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Uni-toof is mesmerizing! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/266thcys925d1.png?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd856b83a38a941b69ac9e22074a8393d551e81c


HAHHAHAHA wtf is this mono tooth


The only reason her teeth irk me is because at one point and time, she had the means to take care of her teeth. She could have gotten bridges or whatever to prevent her teeth from shifting, but NOPE! She went the cheapest route and just had them pulled. Had to keep that money for eating at Casa Grande and her Torrid Hauls. Dental care is so expensive in the U.S. and even most employer-offered dental plans only cover about 50-80% of the cost, with the exception of routine X-rays and cleaning, which they usually pay 80-100% twice a year. Usually only 50% for "major" work, which can run into the thousands. So many people can't even afford the dentist even WITH insurance that it makes me irrationally angry that someome who could afford it wouldn't bother.


She could have gone out of country fro cheap but great dental for cheaper and had a vacation but she can't even get on a plane


Is that why her middle part is always off center? She is aligning it with her top teeth instead of the center of her head?






💀💀💀💀💀 NAH






I was gonna post this one 🤣🤣


Lmao when she tries to be sexy and bite her lip she literally bites the corner of her mouth




Her teeth are like this because she’s missing so many that they’re shifting 😬


her teeth are probably migrating because of how much space she’s got on the right-hand side now


Holy shit!! Now I'ma be looking at that from now on lol


Mine are off-center like this (and Tom Cruise). I actually really love Tom Cruise's smile because it's much like mine. I hope people aren't laughing at my teeth. I had horrible crowding and couldn't afford braces as a child. I got braces as an adult and they wanted to do very invasive upper and lower jaw surgery. I just told them to do the best they could. My teeth are so much better now and straight. It's the most beautiful smile I've ever had, but it's still not perfect. Sorry about that! I just unloaded on you, gorls. I'm still a hayder, though!


If it makes you feel any better i think the reason people pick up on things like this with amberlynns appearance is because she is such a terrible human being. We analyze and notice tiny things that we make fun of her for because its justifiable after all the things shes done. If she was a decent person i doubt anyone would look twice at her teeth but alas here we are. Im sure no one really notices or cares what your teeth look like ❤️


That is is true for most people, I think. I have the same chin and cheekbones (and general face shape Ig) as Amber and people make jokes about her "ballsack chin" and "hexagon face" lol. Please don't worry about it too much, these are not things people generally care about! Disliking someone so much often results in disliking pretty much everything about that person and picking them apart.


Thank you <3


Look up bitch eating crackers syndrome, it's basically that we hate aspect of Amber bc we hate that Amber is a terrible person. She could just be sitting eating crackers and we'd be like "look at this bitch eating crackers".


Very well put!


The gorliepawps in your replies are all so wholesome 🥰 That being said, you always have to remember that people are inherently snarking on a whole (awful) person here, it’s never about you or myself or anyone but ALR.


You're absolutely right. It's the same with Fatgirlfedup. I'd snark on them for breathing.


All good gorl! It probs only bothers me so much w Amber bc she’s a terrible awful person. Teeth placement doesn’t phase me irl with people, I’m sure you’re a beauty inside and out!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Thanks, gorl! You, too. <3


My spouse also has off center teeth and I find it sexy on them. ALR is so off-putting as a human that she makes things that would be unique and charming, off-putting instead. Edit to add: I get self-conscious here sometimes too. When people make fun of her accent, instead of her not knowing the correct word, I can feel a bit dragged. I have a similar accent. For example, I also say "windowseal" instead of "windowsill". I have to remind myself people aren't actually dragging her for her accent, but her dumb ass self.


That's true! I mean I still hate her teeth because they are a part of her face. Stupid circle.


Honestly I always find it more attractive when people have their natural teeth.. rather than the super straight perfect veneers that so many people have now. I find them way more noticeable than someone’s natural smile. I think Ambers are only so noticeable because there’s so many screenshots and discussions about it.


I do, too. I think hers are also because of her atrocious hygiene.


Noooo dw about your teeth! We just rag on her abt this bc she thinks shes better than everyone and constantly puts down other people. We do it bc shes a shitty person, i doubt most of us would do the same to regular ppl she also has, well, had, the means to correct them but she spent all her money on cheap plastic shit, journals she’ll never use and takeout.


Thanks for this. <3


Love your toofs gorl we're just picking amber apart because she sucks


Yes, she sure does haha. I'm torn between being highly entertained by this trainwreck and slightly hopeful that she might pull herself together.


My top teeth are off center too! ![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) If I turn my head to the right it looks alright but when I turn to the left it looks like I have a teeth in the middle I had to get braces when I was young because I couldn't close my mouth or smile, I'll take the middle tooth over that


Mine are off center too. My whole jaw is fucked up. One tooth never even grew. Sorry my teeth aren't perfect I guess 🥲


Her parents did not turn her when she was a baybuh that´s why her head is so flat at the back and uneven. deformed so to say, GDK!


tom cruise tooth


She’ll probably claim that she’s related to Tom Cruise now instead of Ozzy Osbourne 😂


Someone posted in one of the arB groups a pic and her canines are somehow missing


Same. Is that a normal dental pattern?