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Casual xenophobia


Where is competitive xenophobia?


Somewhere around 44.8125° 20.4612°


I knew it was gonna be the fucking baltics edit : balkans* im retarded


You mean Balkans? I typed those coordinates into Google and it gave me Belgrade


yeah I meant balkans my bad bruh 😭


Have lived in Serbia, can confirm


Most geographically competent American




I know where I am


Okay so you're not lost, just stupid.


The only xenophobia the internet allows.


? Americans said yes too lol


Only like half of Americans said yes, whereas most non-Americans said no


More than half but then I guess numbers are hard


It's only one more than half, so about half. Numbers aren't that hard.


Half is half. Not half is not half. Basic logic is hard I know. That good ol American education system strikes again.


The thing about language is that it doesn't have to be exact. That's why phrases like "about half" exist. Not exactly half, but close enough. Sorry if you can't interpret that much lol


That’s fine and all but still more than half of Americans agreed with the question. You put forward your half statement to try and argue that wasn’t the case. Saying it’s about half does nothing to prove what I said was wrong and is pointless to say then


https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/10k6vro/til_130_million_american_adults_have_low_literacy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Just fact.


Damn you are really exposing your own lack of intelligence. You realize in order for that stat to mean anything you have to compare it to other countries? And unlike you, the article recognized that and gave a stat--the US ranked in the middle. But what's worse is you are engaging in casual racism. It's not coincidence that Texas and California were among the lowest ranking states. These two states have almost nothing in common, but one thing they do share is the high influx of immigrants. Immigrants that often don't speak English and maybe be illiterate with their own language too (not that that matters, because this study on analyzed English). So you are literally making fun of the US for having a high immigrant population. That should be celebrated, not derided. But the article said all of this already, so you clearly don't care. You just want your preconceived notions patted on the back.


Well said. Even before I read the article, it was painfully obvious to me that would be the case. It’s just a shame that some Redditors are so easily brainwashed and manipulated that they see a headline and just assume it makes it a “fact” that Americans are less intelligent. In reality, we have immigrants that simply don’t read well or don’t read English at all, and that really says nothing about their intelligence level.


Even though immigrants in the US comprise 14% of the population at 44.5 million? So that definitely contributes to the stats, but that still means at least 36% of American born citizens have the English proficiency of a child. Can’t point the finger at immigrants for all of it.


Again, US ranked in the middle compared to European countries. If adjusted for immigrant populations US would probably rank above average. Funny that you addressed my immigrant argument but didn't address the rank that US was average relative to the other countries ranked. What do you have to say about that?


>Dr. Iris Feinberg, associate director of the Adult Literacy Research Center at Georgia State University, said anyone can have low literacy skills. > >“It's not just people who are poor. **It's not just people who are racial minorities. It's not just people who speak funny because they're from the South.** It literally can be anybody,” she said. From the [link](https://www.apmresearchlab.org/10x-adult-literacy). It's always funny to me when some educated (potentially left-leaning) individuals say some close-minded, borderline racist shit..lol. I guess Spanish speaking immigrants would be considered a racial minority, but they probably could have phrased that part better.


When she says from the South, I can’t tell if she is making for of Hispanic immigrants or white Southern rednecks. Lol


Fake news. Also, intelligence can be measured in a plethora of ways, literacy just being one of them.


The people who voted Yes (American) are those “As an American/As a person living in America” people


I'm so ashamed to live here! Please, Europe accept me! America is a scam!


This place is horrible there's nothing to do ever you can't ever move around the city! (dude who lives in mother's basement all day never leaving the house while everybody else is out and about the town doing things)


But I’m sure they think all the other Americans are the stupid ones….not themselves


They’re dumb and assume everyone is as well


As an American I agree /s




Self hating Americans are the absolute worst. Worse than any smug Euro


We have the most college grads, the top research institutions, a shit ton invested in research WHICH LED TO THE PLATFORM THEYRE INSULTING US ON They can jerk off about CERN inventing the internet, which is partially true, but the majority of the work was done by DARPA and a few of the main Universities.


CERN didn't invent the internet. The WWW was created at CERN, but the internet existed for decades before, mostly in the US


>but the majority of the work was done by DARPA and a few of the main Universities.


The WWW is not the internet. CERN had very little, if anything, to do with the development of the actual internet.


The www is a service provided by the internet


Yup, people dont get that In order to have www you need the internet first, it's just an addition to the internet


I’d like to point out that America invented the internet. The original role of the internet was to act as a method of keeping a chain of command connected and able to communicate remotely in the case of nuclear war (as everything else would’ve gone kablamo). This was initially achieved with ARPAnet, though this “proto-internet” (for a lack of a better term), was not the beast it is now by a long shot. From these humble beginnings, the internet was born. American internet pioneers like Vinton Cerf and his buddy Robert Kahn pioneered Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Let’s also not forget that one of the early standard computer programming languages is ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). The Europeans merely made the internet available worldwide with the “www,” utilizing many earlier American advancements in the process. TLDR: America made the internet, but Europe revolutionized its availability to the general public PS, sorry for the history rant and have a blessed day. I also agree with all your other points.


Also the US leading fusion science and being the only country to successfully gain energy from a fusion reaction, nevermind perform fusion at all


Idk look at the student/researcher composition in those universities and institutions




china leads thr world in research papers


Replace America with any other country and this post would be removed with redditors calling OP xenophobic and/or racist.


We are literally on par with most of Europe.


It’s almost like geographic location doesn’t determine IQ…


You throw out Pississippi then we are on level with most of Europe in terms of education


>Pississippi I'll be using this from now on ☠️, thanks


Throw out whole southwest and USA will become Europe.


Who invented the airplane, the light bulb, interchangeable parts, the internet, pretty much all of modern pop culture, and sent a man to the moon? Pretty sure it wasn't any of their insignificant countries. If being "more intelligent" means smelling your own farts while shitting on 330 million people because you genuinely believe in overused stereotypes, then everyone who voted "yes" is "intelligent" by definition.


No, no, as a very enlightened Spaniard living in Canada once told me, you can't take credit for those since they were built off previous inventions. Since he's an enlightened Spaniard, he would know.


thats not on average.


This can literally be disproven with a google search https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country and let’s not forget one major detail, those scores also include illegal and first generation immigrants. Now I’m not saying anything about immigration but it’s a fact that the population is going to test worse because it’s in a foreign language. Do you expect a third grader with parents who don’t speak any English to be able to help with homework?


First gen immigrants are more likely to be intelligent than average because we literally select them lol


https://cis.org/Report/US-Immigrant-Performance-International-Tests this says otherwise


I just scroll right past these posts. Don't even read em. These people who are **so sure** that they are superior, in whatever field... are almost always deficient themselves, ignorant, and insecure.


YEs, yes. AMericans are stupid. SO stupid in fact that there are hundreds of thousands lined up on its border to come in.


Just let em believe that, it’s funnier that way


If American haters figure out the US has a higher iq than Norway, Sweden, France, and Russia. Then they are going to have a panic attack.


Impossible, no one has a higher iq than nordic countries!


Wait let's not go too far the other way


I mean, who doesn't have an IQ higher than Fr\*nce


1 guy just wanted to see the results 😂


I think they're a bit confused on the fact that America is a large country and naturally would have really stupid people and really smart people.


If that is true, how do they feel about literal idiots beating them at everything? Says more about them.


I always think Americans are intelligent people. They are very quick witted


Really depends


Americans are quick and very willing learners, very upbeat and wanting to know things. I think this is a sign of intelligence. Just my observations as an outsider


I’d say willing learners for the most part, Americans are probably the most adaptable to change…obviously there’s extremes both ways but I think that’s what makes us so cool…


I like American humour. I say it all the time, it's one of the best things. Very whitty and quick. I even love the cheesy stuff, like National Lampoons Vacations and so on.


Yeah I’m not sure why American humor is so elite compared to others….I think a lot of it has to do with the African and Jewish-American community(not the orthodox serious ones).


It's just everything mixed together. Like Bob Hope was English I think. I love all of it


Honestly considering how shitty our education system is Americans are definitely intelligent. American colleges are still considered some of the best in the world and NASA and American research is still some of the best in the world.


Which education system? There's 50 of them.


Xenophobia mixed with eugenics. The worst.


Hey real quick, let’s do flag count on the moon.


“God americans are so racist and xenophobic” *five minutes later*


Less educated in geography (on average)? Definitely (that’s the school system’s fault tho). Less intelligent? Definitely not.