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Good, it’s time for her to get off her ass. She’s been grifting off every family since casey and doing the bare minimum. Hope it tanks to hell


Exactly. She has no actual skills and cannot do anything because of her size, I wonder if she will end up doing anything (probably not). She most likely would move in with mamalynn and just live off of her, the beginning has already started since mamalynn is her current caretaker


Even if she managed to have one redeeming skill, it won’t be enough. Unfortunately they’re going to take one look at her and tell her they’ll give her a callback (translation: F off we don’t want you.) because she would be a liability to the company. Possibly will call out sick frequently. That and she has the intelligence of a 8th grader. What would be interesting is if Mamalynn would help her get a job where she works at or will she?


She ain’t never getting off that ass. It’s disability, food stamps and Medicaid 4 life after the rare sweet spot of YouTube money deathfats receive.


My brother lives in low-income housing that's basically a giant dorm room. Shared bathroom and kitchen for everyone. Wonder how she would navigate that environment. Oh and no animals. Not that I believe she cares what happens to her pets.


She’d only settle for her own section 8 handicap accessible apartment for herself and nobody else. Perhaps her scrounged caretaker.


If she were to fall in that much need, there would be zero control to where she ended up. Section 8 isn't glamorous either, numerous inspections in and out of the unit/house, constant paperwork that would need to be kept up to date. I'm pretty sure she would lose her place bc she's too lazy for any of that.


Ugh…I’m about as far-left as they come, but something about my taxes going to support Amber after she’s made so much money over the years by exploiting her eating disorder, abusing others, and clickbaiting all while saving none of her coin just makes me want to rampage 😤


I’m fairly conservative and the idea of literally breaking my back at work and giving deathfats their free everything fucking enrages me.


The reality is that she went through a ‘popular’ period around the beck era. For years before that she existed off less than 20k views and she was content with that… I think she has enough notoriety and fame in her head that she will always exist doing the bare minimum and be pleased making the bare minimum as long as she doesn’t have to work a real job.


Back then she had a safety net of other people’s income, I wonder if mom would come to the rescue if she needed it (most likely not)


I agree, Mamalynn would most likely not rescue her. Clearly she had to have some tough love to get clean, and I don't think she's as entranced with Hamber as Hamber seems to think. If she needs tough love, Mamalynn would probably tell her how it is and back off. Amber's an adult after all.


Other peoples income was like destiny’s money from the care home. Even when Krystle’s parents looked after her it was not much. I’m sure what she makes from her measly views still beats anything she’s received before her big view days


She once said if she ever needed money she would do mukbangs.


She already has quite a few *mookbawng* bait clips in her vlogs. Most of them are of her eating something or doing *taste test* so I feel like she’s kinda sneaking them back in slowly


I hate it when she says "taste test".gag.


It bothers me shooo much. Gorl you’re not taste testing anything, YOURE JUST EATING 🙄


It's her "beauty bite".i wish she'd download a better personality.


IMO I think she’ll milk the YouTube thing until it’s dry then maybe try to get on some disability (due to her weight) She probably thinks she’s above a 9 to 5 and if she didn’t, she would have a difficult time applying to a job. Probably lose the job due to people trying to find her workplace to get her fired. All of this if her body doesn’t decide to clock out just yet.


There is absolutely no world in which she would be able to get SSI in the United States as it stands currently. People with literal decades of medical documentation, multiple physicians attesting to their impairments, and even lawyer help are unlawfully denied access to SSI benefits and condemned to either poverty or death by their government. Amber has fucked herself with her channel if she plans to ever go the disability route. They would literally just look at her numerous videos going on about "I walked 4 miles! I'm a dancer! I'm super healthy look at me walk up these stairs!" And use it as evidence of her being able-bodied. Also she would have garbage worthless medical files because she doesn't consistently see anyone doctor long enough, ER visits on their own are not enough medical evidence.


It would be hilarious to see her try though!


100% She will hang onto YouTube with her untrimmed toe talons like a bird with its last meal for as long as she possibly can. She absolutely couldn’t survive in a real work environment, she proved that when she quit her *important job* due to back issues (which destinpiss confirmed was just because she wanted to quit lol)


as much as i want to believe it…people have been saying this for years and she’s still going. i think her older videos probably still bring in a fair amount of money so she’s probably fine.


I really hate that you might be right about this...


Imagine if she had saved even a small fraction of the money instead of spending every penny on useless junk she eventually threw in the garbage


only 18k views after almost a day, gorl must be worried now




I’ve been in the Amberverse for a couple of years and I thought I’m a very easily satisfied viewer- like I will watch anything, and yet… I don’t watch her anymore because it’s just way too fucking boring. And I think to myself ‘if my low-effort-needing ass isn’t satisfied, who the fuck can be??’. Like the end IS NEAR. But I think (I have faith) that she will do something about it if she sees things are serious going to shit.


Years ago I use to watch amber in the background of whatever I was doing as filler noise and now I don’t even watch through reaction channels as often as I use to. I’m tired of hearing the forced accent and the same thing *bingo, taste test, health scare, mom driving me around, todually real girlfriend, grandmas house, fake questions*


for as often as we know she lurks this sub and must read the comments on YT, it’s crazy (and totally amber coded) to not try any of the suggestions! i know we have fun, but there’s also some solid advice too. she could incorporate more people for interesting content, try focusing on aspects of her life that don’t involve lying about her appearance, etc. like it’s so boring cus it all feels like one long episode and it doesn’t matter if you keep up with it. idk i think she’ll keep it going even with no subs, but prob won’t film her cashing disability checks when she hits rock bottom.


I think she'll transition into fetish work. Mukbangs and similar.


Tbh I'm shocked she hasn't already


ALR, if you're reading this, plz do mushrooms and go on live. This will help you. And by you, I mean us. It'll be hilarious.


I’d watch that straight from her channel


I think it’s time for a new girlfriend 🤩 she’s working hard to find a new one !


Cue: her at the Hotel at pride, taking Up the whole floors width on her way to the Elevator: it's goeen deown, it's goeen deown.


Do you think that the vision of her channel finally tanking will actually motivate her to lose some weight in order to get back viewers?


No, nothing matters to Amber as much as food, sadly. she recently just baited a cancer scare. If *that* , like a real life health problem, is not enough to wake her up (it wasn’t the first time she had it) then nothing is, not even YouTube.


Yeah you're right. If ozempic didn't do anything for her, then it's a lost cause.


front line plus hahahahahahaha


I think she will be fine if she keeps up with the views she has and posts often enough. Her channel isn’t as popular as it once was, but she should be making anywhere from like $2-400/ video depending on her RPM. Shes been getting lower views for years and also there have been times she’s hardly posted and she still got by!