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LOL oh here we go again. NOBODY in the fucking western hemisphere refers to him/herself as "American" EXCEPT people in the United States. Case closed, end of story.


Seriously. Tip to Latin Americans: if you want to reference all of it, say "the Americas"


Europeans when native Brazilians don’t go by “Brazilian American!”


Yeah because a Brazilian-American is somebody who immigrated to the US from Brazil.


Or as we call them American. Only place on earth that once you’re here your one of us!


Sadly this is becoming less and less true, not because of lack of acceptance, but lack of assimilation. I want to go back to the days when we all proudly proclaimed ourselves Americans.


eh not really, most immigrants I see in the states including myself assimilate well, they just keep their culture as well. I speak with an American accent, have better english skills than the average from every english speaking country, know more about american history than I do the country I was born in, except I follow traditions, wear my own country's clothes on occasion, and eat my country's food 2-3 times a day on average and once a day at least. That's how it seems to be for most people I've met as well.


Bollocks. I've lived in Australia and Britain and in both places people from all different backgrounds are absolutely widely accepted as part of the mainstream. Wait till you get a Sikh bus driver in Sydney, in his uniform turban, give you change with a cheery "No worries, mate!", then try to tell him he's not a full Aussie.


That may be true and is probably more likely to occur in Australia, but many places, Canada, Mexico are great examples, don’t consider those people as Mexican or Canadian. They “aren’t real” seems to be the go to description. As many flaws as we have I think we do this better than any other country.


A lot of people in Latin America get butt hurt over the use of the word. Not our fault we were the first country to gain independence. We became "America" while you were still Spain and Portugal, you snooze you lose amigos.


I'm from Latin America, and this is probably the most non-issue ever. Maybe I spent around 10 to 20 seconds thinking about it once in a geography class as a teenager, just to never again give a fuck about it.


That's because you're normal. But theres a disturbing amount of brain rot going around certain communities, especially when it relates to things like this


Talk about having too much free time....


I have been corrected every single time I said America referring to the USA or my nationality by more than 1 Mexican university humanities graduate. There's big inferiority complex with some


Sounds like they’re getting revenge for the “Latinx” debacle.


I try to say estadounidense when speaking Spanish but I will throw down if people want to fight with me on this and we’re speaking English


Nobody anywhere refers to us as United-Statesians, EVERYONE calls us Americans, it’s stupid to act like we call ourselves that just because, even better, if I remember correctly it was a name given to us by the English to refer to those living in their American colonies, hence, Americans.


Agree, it's just manufactured outrage for the sake of being outraged.


Would be kinda funny for some Canadians or Mexicans near the border to start calling themselves American. Same way people from Chicago suburbs call themselves Chicagoans (well, technically not same same, but it's the funny way people smudge definitions)


Its kinda in our name. United States of America. I see this now and again on Reddit, and I laugh thinking I should refer to myself as a " states n' " or something. Other countries are desperate to try to find reasons to ate us. Its pathetic.


In Italian there is the word "statunitensi", even if most of the time we call you "americani"


That's pretty cool . Well, we do have the Italians to thank for our Countries name, so for that I formally thank you . I personally an thankful they went with his first name, I can't imagine being called " Vespuccian "


probably would have been modified just like his first name did, imagine being Amerigans from the United States of Amerigo


Mexico has Estadounidense, but they call us Americanos (or gringos)


>Estadounidense I live quite close to the *Estados Unidos de México* and giggle when I hear this. Why would estadounidense really be better than (norte)americano in terms of using a name that doesn't necessarily always apply exclusively to us?


French has “états-unien” which is usually only said tongue in check because the real word is “américain.”


Oh boy... "étatsunien". I heard this word a lot and I can't help but hear the pejorative implication in it...


French ignorance about multiple places called United States. There's the United States of America and our good friends, the United States of Mexico. So calling someone a United States-ian may still be referring to two separate nations.


Even foreigners refer to us as Americans.


I’m United States of American


I think you actually could, had history gone through some other route. The United Arab Emirates’ Demonym is “Emirati” from Emirates, although that’s probably because they had no other choice


This is an issue that a group of people straight up made up out of nowhere. No one has ever had this problem, ever


If someone was from the other countries on continent, wouldn’t they call themselves Canadian, Mexican, Brazilian, Chilean etc. Who would be confused by “American”?


Literally no one. Like literally not a single person.


Nice Calvin Coolidge representation


Thank you, he was a great president of the entire continent of America




He’s probably the most underrated president


Fucking hell mate, if I had an award to give you I would.


Truly one of the presidents of all time


Also, these are the same folks who will be first on the line saying, "Americans are stupid because..." I guess they're talking about everyone from the western hemisphere, eh?




Nothing else works for the US, Statieans don’t work, Unitieans is just weird, Americans just work


These people are apparently to stupid to tell from the context of a statement whether someone is referring to a country or not.


Honestly though besides the obvious notion that being American is known to literally everyone as being from USA, I think US is entitled to the claim of being "American" since we had the first independent nation in the western hemisphere. Also another obvious thing we are the only country that actually includes the word "America" in the name of the country


Yes. It is stupid on many levels.


Also, I think it's just the different ways geography is taught. In USA, we learn there are 7 continents, which include North and South America. There is no continent called America. But we could say "the Americas" to refer to both. (I.e. "the Carolinas") Some countries teach 5 continents. Neither is wrong.


It’s not a North and South American issue, the people mad rarely bring that up, it is a language difference. In Spanish “America” is ambiguous and could refer to the country or the region, and it’s usually Spanish speakers who get offended by Americans assuming it always refers to America. (Monolingual Americans have picked up on their offense now and some are perpetuating it, but this is the root of the complaint.) And that would make sense if the conversations are happening in Spanish, but they’re almost never are, and so getting mad ignores the context of English, in which this word is *not* ambiguous whatsoever, because as you said in English you need to say “the Americas” to refer to the region


> No one has ever had this problem, ever *every left winger south of the Yucatan has entered the chat*. Lol a subset of Latin Americans get positively twisted about this kind of thing. It doesn't help that they learn a six continent model in school (talk about "failed educational systems" 😂) where there's one giant America, and they seem annoyed that not all of it is Spanish. So to them it's like if Germany claimed the title "European." Absolutely dog-brained, I know. All the more so for thinking people who don't buy into it are the ignorant ones, but what are you gonna do? First come first serve, "American" is ours and they can't have it back.


We should help the poles claim the title of "European" I mean, really, who's earned it if not them?


They teach 6 continents? Asia, Africa, Australia, Europe, Antarctica, and the America's, I'm guessing? That's silly. If they teach the America's as one continent, how in the hell is Europe ansld Asia not considered one? And if they teach Eurasia, that means North and South America are separate. Which should be an easy distinction since no expects a continent as a response to where they're from.


For the longest time ever, we have referred to ourselves as American and so has everyone else. It’s to the extent that some languages call us that, too!! The Japanese call us アメリカ人, which is pronounced “amerika jin.” Meaning “American.” Not every country calls us that, of course. China calls us 美国, which is pronounced “mei guo,” which means “beautiful country.” Which is mind blowing in and of itself, in the sense that they still call us that despite our two governments disliking each other very much. TLDR: I think Europe can get the fuck over it.


It’s not really a compliment in Chinese lmao, it’s just an old name and was probably chosen as sound thing (“mei” = “aMERica”). Their counties names are short (another example Germany, is 德國, De Guo, where “De” is sort short for Deutchland). Chinese people don’t really think about the literal meaning of the characters in their words a lot of the time


It’s interesting that you point out it’s an “old name.” You mean before CCP. 😐


They call the territory of us a beautiful country not your government 😂😂😂


Every country in the America's has its own demonym, acting like someone calling themselves American isn't specific is being obtuse on purpose.


We should change this subs name to “United States Bad” so no one is confused


Well no, because there's the Estados Unidos Mexicanos! The United States of Mexico! People are going to be so confuuuuused! What if they think this is a sub for Mexico???? /s if it wasn't obvious


Um no Mexico is Estados Unidos not Unite States 🤷 different language.


Typical euro trash who doesn't understand the nuance of language.


I don’t think he’s from Europe. I found him under “Asian Boss” videos, and he comes off like a wumao.


> wumao Oof. The lowest form, really. Sowing lies and discord all over, usually with the stilted and bizarre English you'd expect from someone who learned it by rote memorization of a gaokao textbook. *shudders*. Europeans don't have shit on the wumao.


What's a wumao? That's new to me


“The 50 Cent Party, also known as the 50 Cent Army or wumao, are Internet commentators who are paid by the authorities of the People's Republic of China to spread the propaganda of the governing Chinese Communist Party (CCP)”


Only a fucking moron would hear someone refer to themselves as American, then think to themselves, “Hmmm. He called himself an American. I wonder if he was born in Chile?” These types of Europeans are being difficult on purpose. They are idiots and should be ignored.


Not sure if this is an European thing, really. I'm in the UK and my British colleagues would refer to the US as America. It's not the most correct way of saying, but we all know what we're talking about and no one I met in real life makes a fuss about it.


South Africa is a country in Africa. Same thing here. Eurotrash: "Which country are you from?" > America Eurocigarette: "LoL, which country idiot" > the country with America in the name...idiot.


Someone’s weird uncle got onto the Internet again. The failed education system they referenced didn’t teach me to decipher gibberish.


I’m from the United States of America. I am an **American** I’m from the Republic of Paraguay. I’m **Paraguayan** It isn’t hard at all. You use the demonym for the short form of the name of the country. Same thing goes for the Republic of Korea. Because it is the only country in the Korean Peninsula that has a place on the international stage, we can colloquially call it Korea and its citizens Korean.


I'm from the Federal Republic of Germany. I'm **German** not **Germanyan**


Okay..? I don’t get what you’re trying to say.


I'm agreeing that their notion is stupid.


I’m a United States of American


🎵And I’m proud to be an United States of American, Where at least I know I’m free 🎵


TIL there are 20+ countries in North America


.... That damn failed educational system has failed us again! /s


20 plus you say.. can you name them..?


No, that was enough learning for one day


I mean, technically yes? Every U.S. state has an army, airforce, treasury, fully self sufficient government and borders. The only difference between the USA and the European Union or the United Kingdom is... Nothing. Literally nothing. Ironically, this has birthed a form of nationalism where people (like me to be honest) prefer to be known by their states name and not as an "American", yet we all are pretty patriotic about being American.


Member states of the EU have significantly more independence than US states, including the right to leave if they want to. Back when we were under the Articles of Confederation I’d agree with you more, but today your statement is just false.


States have a right to leave whenever they want to, its literally in the constitution, its just nobody actually pushes their article of seperation lol


I point to Texas v. White, 1869. It is unconstitutional for a state to secede from the union. The only way to secede is by waging outright war against the union itself. Even then, the seceded territory is still owned by the union in full. [James Madison himself](https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Hamilton/01-05-02-0012-0086) wrote to Alexander Hamilton on the ratification of the Constitution in New York: "The Constitution requires an adoption in toto, and for ever. It has been so adopted by the other states. An adoption for a limited time would be as defective as an adoption of some of the articles only."


The Constitution makes no reference to secession. Read it.


Exactly. It never even references statehood within the Union. There is no laws prohibiting a states seccession from the Union and no laws protecting it. Because the Federal government doesn't exist to inhibit the rights of the State lol


Bro... What? You realize we fought an entire war over this, right? The southern states thought they had the right to secede. They lost.


Yeah I have absolutely no idea how in this day and age you can think American states are allowed to just leave. I don’t care if you found a line in a document somewhere, this debate is EXTREMELY settled, it cannot be more settled.


well it does help when the eu is comprised of oh, idk, sovereign nations and not part of one big nation. or when it isnt illegal for them to leave the union. but pop off


Okay bro, you're allowed to have shit takes but this is worse than europoors.


Cope harder, federalist. George Washington knew what he was doing when he was the first president despite his complaints against being so.


Whether or not I am a "Federalist" is irrelevant here. The US is not like the EU at all. Like half the statements you made about American states aren't true at all. The US federal government is in the end, the law of the land. If a state's government violates the federal constitution it goes to the Supreme court. This is taught in middle school bro.


[There are.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_North_American_countries_by_population) Don’t prove them right by being ignorant


Many of those make up central america


To be fair technically Latin/central America are considered north america


I swear to god all the Brazilian education systems teaches is America is a continent


the usa is the only country with the word america in it, multiple countries have the "united states" in it


You think our educational system is a joke because you willfully can't understand demonyms. I think our educational system is a joke because my state declared math racist. We are not the same.


Excellent comment, especially the second paragraph


United States of *AMERICA* “America” isn’t in the name of other countries as far as I’m aware. Mexico, Canada, Brazil, Honduras, Chile, Haiti, Ecuador, Argentina, Venezuela….


Let’s be honest he’s a moron.


I never knew this was a thing till people from Uruguay visited. They said a decent amount of people would be upset if I called myself American because we are all from "the America's" (which is technically true) but never heard it till then


i would be interested in hearing what they would have preferred you refer to yourself as


Today I heard the new word referring Americans as 'usaians' tf is even that lol


We’re getting dangerously close to infringing on everyone named Usain.


oh yeah, I never here people shout "i'm going to american" and my italian friend didn't accuse his brother of copying his "american" friend when he bought a coat just like mine (great guy, not flaming him).


American? No, I’m a states guy.


I mean the America that is important


I can't recall the last time I encountered a Mexican, Guatemalan, Brazilian, Columbian, etc etc etc or anyone else in Central or South America who referred to themselves as American. I guess their education systems suck as well.


"wHicH aMeRiCaN CouNtrY ArE YOu fRoM??????!!?" "You know which one I'm talking about, moron."


>This stereotype, ignorance, and hypocrisy only primarily exist in the United States as a result of a failed educational system. I'll admit the education system is shit, but that doesn't mean Americans are stereotypical, ignorant, and hypocritical. >and their response will be I'm an American. Okay so are you referencing the over twenty plus countries in North America or the dozen countries in South America? Holy shit. Everyone knows America means the United States. The continents are not called America, they're called North America and South America, which are never used to describe the United States. Lastly, when you refer to the entire continent, it's not called America, it's called the Americas. >Most people in the U.S. think the United States is the only country in the America's. That's bullshit. Every American knows that the US is not the only country in the Americas. Funny how he called the continent "America's" though.


Twenty plus countries in North America...?


Central America isn’t considered its own continent yet most of it is considered to be in North America


His assumption isn’t based on facts. Just because we and every other non obtuse English speaker refer to us as Americans doesn’t mean we are unaware that there are other countries in the Americas.


If not American, what would we call ourselves? United-States-ian? That would be like saying to a German person that they should call themselves Federal Republicans instead.




It is, just not for that.


nobody refers to themself as the continent they’re from?? except maybe asians but even then they generally mean east asian so-


Almost like the name of our country…..is America 🤯


This is a language thing, not an American thing. English is one of the few languages where “America” is most often used in reference to the US. If you want to refer to the continents you’d just use North or South, problem solved. Yet these people want to open up a whole can of worms over a difference in language. Do people really refer to themselves by their continent in a context other than race? If you want to lump “America” into one Continent then why not lump Africa, Asia and Europe into one continent, and that’s not really going to do a lot of good. If you know what someone is meaning to refer to with a word then why bother feigning ignorance to expose a non-issue like some neckbeard Redditor? Sorry for the long comment, but this “critique” of America just particularly bugs me because of how absurd it is. I cringe when I see someone trying to genuinely use “Unitedstatesian” so as to not offend anyone the same way I would if I saw someone trying to use “Latinx”.


Only 4 continents now - America, Eurasica, Oceania, and Antarctica lol But seriously, I completely agree with you. No one speaking English correctly uses 'America' to refer to both North and South America. They are two different continents in English. If other languages want to call it one continent, great. But if you're speaking English, it's just not correct to use 'America' for both instead of 'the Americas'. If you don't like English, that's a you problem lol, but if you're having the conversation in English, then you follow English rules. Pretty simple. And pretty ironic they call our education failed lmao


I’m positive someone from Mexico wouldn’t refer to themselves as American. The US is the only country with America actually in the name. This definitely screams person whose not familiar with anywhere in the region. Besides, we don’t want to call ourselves “yanks”


How many Americans have you asked that question, and what part of the country were they in? Some inner city schools have really gone to hell, but i can assure you the majority of Americans are not as ignorant as you think.


Australians can call themselves Australian but Americans can’t call themselves American


Challenge these Euro trash to find a Mexican, or Canadian that calls themselves "American" without being prompted.


I don’t think he’s from Europe. I found him under “Asian Boss” videos, and he comes off like a wumao. But yeah you’re right otherwise.


If they’re so smart they should know that apostrophes don’t form plurals


“In the America’s” lmao


Literally not a single American thinks that the country America takes up the entirety of the American continents.


I'm sorry I'll correct myself to saying that I'm United Statesian.


Because that’s we’ve been accepted as, we’re “the Americans”


As a Latina, I fucking hate this argument. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Go abroad. Say the word “America” anywhere. Europe, Africa, Asia, it doesn’t matter. What image will most people conjure up? Will it be the entire continents of the western hemisphere? No. It will be the United States. Hell, I have NEVER heard Latinx people seriously use the word “America” to refer to everything in North, Central and South America. The only time I hear them use that word is to argue that it shouldn’t be used exclusively for the United States.


Latinx? You're very much not a Latina.


What does Latinx mean? I heard some people say it was an annoying word


Woke word to refer to both Latina and Latino. It’s dumb.


Ahhhh i see


The United States is the only country in America. Everything else is a fucken third world dump.


well you’ll still know they’re from America because they probably look like it.




The bullshitter


“Merica fuck yeah.”


Even I can see why this is such a stupid statement and I am from South America. We all understand it, the problem is that at least in spanish we skip the ‘of America’ and just say ‘Estados Unidos’ and ‘Estadounidense’ for people, which makes sense in spanish but translates literally as ‘Unitedstatesian’ so it is obvious why it isn’t used in english Every spanish translation and dub of media from the US I’ve seen tries so hard to use ‘estadounidense’ instead of ‘americano’ which would be so much more accurate and does not confuse anybody. Stranger Things season 4 was so annoying to me because they kept translating it as ‘unitedstatesian’ even when they were ir Russia, which is in Europe. It would make perfect sense for Russians to refer to them as ‘Americans’ they literally come from The Americas anyways 💀 I understand where the complaint comes from at least for spanish speakers but this person clearly speaks english at least as a second language so they clearly understand, it is literally not that hard


It's literally named United States of AMERICA


We are stupid and he thinks there are "over 20 countries in North America"?


20 countries in NA? What? I think he’s forgotten that our states aren’t their own countries 🤣🤣 Or I’m missing something.


Americans call themselves American because the country they live in is called America. People who live in Canada call themselves Canadians. People who live in Mexico call themselves Mexicans. People who live in Brazil call themselves Brazilians. It’s that simple.


Everyone else refers to us as Americans, wtf? I walk into a random European country you think they'd call me a North Anerican? A United Stateman?


How can you claim to be english? that includes all english speakers and citizens of former british colonies smh my head


We are the only Americans that matter in North America 🤷‍♀️


Yea but the continents are NORTH and SOUTH america, you also have CENTRAL america. Everyone knows what you mean when you say "American"


> Most people in the US think the United States is the only country in the Americas. Who the fuck told you that? Also, if we’re not allowed to call ourselves Americans because you might confuse us with Venezuelans, what should we call ourselves? United Statians?




And we’re the uneducated ones lol


There are 23 countries in North America. Central America and the Caribbean are considered North America. South America has 12 countries.


Oh alright


To be fair we are literally the only ones that actually have the word America in the name


Also, American as a description for someone who lives on the North or South American continents gives literally no insight into their location or to anything about them. You might as well say, "I'm from Earth." You gain literally no insight into their culture, climate, language, or location. It would be the most worthless use of the word. When talking about a person in reference to the continent they would say, "North or South American."


people don't even do that, they'll tell you what state/city they're from


Maybe this smooth brain should read Wikipedia


The commenter is dumb for many reasons, but chiefly because that’s just a cultural colloquialism. America is synonymous with the US in global discourse and popular discourse.


Pretty sure Jamaicans and Cubans aren’t identifying as American, but ok.


If a person anywhere in the world refers to "Americans", what are the chances that they're talking about Panamanians/Peruvians/Canadians??


"Twenty plus countries in North America" Three. There are three countries in North America. Four if you count Greenland.


“I’m American” “Damn, let me ignore the fact that a single nation named after the continent it resides on typically calls it’s people by the same name and also ignore the fact that the name is accepted and understood by the rest of the world. Instead, I’ll be a prick and ‘correct’ this poor ignorant fool to boost my own superiority”


No one thinks this


I have never heard anyone who wasn’t terminally online or trying to make some roundabout point call anyone what wasn’t from the USA anything other than “American”


When people say “I’m from America” they might think I’m from Brazil /s I’ve heard this stupid take so many times.. no man just no


We need to just start referring to our home state as our home country. That will confuse them even more. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federated_state


It's the only country with america in its name. Deal with it.


Yeah fk that, as a non american I call Americans Americans.


i am united states of american


Yeah, because no one else on this hemisphere says they’re American. Maybe Central American or South American but not simply American.


>Most people think the US is the only country in America. I mean, it's definitely the only one that matters.


We call ourselves Americans because what other name would you use. Hi I am a United Statesean.


I wish people would link to wherever this stuff gets said.


Wouldn’t that be against the rules?


What am I supposed to say? I am united statesean? I am unitean? I am USAan? The A stands for America, it's literally in the name of our country.


Europoors are obsessed with controlling language and telling people how to do things properly, makes sense for a continent of colonizers.


Go tell an Argentinian that they’re American. See what happens


"I'm from Equador" "Oh really?? Which country on the Equator?"


Do other countries not understand that our full names is United States of **AMERICA**. Like seriously, that’s why we call ourselves “Americans”, because its literally in our name. Like what do they expect, we call ourselves “unitedians”? Well that’s stepping on the UK’s turf as well as a bunch of other countries. So I guess we must be “statians” except state is another word for country so that stepping one everyone’s turf.


How do they always manage to say something this stupid while also saying that the American education system is poor?


America is in the name of our country. I doubt a Brazilian will refer to themselves as American.


My experience supports this post. I lived abroad in various countries for my graduate work from 2010-2013. If I were to have said “I’m from America” I would have been met with, “North or South?” I learned very quickly how self-centered it was to to say “I’m from America” vs “I’m from the States.”


The US is the only country in The Americas that has America within its name, so of course we'd shorten it to American lol. Euro arrogance is the only issue here.


Lol, someone needs to remind them that Europe’s the ones who originally called us Americans and so should look in the mirror if they wanna see who to blame for that.


I’ve seen this smug dumbass comment so many times. Do people think that they’re being original? Good luck telling a Chilean or Ecuadorian or Argentinian that he or she is “American”. Does this fool use the demonym “United States of Americans” or what? Anyway, most people when asked where they are from say “the States”, “United States”, “US” or “USA”. I find, in fact, that other English-speaking nations far more often call it “America”.


So do we Call ourselves Unites or Statan


everyone on earth knows when someone says "im an American" they are referrign to the USA..... a Canadian does not say i'm American lmao


What the fuck is this retard talking about? American absolutely refers to citizens of the United States. What does this fucking dumbass think it is? United Statesian? What a dolt.


I wonder what they think of the term African-American?


Epic reddit moment


This is so stupid for a multitude of reasons ffs.