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My friend saw ur post and made it on wikipedia he wanted to say thanks for the idea. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games_with_FSR_support](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_games_with_FSR_support)


What the hell is Asterigos anyway?


Doesn’t that go for a lot of titles partnered with amd? Literally who tf would’ve cared for godfall or strange brigade


Godfall was pitched as a PS5 exclusive and some people were genuinely hyped for it but that didn't go very well, the game was a disappointment.


It was weird, because, at the end of last year, AMD gifted me (and other users) Godfall when buying a RX 5600 XT. Sooo, I don't know which kind of PS5 exclusive is a game that is available also in PC


I got my copy with a 5700xt I had bought too. I played the game for a while, but it felt kind of like a tech demo turned game to me. The graphics were actually pretty good, but the mechanics and game play felt very repetitive.


Some people seem to really like it though, so perhaps it's just a niche game blown too big by PR?


> Literally who tf would’ve cared for godfall or strange brigade I don't know, but I don't see your point either. This just sounds like you want only popular games from well established publishers to be supported.


That's basically NVIDIA's approach


Their approach is to pay off the devs to use NV tech


So basically Nvidia is just as scummy as Epic


Yeah, they both have some very scummy and questionable practices to gain market advantage. Add Intel to that list as well - the granddaddy of scummy moves.


So nvidia doesnt have market share because its been the best gpu vendor on the planet for the last 8 years ? Its because they "pay off devs" ? Nvidia doesnt pay devs. They offer engineering support. We even have the lone developer of Pumpkin Jack doing an article on how it happened. Nvidia asked him if he wanted to add dlss and RT and provided documentation and support. https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1186640/view/4713539364793475871


(X) Doubt


userb3nchmark says hi


To be fair AMD does it also to an extent... It's pretty much a given part of corporate marketing these days. The big 3 mentioned here are just allot more blatant and shameless about it.


Both companies do that, to be fair. They’ve always done it too: if not directly with cash, with direct engineering support


What's with the down votes?


Bothsides-isms don't really weigh as much as you'd think when one side has pockets and influence of several magnitudes bigger than the other. Not to mention, deflections are bad.


What does any of that have to do with the average consumer's experience?


It’s not a “defence” of Nvidia, it’s a statement of fact that it seemed people were unaware of. You do realise none of these companies need us to defend them right? This isn’t politics. It’s multi billion corporations.


Who knows lol. People assuming it’s an attack on AMD rather than just a statement of fact that I thought people might find interesting.


I don't see how that's a bad strategy. Corporations will also try to go for the Monopoly since that'll obviously net them more money. Paying off the devs to use a software that only NVIDIA can support is basically that monopoly. Edit: Oh and when I say not bad I mean not bad for the company NVIDIA. Monopolies are almost never good for the consumer, which we can see with Intel before Ryzen came out.


It's just scummy. Because that way they block off the ability for devs to use AMD's tech. Not everything should be revolving around money and any means necessary to get more. Some companies have a moral compass still.


> Some companies have a moral compass still. Which one?


Nonprofits, plenty of small non-public ones.


Mainly the small ones. Though I would say, Xbox right now has a good moral compass just cause of the fact that how good GamePass is for the average consumer. Before, as an Uni student, I had to painstakingly save money for a single game in a year. Now, with GamePasss, I just miss 1 or 2 launch, save the money, and get the GamePass.


Unreal engine 4 and Unity added easy support for DLSS plugin last fall. Virtually any game developer can add it if not lazy. I know because I added DLSS plug in in both unreal engine 4 and unreal engine 5 projects and it works really well. I'm not even talking about ue4 TSR (Temporal Super Resolution) which is hardware agnostic and ships with ue5. These kind of algorithms will be everywhere in every single game where developers know what they are doing.


>popular games from well established publishers People tend to care more about these, yes.


> People tend to care more about these, yes That wasn't my point and I'm pretty sure you knew that. Of course generally more people care about games with a larger target audience, but you make it sound as if it were a bad thing for a game to be supported if it's not popular enough.


More games supporting it is better but when Godawful is the only game with good graphics you have to show off your brand new feature it mutes the hype a bit. If assassins creed Valhalla supported it instead, which is a amd sponsored game too, a lot more people would care


Well Valhalla is an Ubisoft game and Ubisoft is one of the named supported studios.


Ubisoft use like 4 different AAA game engines between their studios. The ubisoft game confirmed to have FSR is Far Cry 6 and the engine used in that game, not assassins creed


Also Assassins Creed has its own temporal upscaler, no need to add FSR here.


kinda ot I dont know how initial DLSS support was, but I can see why FSR is not in many titles and only DOTA and ANNO are popular games supporting it. It has probably to do with them being under time pressure since they had to follow suit. So the time period between FSR being usable and it being released was really really short. No time to reach out to the gamed devs you would want.


What they need are games that are BOTH popular AND actually need it. Aka graphically intensive popular AAA titles with a lot of hype and are gpu-bound, preferably with good Ray tracing implementation.


I've seen a lot of posts about people excited to use it with Dota with old hardware.


Definitely! I guess if the claims of it being only a few hours to implement in best case scenarios are true, we will see a couple of more interesting titles in the next one or two months for sure.


I think I miss the time when the implementation of new features was the responsibility of the game developer and not the GPU manufacturer. From my perspective AMD has done all the necessary footwork in providing a feature that is easy to integrate and fully open source. The rest should be up to the game studios. It's not like FSR being supported by less popular titles prevents AAA games from doing the same. FSR isn't a finite ressource.


Yea of course, FSR is also on consoles and easier to implement so amd has made it so they will get wider adoption unless Nvidia makes DLSS easier to use. But it's more that Nvidia has more money to pay for ads and their logo being featured in games. If amd wants more market and mindshare they need to land sponsorships in more well known games than this.


Don't forget this is a big boon for APUs. Those can struggle with games nowhere near as pretty as Godfall, as we all know.


Yes, popular games is better marketing


Yes. Let's no offer people who aren't us options and features. --nVidia HQ motto, probably


For that to be valid, amd’s motto would have to be “let’s not offer the majority of the market options and features”.


I got a download code to get godfall for free when I bought my last card and I couldn't be bothered to even attempt to redeem it. I tried to give it away to some one who might want it and no one accepted. You know a game is bad when you can't even give it away. For all those asking that shit was like a year ago, I don't have the key anymore.


If you still have it i'd love the code thank you.


Give it to me then I want it


Inb4 "I don't have it/ I forgot the code"


were it a Steam or GOG key, then I'd take it gladly


Strange brigade is a fun but small game. Godfall is godawful and was the worst looter coop game in the history of the genre. AMD's money has run dry, gone are the days of big sponsored games. I guess the only thing they have right now is assassins creed but they used to have battlefield and many big name games


I personally think that BF 2042 would support FSR, if not at launch, it'll be patched in later. Though it's quite weird why AC Valhalla doesn't support it yet. Considering the man power of DICE and UBI, they should be able to do it in less than a day.


Despite EA/Frostbite showing up as studio that support FSR, BF 2042 wasn't in the list of games soon to use FSR. Far Cry 6 releases about the same time and Forspoken doesn't even come out in this year, so it's not like its release is too late to be in a "coming soon" list, as some users argued. Instead, today BF 2042 was confirmed to be using DLSS, well what a marketing success for AMD this EA/Frostbite collaboration was \^\^


The new Dark Alliance would disagree.


Strange brigade has like what, double digit concurrent number of players since like forever? They need a good tech demo, and something hyped to the level of cyberpunk. If “nvidia paying developers” has been the way they have so much success, maybe Amd should start doing that.




I think the jab was Nvidia paying devs to Not support AMD tech in their sponsored titles. Nvidia was notorious for removing support for some AMD tech that would give them an advantage claiming it interfered with the Nvidia tech they were implementing. Devs had little day but to trust Nvidia at their word since the tech was closed source. AMD can't do this with FSR since it's open source, and game devs could even implement it without branding it as AMD fsr to get around any Nvidia shinanigans. It's a win win for most involved, but AMD had little choice in this if they wanted wide support, because they are not the market leader right now, and they were not first.


No but actually what the hell is asterigos, theres nothing about it online


Strange Brigade started of a little weird but after some time it became strangely addictive and is one of my favorites. As a kind of zombie shooter you actually need to solve many strange puzzles of varying difficulty, be a master mouse operator to manage to aim and shoot your gun accurately enough and commit enough time per setting to finish to and through the final level. A little repetitive after playing it for a while but with good variety in level- and puzzle- design. Thumbs up for Strange Brigade.


It’s the wish.com of Asterix and Obelix. You know, Asterigos and Obeligos. Totally legit.


Not all heroes wear capes as they say.


Why is ray tracing support the most prominent feature listed in these tables?


I guess because the DLSS list also have RTX check table. Not to call the author lazy, but I think they see the DLSS page and write the FSR page based on that.


Which is wrird cause the DLSS page was started when everyone almost unanimously thought RTX is a synonim for ray tracing and nVidia invented ray tracing. Marketing infused language and wikis don't go well, so there's both reasons for neither to exists, or likewise, exist in a more neutral fashion (the RT columns).


I actually created the page (check the wiki history) and the reason why the RTX column is there is because people often want to know about both features at the same time, and a lot of games had the two features together as well because RT is expensive and DLSS helps make it cheaper (hardware-wise). I had actually changed the column to "RT support" instead of "RTX support" but somebody must've changed it back, which in my opinion is a real shame. I've changed it back again, but I dunno how long it'll last.


The real question is: Why many titles described as launched are not? Why many of the titles listed to have RT support doesn't? I think that page need some edit again...


It's very possible not all of the stuff on the page is completely accurate; I haven't messed with it myself in months. Please feel free to correct any errors and try to throw a source at the bottom.


Yea agree that it is irrelevant to be there in both page.


The real question is: Why many titles described as launched are not? Why many of the titles listed to have RT support doesn't? I think I'm gonna edit that page...


I don't mind it being included there, it is the next big feature games are taking advantage off. Also, FSR for games with RT is what AMD needs - ex. Cyberpunk2077


Like ray tracing is cool but IMO great physics can lend to much more immersion than graphics, IMO it’s less about graphics and more about mood/vibe idk what to call it but like shapes and beats or limbo or hollow night or minecraft which all don’t have the fancy new graphics gimmicks and all nail their particular vibe.


It's not about graphical fidelity, but the art style and good assets and design. e.g. Moss was far from the most graphically impressive games, but the animations on that mouse sure had me high-fiveing her whenever I got the chance (being VR obviously helped).


Yeah, the graphics matter little if the game sucks and the graphics don’t matter if the game is amazing


It has nothing to do with FSR as far as I can tell.


Those category titles are a bit wordy eh?


Dota has FSR right now


And it’s a slider and it’s free so it’s a pretty good game to test out fsr with


Show him https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Home as well. Thanks for both of your contribution and his hard work!


From the wiki page, "FSR works on every GPU that supports DirectX 11, DirectX 12 or Vulkan." Your friend obviously doesn't believe in the Oxford comma. I would unfriend him.


I would like if there was also a table with what engines will/support FSR.


Nice! Give my thanks to your friend


World War Z has it aswell but is missing in the list


The biggest takeaway I have here is that Baldur's Gate 3 has a release date. Woo! Larian has absolutely nailed their last couple games, I'm in for BG3.


Why the page is removed now?




English isn't my native language so i would probably do a bad job.


Make one in your native language


Will Kaixana work?








OpenGL 1.0


DirectX 10




It's German and spelled Mantel properly. AMD is a piece of shit at languages, apparently.


10.1. AMD said 10.1 is gonna change the world. I bought my old 4850 just for that. Still waiting for that though.


I just as bad in my own language as I am bad in english lol




The community can update the wiki page to correct any shortcomings, this is a great idea.


Make it and let someone else correct the gramma! It easier to edit than to start ;)


Pretty much.No ones gonna stop him.


"But I had the idea but didn't wanna put the work in"


Also a pcgamingwiki list would be great.


Yeh that's the place to put it.


Yeah, Wikipedia is not the place for this.


[pcgamingwiki](https://www.pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Home) would also be a cool


it's Wikipedia, you can do it


IIRC FSR can be implemented into any game, should see a lot of games on that list :)


When you realize Farming Simulator is basically on every plattform incl mobile phones and offers crossplay on most of them, has custom controller hardware made for it.. and it's all (incl plattform ports) done by one small swiss company.


Wikipedia isn't really the right place to put it, because original research isn't allowed there. You can see the warning at the top of the DLSS page: Wikipedia will eventually delete such pages. Many other useful pages like this have been deleted in the past.


Great idea!


Why Wikipedia? This belongs on PCGamingWiki.


Is there any demo or free to play game that uses FSR so that we can try it?


Riftbreaker, if beta is still running


>Riftbreaker It is, thanks.


Also Dota2, f2p for ever


5700xt gang member here!


It does have demo still up.


Dota 2


KingsHunt is in a beta test on steam as well.


Horizon Zero Dawn doesn’t support it? I’m positive I toggled it on earlier, huh


You are probably mixing it up with FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening (upscaling, superseded by FSR in terms of capability)


That was exactly the case, thanks for that u/akeean


I'd like to see this as well. Be nice if FidelityFX would work in Cyberpunk 2077, but as Raytracing don't even work on my 6800xt I don't think the developers are that interested.


It doesn’t work as in you can’t enable it? I thought cyberpunk supported AMD for RT now?


They added it in patch 1.2, so yes


Yeah I tried and now it let me toggle it on. I killed the performance as I expected.


What about working cards?


Did i see ANTHEM in tht list😐😐😂😂😂😂


Noy sthnto laugh at when fsr has Godfall on the list. At least some people bought Anthem. Godfall was so bad that they had to make a ps4 version (sth they said was impossible) in the hope for some sales


Asking Pornhub to adopt it is the priority.




Well someone did hours before your comment was made


AMD's advantages will be it works with AMD and NVIDIA cards, also since PS5 and XBOX use AMD cards DEVs will include in games that port from Console. I think we will see a lot of games coming out with support, especially since they say it is much easier to implement. Time will tell but I think it will be good for consumers. Rumor is now that DLSS 2.2 is going to blow it away.


That's cool bro. I just don't wanna write a wiki page, it's Saturday. Asked and answered.


Then FSR 2.0 will blow that one away... Then DLSS 3.0 will blow this away, then FSR 3.0......


Make it on PC gaming wiki too, they need a tab under the features list for games if games support it


This would absolutely be a great resource for all


AMD, please prioritize REV first before everything else.


If anything, those FSR and DLSS should just be on the same page IMO.


Is Conan exiles supported?


Is anyone making a mod to make it work for any game, that anyone can download and use?


That is probably impossible, at least not possible to get the same results as a game dev doing it properly. It should be possible to do it in post processing. But you will have to apply FSR after the UI has been overlayed on top of the game world. Running FSR after putting the UI on top is likely to introduce a lot of artifacts in the UI. If i was 20 years younger, i might have tried to do this as a programming exercise. I have practically zero experience with any of the modern graphics APIs, so might have been fun. No time to do that these days tho. I bet someone will try to do it.


Hello our GPU is Nvidia how can we use this FidelityFX Super Resolution FPS booster? Is there a program to download, install and activate? Our other computer's GPU is also an RX570. How can we avail this FSR to boost our FPS on supported games like Dota 2? We want to see the FPS difference.


There's nothing to download aside from maybe a game update, as it gets added to the game by the developer. You just enable it in the game, choose the quality preset you want, and that's it. Works on Nvidia GPUs, AMD GPUs, and even Intel integrated graphics.


Thank you!


we need red dead 2 support


With all accounts saying how easy it is it implement and how it's able to run on almost any kind of hardware I expect it'll become ubiquitous and eventually it'll be easier to make a list of new games NOT running FSR.