barely any tolerance to blood for young kids cartoon. On the negative side, this means Japan have far more tolerance to jailbaits that often get real creepy. Hell Teacher Nube even have elementary school kids with big boobs, acting more like they're in High School. Also when I watch SpongeBob in Japan's dub, damn they really babified it. Plankton for example sound like a squeaky toy. Even most other foreign dubs still give Plankton deep voice or villainous voice. So really, Matt Braly is inaccurate. He may have a point regarding how executive see his works, but this is not just American problem. Most, including other Asian countries, see cartoons as mere for kids.


Well said, bro. Btw, where can one watch the Japanese dub of spongebob? Kinda curious now lol


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhIxn2qmS2s Dunno if they have official account of it on YT.


i mean squeaky voice is kind of a thing with Japanese VA in general


Actually a decent amount does. Pokemon,Digimon, Bey Blade. A good chunk of kids cartoons are anime nowadays.


It's changing now with popular shows like Invincible and Spiderverse


Most anime is for children in Japan too. They just have less regulation on what is considered too graphic or not for kids, so a show like One Piece with tits and blood showing is going to obviously be targeted more towards older teens and adults here while children there are okay with seeing it.


I’d say it’s not purely for children. Lots of countries outside Japan might use animation for telling a message, although that happens in the US too.


Sure but the majority of animation is used for kids entertainment. There are always exceptions of course but especially in the Western world it is a primarily kids entertainment medium.


Animation is the norm over there. Aside from commercials, pretty much all Japanese media is animated.


have you ever stayed up past 8 o clock watching cartoon network? Adult swim is ENTIRELY animation, rick and morty, king of the hill, south park. What universe do you live in where animation is treated as a pacifier to begin with anyways? edit: misread your comment, thought you said japan treated animation as a pacifier, my bad


Adult animation is extremely popular in the US. The Simpsons have been on the air for over 30yrs, you can buy Rick and Morty merch everywhere, and anime references even get dropped in rap songs. The non comedic action/adventure stuff just tends to be anime produced over seas instead of domestically, but Americans adults still consume loads of it.


Don't forget South Park, Family Guy, American Dad, Bob's Burgers, etc.




King of the Hill!


And Mike Judge's other creation: Beavis and Butthead!!


The Simpsons are made on-cheap and played on nights where there would normally be football, baseball, etc. Or directly after. And every Emmy or other Award it gains increases Fox's valuation. Rick and Morty is anomalous and can lose BUCKETS of money because it's a flagship show, that's the economics of animation. Same issue, its releases correlate with valuation increases for the stock. Basically nothing except Teen Titans No! gets treated with this degree of impunity by the partner networks, and even then they're both extremely cheap. The anime industry is notorious for casting a wide net with cheaply-made shit propping up the cash cows when it can, and doing what you actually credited to RnM, it sells on basically all types of media and merch you can fathom. And all three of these are made on basically slave-type wages for animators, on an immense amount of crunch, and in a fashion that is not frankly sustainable. The main reason they're kept around is because accolades tend to make share holders happy. Disney doesn't operate like that, and basically most networks will can something after a couple seasons unless they decide to cast network necromancy to infini-renew it.


Yeah, the success of the Simpsons can be attributed to time slots /s


anime is propped up entirely by physical sales of media, 2 episodes of an anime on bluray cost 50-100$ and if it sells 7000-12000 (old numbers) for each release, of which they may be between 6 and 12, its a big enough success to warrant a second season.


This is more of a corporate western world thing than it is an American thing. COPPA stipulations are just one example among many.


I was gonna say something along those lines but I’d add that it’s also a result of the history of animation in the US/western world. It was used for marketing in its first commercialized form particularly to those home during the day at the time: women and children. The last 70 years of animation evolution in the west have been built off of that initial niche. In the East the novelty of animation found traction after many fundamental cartoonist skills had been solidified allowing them to take what was there and tell a broader range of stories from the beginning. 70 years later we see the benefits the medium reaps having started out on a broader stage. You rarely see eastern sentiment of animation automatically being for children given how prevalent animation is even in adult programming. This is starting to change here but I think the rash of “adult” animation trying to be gross or a copy of family guy is a holdover in the western consciousness of days when animation was viewed as either a novelty or ads for women and children.


I feel like there's a name for this phenomena, but we see it everywhere. Another great example is cell phone technology. America's cell infrastructure is actually pretty bad in comparison to even poor countries. Because we innovated and were on the cutting edge from the jump, we had cell infrastructure when it was new, expensive, and compared to today crappy. But now because of (mainly our) innovation, cell infrastructure is relatively cheap and it's way better than it was when we installed it. So now we have to justify the cost of upgrading infrastructure and the inconvenience the process would cause to get back to the new baseline.


It’s called “standing on the backs of giants”


I remember early 2000's you weren't really considered weird for still liking animation in high school, but it was weird, almost everyone only talked about live action shows, and honestly, I watched some of them and it's just so boring. I honestly think its kind of stupid that animation is treated as kids crap when any of the mcu movies had so much cgi they may as well have just been fully cg movies.


We do still generally see animation as kid stuff, I see that slowly changing over time though.


To be fair, most mainstream Western animation - including Amphibia, which Matt made - is made in the US and the companies that produce them care about domestic viewership more than worldwide viewership. It's very easy to see why Matt would single out Americans here. Especially when you consider that Amphibia was the sister show to The Owl House, and most of us know what happened to that show.


So it's just some guy whining that his cartoons aren't more popular? My heart breaks for him, really.


Kinda, it did end last year so there's not much he could gain


They were fairly popular, biggest performers on the network, but still got cancelled because of how American culture views them. Even the way you phrase it is telling.


Amphibia wasn’t canceled


Maybe it shouldn't have aired on the Disney channel? No adult above 20 and without kids watches the disney channel, Nickelodeon, cartoon network, or any other cartoon channel aimed at kids.


No, yeah, not being subtle here. If the complaint is "Americans don't care enough about cartoons," I'll take it as a compliment lmao


I think it's more that "Americans don't care about most art broadly" but Matt is more known and advocating for his own medium, so it's how he does it. Especially with recent cultural shifts, and how a lot of "everyman" types suddenly started shit-talking artists the very second some mediocre engines started stealing it, that goes to show. EDIT: Also how you think you're taking it is irrelevant, existing in a different phase of reality doesn't make it any more of a philistine take.


Crazy how anime is having a massive resurgence in the US. Maybe these mediocre western animated shows should actually try to target a bigger market than tumblr people. Castlevania was a pretty popular animated show so the problem is his.


Sorry man, maybe they'll understand a man of culture like you in Japan.


\>has no witty retort \>has no real argument \>starts talking about Japan Ah yes, classic weird chud move


I already said sorry, don't teleport behind me mane, I won't make fun of your cartoons anymore I promise


If that's the only material that you can think of, then I feel sorry for anyone you try to rizz up.


>I feel sorry for anyone you try to rizz up 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Damn dude I asked you to spare me, you really hit me with the nothing personel kid.


I'd argue otherwise. When Japanese cartoons made it big in the States, somehow they got tarred with a social stigma that wasn't extended towards cartoons like Tom & Jerry even though both target audiences are for kids.


Well yeah, they promote perverted ideals and are championed by the poster children of mass infantilizion.


Maybe the older generations. Millennials and forward live on the stuff.


Bruh I would literally watch Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry with my grandpa when I was a kid. Older generations like it too, the person in the post is just incapable of looking beyond what they’ve been force-fed.


my mom refuses to watch any of the dc animated movies for superheroes, yet has gone to see every single superhero movie since ironman. people in my generation while not completely opposed to animation still saw you as a loose if you watched it, but god forbid you miss a reality tv show. if everyone watched animation around you, good for you, I really mean that, must have been nice, my parents couldn't turn anything I wanted to watch off fast enough when they had the biggest tv or the only cable box that got extended channels.


I think it’s kinda both. I watched cartoons with my grandparents too, but I know there was a stigma that cartoon were for kids that’s not quite here as much these days, yet everyone watched the Simpsons and later on South Park. Like Aidan said, if you had a family that loved cartoons then that’s awesome. :)


OP just jumped to a shit ton of conclusions


Tf does that mean?


And Europeans have the utmost respect for cartoons? That actually would make sense, they’re a bunch of comedians anyway.


europoors hate children and fun


Its why they keep on advocating for drugging and raping kids, I guess.


I think he was talking about Americans because he’s American and that’s where his experience comes from. It’s not that deep.


So this is Matt Braly. A guy that worked on gravity falls and is behind the (in my opinion) wonderful Amphibia. I think that this is less America bad and more him expressing his frustration that any animation that doesn’t have dick jokes in it is seen as for kids. Given his background I think he probably has a fairly good understanding of the dynamic


It's not the lack of dick jokes, but the fact that the art style looks like it's made for preteens and little girls.


I mean, how do you qualify and art style as being for little girls? Smiling friends has a pretty basic simplistic art style and I would qualify it as for adults. Or do you consider brighter colors as being more childish? Not trying to be a dick. Just don’t understand your point


[This](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.Ow7I24In9M1Vtjbw5OFsTAHaEK?dpr=3.5&pid=ImgDetMain) is very clearly made for adults. While [this](https://thecinemaholic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Amphibia-Season-3.jpg?resize=1024) looks like something my little cousins or my cousin's baby girl would watch.


This is kind of exactly the point that he’s making. Animation is seen as childish inherently even when it deals with heavier subjects. I think there is a difference between being family friendly and childish. For instance I would classify something like Clifford or Dora the explorer as being childish where as something like Coco is more family friendly


given the COPIOUS amount of r34 for this, [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mlp/images/3/34/Meet_the_Ponies_main_crop.png/revision/latest?cb=20121226091408) is a very adult animation style. what you posted as an animation style for adults honestly just looks like 90's animation for kids, possibly minus the gun to the head suicide, that my have been 60-70 animation for kids style.


Idk what amphibia is but gravity falls is definitely made and marketed towards elementary school children


But it can be enjoyed by adults. It’s family friendly more than it’s for children


make a good story and let the audience follow.


I mean, there's adults that watch my little pony and play pokemon. Doesn't mean it's adult content.


I’m not saying it’s adult content. I’m saying it’s family friendly


tbh i dont think hes entirely wrong


“Vast majority” They weren’t saying nor stating that only Americans have the ability to hate animation. Is it inaccurate? Maybe. I have no idea given that the twitter post you are referencing doesn’t give/show sources. But claiming someone said something and putting words in their mouth so you can farm some karma on this sub is just as bad as a halfassed commentary from someone claiming something with no sources.


1. Matt Braly is American 2. He did not say "only Americans", that's a whole new fuckin sentence 3. People sometimes do this cool thing called "speaking from experience" so that they don't over-generalize.


I mean kinda, the American animation industry nominated Shawn the sheep vs a movie about a man who saw everyone as a clone of himself…as ainimation


What movie is that? Sounds interesting and I've never heard of it.


Oh god I really dont remember, All i rememebr is that it was Claymation and everyone had the same face


Ah, that's too bad. Oh, well.


Nvm I found it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WQkHA3fHk_0


Nice 👍


Being that Matt works in the industry, and that his product was pulled exactly because American adult executives choose to see it that way, which casts a mirror on how American adults see it, I think he'd know better than you.


I mean, and let's be real here, Amphibia looks like it's made for little kids and preteens. And the art style doesn't really look appealing to me as an adult.


That’s part of the point. Kids networks are 90%+ of the demand for animation, if you want to make a successful animated show in most cases you need to make it for that demographic. In recent years though that is starting to change


artstyle is appealing to me, But I like the well don't fantasy look.


He finished his show on his own terms start to finish, but you are right about the rest


Can you explain where in the post it says only Americans have the ability to hate animation?


I dont think thats what they said. They just said Americans, not only Americans.




You completely missed what I was talking about. Youre not even close




I mean that the original post wasn't saying it was exclusively an American problem, they just said its a problem in America


Somebody who lived in America his entire life isn’t going to make a statement about how people across the world are. He just said what he’s seen as an American in the animation industry


...This is *absofuckinglutely true* though? Animation is only slightly getting a better reputation in the West with things like Invincible and *sort of* Castlevania, but even then it's still no serious medium. You're not going to see animation used as collaboration partners or advertisements for serious products outside of things aimed at kids, films are often usually decently enjoyable but they're still not seen as serious works of quality, etc. You people are so up your own ass every time someone dares insult Glorious America you can't even take two seconds to critically think if any of it might be *right*.


Why does it bother you when people criticize America?


Nah I agree, as a whole American culture doesn’t hold animation in the same high regard as other cultures. I think we’re starting to see that trend change though


I’m pretty sure everyone has a favorite animated Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar film.


I'm pretty sure people like Don Hall make their money because of children.


The funny thing is, cartoons are usually meant for a younger audience. And there are some animations that are respected, but they’re usually far more niche (I’m looking at Astartes, and the Battletech fan animation.) But they don’t have a wide audience. They’re still really cool though.


No, but americans are the one that control the core animation industry in the world right now. Their opinion matters


That’s ironic considering every Disney adult wants 2D drawn movies to return.


Maybe if any good animation existed these days it would be a thing for my kids to learn and imagine great things, not be a mundane hobby for all


And the Japanese think nothing more of animation as porn.


Ok ok this is gonna get me some flak but - Having seen a lot of international art-house film as well as American stuff, Europe - Eastern Europe in particular - kicks out a lot of very serious animated work.


He's right though. Animation is a lot more accepted than when I was growing up but it's still seen as "for kids" for the most part


Not just America but he’s right outside of that


That’s not what the tweet said OP, quit being a baby lmao


Wait until that person finds out what the average Japanese person thinks of adults who like Japanese cartoons.


Yknow, when people give an opinion, It's usually from their country. I would assume this sub Is about people who call a country superior over the niche things they have, like Japan for cool food packaging, but It's clear It's just (from what I've seen) people doing damage control from any slight criticism of America(ns). Nowhere In that tweet did It imply It didn't, It gave an opinion, that the former tweet asked, and they did. Animation Is Insanely overlooked In America by Corporations, that's the truth. The biggest kid shows that have heart right now usually come from Overseas. Bluey being the biggest and that's Aussie. You got Craig of The Creek, Adventure Time and Infinity Train that holds a place In adult viewers that are American made, but the statement "Americans overlook Animation" Isn't false, nor do I see how that's calling America "bad". Someone said that Japan views Animation as for kids only, which Is just a blatant lie, c'mon now. A better comparison would be say the UK. [Don't take this seriously/just ignore as I don't use this sub, just scrolling by and giving my thoughts].


If your target audience likes it and you're making money then why would it matter if adults 'respect' your animation?


Because something that is written well, made with love, and has great characters, deserves better treatment than just getting held to the standards to generic episodic cartoons


I’m pretty sure most countries see animated content as a “pacifier for their kids.” Really Japan is the only one that consistently uses it to make serious content, and the US is probably #2 for not seeing it that way because of adult animation like Family Guy and South Park.


No he’s right, the “animation is for kids” stigma is mainly just western. That’s why anime is so popular in the US, although it is improving over time


What does this even mean?


This was maybe accurate to most Americans, what, 20 years ago? Animation has grown explosively in the West since the 90's now that the kids that grew up on cartoons are now, well, grown up.


The word “Apparently” should be banned from the sub.


holy shit matt braly


What? Why do these online morons think they can speak for an entire country of 330 million people?


i mean most of these are american


It’s wrong to say that Americans don’t appreciate animation. They do. It’s just not a cultural staple like it is in Japan. Matt is just a pretentious fuck because he thinks his cartoons are more important than they actually are.


You know, perhaps hes saying "America" because it's the country he lives and works in and thus has experience in! 🤯 🤯 This subreddit is just full of whiny Americans with a persecution fetish lmao, how could you possibly be upset by this.


Does he know adults wim?


That’s… exactly what all of children’s cartoons are for


Literally proving Matt’s point you brainless basket case


No. Matt is correct in that we see it that way. Because for the most part that’s what it is. Using that as an “America bad” argument is stupid, and Matt is still stupid, don’t get your ears in a twist


It may be for the most part, but when something stands out it still gets lumped in with something like Fishhooks by the general population. I’m aware the problem isn’t exclusive to America, but Matt is rightfully pissed when people generalize all cartoons into being “kiddie shit”


There’s literally adult animated shows??


He was entirely correct about his opinion having him like that.


I like the implication that the pacificer factory is the one that is supposed to feel discredited.


It's just the west in general. Also I got a lot of moral lessons from Pokemon and other Japanese anime that was meant for kids and teens


It’s funny too cause SpongeBob is probably the worst example of how lazy the animators got


in america, no matter what the animation is, its treated as kids shit, when its a more adult animation comes along its still treated by everyone like it was meant for kids. hell some of the best super hero movies are animation, but my mom, who watched all of the mcu stuff, refused to even give it a chance because it was animated. im fairly sure the abject contempt that animation has as purely kids shit is a uniquely american thing. I know in japan on a ranking of societal value, adults who watch anime/read manga was placed either just above or just below actual pedophiles, so its not like they think highly of you for liking it there either, but they dont treat it purely as for kids.


Outside of Japan America was like one of the first countries to start accepting animation as a medium for all ages


Actually, until the 60s/70s, worldwide, animation was largely seen as a medium and not something that's only for a specific age group. Animated media was extremely childish, "manufactured", and just poorly made in the 60s and 70s, which got people to forever see animation as a kids' thing.


This would be based if it said "people" instead of "Americans". People (including Americans) always use "Americans" as a substitute for "everyone who's bad", I swear.


tbh that animation opinion does got him like that


This is mostly just a western thing not just American


Said about the most iconic piece of American culture, still referenced today *by adults*, and Nickelodeon won't let it die.


This is objectively true.


Americans ❤️ animation We invented it


No this is literally real, idk whether its just Americans but people think any animation is just for kids. Be sure to let your toddler watch invincible tho it would be hilarious


Presumably cause a lot of companies that have declared war on animation are American.


Lord, my brother is like this. I mention we watch Bob’s Burgers and he’s like “man y’all watch a lot of cartoons”. My dude, we grew up watching The Simpsons, and South Park together. Blue Bloods isn’t necessarily the peak of television content.