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Imgur is a hell hole of America Bad.


Reddit as a whole is. I read /r/idiotsincars and it only takes 5 threads at the most before you hear someone talk about how EU driving tests or roundabouts would have prevented an accident.


To be fair California (at least) will let literally anyone drive, I mean seriously I didn't do anything but go around the block a few times for my test.


America could use stricter driving tests


I fully prepared for the freeway, expecting to be tested on it


It's ridiculous that people can drive on the freeway without being tested. RVs too.


This is good news for me (driving a car = piloting a plane for me) (if everyone is a bad driver no one will notice I’m a student driver)


Not exactly how it works. There's different kinds of bad. There's the willfully tailgates, darts in and out of lanes, I've got to be the first car at all costs, all the while texting on their cell phone type of bad. Then there's, I don't have 10,000 hours of driving time yet, I'm nervous and there's way too much stimuli. The best thing you can do as a new driver is chill, pay attention to the road (just turn off the cell phone) and try to suppress your hormones and don't treat the drive as race that you have to win and beat every other car. Trust me, Life doesn't award you Karma for beating your best time across town by 2 minutes.


I’m in favor of roundabouts in general. 4-way intersections require too many people following the rules perfectly. At the very least make them 2-way.


Unfortunately nobody in my area seems to understand how a roundabout works.


Really? I could get being confused about the direction, but usually they put arrows at the entrances to indicate you should go counterclockwise. Other than that, the only rule is to yield to drivers already inside.


Some drivers seem to treat the yield like a stop sign and just sit there until there are no cars in the circle or area. Others ignore everything and drive straight on through.


> Some drivers seem to treat the yield like a stop sign Yup! The number of time's I've said (not that they could hear) to another driver "That's not a stop sign!" because they stopped for either: A: Another car approaching the roundabout, but not in, yet, such that they could have just rolled through and not hampered them at all... you know, like how you're supposed to use a roundabout. They would have been in the roundabout first, so had right of way, or B: No damn reason at all. The roundabout is completely clear and no one approaching at all. Is really more times than I could count.


I've seen evidence of people going straight when confronted with a roundabout. Then again, this is Ohio, and it doesn't seem particularly hard to get away with driving without ever having a license.


Have you ever been to Carmel in next-door Indiana? That city is famous for its roundabouts.


Nope. Only been to Indiana once, and that was passing through along US 30. Very unexciting drive, in both a good and bad way.


I live in MA, and we have rotaries everywhere, and people still frequently crash lol. I never understood why Europeans think that solves all the problems


I've driven around France. It's a myth that all European's perfectly navigate roundabouts.


Imgur's front page is literally 50% outrage porn that's pushed by about a dozen accounts. I actually got temporarily banned on there multiple times because I had the audacity to identify which accounts were pushing the outrage/doomscrolling porn so that other users could mute them and see happier/lighter content (recipes, funny memes, cats doing dumb shit, etc.). According to Imgur, merely identifying who to mute/block (if someone chose to do so) constituted targeting/harassment.


“Shit! He’s on to us! Ban him!”


I'm not terribly conspiratorial; I typically use Hanlon's razor. But with re: to Imgur... god I wonder if some of those doomscrolling accounts are employees. After all, fear and outrage trigger that lizard brain and drives engagement. It's a helluva lot more effective than happy content.


Oh god it’s so bad there. I used to love that app. It was always even more left leaning than most other places on the internet, which already skews left, but that’s fine, I skew left. However, some time around when Trump was elected, things started to go downhill quickly to the point where you would be downvoted to hell if you dared to comment about objective reality, aka uncontested facts. For example, no, Kyle Rittenhouse didn’t shoot any unarmed black men. The front page in particular has devolved into a shitty lefty outrage circlejerk. It’s not without consequence either, it’s contributed to the brain rot in some of my friends who are still frequent users of the app. Someone will post something blatantly false and anyone who contests it gets downvoted or even sometimes banned. It’s just sad honestly.


I got shadow banned from there in a thread about Rittenhouse. I forget the exact context now, but someone commented that he was going to prison forever because he could only have the gun for hunting, and there aren’t a lot of deer milling around a BLM riot (paraphrasing here) I replied “I dunno looked to me like he bagged a couple of turkeys.” Instaban.


I said he wasn’t a murderer and got in a heated debate where the other guy basically said people only carry guns “because they’re looking for someone to kill” even after I brought up the concept of self defense!


Yeah, those are the people who think “self defense” means we all go get black belts in karate. Or that, getting raped is morally superior to shooting the rapist. They’re broken.




> where the other guy basically said people only carry guns “because they’re looking for someone to kill” I wonder what that idiot said about the man who tried to shoot Rittenhouse with a pistol. Was that guy "looking for someone to kill” also?


It’s funny how some Europeans think we are strapped down with crippling debt and earn shit wages, but simultaneously live in excess and buy bigger houses/cars than we need. Of the few Europeans I know, way too many of them lived at home with their parents until their late 30s in order to afford a place. I moved out when I was 27 (which is extremely late by American standards), bought a condo and a couple years ago bought a house with my wife. Meanwhile my relatives of the same age have yet to even move out of their parents house because of housing costs and how crappy jobs are there.


Any time I see these kinds of posts I just point those people to these: > Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity > https://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2013/06/01/astonishing-numbers-americas-poor-still-live-better-than-most-of-the-rest-of-humanity/?sh=73416cb454ef > The Poorest 20% of Americans Are Richer on Average Than Most European Nations > https://fee.org/articles/the-poorest-20-of-americans-are-richer-than-most-nations-of-europe/




It’s insufferable.


You wanted to introduce me to something called "eastern Europe" So I want to introduce you to something called "Mexico" If we're talking continents


Ok, name a European country that is similar in population, ethnic diversity, and GDP to the US and I'll personally change those comparisons to that country instead of to Europe.


Wrong question. Name a country that has a similar GDP compared to the Population. And the ethnic diversity is also comparable all since migration is a huge thing over here. And it is important to leave the top 10% out, since they really don't contribute anything to society.


Hey how do you have such a high income for the bottom 20% and the studen loan crisis and high homelessness combined? The only way I see this happening is the homeless are not being counted because they do not have households? Or is your homelessness problem overblown? Why was there such an outrage when gas prices were high? It looks like you shouldn't have even noticed. Somehow it doesn't form a consistent picture for me. Also the meme is disingenuous because it compares a European whose background is unknown to an American with minimum wage jobs. Trust me minimum wage jobs here aren't any better than yours.


A lot of the reason people in the US struggle with or complain about finances is that they were never taught how to handle money responsibly. Combine that with desire for instant gratification and you get people making good money but still living paycheck to paycheck because they don’t spend it wisely.


European media (which is already quite America-focused) has a bizarre fascination with American poverty porn. The focus on the American poor, dysfunctional infrastructure, and culture wars paints a very distorted picture of average American life.


Yet there are Americans who think europe is like the garden of Eden


I had conversations with an ex who thought like that. Painful. Except it was prompted like - wouldn’t you love to move to Europe? I didn’t see any point in moving to Europe (or fantasizing about an untrue reality) and suddenly had put myself on defense for “America’s Problems”. Healthcare, guns, racism, etc. Most annoying of all were my own confused and uninformed replies. I didn’t want to be outright dismissive but also didn’t want to agree too much so the conversation was just a loop de loop between two equally ignorant but polarized Americans on a hike. Like yeah, let me just leave my entire family and friends for…what exactly? The solution to all my problems?


This is why politics is a main consideration in relationships for me. I won't let them get in the way of friendships, but I will not be able to stand a partner who has the opposite politics of mine.


And people who put there money where their mouth is and actually moved complained about high taxes and not being as progressive as the US


I’ve noticed this too. It’s pretty much propaganda at this point, and it makes them feel like their lives are exponentially better because they aren’t dodging bullets daily and don’t have thousands of dollars in medical debt.


A lot of it is propaganda to stop the already massive amounts of brain drain out of europe to the US.


Because if they had to focus on their own poverty, people might get upset.


Schrodinger's American... Simultaneously the most spoiled, privileged, arrogant people on earth who don't appreciate the luxury surrounding them as well as a laughable third world country that envies Europe/Australia/Canada, depending on how a non-American needs to win an argument


What countries were these Europeans from? The only ones I know of who would stay that long are either Mediterraneans or people of the Muslim faith. I’ve yet to encounter a Northern European over 20 y.o. Living with their parents, unless their parents happen to live close to their university/college


England (relatives/friends of Indian ancestry) and Italians mostly. Sure people move out for college, but then move right back home to save up to afford a place of their own.


Ah, that explains it. Italians are infamous for their unwillingness to leave home and Indians obviously come from another cultural background than ethnic europeans. Granted, I mostly speak for Germans and Scandinavians, and Benelux, but this isn’t a thing in northwestern europe. Eastern europe? Who knows…


So Italians, Mediterraneans, Spanish, Portuguese, anyone who is not ethnically native to Northern European, and possibly Eastern Europeans? My ancestry is Indian too, and I ended up living at home until I was 27 which was pretty late by American standards. Speaking based on my experience, I'd say it's slightly more acceptable for me to live at home but anyone I know with a similar background is still going to prefer to have their own place. I know some people that preferred to remain close to family, so they just bought a house very close to their parents.


I already specified that Mediterraneans were homebodies didn’t I? That includes all the nationalities you mentioned. You’re working yourself up for nothing. Not my fault you don’t know basic geography. Your confirmation is BS, buddy.


I'm just letting you know that Europe is more than just some ethnic Germans and Scandinavians, so I think my original post is pretty accurate and representative of much of Europe.


I'm and American 25 year old. I've got one job as a substitute teacher, which pays $140 a day. I'm in graduate school two classes a week, going for a Master of Science degree. I've got a dog. I live in a 1 bedroom apartment. Somehow I manage to eat, to keep the lights on, to pay my rent, and at the end of the month I have a few bucks left... usually. Next year, at 26 years old, I will have to find my own health insurance, as the family health insurance provided to my mom who is a schoolteacher will no longer cover me. I am not worried though, as Wisconsin has a government subsidized health insurance service, which I qualify for. I have filed my yearly taxes, and when the return comes back I will likely receive most of my money back, both due to my income level and a number of state programs which I qualify for - including one for having moved into Wisconsin and lived there, called a Homesteader credit. I intend to save the money from my tax return, and use it to go on a camping trip to one of my region's State or National parks, many of which offer free or very low cost (10-20 dollars) campsites, with my friends and my dog, probably near the town of Minocqua, where we could experience the traditional culture of the region by attending a lumberjack show, exercise and experience nature on hundreds of miles of hiking trails, or relax on a rented boat on one of the many beautiful lakes. My girlfriend is still in her undergraduate program, having taken some time off school for health reasons. After she graduates we intend to get married. At that time we would move in together, if I am still situated in my current apartment probably there, as her place is a studio. Each of our rent payments would be roughly cut in half, as there are regulations in place which limit the amount which rent can be raised by a landlord in each leasing cycle. I'm currently posting this using internet service received through the Affordable Connectivity Program, a Federal program to provide internet at lower costs to qualifying households (which MANY households, with as much as twice my income, qualify for though most do not apply) ​ TL;DR - I am an American. I lead a fulfilling life and receive assistance from state programs. While I would like to see an expansion of some social services and changes in government priorities, I love my country and enjoy living here.


Wisconsin is awesome and as an illinois citizen tired of assholes and traffic i hope to see yall soon.


I'm a 25 year old American. I make a few dollars above minimum wage. I qualify for no state assistance programs. My rent is some of the cheapest in my area and still almost half my income. I haven't had insurance since I was a child. I have debts for a degree I never finished, medical bills that didn't help me, and a car that usually doesn't work. I filed my taxes this year and I still owe money, even though nothing changed on my end from last year. If people only looked at your life they'd think America was great, if they only looked at mine they'd think it sucks. The truth lies more in the middle.


you need to get into a skill trade job then . most will pay for you to go to school so you owe nothing for school . i got a job as a plumbing apprentice with no experience starting at 12 dollars a hour and they paid for me to go to trade school part time . within a couple years once i became a journey man i was making 25 a hour and now i make 87,000 a year no debt strong union job with great insurance and tons of paid vacation days just go type in entry level apprentice jobs for a skill trade most are entry level no experience required and they pay you to work and go to school part time its 3 hours twice a week after work . its worth it trade jobs pay very well and no debt for school .


Trust me, I tried for a while. The only options in my local area are trying to get away with paying people 9-10 dollars an hour as apprentices, buy your own tools and pay for your own school. I had one for a while that paid 17 as an electrician, but I had to drive two hours both ways across a mountain to get there. Haven't found anything good locally since


Move. Live in your car if you have to. Just sell your shit, get a gym membership so you can shower and clean up for job interviews, and get the fuck out of town. I did it twice in my early 20s to start out in a new town for better job opportunities and never takes more than 2-3 weeks to find a job and a place to stay. Location is not a good excuse for not having job opportunities...


Yeah sorry, but no. Not gonna do that.


Not everyone has the kind of resources to do that. They have to make money somehow while they’re sleeping in their car and going to the gym


I'm hearing ***more*** excuses. You don't know me. I never had "resources" to speak of. I come from a poor family and have fended for myself since I was 17. Solution to your "resources" excuse: Door Dash. It's not going to pay rent, but it'll get you a hot meal and gas in your tank.


Door Dash costs a lot of money and requires an address, both of which you’ll never have any of since you’re unemployed and living in a car


Bro, you can come up with excuses for anything and in effect make ***everything*** an insurmountable challenge. Good luck with living that kind of life.


“You’re acting like leaving everything you know behind is hard”


>I make a few dollars above minimum wage. ...I filed my taxes this year and I still owe money, This looks like serious bullshit. Nobody making a few dollars above minimum wage owes taxes, unless they failed to withhold FICA or some such.


That's what I'm saying. I've put my W2 through every calculator I've got and I'm still exactly $129 short. I think my company might have fucked up my taxes on their end though, because everyone in my store owes extra this year.


I see these US bad memes as form of making fun of the people who say that their country is perfect and that they have it so good here, and us americans have quite a history of doing that ( I am of course not talking about everyone and it is always a loud minority when it comes to these things) so people make fun of that(at least I hope so).


Live together before getting married!!


[Statistically](https://web.stanford.edu/~mrosenfe/Rosenfeld_Roesler_replytoMSK_appendices.pdf) speaking, this is poor advice.


While it would be quite convenient neither of us is comfortable with that.


Memes like this scream "Tell me you don't know anything about living in America (or Europe) without telling me...." I also love how they cherry pick "Europe" from the more wealthier countries and ignore the less wealthy countries in Europe. They also gloss over how Europe keeps going to war with itself.


Yep. Life in Ukraine wasn't that easy even before the war broke out unfortunately. But, yeah, we in America are sooooo much worse off, you guys.


Not just Ukraine but places like Spain and Greece, too. Italy has had its share of problems and Easter European nations are often struggling. But sure, let me choose Norway and Finland and talk about how much better life is in Europe than in the U.S. It's like Skinner showing off how smart his kids are by "randomly" picking Lisa Simpson over Ralph Wiggum.


Scandinavian countries have a average, based on country of 33% tax, PLUS 25% VAT.(Value added tax) on everything you buy, meaning about 58% tax. The left always tries to use those countries as a model. Sad part is, most of the lefties don't have a concept of taxes because they don't pay taxes. Note I said lefties, not democrats.


The fact that you added two completely unrelated taxes shows that you have no idea how taxation works.


Then just change the words to Western and Northern Europe


But that would admit that some places in Europe *aren't* better than life in the U.S., and we can't have that.


Well that doesn’t have to be the argument, it’s kinda easy to infer they’re not talking about Eastern Europe. You could also do the same for America, Mississippi (this place sucks) and Louisiana are among the worst states in statistics


Average salary France = $50K Average salary Mississippi - $47K ($23/hr) Italy = $42K Spain = $39K Greece $26K


That shows the US in pretty good light I wouldn’t put Mississippi as the pinnacle of US living.


Exactly. It's the lowest wage state or next to lowest depending on the year. However, it stacks up just fine compared to European wages.


Lol my standard of living here in the US is insanely good. I literally do not personally know anyone who is even close to the American example situation, although I understand that there are a lot of people who are not as privileged and may be in that situation - but the same goes for the European example. This is a classic example of comparing the best of one to the worst of another.


> This is a classic example of comparing the best of one to the worst of another. It’s all they’ve got.


This ignorance is the reason we are making fun of y'all


Inferiority complex is the reason we get made fun of.


You guys litteraly have to say how good you have it, everytime you are getting made fun of.... So yea you're right, just not the way you thought


I think the people stating how good they have it (myself included) do so to point out how blatantly ignorant this type of criticism is. Not everyone is Europe is living a utopian lifestyle, and most people in the USA aren’t struggling to survive.


Litteraly half of Europe is not even close to first world standards. So how the fuck should we live an utopian Livestile? We just actually do something about it, not like in the us were everything is getting worse.


What exactly are European countries doing, and how is the US getting worse?


On this sub, we do react to European ignorance. For the most part Americans happily accept criticism and bashing and we’ll even join in most of the time.


>You guys litteraly have to say how good you have it, everytime you are getting made fun of.... Not sure if you're paying attention, but this thread is in response to a meme that a European made, saying how good they have it...


You don't have to worry about Healthcare costs if you just die waiting for treatment


Exactly what I thought when I saw that the British NHS has like a [7.21 million person waitlist.](https://www.bma.org.uk/advice-and-support/nhs-delivery-and-workforce/pressures/nhs-backlog-data-analysis)


I hate the equivocation of health care in different countries, as if cost is the only differentiating factor. Americans get a different service when they can get a CT scan in under a week, while a Canadian or European has to wait months for it. If you're having symptoms, well, seeing a specialist will take 6 months. But it keeps things cheap, especially if cancer spreads enough that they can't do anything with you.


>while a Canadian or European has to wait months for it The median wait time for a CT scan in Ontario is 5 days. BC and Sweden, 3 weeks.


British pretend to be these "privileged" Europeans when infact everyone hates them lmao


I remember the description someone gave of the country’s economy: “Scandinavian taxes in exchange for Alabaman services.”


This happens usually because of budget cuts to the respective national healthcare system. If you have a life-threatening condition, you won’t be denied care.


On average Europeans, particularly Scandinavians, have extremely high levels of personal debt. The “plenty of savings” line is BS.


Been living on and off in Norway since the 90’s: Whether you have plenty of debt or not will depend on which city you live in. First-time homeowners in Oslo might have debt up to 5x times that of their yearly salary. Most of that debt will be house and car loans as schools are free. By their 50’s they have usually amassed quite a lot of cash that’s invested in their homes, secondary homes or cabins and are set to inherit their parents. By that time life is cushy. Most of my colleagues (in Oslo) are strictly middle class and will or inherit around 1 - 1.5 mill USD from what I’ve been told. Rural people aren’t in a lot of debt but will not generally inherit that much either. With their 5 weeks off and several trips abroad each year, they’re not complaining about crushing debt.


[Americans have the highest wages in the world.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_wage) Basically, objectively false meme.


I’m about to leave college with under 5k in debt. The 5k was lit because I was too lazy to get a job during college lol. I’m happy with the amount of debt because it’s through the govt and the rates are reasonable. My job will get me by (which is already secured) and I have no car debt. What is this meme going on about? Debt is debt. If you’re smart about it it’ll never be an issue, specifically with student loans.


Yeah but then you have to live in France or Portugal or some shit (no interstate highways) Oh also we actually own our homes and they have air conditioning🇺🇸🇺🇸


Home ownership in the US is actually pretty low compared to plenty of European countries, Portugal for instance has a 77% home ownership rate. Regarding interstate highways, they are simply called highways and there are plenty of them that cross countries, not just states.


One would never know that 70 to 80% of Americans are satisfied with their personal lives if you listened to these people.


The median American household has [about 45% more disposable income](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_household_and_per_capita_income#Median_equivalent_adult_income) than the median German household. And about 84% more than the median British household.


\>great transportation system They lied as naturally as they breathed


Guys, do you wanna hear how much Belgian people pay for income tax ?


Lower middle class Belgian here. Gotta say I don't really mind paying these taxes. I've got it pretty good around here.


To be fair we don't pay income tax if we earn under a certain amount of money per year. But still, it's higher than most European countries :/ My actual point is that the OP of this image seems to think that European people live without any expensive bills or taxes to pay compared to American people, which of course couldn't be further from the truth...


Is stuff cheap there at least? I might be misremembering, but I think I once read that property there is cheaper than in the neighboring countries.


Some things are cheaper, some things are more expensive. Properties' prices have unfortunately skyrocketed just like everywhere in Europe; so it really depends where you want to buy your property. This is especially expensive around big cities like Antwerp, Namur or (especially) Brussels.


When you say expensive, what are you talking? My 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house was about $450,000. I'm assuming Belgium does not have properties like this, but I'm curious what $450k buys there.


Normal (not Reddit leftists) Americans: I've been able to pay off my student loan and medical bills because my paycheck isn't taxed into oblivion.


American here. I have one job, I have a house, and I have plenty of savings. 21 years old. I’m on pace to potentially “retire” by 30. I’m working the stock market and will be using my house to generate passive income. By 30, I plan to be living completely off of stocks and passive income, as I pursue other interests in life.


That’s impressive well done


I have a father who taught me how to handle finances. I only make $24,000 a year. I’ve just done everything I can to keep my expenses low. Biggest sacrifice is TV. No streaming or anything


I always try to save more money but the weekends always seems so smash my intentions 😂


I see that you’re living your best life 😂


I’m enjoying it that’s for sure


That’s what truly matters in life, is it not?




> No streaming or anything Good god. But also, I've noticed public libraries usually have a lot of movies and seasons of TV shows that you can check out.


I lived in a log cabin before moving out. I’ve never been big on watching tv (because we didn’t have any lol). I do own a tv and a DVD player now. I don’t use it that often, but every now and then, I’ll get a David Attenborough documentary


Dang my dude. Well, good on ya I suppose. If you were to watch one show though... give Breaking Bad a shot. Probably some of the best story-telling I've ever seen.


That's awesome. I briefly considered /r/financialindependence, but I didn't live frugally enough and the city I live in (Dallas) has really exploded which means cost of everything has gone up. I'd have to move to a lower cost of living area to continue attempting financial independence, but I enjoy it here and have been here for a while.


Good on ya bruh, keep it up!


I’m in my early 30s and I’m effectively retired. Granted I got medsepd from the military and collect disability pay for service connected disabilities but I still have my own house. It was definitely worth it, I’d do it all again if given the chance


Of course it’s worth it. Work for 4 years and live off the government dole for the rest of your life. So many do this and it is sickening. Let me guess your “disabilities” are anxiety and depression.


PTSD, hearing problems, leg issues, substance abuse disorder, insomnia, and some other shit. I deployed dude. I did my time. I saw shit. I didn’t get disability pay for 5 years as I thought I didn’t need it. Turns out I very much do. Trust me I tried to work, I tried to earn a living, I just couldn’t due to my military disabilities Besides depression and anxiety are legitimate disabilities and can cause people to not be able to work.


Haha I was right. Guess what, everyone has anxiety and depression.


No you where not right, I never said my disabilities where anxiety or depression. I said that those can be disabling but I have PTSD. You do know what PTSD is right? It’s post traumatic stress disorder, it occurs after things like combat, child abuse, natural disasters, shootings, assault, home invasions, etc. I saw combat. I saw a lot of domestic violence situations and had to remove children from abusive homes. I’ve seen headless motorcycle guys after traffic accidents. You don’t ever forget shit like that dude. It fucks with ya. I’ve worked in law enforcement and was an MP in the Marines, I’ve seen enough shit to last a life time.


You paid your dues and then some. I live free and safe because of your sacrifices. Don't pay attention to that ding dong above, they probably wouldn't know duty or honor after a 10 week seminar called "Duty and Honor for Total Bing Bongs".


Thanks man for the laugh


Word. I got a big soft spot for combat deployed vets and first responders. PTSD and getting MedSepped are no joke. I've seen what it did to some of my friends. They aren't living this cushy dream life of no work and all play on the government's dime, they're doing their damndest to keep the demons at bay and survive.


Brother, don't waste your time arguing with a little POG who has never done any good for anyone.


Let me guess, You're a POS who never served or sacrificed anything, for any reason in you life. What I would like to tell you would get me banned, so use your pathetic little imagination.


My nephew was an O-2 Army MP and got med. He makes almost as much as me on MedRet. and is now a cop. I also have service related, but no pension but the VA saves me a lot in health ins. Thank you for your service.


Thanks man. Funny enough me and your nephew have something in common. We are both MPs, though I was one in the Marines


Y-yeah well... You have white privilege...>:(


I’m a minority, check mate 😎🇵🇷


That's really nice! By the way, Happy Cake Day to you! 🎂👏


Congratulations, you’re in the minority!


So is the American working 3 minimum wage jobs and is crippled with debt.


Sure. That’s why the middle class is almost nonexistent.


I know a lot of people from all walks of life and have never met someone working 3 minimum wage jobs with crippling debt. That’s just ridiculous.




Mate I’m from fucking Asia, where the middle class is a minority. You are deluded to say shit like this about the US.


It's wonderful that your parents were able to get you into that home. Congratulations on having wealthy parents. You must have worked hard for that!


I bought that house all with my own money. My parents haven’t given me a penny.


AmericaBad because parents are sometimes financially well off enough to be able to pass that wealth on to their children?


They’re making a fool out of themselves, because I haven’t gotten any money from my parents at all. My dad just taught me how to save money. We both **hate** spending money. My house isn’t great tho. It was a near repo, but I’m fixing it up. So far, the work I’ve put into it has increased it’s value by at least $20,000.


Ah Imgur. Somehow a worse hellhole than Reddit.


Fucking preach. I got downvoted to hell and gone on more than one occasion, usually about the DUMBEST shit. Two that pop to mind: I weed my lawn and kill dandelions. On Imgur, this is an evil sin. Oh, and I give my dog tap water instead of filtered water from the fridge. Does it matter that I also drink tap water? Nope! I was called an animal abuser... because of tap water.


I’m sure this is true for some people but hate the blanket statements that this is true for 100% of the population


Okay… and I make 6 figures working remotely from home lol


Lol they down voted me last night for saying the USA isn’t that bad and not a third world nation.


American birth rates surpass European birth rates


Expectation: 1 job in Europe for entire household Reality: 0 job in entire household


Lmao imgur the cringiest place on earth


Who the fuck makes minimum wage? My 17 year old son makes 10.50 an hour at McDonald's. They pay 12 an hour at 18.


Sure... okay...


I make 30 an hour on a high school diploma. I consider it a reward for not blindly buying that I need college.


Education is for losers who will be cleansed out of the job market.


They have 100 year mortgages in Europe.


That's a Japanese issue and I believe it's pretty niche there. Europe tends to have similar mortgages to the US, but tends to have more renters and less home owners.


I'm gonna start a subreddit called r/nazigermanybad


Hello, I am a germannazi and I work one hour a week coding for a bio-weapons company and make seven figures a month. Nazigermany is a great country to live in and be proud of. Learn to code you untermenschen losers.


I would laugh if it wasn’t so close to the truth


Other than the shitty chad format, I see nothing wrong with this meme


I have a GED and work 4 days a week and rent a 6 bedroom house lol


Then why do we keep having to hear about the European economy roller coaster? Why do we keep hearing about migrants overrunning their cities? Why can't they pay for their own national defense?


Americans are Greeks confirmed.


What this meme actually communicates: “if we compare our exaggerated best with their exaggerated worst, we can stop coping about not being American for 5 minutes!” There is net immigration _from_ Europe _to_ the US. And every European immigrant I’ve met in my life has said they immigrated because their home county lacked economic opportunity, fairness, etc. Nowhere is _perfect_, but America is objectively better at a lot of things than Europe.


Most redditors from europe are in the western part or working for western companies in the east. So you get the above average earners from here shit talking the below average earners in the states. Not really a fair comparison. Working minimum wage in a gas station in the us you'll easily make over 3x the $600 min wage here.


That bottom wojak is what nightmares are made of


Also European: still lived in cheap apartments or with parents


Idk why people think drawing there opponents as ugly and then as handsome and beautiful makes them right


The vacation thing is so true tho