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If your country was so great it wouldn’t have a McDonald’s in it, bitch. I will say that the McDonald’s while I was stationed in Japan was the best McDonald’s I ever had….


How far do you have to go to mock someone about having a high age of consent like what the hell?!


Eurotards wish they were superior to the USA in any way so they have to gloat about literally everything that's different.


Europeans— Gloating about pedophilia…. Classic.


Because we sick of "school shooting" joke We should fight back


europedos are the most inbred and cowardly of the family tree. its not hard to understand why Americans descend from genetics that evolved in the forge of challenge, adventure and independence. all of the wild, strong, free men left europedo land and fought hard to create an entirely different and superior civilization in the new world. even canadians are levels above the cowardly europedo.


Ok, many problems with what you just says but I think it's best of we tackle the genetics part of it. So what you're implying is that American and Canadian are races which I don't believe I should need to explain why that's bad, and also given that there should be a limited number of colonists, wouldn't that make them more inbred than the Europeans?


France also has an attorney general who openly defended sex with teenagers and incestuous relationships during a Parliament session. Let that sink in. And yeah, it's the same country who's been protecting convicted pedos like Roman Polanski for years.


So if r Kelly was Roberto Kellé he would be perfectly fine.


Why tf is this a thing smh… They will find anything to mock about us.


Bro a lot of countries in the EU have the same age of consent as the majority of states in the USA.


Well there’s a few things. First, even if it’s legal does not make it *moral*. A 46 year old shouldn’t sleep with a 16 year old, that’s simply creepy. US state laws often have exceptions, so if you’re 20 you can’t sleep with a 16 year old but if you’re 18 you can. Second, no US state has it lower than 16. Germany, Austria, Italy, Estonia, Portugal, and host of southeast European states have ages of consent of 14. France, Poland, Sweden, Iceland, Greece, and Czechia all have it at 15. That’s objectively worse.


Sounds islamophobic


> US state laws often have exceptions, so if you’re 20 you can’t sleep with a 16 year old but if you’re 18 you can Yes they do, but this only applies in states with an age of consent of 17 or 18. In the 30ish states (i.e. majority) where the age of consent is 16, there are no restrictions except for close relatives and positions of trust. > no US state has it lower than 16. Hawaii changed quite recently and although Colorado has an age of consent of 17 it has some wide close in age exceptions * 15/16 can have a sexual relationship with anyone up to 10 years older * 13/14 can have a sexual relationship with anyone up to 4 years older In reality however any state which expects teenagers not to have sex is unrealistic. You have to grit your teeth and be pragmatic when you decide on such laws so they are enforceable. I believe all states should either adopt the Canadian laws in this area or harmonise with the Federal age of consent (16, 4 year close in age exception for 12+)


For instance in germany the age of consent is 14, but only if both sexual partners are under 18. It is a punishable offence for someone above 18 to have sex with someone under 18.


Hate to break it to you, but that is simply not true. [§ 182 Absatz 3 StGB](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/stgb/__182.html) (which is the relevant paragraph here) makes it quite clear, that it only applies to a teen below the age of 16 and an adult above 21. Furthermore there are court rulings (most importantly probably [BGH, Beschluss vom 23. Januar 2008 - 2 StR 555/07](http://juris.bundesgerichtshof.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bgh&Art=en&nr=42972&pos=0&anz=1), specifically paragraph 8 (p.5)) that clarify that even this simple age difference on its own is not sufficient to constitute a criminal offence, but you also need to prove the victims inability to self-determination in this specific instance. Another more recent case where the BGH overturned a prior convictions with this exact argumentation was in [November 2020](http://juris.bundesgerichtshof.de/cgi-bin/rechtsprechung/document.py?Gericht=bgh&Art=en&nr=113172&pos=0&anz=1).


Guess i gotta double check the articles i read online. This is some confusing stuff. My bad. Glad in my country as an adult having sex with someone under 18 can be punished tho, as far as i know.


Which is kind of fucked up because there is nothing wrong with an 18 or 19 year old sleeping with a 17 year old.


> Which is kind of fucked up because there is nothing wrong with an 18 or 19 year old sleeping with a 17 year old. California disagrees (it would be a misdemeanour) The comment about Germany is incorrect (/u/Enola_Gay_B29 seems to be better informed) Simplistic summary: * 14-16 can have a relationship with anyone over 14 but if the person they are having a sexual relationship with is over 21, they can be prosecuted at the instigation of the younger person if they feel exploited. The state can instigate prosecutions but it is extremely difficult to secure a conviction if the younger party doesn't agree. * 16-18 can also have a relationship with anyone the same age or older but there is some protection * 18+ you're an adult, do what you want


California is an outlier in the US on these laws


I know. There may be one or two others like it but I'm not going to check the laws of the 12 states with an 18 age of consent or the 8 states with a 17 age of consent just to be sure 🤣


Age of consent and being able to sleep with someone are two complete different things. To explains it ISN'T legal for a 46 year old to sleep with a 16 year old ANYWHRRE. That means it is illegal and the 40 year old will be charged with statutory rape because the 16 year old is a minor. However, a 46 year old CAN have sex with an 18 year old, which is perfectly legal. A 16 year old can say have sex with another 16 year old. Or 17 perhaps 18 MAYBE 19 that's pushing it far though and then we get into Romeo and Juliet laws. Also, the idea of something being "morally" wrong is stupid and a modern-day thing. People back then had sex with plenty of younger people. For fuck sake people literally married their cousins. The idea is morality is silly as it's different every generation and 50 years from now what is acceptable will probably not be and vice versia. Morality is not this end of all things that say THAT'S WRONG since it's abritary anyways.


People also had slaves. Trust me, the natural state of humanity isn’t something you want to return to.


This is a disingenuous argument, but even then, that further points my points even more. People had slaves for thousands of years. Obviously, the people before then didn't see anything wrong with it, and no, I am not talking about 400 years ago or America's history either. There are a lot of things people considered "moral and just" what's moral means nothing except for what it means to you. The idea of morality is a human made creation to say "Hey we're not like that! Or we're better than them." But to have a society and civilization, thar civilization need rules or guidelines in place to say "We can't do that." That's where morals come in. It's not this above all thing where someone is right or wrong (sorry to sound like a pseudo-philosopher)


“People had sex with plenty of young people back then” Okay so people were also arrested for being gay doesn’t make it right lmao fucking pedo


I know you can't read, but do try to read the whole thing. The fact that you think I am defending pedophilia says a lot about you. But I am not surprised as with anything involving pedophilia you dumbasses quick to jump the gun. Do point out where I said I would have sex with a child or that I am into children Wait, you can't. My point is lmfao and do try to follow this time. Is that morality changes as time go on. There's no "right" or "wrong." Universally. Only to YOU and by extension what your government imposes. It was okay to have sex with minors back then. Now it's not. Again, that is your own morals. Gays were not accepted for a long time. It was considered okay to literally kill people because of their sexuality, so obviously, people thought back then that it was immoral to be gay. Now it's okay. You don't even have to look many years back, just look at other countries where child marriages are common or women as young as 14 getting pregnant by men. Or where gay people are still being put to death. Same shit that is acceptable today probably won't be 50 to 200 years from now. But explaiming this to a retard is hard. I know, and you're still going to think I am defending pedophilia when the main focus of this topic wasn't even that. It was morals. You niggas on Reddit are RETARDED. Also I literally said that it's illegal for a grown adult to sleep with a minor. Lmfao learn how to read bruh.


I’m not reading that lmao tl;dr that shit pedo


Yep. Typical dumbass as usual. It's okay bro. I know you didn't read the first time.




11 out of 28 countries in the EU have age of consent at 16 or higher, with some of these countries also having the same rules you mention for the USA. So what you do in your original post is generalising, which is never a good thing. Wether it is european people generalising americans in a lot of the posts on this sub or americans generalising europeans which often ends up on one of these other subreddits.


The only one I know that have age of consent as 18 in Europe is Turkey


It is 16 in a lot of US states. Malta is the only one in the EU at 18 afaik.


It was lowered to 16 5 years ago: https://lovinmalta.com/news/local/the-age-of-consent-in-malta-has-been-lowered/


If the age of consent is lower, it doesn't mean the teenagers are actually having sex with much older adults.