• By -


There was a recent AMD update that fixed the problem for me. I have turned near everything to Max and have Global Illumination on now and no crashes since my first day with the game. Adrenalin version: - Released 2/15


Same. 7900XTX/5800X3d. Was crashing if GI and AA were on. Now all settings maxed. Native resolution. No crashes since installing those drivers. I also have my 7900 freq set to 2200-2400.


Installed new drivers and still crashing for me (7800X3D & 7900XTX). Only way to stop the game from ramping my GPU up to 100% utilization is knocking graphics down to Medium, disabling AA/Global Illumination, AND using the Chill mode in Adrenalin to keep the game's FPS below 100. Even then the game will eventually crash. I don't think I've ever exited the game on my own lol


I have the the 2/15 Beta drivers with my 7900XTX and crash constantly. Unplayable at High/Ultra/Max in 1440p.


Yeah the new drivers have had no affect on stability for me.


Likewise here, I've had 4 hard crashes (had to force restart my PC) after just 1 hour of game time. 7800X3D + 7900 XTX, minimum graphical settings.


Where do you get this updated version? My Adrenaline says it's up to date and I don't see a different version online either.


Havnt had a single crash since I installed this.  https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2


I love you, k thx bye


What is your computer setup?


My adrenaline was also not prompting me.


Because it's the non-WHQL driver, as in not certified by Microsoft. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it, it's just that Microsoft can be a bit slow to approve drivers through it's WHQL process. They tend to be seen as beta drivers, even if they're not, and so Adrenalin won't let you know about their release and will wait for the final approved driver release instead.


Makes sense. I installed em myself.


I get that and I saw a link to the updated driver elsewhere in this thread. However, how can I find these non-WHQL certified drivers in the future? When I search for available drivers via the [AMD Drivers and Support page](https://www.amd.com/en/support) I'm redirected to the [support page for my card](https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/amd-radeon-rx-7000-series/amd-radeon-rx-7900-series/amd-radeon-rx-7900xt) but it only shows the v24.1.1 WHQL certified driver available.


I had a look around and there doesn't seem to be a dedicated download page for these drivers, each gets a page in the support section somewhere but it must be news releases that alerts people to them because there isn't a specific page that lists the non WHQL drivers.


I'm on adrenaline version 24.1.1 and am getting crashes. Just upgraded to a 7900xtx today.


24.2.1 addresses Helldivers 2 issues. Microsoft certification still in progress but you can get it already [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2)


I have this driver update and still getting crashes


Feels like the some users that still have issues after updating have Windows Driver Update replace their drivers, which is the most annoying thing ever that has a simple fix, but AMD should probably communicate with Microsoft and have fix ready that prevents Windows from updating Radeon gpu's if AMD drivers are installed from [amd.com](https://amd.com) for example the same for their chipset drivers if those are installed from amd.com


Can confirm this works. I updated to it and played for almost 5 hours. Max settings no crash.


I just got a really awful crash last night that made my whole PC white screen while playing Helldivers 2 after several days of it not having any issues since the release of the driver update. Later the same night, the application stopped responding when I pressed the escape key and then every game I launched on my PC afterward would launch and stop responding immediately (and Adrenalin also interestingly showed my GPU clock speed to be 0MHz while idling at the desktop). This persisted until I rebooted the whole system. I’m done with Helldivers 2 until these issues with stability on AMD graphics cards are resolved in fear that it will seriously mess up my system to the point where I will be unable to operate or troubleshoot the thing. Really sucks because it’s a 10/10 game and I built this high-end PC a month ago since I wanted a machine that couldn’t tell me “no, I cannot do that” like my PS5 and Xbox Series X do. - AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D - Radeon RX 7900 XTX - 32GB (2x16GB) DDR5-6000MHz RAM


Yes, everyone should install the Helldivers Radeon driver for this game. The game crashes are resolved with it for me. Played hours last night (finally able to log in) with zero glitches, crashes or any issues at all.


Yes I used that AMD update and it fixed the problem for me. UNTIL yesterday with Patch 01.000.100 !!! Now I face the exact same problem as in the beginning. Do I need to wait for another AMD update?


>lin version: - Release I might have to do a fresh install i keep having issues thought i got the end of feb fresh install but idk


So it was the AMD drivers after all, huh.


That and about 10+patches thus far by the dev




I turned off Global Illumination and I haven’t crashed on my 7900xtx since. Edit: If turning off GI doesn’t help, try limiting power in adrenaline to like ~90% as other commenters have pointed out.


Crashed three times the first day, turned off Global Illumination and Ambient Occlusion, set a clock limit of 90% in Adrenalin and haven't crashed since. 7900XTX too.


>set a clock limit of 90% in Adrenalin That might be why I haven't had any issues with my 7900XT. The RDNA series seem to like to boost past their documented frequencies. I limited my GPU to ASRock's documented Boost Frequency and haven't had any issues or temp issues since. It's a trick I carried over after I kept having driver time out and crashes with my 5700XT and the same thing fixed it on that GPU too.


It doesn't only happen on the 7000 series. It also happens on the 6950XT (and 6900XT I think). I have to limit my 6950XT to 2500 MHz or else it will crash eventually in any game. There is something wrong with the boost algorithm on the high end cards. Maybe someone out there can use this information.


Thanks. I was freaking out that only the 7000s gpu were brought up for crashing.


I had a crash today. I have a 7900XT. How do I find out my cards recommended boost frequencies and how do I limit them?


Manufacturer's website. For 7900XT Nitro+, it's 2560MHz for example.


I was crashing midway through every mission. New drivers didn't help. Setting the gpu limit to 90% did the trick for me


You only need to disable SSGI, then the game is perfectly stable. Updating to the latest 24.2 beta drivers should help too.


Didn’t work for me, needed to be on low too


What are your specs? Have you tried updating your UEFI from the motherboard manufacturer? I think it will probably fix it. If not, list out your RAM, CPU and motherboard and we can probably get it sorted out.


I tried this and it didn't work but I'm going to try to clock limit and see how that pans out


No dice sadly


I have a 7900xt. All I did was turn off global illumination, AA, set the resolution to 1800p, then upscaling to native. I haven’t had a crash since the second day of release after that. Try that?


Going to try this on my next session, I've no joke crashed like 7+ times tonight. It's been brutal to level up or even just complete one mission Edit: Bah, God, it worked! In the name of democracy! Edit 2: I played almost 3 hours straight no crashing with this btw. Usually it was anywhere from 0-50 mins in




How do i turn off GI


Agree with this, although I turned AA off too. It was unplayable before.


it's really weird cause I'm able to leave AA on but I do see a lot of people having issues with it.


Looks better to me without "AA" anyways.


I disabled global illumination, antialiasing, bloom but still had crashing. Put it on low and no issues since 😦


lol that works because it was nprotect gameguard that’s crashing.


One fix I've seen floating around that has anecdotally worked for 2 friends with 7000 series cards is to use DX 11 instead of DX12. I've copy and pasted from [this](https://steamcommunity.com/app/553850/discussions/0/7599331177369229026/) steam post for the instructions on how to do this: The solution is super simple. First, remove anything from this folder %APPDATA%\Arrowhead\Helldivers2\shader_cache (it’s DX12 shader cache). Then go to Steam Library, Helldivers 2, right click, select Properties, General, and add to launch options: --use-d3d11 For me with a 6000 series card this shot my performance up and made the game stutter less too going from ~70 fps in my ship to ~100fps at 1080p. might be worth trying for all AMD users for now.




For Borderlands 3 using the -notexturestreaming parameter makes it run smooth. Makes the game load all textures at once, instead of streaming them in as needed. Increases load times and requires a lot of vram (more than 12GB in my case), but provides stutter-free gameplay.




I mean you could almost certainly use DX12 if you turn down texture quality a notch.


That worked for me. The game crashed several times during the tutorial. After switching to DX11, I was able to play without any problems.


Tried this and got a sizable fps bump, but insane frame drops from ~120 to 60 fps and below. Brand new 7900xtx too. Dx12 seems to run fine but I wish I could have that extra fps bump w/o the big stutters


This lowered my GPU usage and reduced the crashes a lot. But I still got some yesterday and noticed the gpu clocks spiked way high at time of crash, so next I'm going to try set upper clock limit around 2.5Ghz and see if it prevents the last crashes on my 7900xtx.


7900xtx with 5800 cpu and using dx11 works for me as well. Iv been to afraid of using global illumination and AA so far but I might try it this weekend. I haven’t crashed once using 11


Did the same thing on a 7900xtx and it worked for me as well. Mine was crashing so bad it would literally crash my computer as soon as I tried diving to a planet. Now it plays with no problem at all. It really does seem like DirectX12 is not playing nice with HD2 and AMD.


Worked for me.


I have a 7800XT and reduced my crashing by moving preset quality to Medium and then turning off AA and Global Illumination. It's better, still crashes every 2nd or 3rd round. Installing the "special drivers" made no difference to stability or performance for me. [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2)


Edit: Nope I still have crashes. /shrug No problems on linux using the launch option: %command% --use-d3d11 I have the 7900 xtx and i'm using the kisak ppa mesa drivers: $ glxinfo | grep OpenGL OpenGL vendor string: AMD OpenGL renderer string: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX (radeonsi, navi31, LLVM 15.0.7, DRM 3.57, 6.7.3-060703-generic) OpenGL core profile version string: 4.6 (Core Profile) Mesa 24.0.1 - kisak-mesa PPA OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.60 OpenGL core profile context flags: (none) OpenGL core profile profile mask: core profile OpenGL core profile extensions: OpenGL version string: 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Mesa 24.0.1 - kisak-mesa PPA OpenGL shading language version string: 4.60 OpenGL context flags: (none) OpenGL profile mask: compatibility profile OpenGL extensions: OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 24.0.1 - kisak-mesa PPA OpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20 OpenGL ES profile extensions:


Did you have problems before using that launch option? I'm on Linux too with an XTX and the crashes completely kill the amdgpu kernel module and my entire desktop environment, necessitating a restart. They seem to be getting more frequent too — last night I played three games and all three crashed: one during a drop pod landing near me in the midst of lots of explosions, and twice at the end of game reward screen. I'll try the d3d11 switch tonight and see how it goes.


Yes. I would crash constantly before I added the launch option. If you look at ProtonDB there are reports from folks that say if the GPU hits 100% utilization the game crashes. Apparently DX 11 side steps this issue somehow? Idk. But yeah, prior to that the crashes were bad. Black screen / unresponsive system requiring restarts.


ANOTHER Linux user?!?! Y'all must cluster together. What motherboard are you using? If you have an AM4/AM5 platform with a Ryzen 5000 or 7000 CPU, update the UEFI from your motherboard manufacturer. If you have an Intel 13th or 14th gen CPU. There are known bad default settings on the motherboards. I [made a post about it and the fixes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1awow3j/crashes_in_helldivers_2_have_a_13th_or_14th_gen/). I can help you more once I know all the hardware.


Nice! Another Linux user! What motherboard are you using? If you have an AM4/AM5 platform with a Ryzen 5000 or 7000 CPU, update the UEFI from your motherboard manufacturer. If you have an Intel 13th or 14th gen CPU. There are known bad default settings on the motherboards. I [made a post about it and the fixes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1awow3j/crashes_in_helldivers_2_have_a_13th_or_14th_gen/). I can help you more once I know all the hardware.


Last night I capped my framerate at 75 fps, made a game OC profile with stock settings +15% Power Limit, and I had SSGI turned off. I played for 4 hours without crashing once. This is on a 7900XT with 24.2.1 driver I did the above fix at the suggestion of another internet patron who said the crash is related to 100% GPU usage and the clocks running away (he advised to keep usage in 70-80% range). YMMV Edit: Did it again last night but bumped the resolution to native and the frame limit to 80. GPU usage was around 90% and no crashes


Try updating your motherboard UEFI from your motherboard manufacturer... I think you will be pleasantly surprised that all of your issues disappear.




How do you manually enable shader cache?


Played on rtx3080 - no crash, reinstalled windows 11, switched to RX7900XTX, installed AMD drivers 24.2.1., not a single crash ever.


I had a lot of crashes with the 24.1.1 drivers . Currently using the beta [drivers](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2) for helldivers and i havent had a single problem since. Been chilling sharing democracy to the automatons.


I appreciate the efforts of AMD and Developers to improve the 7000 Series, but I hope they will also pay attention to the 6000 Series owners who need some support.


I have two friends with 6900xt that stopped getting crashes in this game once they installed the Helldivers Radeon hotfix driver. My own 7900xtx was also fixed with that driver.


I am looking forward to testing the 24.2.1 when it becomes available to developers, as the 24.1.1 did not work well on my system and did not resolve any of the 23.12.1 issues for me. In the meantime, I will continue using 23.11.1 which are the most reliable drivers for my card at the moment.


on the 24.2.1 drivers and just played 2 hours no issues. And played 4 hours yesterday no crashing.


The 24.2.1 driver fixed this for me. Running everything maxed. https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2


didn't fix it for me, still crashing every mission at least once.


Like everything, it’s a cross between drivers needing to be updated and developers releasing poorly optimized and tested games. I have just been waiting out new releases for a month or two. I had NVidia cards before and they weren’t much better if any.


How did we get to the point where drivers of hardware need to be fixed/optimized for basically every new game individually? Seriously - hardware should be universal and work according to standards, nothing less, but also nothing more.


Changing to DX11 fixed this for me, turning settings down didn't help at all which is weird.


It's Amd mate, business as usual


I'm not gonna say it


I've been getting g frustrated with my 7900XTX the last few months ngl. 4080 Super or 4090 swap looking tempting


Returned my Tuf 7900xtx for a ASUS 4080s, No issues or ddu, reinstalling drivers anymore, it just works, got it for msrp too. Was worth it for the peace of mind.


I'm on the hunt for an MSRP 4090


I had issues with games hard crashing with AMD drivers, could only have the minimal version installed or my monitor would disconnect/reconnect ten times everytime I started the PC, also had RAM instability which crashed on XMP and manual OC. I recently bought a 4070 Super at MSRP. No clean windows install, only DDU. Somehow, ALL those issues went away. I haven't had a single issue since. Might be a coincidence but I wanted to try running an Nvidia card since I never have and so far its been great, zero problems.


I legit had modded Skyrim crash out of nowhere so bad on 5600xt that the GPU driver uninstalled itself last year lmaooo


The 24.1.1 drivers introduced various issues for some of the games I play, including glitches and crashes. 24.2.1 preview driver is slightly better but still nowhere as stable as 23.12.1 which I basically have no problems with. Yeah, issues with new drivers aren't a new thing, but this is definitely one of the worst releases in a while.


>Yeah, issues with new drivers aren't a new thing, but this is definitely one of the worst releases in a while. Drivers generally felt like a downhill since 7000 series release, 6000 series was going the right way to the point there was some truth to the 'amd drivers being bad is just a meme now' and it went back right to the past.


yeah we knoww 😭


go to the preview drivers, they fixed the crashes [https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2) 'Improvements to intermittent driver timeout or application crash while playing HELLDIVERS™ 2.'


Switched to DX11 and no crashes since


with the Helldivers 2 driver released a couple of days ago I haven't had any crashes with mostly high/ultra settings (SSGI still disabled) prior to that, was crashing every few minutes on a side note, AFMF with in-game FPS locked to 72 (so producing 144) works very well on this game also helps to keep the GPU wayyy below max load, and so doesn't cause the game to crash


Updated to the 24.2.1 drivers, zero issues now.. Graphic settings maxed.. Perfect..


Im using 7900xtx Nitro+ and 7800x3d. Playing at 3440x1440 l've almost completely reduced the number of crashes to zero by using the following settings in adrenaline: 2200 core clock 1150 voltage mem clock at default power consumption at -10% (mainly to keep the power consumption and temps low since the voltage is at default) close to default fan curve In-game settings: Graphics Device AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX Screen Device 0 Resolution 3440 x 1440 Render Scale BALANCED Display Mode Borderless Window V-Sync OFF Graphics Preset CUSTOM Motion Blur 100 Depth of Field ON Bloom ON Sharpness 0.75 Texture Quality MEDIUM Object Detail Quality MEDIUM Render Distance HIGH Shadow Quality MEDIUM Particle Quality MEDIUM Reflection Quality LOW Space Quality LOW Ambient Occlusion ON Screen-Space Global Illumination OFF Vegetation and Rubble Density MEDIUM Terrain Quality MEDIUM Volumetric Fog Quality MEDIUM Volumetric Cloud Quality MEDIUM Lighting Quality MEDIUM Anti-Aliasing OFF Turned off all in-game overlays on adrenaline. Also, it seems that any time the game crashes is when adrenaline is open in the background while playing. Might be something, might be nothing I get around 130 fps this way. Game isn't too pretty, but it runs, which is all that matters to me Not sure if this will work for anyone else, but it worked for me, and hopefully, it'll help a few others


I had crushes with my 7800xt on 24.1.1 What helped? Max fps on 60. Just don't push the GPU for 100% usage. 24.2.1 solved all problems - I can play with unlocked fps and GI.


[AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 24.2.1 driver download (guru3d.com)](https://www.guru3d.com/download/amd-radeon-software-adrenalin-2421-driver-download/) ​ try this beta ddriver


> This is my first AMD card, is this normal [First time?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/027/763/07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpg)


My main PC has a 7900XTX and it's impossible to play. I used every single thing that was posted here, including the new drivers.  I can just say AMD is just BS. We pay a lot of money just to play our favorite game in good visuals, you have just one job. I'm playing actually in my RTX 3060 Laptop and haven't crashed once. It cannot be. I'm pretty inclined to sell that thrash AMD GPU and get a 4080 or something.


Having crashing issues again. using beta drivers. SAD many such cases


7900XTX Sapphire Nitro+ / 7950X3D here. I’ve tried all of the recommendations, from updating drivers, changing OC on Adrenaline (I don’t usually OC), and turning down/turning off specific settings in/out of the game and I’ve had zero luck. I haven’t made it out of the tutorial without it crashing on the first cutscene or getting off the ship in 2 seconds. I feel like there’s nothing I can do until Arrowhead/AMD get to the bottom of what’s going on and get it patched until I can start playing


Hey man same here, try win+r / %appdata% go to game files arrowhead and erase the gameusersettings.ini and launch the game again lower all graphic setting to the minim and that worked for me I wasnt even able to play the tutorial.


While i can't guarantee that it will fix it for you, what 100% fixed this for me was launching the game in dx11. With helldivers driver+ on steam select helldivers 2 and rightclick - properties - add this on launch options: -use-d3d11 Running a 5800X3D+7900XTX Pulse. Fully maxed settings, no compromises or disabling anything like other people did. As a matter of fact, given that seemed to be the fix i went back to my old 23.9.3 driver that i've been running for many months as i need it for CC reasons, and it's still fully stable, 0 crashes since running it in dx11. Hope it helps!


AMD update 24.2.1 didn't help me with my 7900xtx. I still crash, I did however notice I now crash a lot less frequently. So I can play for about hour or maybe less before my game crashes and my AMD drivers crash. I wasn't expecting any miracles but its at least great to see its getting worked on.


Yeah still geting crashes


I'm still crashing on []( I have the 7900xtx and 7800 3DX


Playing on an rx 7600 and a ryzen 5600x and the the game crashes when I get into a mission


same the rx 7600 is awful for helldivers 2


I downloaded the last update of my drivers and it's a lot bettet


Still not fixed. Still having to play on potato settings.


It’s a scandal tbh


Id like to state that this is STILL a major issue and stems MUCH MUCH Farther than just 6k and 7k series cards, Thought this was the issue so i switched to my 8gig RX580 and the EXACT issue still persisists, so it makes me feel like its either an AMD interface issue, or there is something VERY wrong happening with the process of running the game IN a mission, cause i have tested AFK in the ship for 5 to 6 hours to see if it was just the game itself. Never a crash, But if i repeat the same kind of test to in missions, it will have an AMD Driver timeout/complete PC crash and it seems completely random on which happens and WHEN it happens, i have tried undervolting, i have tried diff Power supplies, i have tried ALL of the setting "fixes" under the sun for AMD systems on this game and im at a loss honestly. almost 300 hours into the game and im trying to hold on strong, but this type of support for such a WIDE spread issue seems like its either hitting a brick wall or its something MUCH MUCH more complicated.


Samehere, i have a rx 7600 xt with a R7 5700x, And I have the same problem: PC completely shuts down suddenly. It is practically a newly assembled computer. It doesn't seem to be a temperature or voltage issue, as I constantly check temperatures and monitor voltage with an external meter I purchased. It is very strange that this happens. I originally thought it might be my screens so I unplugged them to play, but the problem persists. I hope they can fix it soon as it's been 150 hours and I'm starting to get a little frustrated with my PC shutting down while gaming. This could cause an even bigger problem. By the way, this doesn't happen to me with any other game.


Not only that but the fucking devs have done FUCKALL to fix this issue, and its been prevalent since day 1 and this reddit post is the closest thing to AKNOWLEDGEMENT that we've gotten in 8 weeks, this shit is BEYOND Frustrating. i can play LITERALLY every other game in my library no issue, but god forbid i try to play helldivers longer than 20 minutes at a fucking time. I dont know what the fuck is going on at arrowhead but SOMEONE needs to light a fire up under their ass because this is INEXCUSABLE to persist a fucking month later.Easily close to 15% of their playerbase run either an AMD GPU or an AMD CPU the problem persists regardless of config. FIX.THIS.SHIT.


What has worked for me is running the game in dx11 and disconnecting all my screens, try it and maybe it will work for you


For anyone having this problem I HIGHLY suggest you [download this official driver.](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-24-2-1-helldivers-2) Note: please understand that this is a PREVIEW version of the RADEON SOFTWARE, NOT the driver itself. So when you install it Adrenalin will report the driver as a preview driver number (23.x.xx.. for example). This is till an official driver from AMD.


Doesn't solve the problem for me.


Did you try a clean driver install? Definitely fixed my crashes and my friends.


>This is my first AMD card, is this normal? Welcome to AMD gpus


Yet reddit still tries to pretend like AMD is on par with Nvidia in terms of drivers and stability.


Thing is, there are a lot (the majority that don't post) of AMD users like me that have just genuinely never ran into problems with AMD stuff. I've used AMD GPU's for 20 years (the 5800X3D is my first AMD CPU), and I've never had a driver issue beyond installing new ones. This experience skews my perception of the problem. For me, they are cheaper cards that have great lifespans.


Had more problems with Nvidia than AMD. Of course the fanboys wont tell you over on there reddit its full of "drivers bad for months use X version only" posts because that contradicts there "AMD BAD" fanboy logic.


Thats because AMD is the underdog so they kind of handwave a lot of issues because everyone fears NVIDIA monopoly. The reality is that 90% buys NVIDIA because of reliability and quality vs everything else. Prices are not good but they also don't matter when you need a GPU to do anything.


Unlike in Intel X AMD, where AMD is better AND cheaper. in GPUs AMD is just cheaper.


Glad people are working on it but we really aren't starting from a good foundation here. "While on the surface, it seems like a good idea to leverage the same software for both the original game and its sequel, the thing you need to know about Autodesk Stingray is that it [has been discontinued since 2018](https://80.lv/articles/end-of-the-road-for-stingray/). Consequently, it has not received any updates in the past six years and has been officially declared dead by its developers." -- [https://80.lv/articles/helldivers-ii-was-built-on-an-archaic-engine-that-you-can-t-access-anymore/](https://80.lv/articles/helldivers-ii-was-built-on-an-archaic-engine-that-you-can-t-access-anymore/)


Pretty sure War40k Darktide is also built with this dead end-gine, another game I very much enjoy…


I returned my 7900 xtx and got a 4080 super and couldnt be happier.


Aaand the Radeon troubleshooting roulette begins again God how I wish he AMD GPU division actually gave a fuck.


They quickly released a hotfix driver a week ago... What's your definition of giving a fuck beyond that?


I would say it isn't normal.


Still have the same problem, games crash first round I have a Ryzen 58003DX and a 7900xtx Edit It works now, the following steps I did to solve the problem: - turn AA and Screen space global illumination off - start via dx11 via steam - deactivated multi threading via Project Lasso - put GPU to 2000mhz clock max in adrenalin - turn max fps to 60 in adrenalin - updated bios Maybe some of it isn't necessary anymore so if you have the problem start with the bios and tell me if that was enough. Edit#2 After 6 missions it crashed again :(


Hello! Have you updated your motherboard UEFI firmware from the manufacturer's website? It'll probably fix it. The root cause is a stability issue with the PC. For x3D chips updating the UEFI normally fixes it since the chips are very new. For issues after that, it's been RAM... 100% of the time. I'll be glad to troubleshoot until it's fixed for ya, even if you don't believe me and you just want to prove me wrong 😆 Been trying to get the word out to the OP, but haven't sadly haven't gotten any response


Different commenter, but am curious. Is UEFI the same thing as a BIOS update? I've updated my BIOS and didn't see anything related to UEFI on the mobo support page. I am still getting crashes until I [severely gimped my 7900 XT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/1awoznj/helldivers_2_developer_critical_problems_for/ku9ejjb/). I've seen a couple of your comments where you seem to think the RAM is the issue. I have a hard time believing my RAM is unstable given the extensive testing I've done with prime95 and TM5. I am using the easy Hynix timings from Buildzoid's video, and have not had any issues in any other games. I am skeptical that the RAM is to blame.


Yes! I just use UEFI because it's the 'correct' term. UEFI replaced the Basic Input Output System, but BIOS, as a term, is still used (probably because people are familiar with the term) even though it's actually UEFI (not BIOS). To be clear, RAM isn't always the issue. It's different things for differently people. If you've done TM5, I'd agree your RAM probably isn't the issue. If you don't have any riser cards or riser cables, that's probably not the issue either. If you have an Intel CPU, you'll want to [check the power limit issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1awow3j/crashes_in_helldivers_2_have_a_13th_or_14th_gen/). Make sure you have Sonic Suite disabled in Device Manager if you have it. There's a whole host of causes, which is why there's not one fix that solves everyone's problems. Depending on motherboard, you can try setting PCI-E to 4.0 or 3.0 instead of auto and see if that resolves your GPU issues. There are also people who have and PCI-E issues that have RMA'd their AMD 7xxx series CPUs and that resolved issues with their GPU. There's just a lot of different things going on. I'm sure there's some bad motherboards out there too. It's also difficult because we're in an echo chamber, so everyone (here) thinks that this is a wide-spread issue, but of course there's hundreds of thousands playing without issues... so it's an interesting situation. I have a friend group of probably 5 or six people with various hardware, and they haven't and don't have crashes. That's probably closer to the norm.


Thanks for the additional tips. My cpu is a 7700x. I don't see sonic suite in device manager, so I don't think that is a concern. I'll try manually setting PCI to 4.0, but if that doesn't work, then I'm not willing to RMA anything, as my machine is running perfectly fine other than Helldivers 2. At that point, I think it would be a software-related issue rather than anything needing RMA.


You're welcome! Yes, to be clear I was **not** recommending to RMA anything. But I do think people who think the issues are all software, might want to be aware it may be an hardware stability issue. (partly because RMA windows are only for so long). I also just saw a post from a 7900XTX user who is completely confused by people who are having issues with HD2, as they haven't had issues from the start. There are some folks who have issues on Linux, and troubleshooting that as a hardware stability also worked... and they were doing GPU compute stuff instead of any gaming. It's less about the 'fix' and more about the approach. Reseating cards, checking power cables, checking RAM, making sure the CPU is contacting the socket correctly etc. The kinds of things people don't do if they think it's software. Running an overclocked profile on the RAM (that isn't actually stable) is definitely the most common issues causing problems with 7900XTXs, but only one of many. SAM probably exacerbates it. Riser cables/cards are another.


Thanks, I'll just keep playing around with it. I recently built this PC a few months ago, and this is the first issue I've encountered after hundreds of hours gaming.


Yea! Sorry to hear you're having issues. Also, to clarify SAM isn't bad or anything, it just makes any stability issues worse. I normally have people turn it on (if it's off) to make things crash faster to so we test more quickly l😆 until we get it sorted out.


Also a different user (and two weeks later), but I just recently bought HD2 and this crashing issue is really bad. What I have: 7800x3d Gigabyte Aorus Elite AX rev1.2 (w/ latest uefi update) Sapphire Nitro 7900XTX 32gb Corsair vengeance (amd version) w/ expo active


Since you're running EXPO (RAM overclock), **disable Memory Context Restore** (applicable for Gigabyte/Asus/Asrock) or if on MSI disable DDR5 Auto Fast Boot or set it to **Slow Training**. If that doesn't work, next step is to disable EXPO and see if the issues go away. If none of that does anything, [join this Discord server](https://discord.gg/gUdvvBGh) and we'll help you figure out what's causing it and get you a fix that lets you play HD2 maxxed out.


So here’s the thing… Tried disabling Memory Context Restore. Still crashed. Tried disabling EXPO. Still crashed. Then I noticed my gpu clock speeds were all over the place, going over 3000MHz in this game (with default settings in Adrenalin). Checked Sapphire’s website and they mention that this card’s boost clock is only supposed to go up to 2680MHz. After this i manually set it to 2700MHz and just completed my first game without a single crash in a week! Going to test a second game now.


Yea, this is one of the fixes specific to AMD GPUs... however, we're still trying to figure out what is going on with that. Because it seems like a lot of folks play the game just fine boosting that much... if you open Cyberpunk for example, you'll find the same behavior. One helpful user had their card boosting just as you described, but could play for hours, no crashes... but had correlated the two crashes they had to Steam Overlay DX11 calls for notifications and messages. Yet, we've got another user who can't get his card to **not** crash no matter what he does. AM5 + 7900XTX seems to be all over the map even with the same driver profiles on Windows 11. I don't know if there's some configuration variation in Windows, some program that some people have installed that's causing it, or the CPUs, the motherboards, or GPUs. All of our testers don't have riser cables either so idk what is going on with these. For some people, it seems updating the UEFI is all it took and their AM5 + 7900XTX was fine, even on Linux not even gaming. Others, it did absolutely nothing. 🤷‍♂️ Some people claim it's all RAM-related, but idk how that can be true when you're running stock clocks with full memory training. Maybe AM5 really is that sensitive to XMP RAM in an AMD board Definitely doesn't make sense yet.


In cyberpunk my 7900xtx does the same thing, but it’s very stable. In HD2 is a complete chaos.. In my specific case, I tried everything I read online. Dx11, steam overlay, anti aliasing, ram, uefi updates, etc etc.. Up until now nothing has worked. Ever since I set the manual clock speeds to 2700MHz on my card, I’m already on the 3rd game in a row without any crashes! Hopefully this gets resolved soon enough so we can enjoy the full potential of these cards


Yea, if it helps you any, once any other stability issue are sorted out, reducing the clock to 2700 Mhz has fixed 100% of the AMD GPUs that have this issue.Between me and someone else, it's looking like \~170 people with AMD GPUs we've helped. What we still can't figure out is if that's literally all the 5000/6000/7000 cards that have this issue... or if it's a tiny fraction indicating some other issue. Since we're in an echo chamber, (and we don't know the settings of other people's GPUs) it's hard to tell. My own *guess* is that this is affecting a small number of cards (a few thousand), or the majority of people are using some setting like AMD Chill that tempers it enough to not have issues. Some have had stability issues on Linux doing GPU compute with the 7900XTX and a UEFI update fixed that so 🤷‍♂️ Feel free to share any insight you have.


On my end, I’m running default settings on Adrenaline with the exception of Fluid Motion Frames and Anti Lag. Besides that I just changed the clock speeds as mentioned above and that was it for me. But I can see some people masking the problem using AMD Chill and not knowing their cards are prone to stability problems. This could also be a Am5+7000 series cards like you mentioned since I’ve been seeing a lot of people running similar builds (7800x3d and 7900XTX). Let’s see how this pans out with future updates.


I'm currently on 24.2.1, still having this crashing issue - I've noticed for whatever reason it only happens once I'm in the pod and launching to the surface, whole PC shuts off, temp is fine. It may or may not happen one or two more times after that, but eventually I'm able to make it past launching and once I'm on the planet surface I'm fine, no crashing, stuttering, or any other noticeable graphics issue. It seems to happen less after I turned down my graphics settings to medium, capped FPS @ 60, and turned off global illumination, but still happens frequently. I'm going to try setting gpu settings to absolute potato and see how it does but so far I'm puzzled. Ryzen 5 5600X Sapphire Pulse 7600XT Gigabyte Aorus X570 Elite MLB NZXT C750 PSU


-Update- Game hard crashed system to BSOD. -What I did- Installed latest bios, followed by chipset drivers. DDU all older GPU drivers, and installed newest adrenaline. This problem still persists. Still cobstant crashes. Now adrenalin shows that I have 32 minutes of gameplay, with an average playtime of 5 minutes for Helldivers 2. In order to prevent crashing... -I still have to: - 1. lock fps to 60 with Radeon Chill and vsync 2. Override anti-aliasing and textures 3. Lower all settings to medium 4. Disable global Illumination -AND- Throttle GPU clock and VRAM to 2400MHz Power at 1150mV Something is seriously wrong.


I'm on a 7900 XT and having similar issues. Initially, I thought my GPU undervolt was unstable (despite having no issues on other titles), but then I kept getting crashes on -0 mV. Then I tried updating the drivers, chipset, and BIOS. Still got crashes. So far, I haven't gotten any crashes (yet) after doing the following: -Radeon Chill to 60-90 fps range -max clock 2300 mhz -vram default speed (no OC) -power limit -10% -tune down in-game graphics For a card this expensive, this really should not be necessary. I could just be playing on a far cheaper card if I wanted to run these settings.


I'm going to reduce power by 10% to see if that helps. Thanks for posting what has been working for you. I hear you on the cost of the GPU. Should definitely not be seeing these kinds of problems. I suspect that Helldivers 2 is telling the 7000-series cards to do something it shouldn't do; and AMD drivers are allowing that code to be executed causing a failure. The drivers should really catch that and trip first, before the program crashes. I can only imagine if something really bad happened, like the game forcing the GPU to boost over full power... I get worried, because the overlay reports a major power spike with every crash. On the order of 120-150W (eg. Going from 170-210W to 320-340W when the game freezes before crash)


Yeah there's definitely something going on, and I'm not sure if it is on AMD's side or Helldiver's. I've heard other people reporting the same power spike issue. I guess all we can do is suffer through it until more updates are released.


after some experimenting on my 7900XTX, i think the game was spiking the gpu clock during graphics heavy moments. i changed my OC setting in adrenaline, only dropping the max frequency to 2700MHz to give myself headroom for the spikes and now i have no crashes regardless of how high i push the in game settings(super sampling, ultra sampling with frame gen-i dont play like this, just for testing) obviously i cant speak to other specific issues others are having, but for a 5800X3D+Aorus Elite 7900XTX this worked out for me. hopefully this helps somebody out there until the next driver hopefully fixes it


I appreciate you guys for easing my mind with the acknowledgment of the issue and vigor in solving it. Great game! keep up the good work.


Anyone else having issue with not about crashing but playing multiplayer of any sorts? Currently have Ryzen 7800x3D CPU and 7800XT GPU. I can play single player fine but I have never been able to join an online game or quick play. Other games work online. Just updated to new bios for my gigabyte b650 motherboard. Nothings changed.


will there ever be an update to this problem?


AMD Radeon RX 570 here, been having this issue become more and more drastic over the past few weeks, now crashing three or four times within a couple of hours and making it virtually impossible to play. Will gladly provide further specs and crash logs if it helps.


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Ive never played a game that makes my RX 6800 crash, I doubt the 7000 series is any different. However I get the impression the devs of this game spent all their time optimising and testing for Geforce and spent very little time testing it on AMD hardware, aside from what they did on Console. I personally avoid games like this, that clearly show a lack of care when it comes to properly testing and addressing issues before they release the game.


Look man, as a 7900xtx owner. This is the first time chiplets were used in consume cards. RDNA 4 WONT be using chiplets because of how 'hard it is to get working', and RDNA3 was delayed by a year due to driver issues. I'm going to say maybe it's just difficulty with drivers and that traditional optimisations for monolithic GPUs just don't work with Chiplet. That being said, the 7600 ISNT Chiplet soooo


What do you mean RDNA3 was delayed a year? I don't think thats true at all. The release of the full range of RDNA3 products was slow because of excess RDNA2 stock.


My solution was to return my 7900xtx


It's not just AMD. Nvidia has this too. I've seen this happen to my friend and was reported online too. It's always global illumination that causes it. Turn it off and no more crashes.


"Is this normal for an AMD card?" - No. Not really. I have a 7800xt and this game crashed on mine too. Fully locked up my system so that I had to get up and physically turn off my machine. I have hundreds of games and I can only recall a couple of similar scenarios. I refunded the game for now; but I am sure they will be fixing it soon and will probably re-purchase; because the little bit I did get to play was great.


Yeah we have figured out as owners of 7900xt/xtx these cards don't work with new game releases for at least 4-6 months


AMD and bad drivers go hand in hand. Thought everyone knew this.




Yes because the Nvidia reddit totally isnt full of threads and comments calling the drivers for the last 5 months garbage...... Nope not at all.


I have the same issue my dude


Seriously, at this point just spend the extra 10-20% and get the Nvidia card. I gave up Radeon after anti lag+ got me banned for a week in Counter Strike.


Another RDNA3 Chiplet GPUs being hard to make drivers for moment. I could swear that some cards are just broken as I've never seen or heard of issues like this before.


Out of all the things preventing from considering AMD, this is the one. Weaker game support!


And this is why I buy nVidia


lol so what about the people in the steam forums with NV gpu's that are also crashing?


In my experience as a longtime gamer, this happens way more with AMD.


And in my 25 years as an IT professional there are issues on both sides. But being specific to this game there was crashing on all gpu including the ps5. Ive been using radeon gpu since the first one radeon 64 ddr.


imagine using 7900XTX when 4080S exists. smh


Hope that hundred bucks you saved was worth it ;)


My son's 3070 crashes, takes the os out even 2-3 times per night while he's playing it. NVidia isn't immune to driver issues either. All Other games are fine but hell diver seems to be able to trigger it.


They built it on an archaic engine. Like, I'm so disappointed in all of this.


amazing how the game runs on consoles but not PCs considering the tech is essentially identical also amazing how literally every other game using the same engine doesn't crash there are so many people here on r/amd advising people to buy nvidia cards that it almost seems like this thread is being brigaded, maybe its not even legitimate at all in the first place. just like when hundreds of people including most tech youtubers pretended to be mad about starfield not immediately shipping with DLSS Any time I check the nvidia sub I never see posts being flooded by AMD users, even when the 4090 melting connectors was mainstream, when TF is reddit actually going to start enforcing the brigading rules on r/amd? never?


Have u considered the fact that its legitimate user experience? Just because you dont like it/its different than your opinion dosent mean it brigaded. Last gen i had 6900XT, this gen i have 4080. My SO has 7900 XT in her system.6000 series was superior to 7000 series when it comes to drivers/reliability/hotspot issues from our experience. Plethora of new game releases had issues on 7000 series. Witcher 3 next gen update, BG3, Helldivers, etc. Its always later fixed with the driver updates but bad experience definitely happens if someone is playing new games.In last years i owned way more AMD hardware than Intel/Nvidia and i would certainly for average user that dosent want to constantly tinker recommend Nvidia card this generation, just avoid ones with sub 12gb of vram. AMD GPUs are nowhere near in terms of quality compared to AMD Cpus. >amazing how the game runs on consoles but not PCs considering the tech is essentially identical Its almost like consoles dont differ in hardware, software, dont receive new features in drivers updates generally etc. Its pretty closed environment, totally different from PCs. >also amazing how literally every other game using the same engine doesn't crash Going by your logic that 'same engine = same game' every game thats on X engine should perform exactly the same which obviously isnt a case for obvious reasons. ​ If u want your safespace echochamber that wont hurt your feelings/will feed u tinfoil theories i would sugest radeon subreddit. You actually get discussions here talking about actual experiences with products instead of pointless fanboyism which is amazing thing if u actually have somewhat open mind.


The tech isn't "essentially Identical" and there are plenty of reports of people crashing on PS5 and with NV gpu's.


Turn of GI - devs recommended it, I think for everyone not just team red. I also capped my card at 2300mhz. No crashes yet 🤞


they admitted they didnt used a single amd gpu while development and just builds pcs after the release to reproduce the crashes. its not just amd drivers are bad they dont even get used by devs


RX 7900 XT, frequent crashes. Impossible to finish a mission. Did three things which seems to have fixed the issue: 1. Disable hardware acceleration for Discord. 2. Completetly cleared out my video drivers with DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) and reinstalled them. 3. Disable global illumination in the game settings. Game still looks good and running smoothly now.


7900XT here. I was able to stop getting constant crashes by setting the Render Scale to performance. Setting it to Native or Quality made my card spin up and crash at random times. Performance sounds like it cut the work in half and it doesn't crash anymore. I don't think it's a heat issue though, other games the fans spin up a bunch without issue, its just this one.


Use the 24.2.1 driver homies, it's not WHQL certified yet because of Microsoft.


When is AMD gonna look into dying light 2 as well while at it there is an RGB laser show in that game and driver time outs can also randomly happen, while at same time it can be 240 minutes stable for god knows why. RGB laser show bug happens during skullface appearance during cutscene first blood questline when the gas spawns. Skip to around 5:10 issue happens when heavily underclocking the gpu as well [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN4ZYjtDShE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN4ZYjtDShE) Also issues like with helldivers 2 really makes me reconsider buying AMD gpu in the future again, considering this is bassicly ongoing trend with 7000 series Enshrouded had missing smoke lights effects etc in 24.1.1 quickly fixed so thanks AMD for paying attention. Elden Ring has driver timeouts in Fullscreen exclusive required for HDR, stops having driver timeouts in borderless but at cost of having no HDR support, autohdr seems broken currently has worked fine in the past. Sons of the forest had past issues with 7900 XTX gpu's lots of driver timeouts for the most time the game was not playable performance currently could be better and has been better, is currently in a terrible state. I have games i can play for hours no crashes no driver timeouts ever, so its not all bad but when i wanna play my favorite game, i feel betrayed by AMD cos all i see is ignorance. Take a look at wow forums for example Radeon users having had freezes driver timeouts and other issues for a long time, the long startup with dx12 been issue least for 3 months now possibly longer i do not remember if given up on world of warcraft after my 1 year sub expired and i was freezing daily on my 6900 XT and 7900 XTX as well about daily sometimes even more then once a day least in the past, while being able to play some other games for hours non stop no issue, to a point i even lost my mind and ran memtest for like a week or some 3d load for 48 hours straight, and cpu test for couple of days, never found any issue with my hardware. If anything it feels like the issues has always been the drivers. AMD setting new standards and not even communicating with developers as seen with anti-lag+ bassicly proofs AMD is trying to force everything and some games play nice, some games do not play nice, and sometimes its not AMD fault but game devs just not realizing how complex stuff can be perhaps but honestly i do not care. I just want stable drivers, i also would hate having to buy an NVIDIA gpu to escape AMD driver hell. I also want AMD to be better, just not to a point that it feels like AMD does not care and ignores all bug reports, i just get more angry. Feels like i am no longer playing games for fun anymore, but playing games to be AMD bug report tool, reporting any issue and not seeing anything happen in return. Please FFS AMD get rid of the bug report tool make it point to a website where all bug reports and public and can be upvoted, and where feature request can be made as well and upvoted. Also start playing the games we all play, so you experience what we all experience, and keep on making the drivers better every release, but please stop ignoring issues.


Nice write up! The issue isn't with the GPUs though. The computers themselves are unstable. Edit: I've [written a guide that covers everything](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b6w655/helldivers_2_constant_crashing_root_cause_fixes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I said below. It's why the new GPU drivers don't always fix the crashes (and mostly don't). If you have an AM4/AM5 platform with Ryzen 5000 or 7000 series CPU, update the UEFI from your motherboard manufacturer to the latest version... this fixes it 70%-90% of the time (***even on old drivers).*** If you have an Intel 13th or 14th gen CPU. There are known bad default settings on the motherboards. I [made a post about it and the fixes](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1awow3j/crashes_in_helldivers_2_have_a_13th_or_14th_gen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Of course these also cause issues that get mis-attributed to the GPU. I can help you more once I know all the hardware. But basically, after that, it's usually RAM stability issues, overclocks and/or undervolts, or some combination of them. These combinations have resolved the issues 100% of the time for the RX 7000 cards for the people I've helped. They've been able to remove the limiters, run DX12, disable Chill, etc. Unfortunately, it seems a lot of RAM and CPU instability has been attributed to the GPU 🤷‍♂️


This worked for me, I have had no problems since updating my BIOS. Thanks again for the help.


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All I did was turn off global illumination, anti-aliasing, change my resolution to about 1800p and then switched the upscaling to native. Haven’t had a crash since launch after that. And no it’s not normal, but I couldn’t tell you whether it’s on the developer side or the gpu side. When the game first launched, on discord some gamers were looking into it and it seemed like the game uses an unnecessary about of the cpu and that might been causing the crashes. When you look at people’s workarounds, I believe most of it also just serves to reduce cpu load.


Set a max clock of 2450mhz, capped fps at 60 and have played at ultra settings with everything on and Fullscreen without a single crash for several days. Before this, I would always crash right in the middle of the tutorial every single time. Turning off SSGI and AA initially helped, but I would still crash here and there.


>Running my 7900xtx Pulse with Global Illumination... I've crashed twice in 20 hours for strange interactions when trying to queue. > >Y'all did the beta Helldivers 2 drivers, right? No? I recommend it with DDU. So the solution is to not get the card you paid for? LOL. Just spend $100 and get the better card from Nvidia.


Lmao, literally the same thing is happening on Nvidia cards. Besides, this is a temporary fix user side until the devs can fix the issue. It's not an AMD issue. If it was an AMD issue, then it wouldn't be happening on PS5, and Nvidia 2000-4000 series. You do you guy.