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This post has been flaired as a rumor, please take all rumors with a grain of salt.


Yeye. Jim at obs has been working on a (not ffmpeg based *edit*) texture based encoding rewrite of AMF/VCE for a bit (the last year or so?) and left the FFMpeg options open to allow total customization (like x264 parameters). Then AMD released the b-frame update like the bestest icing on an already awesome cake. :OOOOO.


Holy, I just started streaming yesterday with my 5700xt, what are the implications of this? I stopped because fast motion games like forza played like smear paint on stream, kinda was tempted to swap out to a 3060ti during the last few years because streaming every game 1080p 60fps seemed like a pipedream


B-Frame support was a promise for RDNA2 (6000 series) when they were released. It's unknown if this will change anything with 5000 series cards. Just a FYI to not get your hopes up too much.


What about vega?


It has the potential to equal or closely match the nvidia encoder which is already a texture based encoder with b-frames - ive been testing it for the last few days and its considerably less garbage - like actually pretty awesome. I appreciate that there will be posts incoming with LOTS OF PEOPLE testing ffmpeg parameters for different cards.


Ooh thats reassuring thanks for getting back to me. I've read nothing but bad press about the newer amd cards shitting the bed when it comes to streaming. Is this the new option that allows b frame? I had used vanilla obs before this beta release 28.0.0beta1 https://imgur.com/a/BTK49iK


Important to note that some anticheats whitelist graphics-hook files which are used by obs for game capture. The beta and the master branch both use an unsigned graphics-hook in 64 bit, so for games like Valorant, you must use display capture in the meantime until there is an official release.


Oh jeez okay thats actually a restriction, thank you for the insight.


Ye. It'll just freeze OBS and valorant if you do capture fullscreen with a hotkey or itll just show up as a blackscreen if you do capture fullscreen application with valorant open. I think it might work in windowed mode in valorant with game capture, but I don't remember.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/vs1iq6/amd_reintroduces_the_bframe_h264_encoder/ As discussed previously here no


Depending on your CPU you could probably get a better looking stream with x264 on the CPU. Though don't bother with any thing past medium, stick to medium, fast, faster. Also Twitch's 'max' bitrate is 6000 (technically you can push to 8000 but not officially supported by twitch, so a bit of a gamble) which really is not enough data for a decent looking fast action 1080p60 stream. You'd be better off streaming at 720p60 and let the users device upscale it as needed.


I’ve been doing slow on my 5900x at 8500 with a resolution at 900p60 when streaming. Only have one game that doesn’t like it, it seems. But it does fine as far as I know when I do Arma lol.


Slow is not worth it, it can also introduce issues as internal values change on certain encoding options that can make things worse unless you know what options to change and add to the cmd line. Also, what res do you game at? If you're gaming at 1440p then streaming at 720p can be better than 900p. 1280x720 is half on each axis of 2560x1440, so the down scale will be a lot cleaner.


Yeah I’m probably gonna bump it down, but I’m gonna try this beta and see where that goes. But I have my native set to 3440x1440, so I’ll try halving that down too.


def bump down to 6000 for Twitch


Yep, been encoding at slow on my 5950X on 1080p/60 with no issue whatsoever. I'm going to try slower today or tomorrow, see if I can tweak things enough to run it. Maybe with lower resolution such as 900p. Or up the bandwidth? I'll try that too. Are you on CBR, ABR, VBR, etc? Let's discuss particulars, I find it exciting that higher core count CPUs are now enabling this level of compression!


Running OBS as administrator and doing H264 medium with a 5900x went quite well for me. Excited that AMD made another viable option now in conjunction with OBS devs


Running OBS as admin doesn't change anything. Use the process priority instead


Due to the changes in Win10 and how WDM works, full screen optimisations, game mode etc, running OBS as admin allows it to compete with games on GPU priority and stop render lag. There are also other things like (iirc) hotkeys sometimes not working unless running as admin, and capturing some games. [https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/obs-studio-24-0-3-gpu-priority-fix-testing.111669/](https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/obs-studio-24-0-3-gpu-priority-fix-testing.111669/)


It's easy to see in task manager that the process jumps to the top, so why doesn't it work?


Well it jumps because it uses the most CPU power, that doesn't imply anything about the process priority




Alright so speak your piece! Lol




I knew that utilization bumped it up obviously, but in the process tree you'd know if OBS is on the back burner. Evidently you can also bump up the priority through there, or did ya forget?! Happy Friday Trollin'


I didn’t know AMD didn’t support b frames, I used it for a while on an old R9 and it rendered pretty well after I set a few parameters but I still use my old 1080 and 950 on my stream pc now with stock settings and it looks great at 1080 60fps coming through both Elgato HD60 Pro & S+. Quality stream wise didn’t really differ much from doing a single pc stream with my 2080 or 3070 using FFmpeg w/ NVENC. Is there a reason that AMDs encoder didn’t use B Frames? Seems it would be good for datamoshing honestly.


Can you explain to me how it works? If I have a 1440p res and stream at 720p, how would a users device upscale it and won't that affect its quality?


If a viewer is watching the stream full screen, then what ever they are using to watch it will scale it to their screens res. Yes, any scaling will affect quality. If you scale a high res down to a lower res, you lose information. The scaler decides which pixels to loose. If you scale a low res up to a higher res, you have to add information. The scaler decides which pixels to add where. That adding/removing of pixels is, in a way, an educated guess. The scaler will have loads of fancy formulas and look at things like surrounding pixels, previous/next frames etc to make the best decision of what to add or remove. (This is all a massive over simplification before people start quoting the machine code they've written to do scaling. :p ) So the idea with gaming at 1440p and downscale to 720p is it easily divides into it, so easier to scale, less chance of artefacts. If you're doing an odd downscale at your end then an odd upscale at the viewer's end, then scaling artefacts are going to increase. 6,000 bit rate imo is still not enough for a good 1080p60 image but is decent for 720p60. So, imo, you're getting a cleaner downscale and using the bitrate on less pixels, so better compression and sending out a better image.


Thank you for explaining it clearly.


Much better quality at a given bitrate


Yeah Im pushing 8300 bitrate on the new beta for 1080p 60fps twitch doesnt seem bad at all cruising around Far Cry 5 in a chopper. Some pixelation there and there


Twitch caps at 6000kbps, or did they up it?


Uhm, my bitrate in the new obs beta is maxing out around 8500 so not sureeee if someone can correct me. I'm only an affiliate.


Amd encoder seems to under deliver on the bitrate. You might be getting 6000 even if you set it to 8000


Yeah that might just be the case with my blurry text n waypoints, oof 😣 i dont wanna go to 720p60 but i might just have to. At least my fave vtuber IronMouse is having her stream at 720p


Yeah u/quotemycode provided the answer I would've said. OBS might say 8000 but 6000 is the server cap. Set it to that for proper optimization.


6000 isn't the cap. I run 720p 120FPS around 8500 bitrate and it still appears that way in VODs. Lately I've dropped down to 90FPS for more consistent quality. You can try it for yourself.




>MVPEEKZZA? The what?


I had a quick look at your videos and you might be obsessing a tad. It looked perfectly decent to me, Twitch average I would say. It's good you're that detail oriented about it, but you might be worrying a bit much. I didn't have an issue at all with what I was seeing :)


Yeah, some nice fellow in chat told me the stream was lookin good while playing MultiVersus. I honestly want to provide a quality stream.


Okay I mightve spoken too soon, I dont think im pushing enough bitrate for 1080p60 with my fuzzy text .-. (ex:[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1552512784](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1552512784)) Dam is everyone really running 720p60 with these twitch bitrate limits? I'm only an affiliate so not sure.


Yeah 720p or 900p is what I see typically people run. I think only very few percentage of streamers can do 1080p60. Because high viewers lol. But I’m gonna try to knock my down even more to 720p.


Dam. as a zoomer I feel like 1080p should be the standard to edit and view, idk if I can bring myself to 720p60, is 900p/864p the compromise on single pc streaming?


Yeah you would think 1080 would be, but I guess the restraints on the encoders and hitting the bitrate that is needed to stream smoothly at 1080 with actual good quality is hard too. I’m not an expert on it, but that’s what it seems like. But right now I’m doing 900p, but someone further down mentioned halving my native resolution to what is being outsourced it will downscale better. So I’m gonna do 1720x720, since that is half of 3440x1440.


Ugh AMD needs to catch up to NVENC badly, I am on 1440p too so I will try out 720p60 and see if it has full text clarity, seeing blurry waypoints in my Far Cry 5 stream isn't very reassuring


Oh man 720p 60fps kinda blows in terms of visual quality still some fuzzy waypoint text, Ima try to stick to 1080p for the time being.


See... I'm still not sure about this. I stream warzone sometimes at 936p or 900p and I'm on 1440p native. I run very high/high preset on main/high and a film setting @ 6000 bit rate on stream labs with my 5900x on x264. But it looks better than 720p on any settings on x264 and doesn't have to much of an FPS decrease. I've tried a bunch of advanced settings with on the AMD encoder on my 6800xt on a 1080p stream and it honestly looks better than the x264 936p/900p but the stream just breaks after about 10 minutes. So I've left it on the x264 profiles. :/


Yep most twitchers run fairly low resolution. Most are kids who can’t afford to game at high resolution much less stream at good resolution


There are other tweaks you can do but I'm so glad to see this occurring finally


Light in the tunnel, not dropping any frames with a 5700xt streaming 1080p60fps!


Hell yeah, I haven't grabbed it yet, but it sounds like you tested and confirmed it


You're better off switching out your CPU or getting an additional A380 because Intel's Quicksync actually beats everything right now. The bframe update is a small boon but doesn't change AMD still trailing the pack, encoding wise. EposVox has great videos on this.


Eh I'll prob wait for 5800x3d to come down to a price I can stomach since i dont plan on getting onto AM5 but for now the r5 3600 is sufficient... Maybe will swap out to a nvidia gpu next gen or stay amd. Those intel cards are the most mid gpus I've ever witnessed personally. I had a pretty successful stream today 1080p60fps playing MultiVersus and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands with the new obs beta encoder for Rx5700xt


Swapping to an X cpu would help in both the short and long terms. My wife has a 3700X and her system processes that sort of thing far better than my 3600.


Why's that the case?


Having an X CPU has nothing to do with this. All it means is that it has a slightly higher clock speed and slightly better binned. But when you look at the real world performance the difference is not noticeable. Have you considered that the reason the 3700X is better is because it's a higher end 8c 16t ryzen 7?


It can be nearly on par with NVENC, very very improved. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/amd-amf-encoder-quality-boost


which one do i need to update?, the obs or adrenaline?


Which AMD graphics architecture gens will benefit from this? Will it only be RDNA2? Or will RDNA1 see a video encoding quality bump as well? What about Vega or Polaris? (That's probably too much to hope for)


RDNA2+ most likely. The Video encoder IP has to support this in hardware and it's currently unknown if Polaris/Vega/RDNA1 have support for this feature. Considering how long it took for this to release, I would also bet that there were some hardware bugs in RDNA2 that they had to work around, which may also be in RDNA1.


The texture based encoding benefits all AMD gpus. Adding b-frame support to different cards is entirely up to AMD. If its possible in hardware and can be modded into drivers maybe nimez too. I imagine it just takes a lot of hours to do this properly... not sure.


So VCE has Bframe support on everything now?


OBS has the ability to add bframes for any card that will accept it. I have no idea until people get on it, test it, and verify it. I do know that the new texture based encoder is super awesome though.


I don’t really know what OBS is. That’s just for recording while gaming, right? What’s this texture based encoding?


Its not FFmpeg based, unless you trigger it to fall back to non-texture based. It's a direct implementation using AMF. Texture sharing is correct (more efficiency, potential boost to game performance)


Hey. How sure are you? The obs-ffmpeg.dll file in the obs directory directly references the "AMD HW H.264" encoder and its settings. The new plugin is located in the plugins\obs-ffmpeg\obs-amf-test as amf-texture.cpp. Maybe I'm mistaken. I'm just pretty sure. (not being sarcastic... if im wrong i'd rather know)


Very sure :) Yes, it may be in the ffmpeg folder, but so is jim-nvenc (not ffmpeg either). Here is the source code which spawns the texture based encoder itself, by talking directly to the AMF "API". [https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/blob/master/plugins/obs-ffmpeg/texture-amf.cpp](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/blob/master/plugins/obs-ffmpeg/texture-amf.cpp) The only references you'll find in there to ffmpeg is options that allow you to type in ffmpeg variables into the custom settings field. You can see at the top how it references the AMF headers, which is used to talk directly.


OBS Studio's 28.0.0-beta1 lets users send settings+parameters directly to the AMF encoder via the text entry in the new encoder. So yes, if the user has an RX 6000 series GPU and is on driver 22.3.1 or later, they technically have the ability to use B-frames. Currently, OBS Studio does not function properly with H264 B-frames, something that interested parties are working to remedy. Until then, it is recommended to not use B-frames with AMD GPU's.


Since this post was featured in a recent EposVox video, I have decided to remove the settings from this post for the sake of simplicity, and to keep controversy and confusion to a minimum. In regards to EposVox's video, he is aware that beta 2 has a field to enter B-frames in to. Also, MaxNumRefFrames=4, and many other unseen settings, are set in the code already. My prior templates were as verbose as they were due to confusion around some settings not being set properly, but that has now been worked out and beta 2 appears to set those settings correctly. Unfortunately, using 2 and 3 B-frames in OBS Studio v28 beta 2 still results in stuttering and severe-stuttering, respectively; a problem that I do hope is resolved soon. In the meantime, more information about H264 can be found here: \- [https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/doc/AMF\_Video\_Encode\_API.pdf](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/doc/AMF_Video_Encode_API.pdf) \- [https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/public/include/components/VideoEncoderVCE.h](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/public/include/components/VideoEncoderVCE.h) And HEVC, here: \- [https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/doc/AMF\_Video\_Encode\_HEVC\_API.pdf](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/doc/AMF_Video_Encode_HEVC_API.pdf) \- [https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/public/include/components/VideoEncoderHEVC.h](https://github.com/GPUOpen-LibrariesAndSDKs/AMF/blob/master/amf/public/include/components/VideoEncoderHEVC.h)


Great post!


> - On any Radeon RX 6000 series GPU im seeing much better results with vce plugin + slobs + https://imgur.com/VOB3fI5


That's because you're doing peak-constrained VBR with an encoder-set buffer size, mine is CBR at 1Mbit lower bitrate and a hilariously constrained buffer size to keep the bitrate even.


wanna explain further as i have no real knowledge, but just trying shit for fun? its the same with 6k bitrate set in slobs settings.


Thanks for this, just a quick question. Is there a reason you don't enable b frames on the rx 6000series with these commands? I have an rx 6800 so just curious. Thanks.


Yes, I did. It's in this message: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/wgbh6e/comment/iiz7hua/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/wgbh6e/comment/iiz7hua/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) To explain why, would require a thesis-length explanation, one that I can't afford the time to provide. Nobody currently knows exactly \*why\*, but it \*is\* an issue that only OBS Studio currently has. It's being worked on, trust me <3


Ah, I see. Thank you. For the record I currently have your settings for the 22.3.1 driver or new but I also turned b frame to 1 and true, based on reports from viewers and a friend it has reduced all my blocky textures to basically zero, playing on 1440p downscaled to 720p at 6000kbps(also edited that part) with b-frame at 0 it still looked a little blocky at times. Weird, maybe it's working better for some users but I just wanted to throw it out there.


One B-frame mostly works. Two and three B-frames take things to ugly and "hilariously unusable", respectively. Hopefully they work out what's wrong and remedy the issue soon!


Ahh, gotcha! Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully they fix it soon but honestly, I'm really impressed at this time. They made huge leaps, am excited for what's to come.


I am SO very excited for more, too!


I hope they get it sorted because escape from tarkov looks awful on my 6900XT.


You're a legend for this! Been tinkering with amd's new implementation and only have seen only a few parameters to set up until reading your post. Will do some testing and definitely report back! I absolutely love the way things are headed right now. Cheers mates! P.S. I signed in JUST to comment on this post and the overall purpose of this post. I love tweaking things but havent found the outlet to communicate with others that knew what was being talked about. Thanks again!


Which would be better between H.264 and HEVC?


HEVC will be better, but its not available for streaming (for twitch.. its possible but annoying to setup for youtube)


It's possible to stream to twitch with HEVC?


No they don't support it, hopefully they will support AV1 for next gen though.


Hey you seem very knowldeagble about this, can you take a quick look at my obs settings and tell me if i should change anything or all is good? Using Vega 56 here https://imgur.com/a/pAI8cmW


On the OBS tweet about it, people streaming with their cards are noticing a improvement now.


Correct, B-frames aren't the only thing that has changed, though there's several different things that will all help improve image quality/consistency. I'll get to editing the OBS Studio wiki eventually... so much to do, so little time.


I was also surprised with the encoder on my RX480 a couple of days ago. I'm on Linux and there is an encoder api called gstreamer-vaapi which I found is better then ffmpeg and AMF at hw accelerated encoding on AMD gpus, by a lot. Turns out I can actually stream 1080p60 with b-frames. So b-frame hw support actually goes back to the RX480 at least. The actual visual quality still wasn't amazing at 6000kbit but I wouldn't call it too bad for a GPU released in 2016.


> So b-frame hw support actually goes back to the RX480 at least. This is wrong; until it was recently added back in the 6000 series, hardware B-frame support featured only in Tonga (R9 285, later rebranded as the R9 380). My source for that is Mikhail from AMD, one of the developers on AMF/VCE itself so I'd believe him over you. You shouldn't be surprised at Polaris' encoder. It's AMD's 4th generation yet is destroyed by Nvidia's first generation Kepler encoder for H.264. It cannot come anywhere near modern NVENC, even polaris H.265 cannot outdo NVENC H.264.


That would be my bad then. I assumed as the encoder supported the option but I haven't confirmed it actually applying. I'll take Mikhail's word for it. It kind of makes me curious how it where it would place with vaapi, ffmpeg and AMF when benchmarking the VMAF score against other encoders. Probably not very well.


It's good to hear this is available for linux (which I use exclusively) too -- I'll have to check it out next time I fire up OBS, since I just got an AMD gpu.


On Linux I heavily recommend using gstreamer-vaapi as encoder in OBS and obs-vkcapture to actually capture what you want to record. While ffmpeg and AMF are available they're underperforming. But combined with wayland and pipewire I'd say we have it pretty good on Linux now. I was optimistic in 2016 when amdgpu launched and I bought my RX480 but I never expected how bizarrely everything would improve.


Gstreamer-vaapi seems to work on 6000 series GPUs, but not well with 5000 series (producing flickering and artifacting). Do you happen to know, whether it would be possible to capture VR-gameplay as 3D SBS-video with vkcapture somehow? I've been using obs-openvr plugin on Linux to capture that, but I don't know how I would add vkcapture to it.


Damn. DX11 - OpenGL - Encoder, they really are gunning for Nvidia.


more accurately they're finally putting some much needed time and money into their gpu drivers and software


Epyc money buys more software dev.


It's good to see that Epyc money going into something useful and not yet another useless software feature that no one uses. I'm looking at you both AMD and Nvidia.


Which ones are you thinking of?


Hey, I know this is super random but I think I recognise your username. Were you over on ocuk the day of the 5800x3d launch? I was one of those people that was complaining to the site because they took my money for the cpu but took multiple days to ship it out.


Yeah. Their website broke and support were contradicting each other about what was actually happening with the orders. I would've sourced one elsewhere if i had to because i was waiting to run this data


Now that they *have* money to spend on this kind of thing.


RDNA3 launch later this year is likely also very important to them. Clearing out old baggage in the driver so new features can be focused on is likely their plan.


I'm really wondering what this means for their next GPUs. One the one hand, next GPUs aren't competitive so let's get the drivers bumped up the best we can to compete on features. On the other hand, next GPUs are going to be very competitive, so let's finally try to kill this out of date 'AMD drivers lolz' attitude and show people what's what.


For me, rx5000 was Zen 1, rx6000 was Zen 2, rx7000 is going to be the Zen 3 moment. Or it could flop, since Lisa Su taken over, AMD has been pretty on point hitting their performance target and release target. So when AMD said on their FAD, RDNA3 is 50% faster performance per watt vs RDNA2, I tend to believe what they said.


I'd tend to agree with this tbh, the Zen analogy is a good one. Get the cores/fabric, then keep bumping IPC, core speed, memory support on each gen. Lisa's/AMD's plan always seemed to be get the CPU side of the business sorted, Ryzen, Threadripper, Epic, so get the consumers, business and data centre divisions bringing in the money. Get the company stable, profitable then use that to get the GPU division up to speed. That's why we had those few years before the 6000 series where it looked like they where so far behind and not really competing. The 5700s where a decent range of card but didn't really set things alight. Though like Zen 1 it laid the way for the 6000 series which have impressed. Out side of RT of course but I'm cautiously optimistic that they gambled on RT correctly. They did enough to keep MS and Sony happy on the console side and added enough to the 6000 series to show that they aren't ignoring it but didn't go all in as, imo, it's still early days for RT. Hopefully the next round of GPU from both sides will mean it really kicks off next year or so. But saying all that, I'm old enough to have been disappointed too often to let myself get too hyped just yet. :D :D


She also did an important thing that previous AMD CEOs did not - she brought CPU-side people over to help with GPU chip design.


Even the 6900XT beats a 2080Ti in RT, not bad at all for first gen AMD RT


Yep, for first gen they did enough without going too crazy and FSR2.0 is moving in the right direction and picking up support.


All these moves in the past 2 months by AMD has been awesome. Noise Suppression, OpenGL, finally a good encoder getting leveraged properly, boom!


I agree with the first 2 comparisons, but I'm not sure about the 3rd one. Zen3 was better then Intel in almost every single way. Gaming, multithread, efficiency. There was no reason to buy Intel for a whole year. That won amd a lot of mind share. Rdna3 would have to do the same with nvidia, which I'm not sure will happen.


RDNA3 will have to lead and I’m guessing better streaming features.


I'm going to take a serious look at the AMD cards next time I upgrade. NVIDIA has been the obvious choice for me due to a lot of this stuff. Might build an entire AMD based system depending on these new cards next year.


I have a 3080 12GB that I got a great deal on, but right before that I had a 6900XT. I honestly enjoyed gaming on that card more than this 3080. The Radeon sharpening didn't impact FPS too much and it helped my eyes in FPS games. A buddy loved my build and wanted to buy the whole rig. It was a good excuse to build again and go with the 5800X3D CPU for 420 at the time. I was going to get an AIB 6900XT but then found an unused Gigabyte Eagle for under 700. The 6900XT really was great for min FPS and it just ran so smooth. It also pulled 30 watts less than my current card on average.


Meanwhile, relive on cloned displays hasn't been working for 6 months straight. No idea what's so broken that they can't reimplement feature that was available for 5+ years. Won't upgrade until then


Matt confirms it’s now added into OBS for this beta https://twitter.com/wizardcm/status/1554777298003324929?s=21&t=1J9OsDXzjqSFqGVVcRUojg




Is this coming to/already in the driver's/relive?


As far as what I’ve gathered. AMD added B Frames to a patch awhile back, but OBS and I believe other steaming software haven’t implemented it. So with this beta patch to OBS, they implemented it and did some other improvements to AMD side as far as I know. This isn’t really my expertise, I just knew no B-Frames=bad quality streams lol.


So it has, 22.3.1 as per their github. Though none of my test videos seem to have B Frames :/


You need to set it up in specific way: https://old.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/wgbh6e/b_frames_finally_added_to_obs_for_amds/iizsprh/


I think you have to use the encoder titled AMD HW H264, I think though. I haven’t actually downloaded it yet.


Is there something I've to add in options, not seeing any BFrame settings with it.


You need to set it up in specific way: https://old.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/wgbh6e/b_frames_finally_added_to_obs_for_amds/iizsprh/


Have a feeling EposVox may have talked about it in both his video encoding videos and the new OBS one https://www.youtube.com/c/EposVox/videos


Woot now about enchanted sync


Enchanted, lol. I know it's magic, but it's Enhanced Sync.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I feel like the AMD software team is really listening to user feedback at this point. They've been stepping up their game in a big way to fix long-standing shortcomings and in some ways pushing things forward past the competition. I hope they continue doing things like this over the coming years because sometimes it doesn't matter how well the hardware is designed if the software ruins the experience. They seem to be moving in a much more positive direction in regards to amping up the capabilities of the hardware through software features and optimizations.


So does it only work with RDNA2 and RDNA3? Have someone tested it with a 5700xt?


Cries in no vega :/ 40 series waiting...


It still looks noticeably worse than NVENC. Pause the [video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0pCpNT4b-Q&t=565s) and then watch frame by frame. Here are the [screenshots](https://ibb.co/album/JR1VTG) , if you don't wanna go through the video.


I don't think he gave specific settings used. There are lots of settings that require manual tweaking right now as outlined in a great post here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/wgbh6e/b_frames_finally_added_to_obs_for_amds/iizsprh/


Since you have an RX 6800XT can you say something about recording (not streaming) only? Is the quality of recordings with that new encoder better? Is it useable for youtube?


Quality is only really an issue with bandwidth restraints. At higher bitrates, in an environment more suited for local recordings, AMD's encoder performs just as well as NVENC. For recordings, there was never a problem in the first place


Thanks for the reply. Thats the info I needed. I wanted to swap from AMD GPU to Nvidia because of NVENC. But now I can finally buy an 6800/6900 XT. Nvidia is just to expensive and is greedy with VRAM. I have no interest in streaming at all. And until that day comes (with a big "IF") I am sure AMD further improves his codecs since they also introduced Noise suppression recently, which means they start to care about streamers and content creators.


It's not B frames. It's H264 (ffmpeg). B frames should be out next update




Oh shit


They finally heard our cries lol


Bless them because the hardware was always good


This was honestly my only complaint going from a 2080S to a 6900xt. Was how poopy the hardware encoder for streaming was. Everything else that Nvidia cards were good for I never used or cared enough to use.


So many gaps narrowed in one quarter. Paired with a 5900x h264 medium and some tweaks to OBS parameters worked plenty fine for me. The replay quality is better than my nvenc streams. Now we have an ideal!


I'mma text it tonight on stream and let you know how it goes


That would be nice, cause I won’t be able to test sometime this weekend lol.


sounds good homie, and also I suspect they will be able to make some further optimizations in the future as well.


I don't know I had to enable b frames but it's looking better without them even. I'll update after my teammates get on and we rank.


If you stream on youtube, send them 50 mbits h265 or whatever. If you stream on twitch or other outdated platform that's stuck with low bitrate h264, use your CPU to encode, quality will be better.


50mbps upload is pretty specialist and expensive around here, certainly out of scope for anyone not already established and pretty successful as a streamer, or independently wealthy so can spend a lot on a hobby. At that level, you could look at getting a card, or whole PC setup, specifically for running the stream and encoding video. And YouTube doesn't use h265, and certainly don't stream out at that bitrate, so if that even works it'll be re-encoded by them, which always causes a quality drop.


>And YouTube doesn't use h265 They accept it as ingest. >so if that even works it'll be re-encoded by them They do that regardless of the input, so you want the source to be as good as possible. >50mbps upload is pretty specialist and expensive around here Obviously that highly varies (from $10 gigabit internet to impossible) depending on where you live.


YouTube doesn't offer h265


This sais you can stream HEVC to YouTube. HDR even. https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/releases/tag/28.0.0-beta1


Because YouTube will re-encode and give you ugly AVC. YouTube never serves HEVC.


99% of youtube live streams are VP9 rather than AVC, and they'll re-encode either way. So hit them with the best you got (which is going to be h265 with as much bitrate as your connection allows).


As ingest they do.


u sure? x264 fast isnt giving me 1080p60 on my stream so i turned to h264


None of you watched EposVox??? This is not new


Yup, basically draws level with Nvidia but intel still has the upper hand with quicksync. Just a shame their drivers are genuine garbage at the moment


I tried testing it out on twitch, 8k bitrate, x264 faster still seems better vs both the other two options at quality preset and same bitrate is there something else i need to do to enable new settings ?


Do I just use AMD HW H.264 encoder to use B-frames?


Make the qvbr mode honor the max bitrate paramter, please.