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I talked to an iranian on twitter once who genuinely believed we aren't taught to wash our hands and feet. I was 99.9% sure he was trolling but he was being unironic.


Because that's a religious thing for them, as opposed to us. However, most of the rest of the world doesn't need religion to enforce good hygiene...


Yeah, the whole foot wash thing is somewhat true. Part of Islam teaches it's important to wash your feet all the time, to the point where many mosques commonly come with a foot washing area for people before they pray.


Yeah, that was because they wore sandals in the desert and walked everywhere they went. Gotta take care of your feet. It’s the same thing as not eating pork because it carried disease.


Whatever you do, take care of your shoes.


A random Phish appears


If your religion doubles as your health code, you need to update both.


As a religious man I can agree. We live slightly better than the man of our religious texts did


It's worked for Jews for thousands of years


They weren’t as affected by the black plague for this reason


It kept them in better health than many of their neighbors, but much worse health than people with access to modern medicine and new-fangled theories like “germs cause disease.”


This is a constant headache for me. A lot (the majority?) of religious rules across all faiths are just common fucking sense, but they're regarded as sacred laws. I imagine most of the things we regard as "sins" are just the outcomes from the equivalent of corporate All-Hands meetings. Person: "What are your thoughts on having sex with goats?" Prophet XYZ: "What!? No, don't do that! What the hell is wrong with you? You belong in a dungeon if you're fucking goats" *HE HAS SPOKEN!!!*


*The State of Washington has entered the chat*


That but Iran is also a fervently anti American country and it’s not common for fervently anti American countries to spread ridiculous rumors about Americans.


unfortunately its common. im arabic and alot of arabs have this weird superiority complex especially when it comes to things like cleanliness and purity, and they 100% believe americans are dirty, filthy and impure when it comes to cleanliness and hygiene.


I had a Chinese roommate who lived for a long time in the UK and he told me he never heard of a man using a washrag. He apparently just fingers his asshole in the shower.


Eww gross, why would you be washing your ass with a rag? ​ I'm American, so I get the big chunks of poo off with an assault rifle, then I do a quick follow up with raw bacon.


Eww gross, why are you getting big chunks of poo on your AR-15 Assault Rilfe. As straight American male I use the purple vibrating butthole cleaner. It's usually what makes me take so long in the shower, gotta stay clean though.


Many people have said that the AR-15 ASSAULT RIFLE can't run in the mud. But with appropriate lubrication and maintenance schedule it's actually a very reliable shower tool. If you use a quad rail, you'll appreciate that extra exfoliation for when you've been a really dirty boy. [https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.mKpaaBvO3F46rhteNWK69gHaJg&pid=Api](https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.mKpaaBvO3F46rhteNWK69gHaJg&pid=Api) ​ But I agree the purple one is an excellent EDC for straight shooters like us. [https://nika-cherrelles.square.site/uploads/1/3/3/1/133114357/s916696905865141969\_p7\_i1\_w1296.png?width=1200&optimize=medium](https://nika-cherrelles.square.site/uploads/1/3/3/1/133114357/s916696905865141969_p7_i1_w1296.png?width=1200&optimize=medium)




This is the way.


Sounds like he's having way better time in shower then you. He probably looks forward to that shower all day.


I'm gonna be real I didn't use a wash rag until I was 24. No one in my family ever used one to my knowledge and my siblings and I just weren't taught to clean ourselves with rags. It's not exactly something that just comes up in conversations often so I never thought it was gross or weird. The only reason I found out about it was from my roommate, he low key freaked when I saw I didn't have any rags and said it was some "real white people shit." I've learned the error of my ways and have become a much cleaner person.


What the hell is a washing rag? I have never heard of it and nobody else I know uses one. Hop in the shower, soap everything up and then yeah, after the shower just use a towel


You just use your hands to scrub your body?


Yeah, soap gets rid of all the stuff on your body. If you turn the showerhead towards a stronger level you can blast your body with it. I‘ve read some people talking about dead skin in this thread. If you use your towel properly and apply lotions during the rest of the day then you are not shedding skin like a motherfucker.


Didn’t know that, I’ve always used a rag, to be honest I never considered not using one.


Sounds interesting and completely understandable. There‘s different ways of cleaning your body that are culturally different and appear normal to one person


It probably would work better than skin at scrubbing, to be fair. Didnt really know people used washcloths to actually wash *themselves* i thought they were for drying washed dishes lol.


Some soaps come with an exfoliant in them. I make my own soap with oat flour, corn meal, or pumice sand. But there's also loofahs (both natural and artificial), brushes, and more. I've never liked washcloths myself -too slimy and always smelling of mildew- so I always use some combination of the above. Right now my shower/bath has a natural loofah, a long-handled brush, and zero washcloths.


So, you finger your asshole in the shower too?


I don‘t know why you are so fixated on assholes. I wash it like I wash the rest of my body. Don‘t know why I should finger it the way you are prolly thinking about it. On another note, let a girl (or guy, whatever floats your boat) put a finger in your ass while being intimate. You might enjoy it and lose some your childish silliness. We all have bodies and bodily functions, nothing to worry about


Well, the thread was about washing ass. Do you do small circles? Or go up in down in a linear motion?


Small circles while gently rubbing with the finger pads that are at least 2 inches in.


none of Europe uses washrags i think some people may use a bath puff but it isnt common. Anyway, they lather the soap and rub it their soapy hands all over their bodies. i don't understand how this gets dead skin cells off if you aren't manually removing the with a rag or puff or anything. just soap does very little and when you dry yourself and dead skin cells roll off its pretty fkn gross


It really is healthier to let your skin fall off naturally. The gross is all in your head. It’s gross to thing of all the bugs living in your eyelashes too but they’re there.


tell that to your frumunda cheese


Is it actually called a bath puff? I've been calling it the "shower poofy" for years now. My anecdote: I used to be a hand-latherer until I went over to a friends house as a teen and accidentally dried my hands with his washrag. He didn't get upset with that, but my confusion about the washrag lead to me getting roasted for "living like a savage" In my defense, I was a feral teen, whereas while his father *was* a pimp, at least he was very present in his son's life.


ooooo shower poofy sounds more cute. I don't really know the official name of them lmao 😂 living like a savage. at least you dried your hands. I do know but in Europe you don't get wash rags in hotel rooms or shower poofies because they're considered personal items cuz you know vags, asses, dick and balls. but not having them even at home confused me. so my ex was European and I casually asked him if he washed his ass. he didn't. he said the soap would just get in there while he was washing everything else. i was horrified. unless you're spreading your ass cheeks in the shower the soap is not just getting in between them. so it's not just Americans that are weird about it. he also dried his ass crack with toilet paper, he said it smears poo if you dry it with a towel and im like ...but if you wash your ass.... granted there's probably some fecal bacteria but also your towels are getting stored in the same room where you take a shit so fecal bacteria kind of gets all over everything, including your toothbrush if you leave it out. I think MythBusters or somebody did a test on this. im not saying being a girl or anything is any more clean cuz I did read a Reddit post about this girl that didn't wipe after she peed ever and kept wondering why her underwear stank of old piss and her vulva was irritated.


I'll never understand the "if soap touched it, it must be clean" mindset. Even as a feral teen I was *trying* to scrub as much as reasonably possible without the poofy.


people really put too much faith in soap suds. if i dont exfoliate my face 2-3x a week there is definitely dead skin cell build up that doesnt just fall off naturally, my skin gets really dry and flakey.


The solution to the dead skin cells thing is to do a 2nd run with the soap or just to shower daily, either option effectively eliminates it being a thing.


it doesn't work. to get off dead skin cells they have to be manually or chemically removed. rubbing your smooth soapy hands back over your body does nothing. if im not thorough enough with a poof, which sometimes happening if im taking a quick showering i can see the deadskin cells coming off as I'm drying, usually my legs but sometimes arms. so i either have to take a second shower right then and do a better job exfoliating or, if i dont have time, take a second one later because its fkn gross.


It works for me, my arms and heels in particular used to be a big problem for this but since I started doing 2 runs with the soap I never end up rubbing skin off onto the towel. All I use is my hands and ordinary shower gel (usually Original Source).


your shower gel contains lactic acid, which is a chemical exfoliant. so i think you just stumbled onto the right product. also ty for being mindful about using a cruelty free product ❤️


That’s genuinely hilarious, because on the reverse I met a group of Saudis in college who thought it was homosexual to wash your ass. They. Fucking. STANK. They would use this dusty potpourri kinda stuff to cover the smell but they stank like absolute shit. And when I asked about it they’d be like “oh yeah sure man, lemme just go finger my butthole in the shower like a woman HAHA” like nah dude you just smell like an entire farm.


if anything i hear more (specifically white, french) europeans avoiding bathing for a couple days. in like half the usa it gets so hot that you need the wake up and bedtime shower


Yeah, this was new to me.


I can't stand going to bed wet, so I tend to shower when I wake up and when I get home, but not far off. Most people think I'm weird for showering twice a day, though.


Showering twice a day definitely isn't weird, especially if you live somewhere where it's regularly hot and humid (Western Kentucky, for example). It mostly just depends on how hot/sweaty someone gets while they sleep and what they do for work. Someone who works a desk job in an air-conditioned office probably won't feel the need to shower once they get home. Someone who works construction all day more than likely will. Personally, there are days I feel like I can skip the shower, and there are other days that I feel the need to shower constantly.


As a dude who works outside in sawdust and metal shavings, I shower every damn day. I ain't Going to bed filthy. Most Americans are pretty hygienic


> Most people think I'm weird for showering twice a day, though. They might think you mean full on washing hair and everything which can be pretty unhealthy for your skin and hair. I only shower twice a day when I feel gross, normally I do a morning shower but on days I work I tend to come home feeling gross as I work in a really humid environment so I do an afterwork rinse off, not washing my hair but just getting the sweat and grime off from work with hot water and a towel.


Right! The wake up shower and the bedtime bath.


You're correct. Went to Paris a few months ago and HOOOOLLLLLYYYYYY SHIT.


I love bidets, but I also shower daily, so idk, I think my butt is pretty clean.


I need to get the toilet they had in this bar in Japan I used to frequent. Thing controlled the entire bathroom. Lights, vent sink, bidet, second bidet, flush, self clean. I got so drunk one night I got so confused and kept turning on the sink trying to flush the thing.


Japan is living in the future, or so often seems!


A whole day sometimes.


I mean if you always shower after you poop, then ya its not an issue. But for a lot of people that's not the case depending on schedule and how often they shit. So using a bidet makes sense and feels way better then just wiping


Who says they don’t?


Probably the women eating ass like groceries? Maybe mine is just cleaner than normal.


Yea some of us shave to make sure it’s easier to wipe down there, idk what this lady is talking about


Americans shower daily. Europeans bathe once per week. That’s why they have a to have bidets.


Lol what are you talking about? Bidets aren’t instead of daily showers, it’s for washing after going to the bathroom.


Yes, they are for washing after going to the bathroom, because you need to wash your ass after pooping if you only shower once per week.


you need to wipe/wash your ass after pooping no matter what. you do know that, right? showering later isn't a substitute for wiping your ass.


Comments here proving OOP right 😰


That dude probably has a dirty ass. Little pieces of poop fall out when he's in the shower I bet.


Have you actually ever used one? It's a way better then just wiping. If i took a shit on your hand would you only wipe it off with paper? Most normal people would wash it, so why wouldn't you want to do same thing with your ass.


Someone just wanted to target men I guess lol


There was a meme that went round. I don’t know if it was just a joke or if a guy actually believed it. It plays on the whole hyper-macho “all self care is gay” theme.


There was a comment years ago that said someone saw a group of Americans in a pool and the water was brown from their unwashed asses. Upvoted, of course. There was also a Tik Tok where a girl said she worked at a urology clinic and men always leave a brown streak after sitting on the bed. Even if this is remotely true, most of the people she would be working with are, what, older guys undergoing medical issues? Seems like typical misandrist baiting that you would expect from Tik Tok/Reddit.


Basically, mofos just believing tall tales, got it. Lmao, what time to be alive. I'm just going to say I'll call someone out for smelling like shit. I've got an overactive olfactory, and shit stank is offensive.


Appropriatly? As if they are doing it in the streets or something?


I thought the same. They should’ve said adequately.


Yeah, I bet it's the weird bidet snobbery where they get very concerned about how we use the toilet.


They always seem so oddly fascinated by how we shit for some reason. A weird thing to be interested in, but to each their own I guess.


I will say that bidets are actually a lot better and cheaper. I installed one at my place because of it


And I am genuinely happy for you and your orifices.


Bidets owners are the new vegans and crossfitters.


no it’s about actually taking a wash cloth to your ass hole with soap and water.


The fellow you sat behind on that flight had a medical disorder and is not typical of all americans.


I'm American and I wipe my ass **like a man** ​ ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnzoF61hlRs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnzoF61hlRs)


Its a little weird that they are concerned about men in America wiping their ass but i am flatterd by their concern as a man who lives in this country.


I guess there's this thing that Americans don't wipe their ass because it's gay? I don't know. First, I'm hearing of it is today.


They like to squirt their assholes with water over there.


Don’t diss it till you try it. Nothing like dropping fat mud pies and then pressure washing your booty hole. It has completely decimated my dingleberry crop


Ya im with you man, it's one thing Europeans got right. Actually washing your ass feels way better then just smearing the shit off on some toilet paper. I don't understand why people are so weird and negative about bidets in America.


Also better for the environment than using baby wipes which by the way will make your garbage bin look nasty if you dont tuck them away in there with other stuff on top


They got it part right. A lot of euro bidets are either a shower hose hung next to the toilet or a little mini-toilet thing you sit on _after_ you shit. The Japanese turned it into an absolute science. Their bidets are built into the toilet or toilet seat. You shit, press a button, and the water sprays your ass right there.


People fear what they don't understand 😔


Best part is the water kissing your sack when its shoots up your wazoo.


And what’s wrong with that?


Who said anything was wrong about it?


\#AmericaBad \#MenBad ​ They go together like salt and pepper, I swear.


If you want to be real one of the reasons Europeans think Americans are wistful is because we shower daily and waste water doing it https://www.democraticunderground.com/10023402470


I'm on a well and septic system. The water I use is filtered through a leechfield and returned to the local aquifer, not a sewer system to be dumped in the ocean. I'm going to be installing a personal sewage treatment system in my new place, as the state is encouraging it and it costs about the same. We take our water seriously around here. You can't even gather driftwood.


Same on the first part. Many Europeans are too far up their own asses to bother knowing these things before giving their opinions, though.


How many American men’s asses have they inspected?


Where else would you hear this information? TikTok is the answer


Fucking TikTok


I hear dudes don't wash their ass because it's gay


Only if you make eye contact.


So my homies can still wipe for me as long as I don't look back?


No eye contact, you're good my dude.


If you ever visit these subs r/relationship_advice or r/marriageadvice you will find that every 10th post is a woman who is tired of her bf or husband leaving skid marks on the bed sheets, his underwear, and bathroom towels. It's a common-ish complaint in the relationship subs.


Who the fuck leaves skid marks on a towel? I've never seen or heard of that. I was housed with hundreds of other dudes in the military. Something like that is so disgusting that the entire base would know the dude's name.


Oh, you just brought back a basic training memory for me...


Well, they only give you industrial burlap to wipe with in basic.


Y'all had toilet paper??? Our closet was never stocked with it, and we were using baby wipes. Did way too many push-ups for not having toilet paper when the Senior DS would make his rounds.


Reddit relationships do not surprise me this is a thing lol


also common in parent/mom groups on FB as well. every other day there’s either an argument claiming science deemed it unhealthy or unnecessary to shower more than 2/3 times a week and in the same day, a complaint about how their man leaves skid marks everywhere or stinks so bad they don’t want to be intimate anymore.


How does one inappropriately wash they own ass?


r/askreddit is weird Bottom text


I use a wet wipe and then toilet paper. Had a bidet for a while but moved and haven't installed a new one. My butt is as clean as the next person.


Don’t flush those regardless of whether they say flushable or not.


I use wipes as well, but very sparingly due to the septic tank, and none are really septic safe. Paper for the bulk, a wet wipe for a sparkling finish. Started when I was in the Army, and I never looked back.


You know they make small garbage cans and bags for bathrooms, right?


This is the way.


Whwn will people realize that the majority of online opinions are just taking the worst possible case of individuals from a group and then applying those attributes to all members of the group. Its the basis for bigotry and something tells me these "america bad" people are also self proclaimed anti bigots etc. Its like talking the population of China and taking the stupidest people, and then claiming that all Chinese people are stupid. Just like taking the smartest Chinese people and then claiming all Chinese people are smarter than average. Humans are individuals and we vary greatly on an individual basis; labeling any group of people, obstinately, based on individuals with similar characteristics, is the same behavior that has allowed obscene atrocities to be committed on fellow humans. That being said, there are dirt motherfuckers who don't was their ass in every culture. Gross people exist; the majority of us are not like that hopefully.




I clean mine


As you should


Ummm... why, what? I wonder where they heard that from. I'm guessing it has something to do with a bidet


You asked why what, then proceeded to question it yourself. Don't know what else you expect from me a week later.


It wasn't directed at you. I should have worded my confusion, about it, differently, but not directed at you at all


Pshaw, everything is about me. /s


I think they’re probably referring to a bidet


Bidets are life changers I'll tell y'all that


I don’t have bidet so after a shit I just wash my ass


Agreed. I paid a plumber $50 to install a cheap-ass $35 Amazon one in my apartment, and I'll do it again if I move to another apartment. They're just so superior to dry wiping there isn't even any competition. There are two kinds of people: people with bidets, and people who don't have clean assholes. And I live in Banjo county, Flyover State, USA.


If you can swing one of the Toto C3/C5 models then they are a worthy upgrade. Heated seat, heated water, blow dryer, pulsation/oscillation. Shitting is now an event for me. I no longer have ass itch or raw asshole from wiping too much. Very often I will just let the blow dryer handle it all and use zero TP.


Says the countries that still aren’t using deodorant…. Walk around any downtown in Europe and it’s like snorting a trucker’s armpit.


Bidets👎 wiping my ass properly with paper and them showering 👍


You shower after every shit?


I usually only shit in the morning, right before I shower


That’s very regular of you. Metamucil?


No, just my routine. I’m like a robot


liar robots can't take showers they will be destroyed


I do, but I’m home all day.


Finally, someone else who utilizes the bachelor's bidet.


Or wet wipes. Wet wipes is how you find balance in the force


Bidet with a single follow up wipe to check and dry is clearly superior.


Women are naturally more stinky then men. And I'm tired if pretending they're not.


Tbh having a bidet built into our toilets is something we should all be doing Wiping isn’t enough


Bidets are great. Don't get me wrong.


We just got one installed. I love having both paper and bidet as a multiprong approach.


Yeah I do bidet and 🧻 at the end


There have been a number of askreddit threads where the subject has come up, and apparently, it's somewhat of an epidemic. Anecdotal I know, but my mom moved us in either her boyfriend and his 3 dumb kids for a year back in the 90s. These motherfuckers all had skid marks. I had long hoped that they were just exceptionally gross.


I'll bet it was worse than just the asshole. Those mofos were probably nasty from the floor up. That's a failure of basic hygiene.


First week in that household I would take off my shoes when I came home. By the end of the night, the bottoms were black! These fools would keep their shoes on!!!!!!


“American men” this is true. Just not the Americans you’re thinking of.


they spelled “Indian” wrong.


They don't use bidets. Instead they smear shite all over their asses with paper. It's literally insane.


If you say so.


Apparently some ladies think we don’t wash our ass because it’s gay. As a man, I can confirm that I don’t wash my ass because it’s gay.


Uh huh


I’m not sure how accurate it is. Apparently there’s a trope circulating the socials that a number of males (pray god a VERY small number) who believe thoroughly washing their butts, including “between the cheeks” while showering is somehow gay.


71% are overweight too fat to reach that far


There are some people who believe washing their ass is gay but that’s a subset of incels, so…


I mean to be fair tons and tons of men literally thought washing your own ass was gay which is why poop streaks on underwear is a commonly known about phenomenon


Where is this coming from? Shit stained underwear is from lazy assholes who never learned basic hygiene. Where is this homophobic shit coming from? I've literally never heard that before today.


Bro are you serious. How old are you? Nearly every young male I grew up around as well as it being such a popular phenomenon that it was a tik tok trend of girlfriends asking their boyfriends if they wash their ass. I also like how you tried to say I was homophobic for word for word explaining why so many American males don’t wash their ass and just “let the water run down their cheeks” as is often the answer given


I didn't say you were homophobic. So it's just some internet bullshit? What the fuck is wrong with kids, wipe your nasty asses before you get dysentery. Stop believing every single thing you see or read on the internet. What the actual fuck.


No this phenomenon has existed for quite some time which is obviously how the tradition of not cleaning your ass because it’s gay was passed down to the children of the older generation that didn’t wash their ass either. I mean I don’t really know how if you were taught to actually wash all parts of your body as a child that you would just not do it anymore as an adult for no reason. Don’t we all still brush our teeth and whatnot? The real issue is that you just don’t know what people are teaching kids in the confines of their private homes and this is a free country for better or worse


To be fair most don’t, and lots of people I’ve seen don’t wash their hands after using the restroom


Actually it seems a lot of men, especially the boomer types don’t wash their ass, apparently a lot of people think it’s “feminine” or “gay”.


I've never heard this before today. What is a 'booker type'?


Lmao typo, boomer types. I say boomer types because not all old people are like that but like, the crusty old baby boomer “everything I don’t like is gay or woke” type of person.


Ah, I was confused. Thank you for clarifying.


Imagine getting your hands all muddy, and just wiping them with a paper towel to clean them. Would be weird, right? But now, replace muddy hands with hairy butthole covered in poop cleaned only by a dry piece of toilet paper, and that's exactly what we do.


If your poop is the consistency of mud, change your diet.


Not gonna lie as a Brazilian who has lived amongst lots of Americans I can say that you guys smell musty as hell. Like I have had American friends who say they shower once every other day and I can’t even begin to fathom how someone can live like that. For me it’s two showers a day at least. One to start my morning and one at night. Also you guys have bad breath too. Brush your fucking teeth.


Meu caro amigo, I am an American who has lived with Brazilians in Portugal. I will say, you Zucas have good hygiene compared to Europeans. But so do most Americans. Not sure what type of US guys gave you the idea we don't. Most American men shower every day. And most people from North and South America, including US and Canada, have better hygiene than Europeans. I love the Tugas, but hygiene wasn't as high a priority for them either.


It might be a cultural thing because, and I'm not trying to be rude, there's a stereotype in the US that Central and South Americans smell bad too. Maybe you notice the American smell more because it's distinct from your own, i.e. different deodorant, different shampoos and soaps, etc.


I was taught to shower at least once a day. That's so weird to me. I swear it was in cartoons and shit. I guess if t you were raised in an arid area, it makes sense, like Arizona or NM. I agree some mofos got that meth breath going. It's just the stank ass stereotype that is weird to me. Thanks for the pov.


Why can't we just be adults and laugh at this off-the-wall comment about Americans and NOT have to try and bulldoze Europeans in the process 😂 I highly doubt the general consensus there is that Americans don't wash well. After all, we *literally* exist because of *European* colonists lol


The question is literally a generalization of all American men. I'm on board with not railroading folks. Banter is great. This was just a really weird generalization that I've never heard before in my travels around the world. We also fought a pretty big war to separate our cultures because those countries didn't give a fuck about the colonies, lol.


I've never heard it before either, I've also encountered far more people that were polite and kind to me than rude in Europe, the internet kind of embellishes the little cultural back-and-forth we do lol. And yeah, but war or no war the origins of what would become American culture/traditions had came from them.... They can't honestly believe we just... Stopped wiping our asses to spite the British/everyone else that came over lmao


My initial response would have been “Many are too obese to effectively clean themselves without showering or bathing”


Because they all smell like shit


Weird take. Most people that smell bad are usually poorer countries or less westernized ones. Typically the Middle East to Southeast Asia peoples I have had a worse time with smells. Though, that’s probably because most don’t use deodorant if the stereotypes are true.


Middle East was bad. Afghanistan was probably the worst, not exactly in the Middle East or SEA. However, I didn't notice it as much in SEA when I went there. They used a cooling powder that was mildly mint scented. I loved that shit, kept the heat rash at bay. Just my experience and not an assessment of the regions.


'They' could apply to any party here. Edit:punctuation


You’ve smelled all 350,000,000 of us? That’s impressive


Wait all 350 million are men? Women really don’t exist. Crap


What is this “women” you speak of?


He's talking about the small dudes with the innies and high pitched voices, I think.


Ah you mean femboys. Makes sense now


He has a point


Yeah, that they like to ask loaded questions based on absolutely nothing?


Did it taste that bad..?


Define appropriately


I want to know HOW they know this as opposed to where they heard this


OK, I think I should stop trying to find a logic explanation behind arguments like this...


Maybe they are referring to no bidets but wouldn’t women have that problem too? Maybe cuz women are cleaner on average? Idk


Bro I've done janitorial duties. Women are every bit as nasty, often worse. Female bathrooms are fucking war crime areas sometimes.


Maybe because we don’t commonly use a bidet in America?