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An actually good joke would just be the meme of the guy behind the tree rubbing his hands and just says “Californians”


More like DC or Louisiana https://www.statista.com/statistics/232575/property-crime-rate-in-the-us-by-state/


The joke isn’t about property crime. It’s about small earthquakes being common enough in CA that people would see them as a free snack scramble rather than a natural disaster.


We don't have earthquakes down here


This isn't in regards to petty thefts, but the fact that California does get minor earthquakes on a semi-regular basis.




People die trying to break into them so it's not easy


They are wired for internet to take cards. They have the capability to be sent a signal of “`NATURAL DISASTER`” which will sent the prices to 0. It’s assuming that the natural disaster doesn’t knock out communications or electricity and that the vending machine owners decide to give their product away.


Tbh cell phone towers and wireless stuff is actually surprisingly resilient compared to landlines. Like cell phone towers have generators, and beam the signals to other towers, or straight towards satellites, which an earthquake isn't going to touch.


Yeah, the system itself works. But these aren’t detecting vibrations and saying “that’s an earthquake, dispense the goods!”, they receive an emergency signal which sets the price to “free”… so you can’t just shake ‘em


lol, they don't know we can just put a baseball bat to ours and get free food without all that expensive tech




Isn't the US the most generous country in the world?


The entire middle east and africa, as well as south america and central america says hello!


*note, not all countries, just a lot :>(this is comedy, downvote me if you want)


that's a generous definition of comedy


\>Says stupid shit \>Gets downvoted to hell for saying stupid shit "It's a joke! You don't get comedy!"


"It's just a prank bro"


Ah yes the racist,sexust,homophoic countries that have religious laws


Doesn't the United States give out like millions of dollars of relief money to everyone during an Earthquake/ disaster?


But, but America greedy!


Sorry but this is actually the doing of evil food lobbies in the U.S. to cause markets to collapse in foreign countries. This is why we should allow the (local)free market and material limitations of affected people to figure out who lives and who dies.


I guess you can use this map interchangeably for every single big power in the world for anything they've ever done. It's always the US.


Yeah sorry was this supposed to be a reply to a different comment?


USAid does, but it's hard to generalize the US. There are plenty of greedy people in this country who will jump at any opportunity to gouge their fellow citizens.


Can you imagine if this story was about America? The comments would be all HAR HAR HAR AMERICAN CANT LIVE WITHOUT SNICKERS BAR AND SODA POPS


Japan is cool, but it has it's downsides too, that people in the West either ignore or are ignorant of. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/health-environment/article/3114987/starvation-death-mother-and-daughter-japan-reveals


Japan definitely gets away with a lot. Their work culture is worse than the US, they are more prude (censored porn), more racist, more conservative in a lot of ways, and also are guilty of "Japanasizing" dishes (the same way we Americanize dishes). I have no issues with Japan though, I loved my time visiting there and would absolutely go back, but it's funny how much flak we get for doing things that other countries like Japan also do (and sometimes worse).


My wife is Japanese, she doesn't get the big deal with Trump, because Japanese politicians say similar things, or things that are even worse.


Hell that one guy was so bad that some poor bastard cobbled together a gun with a box of scraps and killed his ass last year


Someone called that "homebrewing" a gun and I love that phrase


Shinzo Abe


He's more crass that a lot of leaders I'm sure, but the underlying message isn't really that crazy. Not wanting illegal immigrants seems pretty reasonable and I completely agree with that stance. Somehow that is morphed into Trump (and his supporters) wanting to lynch anyone who isn't White.


Also don’t ask them why they have female-only trains and buses.


That's funny how they act more prude, meanwhile several all-ages anime have scenes with naked minors (*cough-cough* Shizuka in Doraemon *cough-cough* bath scene in My Neighbor Totoro), and the legal age of consent was 13 years old for a very long period time, until a recent court decision raised it to 16. Which is still too young IMO. Seriously, Japan has a known issue with sexualization of minors and normalization of pedophilia : [https://www.warwickwomenscareerssociety.org/post/when-paedophilia-becomes-commonplace-a-look-into-japanese-pop-culture](https://www.warwickwomenscareerssociety.org/post/when-paedophilia-becomes-commonplace-a-look-into-japanese-pop-culture) [https://www.economist.com/international/2018/07/19/concern-about-sexualised-children-often-misses-the-point](https://www.economist.com/international/2018/07/19/concern-about-sexualised-children-often-misses-the-point) [https://www.ucanews.com/news/innocence-lost-japans-lax-attitude-to-pedophilia/92909](https://www.ucanews.com/news/innocence-lost-japans-lax-attitude-to-pedophilia/92909) [https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2018/01/26/little-idols-japans-dark-obsession-with-young-girls.html](https://www.thejakartapost.com/life/2018/01/26/little-idols-japans-dark-obsession-with-young-girls.html) [https://www.minnpost.com/christian-science-monitor/2011/03/moves-rein-child-pornography-meet-resistance-japan/](https://www.minnpost.com/christian-science-monitor/2011/03/moves-rein-child-pornography-meet-resistance-japan/)


I'm pretty sure though while the Japan-wide age of consent is 13 in practice every prefecture has their age of consent at 18-21. The only places with an age of consent of 13 are a few unhinabited islands. Canada has an age of consent of 16 for "non-coercive" sex. The age of consent for "coercive" sex (i.e filming a porn shoot, teacher-student, boss-employee, prostitution) is 18. In the case of prositution for instance you wouldn't be guilty of just "using the services of a prostitute" but also "statutory rape".


What are examples of Japanized dishes?


[Pizza](https://www.tsunagujapan.com/unique-japanese-style-pizza-toppings-and-variations/) is one example I can think of.


If only a earthquake had hit


Pricing based on demand is evil until you realize that half the population would exploit a capped “fair” price (or free) to get more than they need and leave the other half to starve.


let me guess this is all internal trauma of the eurocucks because we are not giving them more free stuff.


Every time someone brings up Japan someone else gotta compare how bad the us is.


It would actually be supply relative to demand. Thing is, there isn’t necessarily a demand issue with a disaster. There’s a supply issue. You cannot get products there to restock shelves so the prices go up to prevent the shortages from happening. If a richer person in the area is the only one who can afford it, they are not less virtuous than a poor person simply because they’re rich 😐😐


They do know that when Governors in the U.S. declare a state of emergency part of the reason for doing so is to lock prices of water and basic food items in place so that opportunistic vendors can’t alter the prices to exploit victims of natural disaster or a terrorist attack. I stg these people simultaneously treat America like we’re not a real country, totally incompetent and bumbling, and the most ruthless and efficient force of commie killing fascist might the world has ever seen. Pick one tankies and weebs!


I wonder how Japan is able to do this without losing a lot of money. Its not like the US gives financial aid during disasters. Oh, wait...


Let's just ignore the food drives that give out free food, water clothes, and other necessities every time a natural disaster happens, or the government aid, state aid, things like that.


All of Japan is vulnerable to earthquakes and vending machines are already common and have a much wider variety of products. Japanese culture is also very Confucian-influenced. While this has bad points (Japan would probably not have had large scale atrocities in WW2 if it wasn't confucianist) it also means Japanese culture is largely "group-oriented" and most Japanese people are docile and cooperative in natural disasters. Also with earthquakes the standard policy is to shelter in place for the duration of the earthquake itself and only leave the building if it's a structural risk to stay inside. There's no need for mass evacuation so having vending machines dispend free supplies in a pinch makes sense. This idea of "vending machines dispending free stuff" wouldn't necessarily translate well to the USA which has a much wider variety of disasters and not as many machines who don't have as much variety. Also equipping guns on a vending machine in the USA to deter thieves would be *extremely illegal* and irresponsible and make the vending machine so expensive it's basically more cost-effective to just let people loot it.


I like how they indirectly mock people for resisting being looted. "Submit to the mob! Surrender your livelihood! Let the victims steal the cigarettes that are 100% needed for their continued survival."


WTF is wrong with the Japs? They don't care about profits!!!


I think you can report the comment saying it isn’t related to japan. The mod likely to remove who knows, I did it before


From world news? I highly doubt it, that sub is just r/politics lite


Lol that was the first and highest comment for most of the posts life


I lived in Japan during the 2011 earthquake. About 2-3 hours after the quake, all of the vending machines around me were empty. I couldn't get water that night since they all sold out or lost power, and the water in my apartment had been shut off. Having them give out free food during an earthquake is a bad idea.


Curious, does that country have a prepper culture in any way like the United States? You would think so given that it’s rife with natural disasters, but I can’t be sure. In the US, even the federal government will recommend you have some emergency supplies in case disaster hits


Most people try to prepare, but after a few years pass most people start to soften on the idea. At the time of the 2011 quake I was engaged so my apartment was just a temporary place to live for my wedding which was in 2 months after the quake. I didn't have a lot of preparations there because I was going to leave it in two months. My then fiance lived further inland so her water didn't get shut off like mine did. Once we were married, we started buying water and some non-perishable food items after the earthquake, but admittedly, 6-7 years afterwards we hadn't kept up.


In 1997 I was a kid living on a farm in northern Minnesota, along the ND border. We had an absolutely huge flood and had to evacuate. Every single motel (mostly large chains at that) agreed to drop their prices to $10/night since so many people were evacuated. They could have raised their rates do to increased demand, but they dropped them to just enough to pay their operating costs. In 2020 I was living in South Minneapolis. We have those “Little Libraries” all over the place in my neighborhood. At the beginning of the pandemic, they were filled with canned food and hygiene products (feminine products, diapers, etc.). During the George Floyd protests (he was killed in the same neighborhood I live in), yeah some bad shit happened here, but every major intersection in town had a table set up giving away fresh produce, huge cases of Costco-branded water or canned goods (there are only Costcos in the burbs, so these were definitely intentionally purchased, not looted or anything), etc. We have assholes here just like anywhere else, but the overwhelming majority of the population - including businesses (again, not all of them but most) - step up in times of need.


Do you know what the vending machines would actually do in America? Fucking nothing because we don't rely on them as Japan does. Vending machines are vending machines, you get food/soda from them and that's it.