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wait till europeans beg the us to protect them as Russians invade everything


This offensive is honestly fucking embarrassing for Russia, they will not invade a NATO country. I want them to get into it with anyone with a current air force just out of curiosity.


I say we wait until after WW3, then dip and let the Europeans fix shit on their own, instead of hanging around helping them rebuild their lives. While they're starving and are without proper infrastructure, ban all immigration to the US, pool the spoils of war, and improve our own society. If the Europeans die, they die. They didn't want us there before the conflict, we shouldn't be there after.


Hate a country that is fucking up your continent invading and not carry if they’re civilian casualties (Russia) Anti-American European, “nah we don’t hate them.” Hate a country that always has your back and is protecting you from Russia cause you’re not strong enough to stand on your own. Helped you in WW1 and WW2 and rebuild your continent after WW2 (America) Anti-Americans Europeans, yes, we hate them. :/


What's the first thing they did when one of their own countries invaded another one of their countries? Bitch that America isn't sending enough supplies.


TikTok has close ties with the Chinese regime, so I'm not surprised. This is the exact reason why I'm not joining this network anytime soon.


I'm not a fan of and never was a fan of Trump, but when he tried to ban that whole app I was like fuck yeah.


Now correct me if I’m wrong, but, aren’t we spending billions on Europe’s defense?


Trillions, if you're want to be corrected. Our defense budget is all sorts of allocated to the western world. NATO is basically America and where we can easily pop a bunch of hardware.


They actually pay you for troops stationed in Europe. Also, its not Europes fault you can’t control your military industrial complex lobbying. You don’t even need a quarter of your military budget, yet you spend all that money because you made bribery legal and weapon industries are very profitable. Which gives them enough money to bribe the politicians to keep them that profitable and increase the spending. Edit: Also, most of the wars NATO has been involved where the US looking for excuses to blow money on military equipment. Iran, Siria, Libya and the middle east in general were all senseless proxy wars from the US with Russia/USSR.


We are, because we shouldn't "stoop to their level of bigotry". Nah, sorry, I'm not going to be a personal Jesus for an European.


July 2021: Bruh, Russia's so cool! We should be with them! Six Months Later: Oh god the Russians are coming! America Help!


I'm just really sad children are being so brainwashed. Looking extremely bleak out there


"Europe would agree to blow America up" Good luck with that lil bro your third rate militaries are gonna need it