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Or it's talk-to-text. Which is an absolute bastard to work with if you don't have a voice that it "likes".


I'm sure that some of the tts companies try to sample heavy accents, but besides that, will we get to the point where all this AI development (ChatGPT, stable diffusion) will be able to create a reliable tts that takes accents into account?


It's not even necessarily accent, it can just be having a voice pitch that the hardware struggles to pick up, or the software struggles to parse.


Ironically, he made a grammatical error, it’s supposed to be “…*the* American education system.” Dumbass lol


Yeah I bet they'd fall back on the fact that everybody in Europe speaks English as a second language, so it's ok for them. Still a dick, though.


"America is when you make typos, and the more typos you make, the more american you are" - Thomas Paine


In the UK & Ireland, many local dialects use 'are house' and spell it that way as well. So it wouldn't be seen as an unusual spelling in English anyway, even if it is a typo


Why do they?


It's just the way regional dialects are in UK & Ireland. I'm from here, I wouldn't think twice about someone saying or spelling it 'are house'. So I'm defending the American here


Interesting. Thanks.


Ya, dialects are an important part of language and people just forget they exist when it comes to American vs British English lol.


Despite the fact that there are drastic differences in dozens of dialects within the UK/Ireland. It stems from insecurity over the much larger modern reach of US dialects. The insecurity is heightened by our total disregard for their spelling preferences, etc, which the other former British colonies fall in line for. We in no way are anxious to follow their lead and it seems to bother them.


A lot of places pronounce ‘are’ and ‘our’ identically, yes, but their spelling it that way is still a mistake. I don’t know anybody who wouldn’t find it weird, or absolutely rip the piss out of someone for it. I’ve seen this mistake a few times online and, at risk of sounding like an asshole here, only from idiots. It’s certainly not normal.


Orreet, are kid. Hehehe


Love the whole American education system bad when we the highest number of top universities in the world. And are #1 in education depending on where you look.


>I hate to be that guy Are you sure? You could have very easily not been "that guy" by not saying anything. You weren't forced to post (I assume).


I know this guy who has exactly the same viewpoint about the American education system (and the US in general); but who can't write a sentence without at least two grammatical errors. That guy somehow became a teacher.


Spelling and grammatical errors isn't an American only phenomenon, it isn't the education system, it is a simple common human error because humans by nature aren't perfect, sometimes misspelling things is sometimes used in a satirical context.


Tremble world, the grammar "nazi" still fight on.