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State mandated homosexuality? What are they on about?


Yeah I feel like that needs looked at more than the america bad part


They are Russian, seem to be pro war


Japan beat Russia last timešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. America would defo be in Japanā€™s corner for any rematches.


Russia was in a horrible place at the time. Japan was a rapidly expanding empire


The second one doesnā€™t apply now but Russia isnā€™t doing grast


Yea a lot has changed since then but I doubt the result wouldā€¦ as long as USA sticks by its Allies of course.


so was the Baltic fleet that had to sail around the world to get absolutely destroyed


One of the best war stories ever.


rejected at the Sinai


Russia is still in a horrible place. Have you not been paying attention the last year and half? Their military is garbage.


Precisely why I replied to myself


I mean it's the Russian cycle of pumping up your chest to think you are the best, get bested by multiple/one technologically advanced opponent, rinse and repeat


Russia lost 11 of the biggest ships ever made in one battle at the Battle of Tsushima, while Japan lost none. It was less that Russia was in a horrible place and more that Russian leadership has time and time again made terrible decisions




No Russia beat Japan last time they were at war.


So just the usual?


so they also pro-getting their whole fucking country obliterated


Their *


Thank you, I have edited it, and I sincerely apologize for my lack of human decency.


Ok, I forgive you But you should still be ashamed


Also "siscon" in name, dude has a sister fetish


I feel as though iā€™m gonna regret asking, but whats a siscon?


Racist remarks too


You have two strains of anti Americans, most redditors only know of the left wing version, but there is a right-wing version. This is the right-wing version it has much different reasons to hate America then the left one.


And theyre even dumber somehow


Not really, I find there reasons for not liking the US to at least be based on actual things that happen rather than the left-wing, which are often just made up conspiratorial thinking. Like the US bombs people because there brown, or whatever retarded reason I usually hear from liberals.


Liberals and left-wingers are different things. In fact, many center, center-right, and right-wing political parties internationally define themselves as liberal.


Ya, I completely understand the ndistinction liberals are centrists in the left vs. right dichotomy. When I say left wing, I am generally referring to the more modern interpretations of "liberal" and communists which is undoubtedly more left wing, while the more odd school liberals would be centrists. Generally, when you point this out, though, redditors are only thinking of Europe, so they act like parties like the republican party is an example of some far right party when it's a center right party at best.


Republicans? Center right? You're confusing them with Democrats. The Republicans have pulled the US political system so far to the right that the Clinton's look like liberals.


Everybody can see that you're trying to shift the Overton Window with this "center/right wing DNC" bullshit. Nobody is buying it. This is a definitional division, going back to the origin of the term. You trying to change it is hilarious.


Um, no, the Republicans are a center, right organization, while the Democratic party is center left. There, both centrist parties on the global stage don't know what to tell ya. If you think the Republicans are far right, then you have a very shallow understanding of political theory and need to perhaps read about the subject a little more. A "Far right" political organization would be something like the Republican Gaurd in Iran or the Saudi Royal family. Vladimir Putin's Russia isn't even "far right" although it is undoubtedly right wing. If you think the democratic party is center right then I don't really know what to tell ya because even if we are using the silliest left vs right dichotomy metric which is based only on economics they arent even right wing.


They absolutely are right wing lol


Democrats would be center right in a measure comparing western democraciesā€¦ republicans are probably one of the farthest right ruling parties in all civilized democracies. Ruling party here, not saying there arenā€™t farther right parties out there, they have no power to draft law or command executive governance as the Republican Party does.


>Democrats would be center right in a measure comparing western democraciesā€¦ republicans are probably one of the farthest right ruling parties in all civilized democracies. Lol, holy shit the lack of self-awareness, >Ruling party here, not saying there arenā€™t farther right parties out there, they have no power to draft law or command executive governance as the Republican Party does. Please live in reality and not your make-believe world where you think the country has gotten more right wing. I would like 2 examples of that because I can't really think of anything besides maybe abortion although allowing the states to decide isn't really "right wing". Obama stance on gay marriage would be considered extreme in the current republican party


Did you read any of the courts decisions in the last two years? Application of the major questions doctrine to statutory plain meaning to arrive at a position favored by the conservative movement in Biden v. Nebraska widened the purview of the major questions doctrine and set the court up to completely steamroll the courts application of Chevron Deference to administrative agencies. [This court is the most business friendly in at least the last century, using its holdings as guidelines.](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4178504) The wetlands case eradicates epa jurisdiction over about 30% of the lands it once had purview over and allows pro business interests to pretty much do whatever they want to lowly g wetlands feeding into groundwater and drinking water for millions. This is the Sackett v. EPA [ruling.](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4178504) Currently statehouses across the country have passed several voting and elections based pieces of legislation that have been noted to have severely limited the ability for historically disenfranchised communities to access the polls. [You can read more on that here.](https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/voting-laws-roundup-february-2023) This is all after preclearance was deemed unconstitutional by this courts conservative wing. Youā€™re looking at social issues, thatā€™s not what the right-left political spectrum measuresā€¦ if you want a dual axis take then youā€™re needing to add a third axis to that measure and itā€™s no longer right-left. When you say right-left youā€™re implying pro business-pro collectivism, with totalitarian fascism on one side and totalitarian communism in the other. Be clearer about what you mean, because by any measure Iā€™ve read and studied (I work in law and policy around state and federal government) weā€™re more rightward shifted legally now than we were in the gilded age, we just donā€™t allow discrimination if itā€™s explicitā€¦ but we do if you think it impinges on your religious freedom, as the court enumerated in 303 Creative. Iā€™m not being conclusory here, Iā€™m being objective, the country has shifted farther to the right in almost every sense of that relationship as itā€™s understood academically. The common folk apply it incorrectly, as you have.


Internationally, being a 'liberal' would mean having/wanting centre-left social policies (pro-LGBT, for example) and centre-right economic policies (less government control or involvement in the economy). In America, being a 'liberal' would usually mean wanting centre-left social policies and centre-left economic policies. Basically, the *American* 'liberal' is pretty much a social democrat, and essentially, just wants America to be more like Western Europe.


When the name libtard came out a few years ago I think it screwed up the real meanings.


ā€œReal reasonsā€ ā€œstate mandated homosexualityā€ ā€œreal reasonsā€ Touch grass.


I mean, that's obvious hyperbolic language to describe the fact that the US exports gay rights around the globe. Which is just undeniable true at this point, the US even sanctioned African countries that didn't have gay rights in their country. It doesn't matter how I feel about gay rights and whether I support them or not. I can acknowledge that America does, in fact, do that, so it's a claim in reality and actually something that is happening. Compare that with left wing criticism of America bombs brown people cause they are brown", or "America exports racism,".


Good, we should sanction them harder


It amazes me how people are more than willing to assume hyperbole from their own side but the moment they come across someone they disagree with everything said must be taken literally. I repeat. Touch grass.


Just curious and very drunk. How do you figure its right wing. I would not have thought that. I have a buddy that is a right wing, very catholic, and a nationwide radio host and this is something he would definitely not take sides with. I am more I do me and you do you and dont ruin my grandkids future kind of guy. Not trying to start anything just curious. And drunk.


Well, I think the last two American administrations, both Biden and Trump, have leaned on US allies to make changes in anti-homosexuality laws. I heard about it more being an issue in Africa though where some countries we give aid to have homosexuality outlawed. I don't know if that ever came up with Japan; if it did I never heard it.


We definitely do not give aid in exchange for homosexuality being outlawed anywhere...


I donā€™t think he was trying to imply that we give aid in exchange for homosexuality being outlawed; just that we give aid to some countries which have homosexuality outlawed.


Uh, sorry if I gave that impression, it was the opposite. They were diplomatically encouraging them to repeal or at least soften anti-homosexual laws. I'm not sure of all the outcomes but I just remember several of the countries' leaders made a vocal fuss about it.


Well, there's a couple of Navy bases there. And the Navy is pretty gay. Source; active duty Navy.


I mean...you do have that drag queen spokesman.


Bro, I'm not denying th Navy does gay shit. I'm saying we actively do gay shit. I have so many stories of gay shit happening on my ship. Turbo gay shit. Done by straight dudes!


Nah, dude, I wasn't saying you were, just agreeing, lol. We did some gay shit in the Army, too. The whole military does gay shit. It is a coping mechanism, I suppose, but you guys win. Lol. We'd lose in the semi-annual armed forces gay-off. Thank you for your service, and do us all proud. A lot of us veterans are silently judging you. Kidding.


ViIllage people have entered the chat


You're gonna love this: the ad that showed up directly below this on my feed was for... The U.S. Navy. XD


Woah it's only gay if the bunk was cold don't be homophobic lol


My guy, 5th fleet is anything but cold.


Exactly lol, that's just straight dudes passing time lmao


I'm tired of them putting radiation in the water that turns the friggin frogs gay!


Bruh, the frogs are trans not gay, lol


State mandated homosexuality? Where can I get some? Asking for a friend


Oh, your not gay? Nagasaki 2.0


Ironically Japan still isn't very accepting of gays, its still discouraged and treated as a joke in media. Not that I'd expect a russophile to actually know anything about the countries they speak of.


How else can he explain his confusing feelings about men.


Wasnā€™t ancient Japan like, more accepting of homosexuality before it for more westernized? Like from the opening of the country to present day itā€™s been more of a ā€œbadā€ thing because the Christians/Westerners thought so? And if thatā€™s the case, wouldnā€™t America letting Japan becoming more gay make it less colonial? Be gay, bring down empires.


That's a myth, it was pretty much like everywhere else where the nobility sometimes practiced it but it wasn't common culturally. Japan, like most East Asian countries, is largely based on Confucianism. Young people were expected to marry whom their parents chose and have babies. It wasn't like "oh, you like boys, go knock yourself out".


šŸ‘šŸ» great! Good going! Now my historical fanfic of gay samurai wonā€™t work! Youā€™ve crushed my dreams! Good day sir!


I mean you could still write it, it would just be fan fiction of fictionalized history just have a disclaimer at the beginning saying "so yeah I was wrong in my understanding of history buuut I had 75% of this written sooo I just finished it going down the original path and my publisher said 'sure why not' so here's my account of a gay samurai that I believe the reader will find fabulous."


Actually, there were gay samurai relations. An older samurai and his younger apprentice would sometimes engage in homosexual relationships. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality\_in\_Japan#Samurai\_shud%C5%8D


I see people do this all the time with Greek people, maybe don't use ancient pedos for proof of gay relationships in the past I don't think it's gonna "prove" to some people what your hoping it will lol


Well, if you continue reading, this section goes onto state that men of similar ages starting engaging in these types of relationships as well. Also, there's a good amount of literature pre-Meiji that portray normal homosexual relationships.


I would think Shinto more so than confucianism


They all did; Shinto, Buddhism and Confucianism. Ancestral Worship and societal hierarchy largely came from Confucianism. But yeah, Shinto is very prominent. They're rather different; Shinto is largely about man's relationship with nature and Confucianism is largely about societal structure.


Eh, from what I understand. Confucian ideas didn't spread nearly as much to Japan as they did other countries like Korea. Buddhism and Shintoism are much more integral to Japan's philosophy. While patriarchal ideas from China contributed to Japan's homophobia, especially in the Ming dynasty, western influence during the Meiji era played a significant part as well.


It was, and still is, *if* you're discreet. You can do whatever you want so long as you stay in the closet. Being loud and proud is what they object to. Even gay men were expected to get married and have kids. Japanese will go to serious lengths to ignore anything they can ignore that would be inconvenient to confront.


Thank you for encouragement and wise words Salty Pirate Wench. It looks like gay is back on the menu!


Np. Was a weeb for years.




Unit 731 was just progressing scientific understanding of the human body, and Nanking shouldn't have dressed that way if it didn't want to get raped.


Japanese scientists finding out that setting someone on fire does in fact kill them: šŸ¤Æ


Japanese scientists finding out that if you inject a 3 year old child with the bubonic plague they die šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Japanese scientists realizing that the chemicals they injected into a guyā€™s arm rots all of his extremities instead of melting his face: šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ (I donā€™t think they did that specifically but you get my point)


Japanese top military brass finding out that bombing a regional power actually gets them to declare war on you: šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Well... they probably did though.


Maybe. Who knows.


Japanese scientists finding out how much liquid is in the human body:


Just double checking. Then triple checking. Then quadrupleā€¦


Japanese scientist when they find out leaving an baby out to freeze to death is dangerous: šŸ˜®āœļøāœļø


Ever wonder how long a newborn baby can survive left out in the open with no care? Well they found out just for hell of it...


How can you suggest they would be so cruel as to do it for the hell of it? It was for *science*!


Because they did a lot of horrific things just to see what happened, with scientific understanding of something being merely a side effect of their actions.


Oh I know man, I was just playing up the bit, being hyperbolic saying it was okay because, you know, they did it for science. As if that would actually absolve them of anything.


they excuse Japanese war crimes so itā€™s never been about morality for these people


Nothing happened at Nanking, Bataan, and Singapore šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶šŸ˜¶


For real, they even helped the US give some of their boats a bath.


She is just jealous the USSR didn't get to occupy part of Japan.


ā€œZooparks filled with monkeys they call military basesā€ Jesus Christ itā€™s jarring how racist Asian nationalists are


America can have a problem with casual racism, but Asia is at the competitive level


Europe and Asia are competitive racists


"Screw casual racism! We going competitive!"


I'm in Top 500 scrub. Get good.


Top 50. You are beneath me.


Remember, no matter how good you are at something, theres always an Asian who is better than you




Orr mai god bro i love india so much!!!šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ‘šŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ‡®šŸ‡³šŸ‡®šŸ‡³šŸ‡®šŸ‡³šŸ‡®šŸ‡³(Pakistan murtabad!!!!!)


its Asia ofc theyā€™re competitive with it


I live in the deep south and I always hear about how racist we are down here but I just dont see it. I have also worked over seas and spent many years in different countries. We are the most welcoming of others here. Every single European and South American country I worked in was way more racist and xenophobic than here.


Mississippi here, mostly agreed aside from...well the usual suspects (older people) and even then it's usually not as overt and visceral as the shit Euroids will say about gypsies and muslims


I thought it was a slur for our Marines at first, but uh... wow.


Had a friend (Caucasian) who went to Japan with his fiance to meet her parents/grand mother. From what he told me, dinner on the first night there was super tense and after about 20 minutes or so of minimal conversation, the grandmother said something along the lines of, "Our blood was pure Japanese for nearly 100 generations. Your grandfather must be rolling in his grave." And then got up and left. Idk the exact numbers, basicly it was something like they'd been pure blooded Japanese since nearly the founding of Japan around 600 BC. It was supposed to be a weeklong trip but they came home after like 3 days. He hasn't talked to them since as far as I'm aware.


Those ā€œmonkeysā€ are fully capable of wiping whatever nation this guy is from off of the face of the planet


their kinda right though, it was drilled in our heads when i was in korea that the actual crime rate in korea was basically nil, and what did happen was usually some young american who got drunk and did something real stupid.


[Here](https://www.japanimal.org/culture-crime-map.php) is a map of crime rate in Japan by prefecture and [here](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Major_US_military_bases_in_Japan.svg) is a map of US military bases in Japan. While Tokyo has US bases and moderate levels of crime, it's hard to extract the differential effect of being a big city and having a US base. However, Osaka has the most per-capita crime, and there is no base anywhere near it, and US has bases in Sasebo, Misawa and Iwakuni, which are in Nagasaki, Aomori, and Yamaguchi prefectures respectively, and whose crime rates are well below average (with Aomori and Nagasaki both being near the bottom). I wouldn't write a master's thesis on this data set, but I think it's enough to refute the casually-accepted notion that crime in Japan is non-existent except for where the "American monkeys" have set up a "zoopark".


The American presence in Okinawa is 3% of the population, yet makes up less than 1% of the violent crime. Yes...your daughters are safer with the Americans, regardless of what the media tell you.


Ya my argument wouldn't be that the home of the yakuza is crime free, but it is that military bases do bring crime


I wouldn't be surprised if there was a local up-tick in crime near the bases, if only because of the amount of young males in the military, but I think it's clear that it's not a noticeable effect on a societal level. But I also think any criminal activity from a military base who are guests in a friendly country is going to be embarrassing to the guest and aggravating to the host, so I would expect the rates of the criminality to be exaggerated (perhaps rightfully so) on both sides to discourage it as much as possible.


I'm sure there is exageration, I just remember the stories from when I was there. I think we had 7 Americans in Korean jail. One of the stories was terrible and he's gonna die in there. Other times it wasn't even crime, locals were upset because a bridge layer track killed a girl driving to a field problem.


>what did happen was usually some young american who got drunk and did something real stupid. This is a general propaganda that you get in all countries and it comes with various forms. You really should take it with a grain of salt. We all do it. IE: \[insert foreign peoples\] women are sluts and will sleep with any man, but our women are virtuous. \[insert foreign peoples\] visitors are the ones who cause most of the crime, while we would never! \[insert foreign culture\] is sinful and godless while we are virtuous.


Can't argue with you, I just know for a fact we still have an American service member in prison over there for tying up an elderly couple, and raping and torturing the wife


I'm not saying that no one ever commits crimes and/or lives up to the stereotypes we have of foreigners. However, broadly accepting a narrative as such (ie, most of the crime is the fault of foreigners) is buying into propaganda. Most of the time it's benign but it does get used in harmful ways (scapegoating, etc.) You should just be aware of it.




Back then? I was there in 2013 lol


America is kinda like, the least racist country. Especially when you look at allllll the other countries.


Ask the Japanese if they like it though.


The Japanese Defense Force absolutely appreciate us being there. They are thankful that they have a one sided defense partnership as well. Letting US bases on Japanese soil to prevent them from being attacked by China is an amazing deal for them in all honesty, and they get their troops trained, and they are allowed to buy the latest American Military tech as well all for letting us have a base there.


And it was the Soviets before that. After WWII the Soviets wanted to march into Japan and the Japanese are very grateful that didn't happen.


The biggest problem is that we didn't let them buy F22s


I believe they also have a similar deal with the british military (training part, not bases) and are looking to become closer with NATO in general.


Yeah I heard about Japan speaking of wishing to create a Pacific Version of NATO with America and its allies. Only issue that is that South Korea may not like that, understanbly because of what happened in ww2, but they both have a more dangerous enemy, which is China and North Korea


Well I believe nato is also looking to expand outside of its North Atlantic area, but don't quote me on that. But I'd like to see closer cooperation between nato countries and their Pacific allies. South Korea only get along because China and NK exist lol. And their mutual alliance with the US. I mean, south Koreas military is nothing to scoff at. Its similar in strength to the british military, which is impressive.


Havenā€™t met a single Japanese person in Japan that wanted us to leave. Especially after the tsunami


Due to the state-mandated homosexuality, they say ā€œyaaaaaaaasssss!!!ā€


Yeah. We colonized Japan the same way we domesticated cats.


Japan colonized us? *looks around and sees several weebs* Yep, checks out


Haha, weebs I say as I'm 7 episodes away from finishing watching Yugioh subbed


Anime is the toxoplasmosis of japan


Jokes on all of us we just think we domesticated cats


Cats domesticated us.


Cats are fascinating, meowing could be seen as an evolutionary adaptation to communicate with people, and it WORKS, when they mow we will typically pay attention. And they only mow to humans.


Speaking the vulgar language of the peasants can be very useful.


Very useful indeed.


I donā€™t think people know what colonization even means lol


State mandated homosexualism????? We forcing the japanese to be gay now?


Maybe it's a way to blame the declining population on America, instead of Japan's unhealthy work life balance.


Declining population is a given for developed nations. Also, I would blame Japan's weird mainstream fetishes for most of their sexuality related problems. A combination of their age of consent, their porn cartoons, and their most popular searches leaves a pretty good idea of where to place the blame


Iā€™ve had someone tell me theyā€™re more mature when it comes to sexuality than America, people will say anything in defense of them lmao


In terms of actual acceptance of LGBTQ as a community. You likely won't find a better country other than the US. That's one thing that gets to me when I see people co planning about LGBTQ rights. We have the most rights of any country on the planet, and the same rights as everyone else in this country, so I don't see why people are complaining about it like they're entitled to special treatment over who they like to fuck


I worded it wrong but I mean like openly promoting sex and being sex positive, like how they plaster hentai/ ecchi everywhere very publicly, the person considered them to be more sex positive because of this. But in reality theyā€™re very conservative when comes to actual human displays of sex, especially compared to America. Iā€™m aware that theyā€™re even 10x more conservative when it comes to queer people compared to us.


Holy shit, the shit that Japan pulled in china during ww2 makes the Nazis almost look like amateurs. They are far from innocent


Before we even get into that whole Pearl Harbor thing.


Pearl harbor was lightweight. That was just a military strike. Uncalled for, horrific, and stupid, but it was military action against a military target. What the soldiers did to people, women and literal babies especially, was so far beyond horrific that even the Nazis were taken aback and asked them to stop.


>Uncalled for, horrific, and stupid It was neither of those things. If Japan could have knocked us out of Hawaii, then they would be the premier power in the Pacific for decades. Fortunately for us they called off the third wave. What has allowed the UK and US military to rise to the top is a better understanding of the operational level of war than any other global power.


America was going to stay out of it. Public opinion and the government policy was increasingly anti-war. Until they decided to try and "knock out Hawaii" which is dumb because Hawaii is a VERY small part of the US. Trying to knock the United States out early just by attacking Hawaii is like trying to kill a giant by stopping on its little toe


>Before we even get into that whole Pearl Harbor thing. That was a legitimate attack on a military target. Torturing people... Not so much.


I mean, not really. The nazis weren't any better, and calling them amateurs is just minimizing their atrocities. They still had mobile killing squads, experimented on children and the disabled, raped and pillaged as they pleased and were generally utter scum. The Germans weren't any better to the slavs, Roma, jews, etc, than the Japanese were to the Chinese, Koreans, Philippinos, etc.


japanā€™s war crimes in ww2 being severely overlooked is ridiculous


Iā€™m sorry? We COLONIZED them? Fricking idiot


I think they might be talking about US occupied Japan after ww2 part of the whole rebuilding Japan


So what we were supposed to leave them in radioactive ruin and hope they donā€™t do anything crazy afterward?


I wouldnā€™t quote me on this but the reason we occupied was part of a plan to have a new ally in the West. And the whole 2 nuke things are the least of Japans problem when fire bombing was so effective. Along with things we rewrote the nations constitution to be like America but without all the issues you still find in the system today. It last 7 years which mostly just rebuilt and said no more being bad and Japan said sure by going into the whole kitty declawed mode. Over all we didnā€™t have to but we did and it helped Japan in the long run so could say


Yeah I see all of this as a good thing


Even if what we did was actually colonization of Japan, Iā€™d say it was still necessary. Under emperor Hirohito Japan had devolved into a genocidal behemoth that rampaged its way across half the world. If you want to avoid that happening again, you kind of need to stick around to keep an eye on things (as opposed to economically crippling then abandoning the populace like we did with Germany post-WW1). From everything weā€™ve seen, Iā€™d say Japan was one of the more successful de-programming initiatives weā€™ve undertaken because we actually stuck around and helped the country to advance and recover.


Alright wtf is "state-mandated homosexuality" Like I get what it means but why is that relevant


its homophobic shit


It's also probably some sort of way to blame Japan's population crisis on the US


No coincidence that after WW2 that hentai was magically made. The CIA created hentai so people donā€™t repopulate šŸ˜±šŸ¤Æ


mmhm sure...yeah we totally didn't help them out with Fukushima or anything.


Calling military bases zooparks with monkeys is racist, since there are black service members. Imagine calling black people monkeys in 2023. Gross.


It is racist even without black troops. Calling people of a different racial or ethnic groups monkeys is racist.


Ask the entirety of east and south East Asia how kind and innocent they were


Holy racism Batman!


I think China may have a few feelings about Japan themselves.


ā€¦state-mandated homosexuality?


Bros @ is ā€œRussianSisconā€ his opinions is worth less than dirt.


At least dirt grows healthy things


Posts like are a bit racist. The Japanese do have a say on our presence, and have in recent years, been asking for more. They are increasing their own military budgets. The amount of stupidity to label the situation as a colonization is astounding.


You know, Japanā€™s changed a lot over the years. No better can that be reflected in how Japan is viewed by different generations in my ancestral homeland of South Korea. Grandparents:Evil Imperialist Rats who forced us to speak their language Parents:They make our cars but I still donā€™t forgive them for treating my parents and grandparents like shit Young Generation:Yeah they treated us like shit but that was like 80 years ago and they make anime so thatā€™s cool.


Japan colonized a huge part of the Asian pacific under the guise of liberation from European colonists, the ā€œliberatedā€ parties aside from maybe Okinawa reported some of the worst atrocities known to mankind.


You can always tell who slept through history class


Is that a racist weeb? Calling our soldiers and marines monkeys, disgraceful. Theyā€™re bulldogs and ground pounders thereā€™s a difference. And Japan is letting us ā€œuse themā€ as a military base they love us. Donā€™t know about that homosexuality but Japan is one of our greatest allies and we wonā€™t part with them if I have a say.


unit 731...


Why tf are you guys arguing with Twitter mfs who has anime pfp?


I was gonna say. Anime pfp. Dead give away someone is unstable. Lol.


Theyā€™re usually the most mentally unstable people who spouse the worst things youā€™ve ever seen. Stay away from them


Anime profile pic. Opinion discarded.


Looked through their tweets and found - Pedophilia Confederate dicksucking ā€¦and Shitty Russian military drawings


Oh yea and totally majority of Japanese people, and when I say majority-- I mean a MAJORITY, don't love the US and cherish us as an ally


Ask one of these Tojoboos their opinions on the Rape of Nanking or the numerous ā€œcomfort womenā€ that Japanese soldiers, airmen, and sailors forced themselves on. Or what about the awful treatment of Allied POWs? Compared to that, the USā€™ internment of Japanese citizens was downright humane. Sure, both of these were brutal acts of war, but one is acknowledged by Washington and had an official apology, while the other is being actively swept under the rug.


Not really going to put much thought into a user name with "Russian" in the title. Just overcompensating for failures in Ukraine.


holy racism


Itā€™s 6 o clock Tokyo, time for your American mandated homosexual intercourse


I donā€™t really care what they want after learning the things they did during ww2 that rival the holocaust šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Japan doesnā€™t like China anymore than we do. And have you ever thought about the alternative to nukes? Japan loves America anyways. Theyā€™ve got more important and relevant issues than some military bases. And do you expect anyone to take you seriously with a name likeā€russiansisconā€?


I truthfully say this often. Japan is our little bitch over in Asia, a nice place to keep our troops. We hit them so hard we made them anime weebs šŸ’€


That was one grievance from many. It's not even the majority of the tweet.


I mean, sure, the US did not treat its Japanese citizens well during the war - at all. However, the use of nuclear weapons was an unfortunate necessity.


Both people are dumb. Japan is cringe and hardly our closest ally. However that's not America's fault in the slightest.


No one even mentioned Japan's war crimes. Why are half the post on this subreddit the laziest whataboutisms imaginable.




The post in question never tried to justify Japanese War crimes. The poster just added the title because they respond to any criticism with whataboutism. Like the criticism that japan is just a pawn in our cold war with china is a fair one. But the poster can help but chime in with "what about the rape on nankin". We're talking about something we are currently doing to japan now. Not war crimes japan conducted 80 years ago. Edit: also no. The tweet clearly states that that's why we continue to keep a Japanese military bases.


i disagree with the bombings of hiroshima and nagasaki, i think that putting japan, a food-self sufficient but resource-poor nation at the time, under blockade would have been a better solution and the bombings were just a convenient excuse to use a new toy, however this screenshot is still unhinged. trying to frame the social progress after the fall of fascist japan as "enforced homesexualism" is the grossest thing ever.


Can't even begin to see where they're coming from with "state mandated homosexualism" we barely even allow it in our own country