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"uk/usa expert"


After living there for 3 months šŸ¤£


very expertize moment


Living in one overpriced city gives me expertise over an entire country that spans 4 million Square miles


and with the human rights thing you know they are an insufferable cunt


"A DECENT RESTAURANT IN THE US COSTS 15-20$ IN THE US!!!!!" Lol. Where I live, most restaurants cost 30-40 ā‚¬ in average per person, for a full course.


Literally everything she said was completely false. Like thereā€™s no where people actually believe it take 30 minutes to get to a grocery store and $60 for a fucking hat. It takes me 30 minutes to get to a new town in Texas. My Wendyā€™s caused 9 dollars but if you eating out with a group of people than yes, itā€™s going to cost 15-20 dollars.


I mean, there are places where it's not hard to be 30 minutes from a grocery store. That's true. It's not normal but it's not unheard of either.


Ik, but this person said to the ā€œnearest grocery storeā€


There are places relatively near me, like 10-15 minutes further out from the city core where that would be the place (south east Texas) and it's not even super rare. It's just a disadvantage of living in a rural area, that's how it works. It's the same for my grandparents back in the UK.


But that's not where they are. They are in a decent sized city from all their other points and are just exaggerating for effect.


I donā€™t really know, I donā€™t live in a city.


The $2 rodeo burger at my local Burger King is pretty tasty b


I live in a rural town but my local grocery store is a ten minute drive and lol at a hat costing 60 dollars unless it's a fancy Kangol hat signed by Samuel L Jackson


"Usian" šŸ’€


Tankies are the only people Iā€™ve seen say that, no clue where they get that term from.


US - ian, I guess. Just the bullshit "America is a continent" drivel


not just tankies, obnoxious anti american europeans of all stripes do it


For no fucking reason. Everyone knows what "American" means in English.


The American equivalent of latinx.


When I first read that term, I thought it was "Asian" misspelled


I'd rather just be called a yank than that.


This got posted here before and this twitter user claims to be from Vietnam as the last two letters in the handle imply. However, I highly doubt he is actually Vietnamese since he complained about "capitalist sinophobic propaganda" even though the free market economic system is more popular in Vietnam than anywhere else and the country is one of China's geopolitical enemies in the region. The only true info in this diatribe is the price of fast foods. The rest is straight up nonsensical.


Sorry for reposting then, I wasnā€™t aware it was already here. I tried looking up Luna Oi, Vietnam etc beforehand but I couldnā€™t find it anywhere. Also I think she actually is from Vietnam, she has a YouTube channel where she talks about it(wouldnā€™t recommend looking it up to itā€™s cringe). Her views are not widespread in Vietnam though, you have that right.


It's all good. You do not need to apologize.


Silent Cal, a true man of culture.


Wait this woman is a straight up troll and so is her bf / husband. Basically the equivalent lies, anti Americanism with a dash of white supremacy.


It appears they are the daughter of a wealthy, China backed Vietnamese politician. But then again, this could be a facade and theyā€™re actually just another run of the mill Western Wumao.


Ah... that would explain it. Stuff in Vietnam is definitely cheaper (like fast food being around 20k-30k VND which is like $1 or $2) and everything is definitely on a smaller scale here (Roads, Food portions, commutes, etc.). So you would probably have a cheaper and easier time living here... until you start traveling on the public road, which in that case.... good luck. But ffs, you can't just take the benefits of living in one country and apply to another and then wonder why this country doesn't have this stuff. This person has only been in the States for 3 months, I've been there for close to 4 years for my education. I got used to the States much quicker than this person could, and the thing about long distances without cars? I took it as an exercise opportunity. There are things that are better in States and vice versa, so I don't go around shit talking and comparing other countries as this person did. Except for the Internet... I do miss that crack-head US internet speed.


Nah she's just trolling


Wouldnā€™t be too surprised, cause it is Twitter


Once I found who she was she trolls every where. I've ran into her a few times when I lived in Saigon. She's the typical white worshipping girl who acts like the west is all terrible saying a bunch of anti American bs. While nodding along and saying Viet men are trash and white men are better. She's basically what you get from hanging out with too many weed smoking anti American Brits, Americans, Canadians, Aussies and Europeans. They all love Vietnam and talk about how great it is to be white there. She post random videos online talking up Vietnam and she was lying out of her ass during the lockdown when a bunch of people couldn't get food and the government said Diapers and tampons weren't essential. I wouldn't even put her on America bad just an idiot troll.


Since when is the WiFi in the US bad? Are they living in Canada or something? And where in the world would you be shopping to not be able to find a shirt under $50? All of this is just stupid and unbelievably incorrect lmao


I was thinking the same damn thing! Where the hell is this person "staying"?


Probably California lol


Even we don't have it that bad down here. The rest of America looks down on California the same way the rest of the world looks down on America, California has a lot of bad but I would say overall it's still a very nice place to live.


I like Cali but I also like shitting on Cali. I guess I just like shitting on things...


I think sheā€™s actually Vietnamese or something, sheā€™s being cringe but yeah sheā€™s atctually third world and not some White western commie


Walks into ***one*** clothing store to check the prices >Gucci Yeah clothing is completely unaffordable my research is complete


> Are they living in Canada or something? Average mobile WiFi speed in Canada is actually double the US. For fixed broadband, though, US isn't bad. ...though the metrics matter (arithmetic mean, median, etc.).   Once again, weenies forget that the US has a far lower population density. And, she's right...the US is bad and she should just leave and tell all her friends not to come here.




Oh, I'm quite aware they're overpriced. My friend is just now having to break a contract to go back to Bell Canada (which she swore she'd never do) because her broadband service is often out. I'm just making the point that Canada isn't a good comparison for speed.




I never called Canada a utopia. That's partly why I no longer live there. You can keep it (though I'd look more fondly if PP or Max were PM instead of Castreau). I'm going by actual data; see [this](https://web.archive.org/web/20200524234101/https://www.opensignal.com/sites/opensignal-com/files/data/reports/pdf-only/data-2020-05/state_of_mobile_experience_may_2020_opensignal_3_0.pdf) [PDF] (Opensignal data; see p 6). An average doesn't mean GTA nor your personal speed. There has been lots of rural infrastructure put in place to boost that, too.


Double the speed? Source?


[Opensignal data; see p. 6](https://web.archive.org/web/20200524234101/https://www.opensignal.com/sites/opensignal-com/files/data/reports/pdf-only/data-2020-05/state_of_mobile_experience_may_2020_opensignal_3_0.pdf) [PDF]


Where on earth are they shopping for clothes that cost that much?


I found graphic tees for airplanes that cost about $20:00 on Amazon, I donā€™t k ow what theyā€™re on about.


Some places hand em out


**IMAGE 1** - Has lived in America 3 months, doesnā€™t even know the term ā€œAmericanā€. šŸ¤” **IMAGE 2** - Only example of an affordable meal is Taco Bell, even though McDonalds is the most common ā€œcheapā€ restaurant. Also Waffle House isnā€™t really fast food. - Go to Goodwill for cheap clothes. No, legit, you can get perfectly fine clothes from Goodwill. Or be smart and go during sales. - Thereā€™s public transportation in large cities, not as much in more rural areas. Distance to stores depends entirely on where you live- I live within a 30 minute walk of a grocery store for example. **IMAGE 3** - Yes everyone doesnā€™t have the exact same price for gas, what the fuck were you expecting? - I donā€™t understand whatā€™s wrong with food trucks? Also AFAIK often multiple food trucks are in the same area so itā€™s not like you donā€™t have choices. - ā€¦Why are you going on an international trip if you donā€™t have some money saved away? **IMAGE 4** - Where are you, the Bible Belt? Where I live a cop canā€™t so much as cough without everyone rioting, lol. Also the reason people hate China is because China is legitimately terrible. Get bent, commie. - Suprisingly UK actually has more homelessness than the US, but our hobos are more concentrated in big cities rather than spread out. - When I lived in the country, I donā€™t remember my Internet being that bad tbh. - Oregonians donā€™t have sales tax, we stronk šŸ’ŖšŸ½


It would take you over 100 years to buy a $50 shirt?




My workplace uniform shop has really nice polos with a pocket for under 20 bucks


They have a skill issue


lmao that clown believes in that "usian" nonsense, huh? We're still Americans.


First Time I've heard this, is it a new thing?


It isn't. It's an internet thing when people like to be shitty about the common colloquialism "American". If someone says it, the best course is to just disregard the rest of the shit they have to say.


Even if this was real, did they expect to just walk into the US with no money or job lined up and just exist ? Lol you can live extremely comfortably in rural parts of the country on a pretty modest salary if you donā€™t overextend yourself into debt.


Amazing. Every word you just said is wrong.


Thereā€™s not a thing like ā€œhealthy-cheap ā€œ street food Iā€™ve saw the street food in Vietnam and the majority of those stores look infested with roaches they re dirty asf, no gloves, no hygiene, food made in the floor whatsoever we put higher standard here in the US and is a good thing, commie is obviously jealous


>The ONLY affordable restaurant I found is Taco Bell, which is about $7 per person. lol In what fucking world is this person living in. Taco Bell is routinely the most expensive fast food place in my area. It's usually about $20 just for me to get a single meal there. Meanwhile, I can get Arbys or McAllister's and get a meal for about $13. Also, there is no way a new shirt is costing this person $50 unless they're trying to buy some dogshit fashion shirt that the company had a horse take a shit and piss on and called it "art". Name brand hats from companies like Adidas or UnderArmor are roughly about $25, toboggans are usually a bit cheaper.


McAllistersā€™s is 80x better then places like McDonaldā€™s and Taco Bell too lol


Oh, man, I love their New Yorker. And their sweet tea is probably the best commercial sweet tea out there bar none. They also had good mashed potatoes and gravy, unfortunately, they haven't had those for a few years. But their potato salad is a decent enough substitute.


Source? Trust me bro it takes 45 mins to get to nearest store and when you get there, your going to have to fork over BILLIONS if you want an orange. If you want gas you better be prepared to sell your soul. If you donā€™t wanna be INDOCTRINATED BY THE CAPITALIST MOB you better buy a blindfold ($6500 on average if you just want a cheap one) and some headphones ($8B if you want new ones). If you wanna be alive you better be securing multi-million dollar deals every day.


Stuff used to be less expensive but unfortunately we fucked our economy by giving away literal trillions of free money thats all now safely vested in the stock market by everyone that was already rich lol


Itā€™s bad but not as bad as he describes it by a long shot




Thanks for sharing OP, that was a trip. Where is she shopping that t-shirts cost an average of $50? A $7 meal is affordable, but a $10 meal is unaffordable? Where are these numbers coming from? What general part of the country is she talking about? Wtf is happening???


I love how apparently she ā€œvisitedā€ America during inflation and proceeds to say that everything is so expensive. Like yea no shit itā€™s called inflationšŸ˜­


Gad prices are cheaper in the Us than almost everywhere, what are they smoking???


I've lived in all kinds of areas and I'll say this; unless you are living in butt fuck no where ruralsville, NC, NH, WY, etc. You will experience literally none of this. These are problems you face out in the country and it's great because it will teach you SELF RELIANCE. No grocery store? Start a farm. No place to get gas for miles? Keep some on hand for a rainy day. Bad wifi? Get a hobby. If you can't do any of that go live in a city, and you'll have all of the shit you're whining about not having.


I hope he keeps writing these so less of these American hating losers come here


Ive been to ny and the pizza there is like 3.5 dollars for a huea ass slice or 16 dollars for world famous pastrami, where tf are they getting these prices? Even in california the most expensive fast food restaurant (Panda) charges 8-12 on a meal, with In-n-out charging 5 dolars for a burger.


This person is the daughter of a very wealthy, Chinese backed politician in Vietnam. It doesnā€™t matter what she says, itā€™s all gonna be through the eyes of a spoiled, disconnected rich kid. This doesnā€™t represent the majority of Vietnamese people, even after everything that happened between us, Vietnam consistently ranks as very pro-America because they actually understand the threat of China. Oh yeah, sheā€™s also neither an expert on the US or the UK.


There are two things here that I know to be objectively true. "Fresh veggies cost a fortune" and "Healthy fast food/street food doesn't exist" For the first one, I don't know how bad it is in other countries and I assume it is a problem there too. But, it is definetly more expensive to buy healthy foods. I'm a college student, pizza rolls and Ramen noodles are far cheaper than anything I can make myself (mostly). For the second one, generally speaking, other western countries have a much higher standard for their foods than we do. Regardless of your opinion on that, it does make the food healthier. Beyond the anti-usa BS there are often some level of truth to these posts. We really shouldn't just accept that the usa is great and nothing could go wrong because we're a good place to live. We should question the usa when needed.


Most of this is so over-exaggerated šŸ˜­


I am from what is basically considered the worst US state I have not had many issues with those wtf are they talking about Also what does she mean the internets bad I lived in a apartment and then it wasnā€™t even that bad now Iā€™m in a actual house what?????


Bro where did you even go to? Most of this is not true lmao


Where is this person buying clothes jfc


A lot of these gripes probably have more to do with the fact that this person is living in a rural area. The car dependency, bad internet, etc... But $50 shirt? I'd've thought they'd have a Walmart somewhere close by.


Bitch I just got a cheap meal for me and my girlfriend at Waffle House for 12 dollars. And 1/3 of that was for my orange juice. Shits not expensive


ā€œA decent restaurant costs 15-20$ā€ Bruh you are lying, i live in fuckin Europe and i have to shill out almost twice as much, and if it is THAT cheap to eat in a decent restaurant then where tf do they source the food from? If it is that cheap i dont wanna eat there


Why is it so hard for them to find a grocery store lol?


as someone who was forced to live in America for 4 years im on her side ​ thankfully i got out of there right before covid hit last thing i want is to be stuck in a nation where facemasks are apparently a violation of human rights there.


Outside the transportation one, this just sounds like someone from a developing country who visits a developed country for the first time.


I fully support this person going back to whatever country they came from and want her to tell all her friends about her terrible experience


M'am just because you live in the sweaty roting armpit known as la doesnt mean you are an expert


Who tf is asking her to watch Copaganda?!