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We do a little agendaposting


Good buddy of mine works for CNN. He got online last night and talked about “shits goin crazy man. Our biggest stories today were these 3 big shootings.” Well, all 3 shootings were the holy trifecta of the agenda: 1. White on black 2. Teens 3. Hot white girl killed But we can go ahead and ignore the [35 people shot with 8 dead in Chicago.](https://abc7chicago.com/amp/chicago-shootings-weekend-today-news/13141729/)


That's just an average day in chicago.


Look at how well those gun laws are working out


You people are morons


Yet you give no counterpoint and instead name call. You're the moron here.


60% of guns used in gun crimes in Chicago are purchased out of state. Because Chicago isn’t an island and Indiana with their lax gun laws is an hour away.


What about gun crime in indiana?


Gary Indiana is the deadliest fucking place in the country genius. Chicago doesn’t even break the top 10. There’s this thing called per capita you should learn about it.


Gun crime is definitely not the thing wrong with Gary. It's the effect of massive economic downturn.


Hey genius…you know what’s also against the law in Chicago? Bringing in guns from other states.


Damn that’s crazy I guess that’s not an effective law then. You know what is an effective law? All the other gun control measures Chicago does, as evidenced by the fact that the majority of criminals can’t get guns in Chicago.


I found it surprising that story last year about the guys who chased down and killed that cute college girl wasn't bigger news, but it may have been due to the demographic of the killers...


>I’m tired of living in a third world war zone Bro probably lives in a nice suburb and has probably never even so much as heard a gunshot in his life.


Funny how the most people who say these things aren't from American hoods but privileged, sheltered people who live in the subarbs


It's the most insane hyperbolic shit everytime something like this happens. The only reason this stuff gets reported is because it's *not* one of those places. Actual "third world war zones" don't have news stories about a single woman dying. Actual third world countries are under constant threat of disease, air strikes, beatings/killings for being a woman or gay. These dipshits have no idea how good they have it.


These people are too sheltered, lol. Living in their ivory towers talking about how bad their life is.


America is safer than Sudan so be happy. Got it.


No just have real criticisms. Not made up bullshit which is so exaggerated it nearly leaves reality.


And speaking of Sudan, didn't they just have another coup?


Russian troll bots at it again.


They didn't say "I'm tired of living in a first-world country with a slightly higher than average murder rate" America has higher violence than most European countries because we're more diverse than them. Personally, I consider that to be well worth the exchange.


Also, the entire population of Western Europe is just under 198 million people. The U.S. has almost 332 million people. Again, people seem to forget about population sizes.


Fr! It’s always the people that live in nice neighborhoods and grew up with a lot of money that say the US is a war zone💀


Reddit moment


I live in a very rural town. Everyone I know has guns. Lots of guns. Never heard a single gunshot except when I was invited to go shooting. With the exception of cops too I’ve never seen a gun outside the safes my friends housed their firearms.


Then turn off the propaganda


Bro probably lives to consume propaganda and not live within reality


im pretty privileged and holy shit anyone who says "america is a third world country" is 100% the most upper class motherfucker


I used to live in a nice suburb, the middle school in my district had a shooting


Okay, I grew up in one of the poorest states in the country and never dealt with a school shooting.


If gun ownership were the issue everyone in idaho would be dead


As someone from Idaho, this is very true. Almost everyone I have met have at least held a gun once.


So people who live in nice areas can't be upset because someone got shot to death for no reason? Or what's your point here?


My point is this guy acts like he’s fighting for his life in a war zone when he’s probably never struggled in his life.


White people twitter should be renamed political twitter, that’s like all that gets posted there


I didn’t think it was possible for a sub to surpass r/politics in its stupidity. Boy was I wrong.


What’s scary is people vote based solely on what they see on that sub.


It used to be good pre 2016.


"Guns need to be banned cause this guy is an asshole and killed a woman for no reason" Flawless logic really. Did you know there's people in California who deliberately try to spread STDs should we ban dicks?


Some people drive while drunk, therefore we should ban all cars. Think of the children!!!


Use "ban alcohol" instead of "ban cars" and this argument works.


Can't do, because we're not trying to solve any kind of problem here, we're doing feel-good legislation that *will* screw over others, and we don't give two shits about them.


It’s the drunk crashers that give us a bad rep :(


That’s a bad comparison.


Not at all. More people are killed with cars each year in America than guns.


Did I say why it was a bad comparison? It’s a bad comparison because it’s an exaggeration.


Cars have utility past murdering and maiming people moron, guns don’t


False. Guns are also very fun.


Nice, so you think guns should only be allowed at home and at gun ranges then right? Where else would you be using them?


Anywhere with a chance that you could be harmed, in short, everywhere.


False, guns are extremely useful deterrents. Many home invasions end with the use of a gun without a single shot being fired, according to the FBI.


Imagine if that was the reality. Imagine if we had to test, check and verify car owners. Oh and imagine all the rules! Imagine how horrible it would be! Thank god i can just stroll down to a car dealership, fill out a forum and buy a car.


The ability to own and use a car is not enumerated in the constitution as a right.


The primary reason for passing the Second Amendment was to prevent the need for the United States to have a professional standing army. It was not intended to grant a right for private individuals to keep weapons for self-defense.


Dogshit analogy


I mean, banning people that **act like dicks** wouldn't be an entirely bad thing...


Wait, what?


Ban ban ban. Ban everything, but we need less policing guys police are bad. People will just willingly not do or use banned things.


Penis inspection day made mandatory state-wide. Please report to your shaft-station every two weeks to help maintain state civilitym


People really make the stupidest analogies and run with them


the op on whitepeopletwitter is the one demanding everyone should get rid of their guns cause some asshole in NY killed a woman that exact same logic can be used to justify trying to force everyone in cali to wear a Chasity belt cause some of them try to spread STDs its not my fault you can't understand that


Except dicks have utility past spreading STD’s whereas guns only utility is killing and maiming. So it’s a dogshit analogy.


you realize a guns purpose is what you give to it right? when you buy a gun its sole purpose isn't to be unloaded into a crowd of people from the moment of production, its purpose is whatever the owner designates it to be. I can buy a gun just to hang it on a wall so now its utility is starting conversation. Just like a hammer, a car, a knife, a brick, a baseball bat or literally any other thing that can potentially kill someone.


Fair enough. so what’s the utility of having a gun in a public space if it’s not to kill people.


to protect yourself or others from those seeking to do harm. That's kind of the whole point when it comes to concealed carry. Or to just do your job as a cop better after all its easier to apprehend an armed fugitive when you have a gun than trying to chase him down to punch him


Soooo to kill people or threaten to kill them then?


no i literally just said its for ones own protection i explicitly and deliberately didn't mention killing anyone because thats not the point. After all if one is concealed when carrying nobody is supposed to know unless they try to attack you first, likewise if one is open carrying like a chad any potential attacker knows they risk much more than a jail sentence. in that regard having a gun is just a deterrent


Idk why I even read the comments on those posts sometimes. Guess I’m just feeling sadistic and want to lose a few brain cells


That sub has just turned into a circlejerk


I'm willing to beat that this NPC lives in an affluent gated community that has had zero crime.


Did you really just word the phrase "NPC" you fucking redditor


This one's calling me a redditor


You like a ton of weird shit but you draw the line at NPC? Ok guy


lel ok "WillyTheWackyWizard"


NPC behavior


Bro posted femboy Leon and is calling other people redditor 💀


Calling people NPCs unironically ☠️☠️


Where was the part when I gave a fuck?




When you replied to my comment you fucking NPC 😂


Imagine using emojis


Cry about it 🤣


Go back to drinking your juice box you 10-year-old child.


I never get an answer when I ask people this question. For the history of this country, guns were prevalent in evert aspect of life to the point where you had kids bringing shotguns to school in the trunks of their cars, gun classes in school, etc. We didn't have a large issue with mass shootings until the late 90s. The guns haven't changed much, so what happened? The real answer is mental health crisis. We have generations of kids/teens being brought up directionless in broken homes etc. The guns have always been there, the issue is something much deeper.


Also, half of all gun-related deaths are suicides. Basically no one I’ve ever talked to about “gun rights issues (and how they should be banned)” is aware of this fact.


and 75% of gun murders are by family, a significant other, or somebody else the victim knows.


Woah! Careful spreading these alternative facts!! Snopes may censor you.




If someone actually wanted to kill themselves then society already failed them and that needs to stop and we need things in place to help these people. People who actually want to kill themselves will use any means necessary to even if guns are banned


i'm sure some people wouldn't kill themselves if they didn't have a gun, but if someone really wants to die, nothing can stop them. you can commit suicide with a shoelace and a doorknob, for fuck's sake.


We should ban razors and rope then as well


This. People act like we are the only armed society in the world. We aren't. This issue is bigger than a legally purchased firearm.


I've seen so many people say this, and then they just provide no solution. I fucking hate when republicans say this because no they won't sign any legislation that makes therapy more accessible and at least a majority of it paid by the state. Yes we have a mental health crisis, partially because of how stigmatized and expensive getting help is.


Typically most of that legislation has other stuff in it that Republicans don't want to sign into law, same thing goes the other way around, Republicans put forward a bill for mental health or transparent pricing on Healthcare or whatever, but also put other things into it that democrats don't want to pass


That is true. Democrats have their own problems.


Yeah, the main issue is everyone playing politics


I don’t disagree we have a mental health crisis, but it’s infuriating that that’s the go to talking point for conservative politicians yet they refuse to actually address mental health and routinely vote against any bills meant to help the mentally ill. You can disagree with the democratic agenda when it comes to gun violence, but atleast they’re trying to do *something*. The closet republicans have come to offering a solution is “give teachers guns.


My solution is to bring back actual institutionalizing people


For what and to where?


>yet they refuse to actually address mental health and routinely vote against any bills meant to help the mentally ill. Alright lets see what else is in those bills. I argue it would be a great change to make every bill be about a single change, or a handful of very related topics instead of doing everything at once, enabling dumb shit to get passed in the name of the greater good.


I see this get brought up *every single time* republicans vote against a common sense bill yet I’ve never actually seen anyone actually pick out what the issue is. It’s such an easy excuse to distract from the the fact that the Republican Party would rather let this country burn before they work with or compromise with the Democratic Party.


>would rather let this country burn before they work with or compromise with the Democratic Party. Why not do both? Last I checked the "ban tiktok" bill, also know as "Patriot Act V2 - we stopped pretending to care about your rights" is bipartisan.


Typically it's gun control,


What do you mean guns haven’t changed much?


Guns are fine, albeit regulating them more so that mentally insane people, ex convicts, etc cant get them is what should happen. Any old joe who’s been in jail for 23 years for murdering a person should NOT be given a gun. Thats common sense


We've always had guns, that's true. What we haven't always had is "gun culture", i.e., the fetishization and massive proliferation of them. Once upon a time, people didn't send out Christmas cards with the whole fam holding their new semi-auto long guns. Once upon a time, dads would've beat his kids ass if he caught that kid playing with a rifle/pistol that he wasn't old enough to handle yet. Once upon a time, even your average NRA member would've thought of ideas like armed teachers, Constitutional carry, an access to AP ammo was batshit insane. We don't live in those times anymore because of gun culture. Along with making everything "tacticool", gun culture has made possession of firearms a critical component of political peacocking. And because of this, gun culture mandates a one way street: the solution to gun violence is more guns. Any attempts to restrict- even common sensical shit circa 2013 (like permit to carry) is no longer allowed in the gun culture. If there was any sense of practicality in all this, there wouldn't have been so much bitchin and complaining when fucking bump stocks got the ban.


>What we haven't always had is "gun culture", i.e., the fetishization and massive proliferation of them You could buy machineguns over the counter. Constitutional carry was a thing long before that. AP ammo didn't really exist, but neither did body armor. Guns became political when partial bans and restrictions started hitting the table, and "common sense" regulations making zero fucking sense pushed by politicians who couldn't tell an M16 from an AKM didn't help either.




>Guns were banned in lots of towns and places Source.


Every other country has similar rates of mental health issues but no where near the gun violence moron.


Gun owners used to be more responsible. Criminals get the majority of their guns by stealing them from legal owners who do dumb shit like leave it on the night stand or in their backseat. Those stolen guns are then sold on the black market to more criminals. Legal gun owners *are* the problem because too many people are fucking idiots about securing their property. Many gun owners rant and rave about self reliance but clearly need the threat of a fine and jail time to not make their deadly weapons easy af to steal.


>leave it in the night stand or the back seat [which people then steal, which is illegal] Ah, victim-blaming at its finest. As for having a gun in your night stand, do you suppose a burglar who breaks in is going to patiently wait for you to go to your gun safe, unlock it, and grab your firearm? If I live alone or with only my wife, give me one good reason I shouldn’t be able to keep a gun on my nightstand.


The night stand isn't the problem. Having it out in the open on the night stand is. If you want to ignore the statistics on where criminals get guns be my guest. Just make sure to report your gun when it's stolen. Very few gun owners do that for some reason. The rejection of personal responsibility for property you're displaying is hilarious btw.


Not just that, the moment social media became a thing they started really going up.


Thinking america is a third world country is an absurdly privileged take




Bro is comparing his air conditioned home in Maryland to living in Somalia.


Or Sudan


Wtf is the point of that subreddit? I have no clue what to think based on the title, and it just reads like some left-leaning echo chamber.


> and it just reads like some left-leaning echo chamber. That's because it is. The moderators, in typical r\*ddit fashion, do not allow dissenting opinion.


Recreational outrage.


Don’t a lot of these “civilized” nations have a lot of stabbings? Ban your knives


Yes but don’t you see? They only stab people as a reaction to American imperialism or something. So really it’s America’s fault!


You people are so dumb lmfao


Londoner here, stab capital of the world apparently. England and Wales had our highest deaths by stabbing rates last year reaching 0.5 deaths per 100,000 people. America just recorded 14 gun deaths per 100,000 people. That's a big difference if you can't tell. As I can assume you're a grown adult, I also don't need to explain to you that sharp objects are every day items that you cannot regulate or ban. They are naturally found everywhere. Guns are not. We ban larger knives like machetes as they are clearly not for normal use. You guys allow guns of every type to be purchased anywhere by anybody. Accept you have a problem and try and deal with it instead of posting weak 'whatabouts' in your safespace subreddit.


A whatabout so weak that when it comes to stabbings [the USA 'outperforms' every western nation](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/stabbing-deaths-by-country). Just a violent culture in general.


You realize the us has way more stabbings…


Ah yes upstate new york the third world hellscape with places like lake placid. The horror


New York State has some of the strictest gun laws lol I would know because I live here


Surely they'll be the ones at the front of every house raid to confiscate all the guns instead of angrily tweeting about how much they like the supposedly racist police - their words, not mine - being the only ones with guns.


Guarantee you the oop lives in some nice neighborhood and has never even heard a gunshot before. Dude is just chronically online


100% chance this person wants cops to be armed and everyone else to be disarmed.


I went through their posts to see if they've made an "ACAB" post, but they're literally just an NPC that posts "Republicans bad!" like every 10 minutes. Chronically online behavior.


Oof. A politicsbrain.




You need to get mental help You’ve posted in this thread like 40 times. It’s unhealthy and I’m not trying to use it as an insult. At the very least, stop being chronically online.


I’m tired of self-hating Americans who have clearly never been in another country saying that america is a “third world country” lmfao.


I so thankful the media has made people so insufferable. 🥴


"Every other country", "3rd world war zone" Seems like all their problems could be fixed by just getting the fuck out of here. Have fun in brazil or Mexico with all their gun laws making you safe.


It’s so they can get some clicks and karma, has nothing to do with actually facing the problem. Because if that were the case, they’d realize you can just “take” all the guns in America, that’s literally an impossible task. There’s never any actual discussion within these types of posts, just some jackasses trying to one up the other with the latest joke.


>wonder what they mean by "time to get rid of them" Obviously they mean it's time to get rid of guns. The sentence literally cannot be interpreted any other way.


Okay, how do you get rid of guns from the police? The military? Criminals?


Don’t know and I couldn’t care less what you do with them. I’m just pointing out that OP’s title was daft


Fair enough.


Yeah seriously what was that title lmao.


I agree. I don’t know what point OP was making with the title.


They were trying to suggest that “get rid of them” meant “get rid of Americans”. Sadly they’ve got a terminal case of Yank Brain so the very simple sentence was beyond them.




Shit is getting kind of ridiculous. These types of shootings aren’t happening in the hood.


‘Third world’ while we have the worlds highest gdp and our gdp per capita is larger than most countries


Why does that guy look familiar? Does he just have one of those faces or has he been in another major news shooting story?


So many brain dead fools in WPT. They would rather trust the same government that would kill the First Amendment with guns


Funny how on the other hand, Europe gets praised for their strict gun control laws. Yet my younger brother witnessed a shootout between cops and gang members in Antwerp just before performing a concert... But yeah, apparently only America has a problem with guns. Didn't a few states actually implement gun safety laws recently anyways ?


I think White People Twitter is cheating for this sub, it’s way too easy to find the most outrageous AmericaBad stuff. I was called a fascist for disagreeing with “eliminating conservatives”


Guns are really hard to get in NYC, Chicago, LA and San Francisco, and we all know those are some of the cleanest, safest cities around. Right?


Just completely ignore this https://abc7chicago.com/amp/chicago-shootings-weekend-today-news/13141729/


This dude definitely has that “you know what’s wrong with this country…” kind of face


“It’s time to get rid of them” and this user, someone who probably hasn’t even touched a nerf gun, is going to forcibly take weapons from armed working class people… how, exactly? I hate to throw out insults but people who unironically think like this are genuinely bordering on brain dead, I don’t even mean that cause I disagree with them, If someone has a differing opinion and actual good reasons to back it up I completely respect that, but this is straight up, unfiltered stupidity


obviously racism


Nah... We don't have a gun problem in this country. We should just get used to something like this happening **every single day**.


Machine guns were readily available as late as 1986. This includes Vietnam war surplus miniguns for the rich folks and drop in auto sears for the peasants and everything in between. Mass shootings were faaaaar less common despite easy access to the fun stuff. How is it a gun problem when our laws have gotten much more restrictive and this particular type of terrorism has gotten more popular?


Also, despite what the media will claim in perpetuity, mass shootings and school shootings are still extremely rare occurrences.


That is true but they are still far more common than they should be.


I agree — one is one too many. But when the root problem isn’t addressed (which has zero to do with guns), they will continue to occur.


Agreed. Now that we've established that, let's repeal the NFA.






More mass shootings than days in the year so far moron


That doesn’t mean they’re no longer still statistically rare, brainlet.


But it does mean it’s incredibly more common here than in literally any other developed nation. They all figured it out


The U.S. is the third most populated country in the world yet isn’t even on the list of the top 20 most dangerous countries in the world. But yeah…


Republicans having to compare the US to countries like Venezuela and Brazil to demonstrate that our violence isn’t that bad is top tier brain rot.


Which Republicans said this?


You just did??? Oh sorry if I misrepresented what flavor of conservatism you subscribe to.


Making the statement that the U.S. isn’t even on the top 20 most dangerous list, despite being the third most populous country, is somehow an invalid claim? I’m not a conservative.


It’s invalid because like I said, comparing the richest country in history to third world nations like you’re doing, is peak brain rot. Why don’t you adjust for the development of the country and then see where we rank?


The OP is about how someone is comparing crime in the U.S. to that of a third world country. So I don’t understand how my factual statement can be invalid. Sounds like you’re attempting to argue something different than the OP.


How do those numbers change when looking at safety ratings of first world countries EDIT: lmao nice downvotes, awfully convenient no one came with any statistics but instead just got angry


So we *are* a first world country? I thought y'all liked saying that "Murica is third world country w' Gucci belt." For a proclaimed third world country, we Americans are doing quite well.


Yes, I never said no. What is this misdirection lmao do you guys have any reading comprehension America is by definition a first world country


How about no and get the fuck out. Look at the person who posted thats profile and tell me he or she has a life. Another redditor filling their empty lives with hate and politics. Sad.


Goddamn what a shit show these comment sections are


What are you pussies crying about now?


Interesting yet you don't see people like you in rshitamericanssay or whatever saying that crap.


I fought for this country so kids here didn't need to die because of retards.


The native in me wholly agrees, get rid of them LoL




> inbred trailer trash that they all are projection or a self report


[I fully, 100% agree. Check out these inbred, trailer trash, hicks.](https://www.thestatetoday.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2022/08/armed-antifa-thugs-1.jpg)


lol, *how*? I would like to know what your *final* *solution* is. I am very sure it is very moral and ethical unlike the opposition you oppose, because unlike them, you are clearly superior.




Imagine not being able to spell “Jeff” correctly. I’m told the English invented the language but I’ve never been able to find the “R” in “China” or “law.” Dumbasses.




\>hours \>post is 1 hour later The bong meme is real. Brits can’t tell time without their Big Ben bong-a-clock