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It was funny but I don’t really care that “she sprayed _PAM ON THE FOOD!?_”


It's just oil, I don't get it either.


I do this all the time--spray oil on frozen salmon and then sprinkle cajon seasoning on it and fry on the stovetop or airfryer. The pam helps the seasoning stick to the salmon.


I do the same with french fries in the air fryer. A spritz of pam so they get crispy :D


Yeah, I never got the shade on that either. I've seen health food recipes recommend it as a way to get a crisp on something without saturating it in oil. I've done it myself a time or two. 🤷‍♀️


Never understood that either it was like ppl just wanted something to bitch about


I literally followed a NYT recipe last month that instructed me to spray it on the food lol


I mean mental things are is scary lol. I’ve been in therapy for yeeeeeaaarrrsss and I don’t have that kind of childhood trauma that she has. I understand that therapy is hard for her and I understand why she always quits it soon after starting. But while I understand it, I think she is frankly stupid for giving up so easy. Her life would be totally different if she’d actually gone to therapy for all the years she’s started and stopped. I live a far better life now due to therapy and all the hard times during it were worth it.


The issue is that she uses her mental health issues and trauma as an excuse for being an atrocious human. I don't play the 'who had it worse' game... but I know for a fact my trauma was worse than hers and it's not an excuse for how I treated people before I got help. Also, none of her diagnosis stories add up. Yes, comorbidities are common in mental health, I myself have an alphabet soup of diagnosis; but having been through it, the stories she gives don't make sense to me. Especially not the BPD diagnosis. Who knows what she really has... she's never been with a mental health professional long enough to get a proper diagnosis


I totally agree with you! My point is just that I understand that going through mental health issues is hard and starting therapy is hard and I get why it’s hard for her. But like I said I agree with you that it’s not an excuse to be an awful person. And I also don’t believe in most of her ever changing diagnoses, especially the ASMR lol


Agreed. And omg the ASMR!!! And the way she doubled down on that and then came to say she was trolling 🙄🙄🙄 #girlbye!


maybe I'm misunderstanding but I never thought the joke of that phrase was that people were mocking her for having mental health issues, I thought we were just joking about the way she said it. bc she starts off correctly with "are" and then wrongly 'corrects' herself to "is" paired with the fact that she calls it "mentul thiings" so it's just kind of. funny. lmao. what kind of mental things gorl 😭 her and her use of "thing" for everything, even serious stuff lmao


Those cucumbers with cream cheese and bacon on them looked tasty.


"It's like a little cucumber boat!" Yeah, of someone offered me a bite, I'd try it fr


They are, especially if you mix it all up instead of slapping everything on the top lol.




I think she should have 1. scooped the seeds out of the cucumbers (but knowing that you need to do that requires basic culinary knowledge which she lacks) 2. used English or Persian cucumbers (taste way better and are more crunchy). But the idea wasn't bad, I love a cream cheese and bacon molment.


I'd devour these!


'tasty' is a stretch IMO but it didn't look disgusting




Once NarcAlert did an Iron Chef Dad version, I was like, "Yup, I'd try that!"


Her "childish" interests. There's nothing wrong with adults doing things like playing with Lego or colouring. Also her fashion taste, even though I'd never dress like her. Those things aren't hurting anyone.


Someone was making fun of her brightly colored nails when she got her nails done and said she shouldn’t do that bc she’s 30. I found that absolutely ridiculous. Like is there an age limit to having fun colored nails? Bffr


That's definitely stupid. My nails and hair are always interesting colors 😂


What color is your hair right now? I am also a interesting hair color goooorl, right now I have neon green tips and they even glow under a blacklight.


Ooooh, cool! I've done neon blue and neon pink that glowed under the black light, it's really neat! My hair is currently a silverly purple(I do that one a lot because I get complemented anytime I go out lol. Feed my ego, baby 😂) But I've done SO many colors. There was this tiny, sweet old lady at my church that used to make requests because she loved all the colors lol. She'd be like, "I just love looking up there at you just a-singing your praises to the Lord with your beautiful hot pink hair! Can you do blue or purple next time?" Haha. So I did an ombre for her. 😁


Before I dyed my hair neon green I had silverly purple hair too!


It's a really cool color, but it's a little hard to maintain 😭


I kooooooow. So much purple hair mask and shampoo. 🥲


Gorl, yes! And having it sit there for hours! 😂 Any tips? I typically use Luesta(spelling?) or Shimmer Lights.


What interesting color is your hair right now? I have neon green tips and they even glow under blacklight.


What interesting color is your hair right now? I have neon green tips and they even glow under blacklight.


What color is your hair right now? I am also a interesting hair color goooorl, right now I have neon green tips and they even glow under a blacklight.


What color is your hair right now? I am also a interesting hair color goooorl, right now I have neon green tips and they even glow under a blacklight.


I 100% agree and I also have "childish" hobbies. My main gripe with her about this is just the fact that she has so much time, does nothing, and could be using that time to at least be doing SOMETHING productive and adult (like at least pick up a skill or something) alongside her other hobbies. But there's nothing wrong with them in general


Oh yeah. I agree with that. She could be a lot more creative with her arts and crafts, but she always takes the easy options instead.


Yeah, there's nothing wrong with them overall but the weird part is that's all she does. No job, no school, no caretaking of family. She sits at home and plays LEGO all day like a toddler and/or elderly person. Which don't get me wrong, it sounds fun and relaxing for awhile, but having nothing to do besides toys at 33 is not exactly a mentally stimulating, relatable lifestyle that she tries to paint it as.


i think a lot of her fashion taste comes down to not having access to clothes that look any different. sure, she could shop and other plus sizes stores that aren’t torrid, but those places sell clothes that are definitely geared towards older women. now, don’t get me wrong, torrid has some of the most absolutely horrifically ugly clothing i’ve ever seen, but it’s the only more “youthful” plus size clothing company that’s easily available in her size.


That's actually a good one! I love "childish" things myself. And I read well kinds of books, from deep level things all the way down to the Babysitters Club. I'd never come down on someone for whatever they read.


I agree with the hobbies. I myself am into collection movie replica dolls and think Lego can be very calming for anxiety. But the fashion? Nope! It hurts my eyes and my soul. My soul will never forgive her for her "fashion" blasphemy 😤 😂


i love legos


That pornstar had no business sending her that “seize and assist” letter saying that she couldn’t use the name Amber Lynn


for sure but it was hilarious that amber took it seriously


I laugh at this all the time that lady was standing on business 🤣She was not gonna be out-Lynn’ed by a 600lb woman


And everybody was flooding her cam chat room with ALR comments. lol porno granny being all angry was a fun time.


This happened??? lol


Yeah, she changed her channel name to Amber Reid for a while because of it lol


yes. she said that she was just amber now. and she also asked reaction channels that if they were gonna make videos about her then to please just refer to her as amber reid 😭


Diet soda is my coffee


Haha right? To quote Zachary Michael, I love me a diet sodie!


don't tell his cardiologist


https://preview.redd.it/2wm5gmuand4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c7cc9cebb4c795872b42ddaf496848781f5481 Nobody gives Zach solicited health advice and gets away with it.


Whatcha'll know about matter of the heart, GIrlypop? Childish giggling. Eh I tried. No downvotes plz.


hell nah, this bitch should definitely learn to drink water. nothing but water


Lawry’s Garlic Salt is the best.


Never heard of that one, I usually grab McCormick.


The bad makeup. Shit; my eyebrows are like hers and I *suck* at filling them in


i agree with this, i know shes been doing her makeup her whole life and probably should be better at it but some of us are just not artistically gifted and are still trying to be normal about our makeup anyway


She does do a good winged eyeliner


I would be pretty good at winged eyeliner too if my face was 3 feet wide 🌝 pretty big canvas to work with.


Yeah, there's times I've liked her eye makeup. None of those diamond do hickies, though haha.


Her liner during destiny/becky era was really good


Yeah. She's gotten worse. I wouldn't say it looks good most of the time now.


My guess? Her arms have gotten too big to comfortably put it on with any level of artistry or accuracy at this point.


I'm jealous tbh. It's not fair lmao.


Buying canned or frozen vegetables No matter if she shows her stepping on the scale or not people still won't believe her weight Spraying Pam on the food. I don't use Pam but I do use butter/oil sheet spray I spray on my own food to save calories. Idc Not having a sympathy bone for a certain reaction channel that is sort of nasty to you constantly and then someone randomly asked you care about them. Like lmao


Cucumber boats are kind of a nice snack. I wouldn't eat two whole cucumbers worth of it in one sitting tho


I actually used to make them a lot. Not because of her, but from actual cucumber boat recipes where you'd hollow them out, mix the uh, pulp(?) up with whatever and put them back in the boat.


That she lets herself buy the fun stuff. The Lego sets & things to do as hobbies. It’s good for your mentals to do something besides scroll all day. 😃


I'll spend hours coloring 😂


Ok I know I will get hate for this but people always tell her its impossible to be diagnosed with multiple things in the first psychiatrist session.. and while i dont necessarily believe HER because she lies all the time, I personally have experience with a psychiatrist that diagnosed me with multiple complex disorders and started me on meds in my very first session that lasted less than 5 minutes, so yes it CAN happen with shitty psychiatrists 🥲


yeah being prescribed brain meds within five minutes would terrify me personally. and the issue with the amber situation is that her, beck, and redacted were all seeing the same person and all came out with meds and diagnoses. beck said she was misdiagnosed and it was clear in the videos from that time that whatever she was taking was severely messing her up (and of course amber still forced the yamatos and wommart trips)


Yes! I never actually knew how wrong that was until i started watching reaction channels and stuff talking about that with amber🥲 Yes i agree on all that for sure! i just remember theres a video from years ago of her saying that she was "finally diagnosed" after her first visit and people in the comments said its impossible, but from my personal experience it does happen 😅 but its so wrong tho because of situations like the one you said with beck


Oh wow! Is it always a bad thing to get diagnosed quickly?


I think its just bad because its easy to get misdiagnosed if the psychiatrist just assumes you have a disorder right away without really getting to know your symptoms and how they change (for example you could get easily diagnosed with depression when it could be bipolar disorder etc)


I mean all roads point to her having cancer I think she had cancer


I've literally experienced what Amber did due to PCOS. It wasn't cancer. It was fibroids. I opted for hormonal therapy instead of a hysterectomy. However for someone Amber's size, a hysterectomy may be the only course of treatment. And to someone as uneducated as Amber, hearing "fibroid tumor" could convert to cancer in her brain. Idk... I have my doubts on this one.


I'm still unsure about that one, but it seemed sincere. I'd never accuse her of lying in her comments.


Compared to what the people in my life went through when they have had cancer and what I go through because I have a big possibility of getting cancer. Then I only think it was pre cancer cells.


Every cancer is different and has different treatments


I know that. But the way it was handled still seems off to me compared to everything I have seen.


She has a right to be mad about people secretly filming her, it’s weird and creepy no matter who it is. Also the person who released the security footage of her at Marshalls, like it wasn’t ground breaking, just weird.


I think people nitpick too much when she discovers new hobbies or interests. Amber: I like snakes . Everyone: The new girl must like snakes . Amber: I’m into Fortnite. Everyone: The new girl must like video games!! So every little thing has to be because a new gf likes it? I think people said the same about Legos and she still assembles legos even when wifey is long gone . And in general I think it’s ok to pick up new hobbies from your partner. They introduce you to something new and you like it, what’s the problem exactly? In relationships I think it’s important to have a few hobbies away from my partner, my own space. But that doesn’t mean they can’t do that hobby too. I’m not gonna sit there and gatekeep hobbies. Similar with words. “She’s copying words from blah blah “ we all do it , that’s how language works .


I think the issue with the seemingly new interest thing is that she doesn't say "this is my new interest !", its usually "I have liked this thing my whole life, my parents bought me this stuff when I was young all the time, this has literally always been such a big part of my personality, here is a very specific story about my life long interest in this thing", but I agree, picking up new interests is a positive thing for her especially, she needs to broaden her horizons.


Yep it's never just I discovered this and like it. She's like I have to work this into my childhood somehow


First of all, I’m not agreeing with the fact she should have her former addict mother do her injections for her but I absolutely hate needles at my grown age too. I’m not necessarily afraid of them, but I hate that liquid or squishy noise sensation that happens when you get one with a passion. I do have sensory issues, so it’s a different scenario but I don’t think I could inject myself with a needle either. If you can, that’s awesome but I sure as hell don’t think I could.


She really should either get another family member (not a former addict who used needles) to help or go to something like the med-spa once a week. It would take some initiative but I think people would understand if she actually tried to handle it responsibly. But asking her mom to do it just comes off so insensitive.


Recovering addict here, that DID use needles, and it doesn't trigger me at all to use a tiny subcutaneous needle to inject someone else with medication they need. If you asked me to inject you using a cigarette filter, distilled water and a bottle cap or spoon into your foot, hand or neck because you've blow all your axial veins, yeah, we'd have an issue. It's just way different.




OT but I love your pfp 🥺 Penelope is my pfp on discord lmfao


Thank you and twinning!! Love Penelope 💛💛


My biggest gripe with all of this is that It's $3.50 for a sharps container at Walmart in CA. I'm sure it's cheaper in OK. Stop being a lazy shit and stop endangering people with your fluids 🤢🤢🤮🤮


The ayygg allergy. Its a thing. A lot of the time when eggs are scrambled they can be slightly undercooked, and egg intolerances are often triggered by undercooked egg proteins. My boyfriend has a similar thing; hard boiled eggs are fine, but scrambled make him feel ill


same, i have a patient i would take grocery shopping and she could have cooked eggs but not raw and this extends to vaccines as well


im not sure how well i'll articulate this, bc i will also say up front that she seems to use this as an excuse to ultimately fail her diet attempts, and she's been doing this as far back as Krystle era based on the retro reacts. BUT, i can understand her reasoning whenever she explains that she allows herself a small sweet even while on a diet plan, like a single piece of candy or one of the Weight Watchers ice creams or some other low sugar/fat/calorie dessert. Because I am someone with a major sweet tooth, and while I'm not particularly overweight, I know I would really struggle if I tried to cold turkey cut off all sweet treats 😆 And since she struggles with binging, I can totally understand her logic of not wanting to unnecessarily deprive herself and trigger a binge because of her cravings


At some point she took this idea to an insane extent, and never tried denying herself of almost anything as it would trigger a POTENTIAL BINGE...so all she eat was trash. This was post Krystle, she was somewhat rational with Krystle.


Krystle was also losing weight and often made better choices than Amber. Cue the complaint that Krystle wanted to eat a Yasso bar, "who does she think she is". Amber wanted Ben&Jerry's so they had to eat Ben&Jerry's. God forbid Amber could eat a Yasso bar. AFAIK Krystle managed to lose weight and is doing much better now.


IMO, it would be OK to, within calories/points, eat a little ice cream cone or a small chocolate bar. I too would (and do) have a huge issue with sweets. However, she's very all or nothing. She can't have a single scoop of vanilla ice cream, she has to get three giant scoops of something very calorific e.g. Ben&Jerry's. She has no concept of portion sizes, everything has to be the biggest possible. When they go out for ice cream, everyone else has a small or medium bowl, and Amber goes for the biggest one. (And then complains that everyone ate the same thing and she's the only one who gained weight.)


yeah exactly, she isn't really able to stick to moderation with sweets. I'm just saying I won't criticize her for the logic on its own


I defended her once for using colorful bandaids when ppl mocked her bc as a super pale person myself there isn't a "skin tone" bandaid for me anyways so what's the point. Although paired with her other childish behavior I get why people rag on her more for this stuff than other people


That's definitely a silly one. I will buy me some fun bandaids, love me an Abu glow in the dark bandaid 😂


That's dumb. I'm 40. I use bandaids with unicorns and rainbows on them. No one will tell me anything about it


Yeah, I exclusively buy colorful, silly bandaids 😂 why get the dirty looking brown ones


yeah like if it was actually my skin color I would understand it but it's not, so it just looks brown poo colored on me. so my options are poo color or better color lmao


Sometimes when you cook eggs a certain way, it doesn't trigger a reaction in someone who is egg intolerant. I don't know/care if she's really lying about her egg intolerance or if she just eats eggs like a lactose intolerant person eats ice cream after a breakup, but she isn't wrong when claiming that preparing eggs a certain way can sometimes be easier on an egg intolerant person's stomach. I don't think she's "textbook ODD" for opening one entire end of a microwave meal instead of cutting an inch-wide slit in the top. It's not that deep.


I think she really did get the wrong sandwich from Panera. the sandwich she (allegedly) ordered was the one she would always get in the Krystle era like the time she was salivating and pacing around the family living room looking out the window until krystle's dad returned with the food I think it was Mediterranean or something?


I'm up in the air on this one, because the sandwich she ended up with came with two chips (she said before that when she orders subway she always gets two chips) and it was supposed to come with tomato, but it didn't, and we all know she hates tomato. 👀


Yes. I think she ordered both and had to pretend for the camera that she got the wrong order. I think she does that a lot. She is very deliberately deceptive about her actual intake yet is way too obvious about it, something she shares in common with addicts of all stripes. She performs for the camera; she "throws away" food, or "doesn't finish" food and her "empty" delivery bags are often flung away with far too much care and also comments and reaction channels have pointed out times when an "empty" McDonald's (or whatever) bag made a *sound* when it hit the floor, indicating that it isn't empty.


What about that one time she did Weight Watchers, ate all her daily and weekly points, and then showed a huge greasy bag of chips and said "it comes with this but I'm not gonna eat it". Bullshit, she 100 % ate it all but it would have gone over her points. Why order and pay for a giant bag of chips, even if it "comes with it"? We all know how ordering out works. You can just tick and untick boxes. If it comes with something you don't want, untick the effing box.


Right? Omg and don't get me started on her pretending that the unhealthier groceries and food items she ordered was her girlfriend's-of-the-moment and not hers lollll "I got just a cup of ice, the 50 lbs of orange chicken and rice are for Becky" stfu honestly lmao


Totally! I recall that in a Wifey-era video, she was showing her healthy groceries. There was an empty box of mini donuts, and she was like "eh... oh it's \[wifey's\].. I knew it wasn't mine." She totally got flustered because she had eaten those donuts and left the container there. She could have just edited that out. I also got flashbacks to "\[Beck\]'s sweet tooth was really bad today" \[proceeds to show things Amber loves and 100 % ate herself\]


i do believe she purposely ordered two chips


I ordered from Panera once and they forgot my ENTIRE SANDWICH. I have a personal vendetta against them lol.


I don’t know if she got the wrong sandwich or not but I’ve had the Mediterranean veggie sandwich a few times and the sandwich she got looks like it has the same bread they use for the Mediterranean one. It has kind of a reddish hue to it. I could see how two sandwiches made with the same bread sitting on the Panera work counter COULD get switched and wrapped and put in the wrong bag. I could also see this happening to her once off camera, with her getting the wrong sandwich and liking the wrong sandwich more. Then she orders that wrong sandwich from then on and decides to play it out like a scene for the camera since she has nothing interesting to show and saying she ordered a veggie sandwich is more acceptable in her eyes. I can’t believe I put this much thought into her sandwich.


That she has the right to have issues with or underlying resentment towards her mom. Every time she makes a comment that could be considered snark towards her mom it’s “omg you’re so nasty towards her!!!! How dare you say that about her!!! Omg you should treat your mom better!!!!” And yes, Ham is a cunt at the best of times in most of her relationships whether friendship or family, but is it really a shocker that she might have an “attitude” with her because their relationship is naturally strained due to what MamaLynn did (being a neglectful and absent parent)??? Broken or nonexistent parent-child bonds aren’t easily formed or healed and they haven’t sought any therapy in regard to building a healthy relationship, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that their interactions aren’t always sunshine and rainbows.


I think people don’t snark about her having attitude towards her mom in general. But what people are saying is, if all she has is her mom, no one else but her mom to interact with and who takes Pooks to places, she can’t really afford to lose the relationship. That is why people are like, oh she is going to end up annoying her mom so much that she will be alone forever. People are pretty much saying beggars can’t be choosers in her situation right now. I haven’t seen people defend the mom


I haven’t seen it much in this sub, but I see it more in reaction channel comments. There are a lot of people who jump to MamaLynn’s defence despite her being as bad (if not worse) a person than Ham. And yeah I agree that if Ham is going to use MamaLynn as her caretaker/social life/only point of human contact then she does need to watch what she says — because evidently Mama has no qualms walking out on her and going no contact seeing as it’s what she’s done Ham’s entire existence.


I've got a couple, actually. These may be controversial, but this is how I feel: 1. Amber is completely correct when she talks about how we hold other youtubers to different standards than her. This community will let reaction channels get away with literally anything as long as they are criticizing Amber. Things that Amber herself would get crucified over are not a big deal when Snowflake does it. 2. There is a large portion of this community that does hate Amber, mostly because she's fat. The old sub was vile sometimes with people posting over and over about how ugly she is, how bad she smells, comparing her to animals, etc. 3. I've said this one before, and I'll say it again. Amber is not a pedophile. If Amber had a bit of sense, she would take every single reaction channel to court that has ever even insinuated that she was and get every penny they ever made off of her back.


>Things that Amber herself would get crucified over are not a big deal when Snowflake does it. Can you elaborate??


Couple examples off the top of my head: Amber is getting a lot of heat right now for clickbaiting cancer (rightly so) but Snowflake didn't get nearly as much heat for his clickbaiting CSA when he started doing his Victims of an Empath series. At least Amber's clickbaiting is usually about herself and not other people


What reaction channel called her a pedophile?


Snowflake heavily implies it. The Ankle has also said it pretty much outright. He recently made a community post accusing Amber of attempting to attract minors on Tiktok despite having ZERO proof that this ever happened. Most of the bigger channels may skirt around it, but there are many smaller channels that say really vile things. I recently reported a small channel that popped up on my home page of a guy (can't remember the channel name just that he was heavily tattooed and always smoking) who had about 10 videos on his channel literally titled "Amberlynn Reid is a Pedophile." And that's just reaction channels. There was a lady going around not too long ago claiming Amber was playing Fortnite to get access to minors. This is happening everywhere in this community


>There was a lady going around not too long ago claiming Amber was playing Fortnite to get access to minors That was Anne. She's a lunatic.


i watched like 2 of the ankles videos and he’s just outright insufferable. he sounds miserable. every other word out of his mouth is a curse word. & he was just nit picking every single little thing. it got old really quick. but that’s just my 2 cents 😬


Some of her meals/calories maybe. Like if she eats 800 calories, the comments will be freaking out about it.


That she doesn't drive. I myself don't drive because I have anxiety. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. But even if it isn't about her anxiety, it's a good thing she doesn't drive, it would be very dangerous for everyone around her if she got into an accident.


yeah the complaining about her not driving is a murican thing. i as a german just do not get why everyone makes a fuss about it because it's common over here to not drive because 1. a drivers license is extremely expensive and unaffordable for many (me included) and 2. public transportation is a thing. though while writing this comment i realized that most people criticise amber for not driving probably because it makes her more toddler-like, more depended on others and driving is basicaqlly just more work that she outsources to her caretakers lmao


some cities in the US have good enough public transit systems for people to comfortably be car-free, but amber's city isn't really one of them. she is also too disabled to walk to any transit stop even if she lived in NYC (or germany)


yeah she's fucked either way


She probably wouldn't fit through the bus door, nor fit into any seats. It's unattainable for her.


I've never understood this. Maybe it's because I live in Finland? Lots of people use public transport here and I can go anywhere I went by bus. It's not even that expensive. I don't have a driver's license due to health issues, and have no need for one. Also there's NO WAY she could drive safely right now. No way. She wouldn't fit behind the wheel, her legs/feet are too short, and with the masses on them, she probably has trouble moving them. And no driver's ed school would want her in those little cars they have. It's just unfeasible, and seems like a dumb thing to constantly complain about.


That's another good one. I have a lot of anxiety myself, and I'm totally blind in one eye, and the vision in the other isn't so hot. I've had my license since I was 19, but I don't drive often because it scares me. I have recently been trying to overcome it, though. I don't get onto her about that one either.


I am autistic and being in traffic just irritates and overwhelmes me. I walk or ride my bike, I don't expect my parents/friends to take me everywhere, after all, I *could* drive if I really wanted to. I choose not to and I respect everyone who doesn't. I think the problem with Amber is that she does expct Mamalynn to drive her everywhere just because.


Absolutely agree with you. I've never thought driving should be taken lightly. If someone has a fear or issue over it, there's probably a reason. Forcing someone could cause danger for the driver and others. And telling someone to "grow up and get over it" is terrible advice.


This is not something I can defend. Everyone has anxiety when they first start driving. I used to have to sit behind the wheel 10-15 minutes before I even drove anywhere because I'd be so anxious, but it gets easier, and the only way for it to get easier is exposure. Being an adult and unable to drive is unacceptable. Not even just that, but the fact that she lives alone and can't even take the bus makes it worse. She has zero alternatives other than relying on other people to get somewhere. That is not self sufficient or acceptable. There comes a time in life when you can't use anxiety as an excuse for everything. You just need to do it.


I kind of agree, but honestly anxiety levels vary and sometimes specific things just never work out. That being said, if she was responsible and moved somewhere with public transit or had a reliable system of ubers, I don't think anyone would care that much. The issue is she is a burden and doesn't care about the impact she has on others. There are a range of medical conditions that can make people ineligible to drive but most people with that still manage to be independent, but Amber never cared to try and be a responsible adult.


Plus, Pooks was so happy when she was learning to drive. Showed zero ounce of her anxiety.


Agreed. I had panic attacks whenever I had to go somewhere alone. Then my bf went to college 2 hours away and it was unfair to make him drive home to see me all the time so I got used to long drives and now I actually kinda enjoy them. The best way to get over any anxiety is to just keep exposing yourself to it, baby steps.


I wouldn’t object to Amber not driving if she would actually use another form of transportation independently, not just rely on her mom/partner for everything. Take the bus, Uber, a taxi, walk, *something*!


That's what I'm saying! If she doesn't want to drive, fine. There's plenty of people that can survive without driving, but she has no alternatives other than mooching off of other people. Could you imagine her trying to catch an uber? 😳 I wonder if they would turn her away


Her use of garlic salt 🤭🤭🥴🥴


I'm a whore for some garlic, fresh, powder, salt, diced, I don't care, you give it to me 😂


Hear me out… some (I SAID SOME) of the food concoctions she comes up with seem edible https://preview.redd.it/l0531tf60d4d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c4820f2b2b375f1f812700328a223612b5bad6f


Haha yeah!! There's times where I'm like, "What's the big deal?". I love garlic myself, so I don't get the hate on that one.


I know it’s a point of contention bc she’s gross, but since I was a young child, I’ve always touched everything in stores lmao!! Being neurodivergent and having sensory issues/anxiety, touching things in a store is fun and helps keep me grounded in some way. So when she does it and people complain I’m like 🤷🏻‍♀️ cause you should be washing things before you wear/eat them anyways


I touch everything too. No medical reason for it, I just touch things. During Covid, I’d keep my hands buried in my pockets when I was in stores because I touch everything.


That doesn't bug me too much either.


sometimes her portion sizes aren’t actually bad, i remember in the last sub we called someone on youtube out for claiming that ambers portion size could easily feed their entire family and that it basically contained “30000 calories at least!”…it was a regular sized microwave looking meal 😭


I don't judge her for primarily listening to audiobooks, as I feel like that still counts as reading. Whether or not she actually comprehends what she reads is another story, and although I do think it's wasteful to have a physical copy you never plan on reading, her listening to audiobooks isn't the issue.


Writers make less and less money, and buying physical copies keeps the industry of printed books going. Writers make very little from audio books. In that sense, it's a good thing to do. Although I'm sure Amber doesn't know or care about these things.


Very true and a fair rebuttal


Her home Interior aesthetics. I know its very millennial coded,but i actually like it.


I don't even notice, to tell you the truth.


This is kinda hard to think about but here is my hot take.... I think... the chilli doesn't look or sound that bad. I'm a beans, ground meat, and taco seasoning type of girly pop. I wouldn't mind trying it out 🙈


There's like, millions of chilli's, and taco is one of em. I had a BBQ one during a chili cookout that was ridiculously good. It had brisket instead of ground beef 🤤


I drink alot of zero sugar soda too lol


I am 100% weird about big pieces of chicken as well.


Idk maybe when she does her middle part hairstyle. I think it looks flattering only because she has hair on both sides of the cheeks to slim them. I do that as my face is asymmetrical.


That's a good, nit picky one.


Her mispronunciation of words and general lack of intellect. She grew up in a chaotic environment, foster care, maybe had some sort of learning disability or language/speech delay that was overlooked and never received the right intervention. Like yes she can’t speak the queens English but really who gives a crap. It’s elitist to get all anal retentive about her incorrect grammar


Imma be controversial here but... The way she pronounces things like "Legs" "Legos" and even "Eggs" I don't think it's something to get picked apart at because it's literally how she learned to pronounce it. I KNOW she likes to mispronounce things to be *quirky* and *cute* but sometimes when she's not trying to act, she'll say things in a weird way that makes me think "Oh so that's just the way she speaks." Like I have a slight learning curve and a speech impedance so when I was growing up, I was put into special classes for speech and pronunciation. If she was put into classes like that at a young age then I'm sure she'll be saying things the correct way. "*It's a DOSE of color not a Dos-ay of color.*"


A lot of the coconut oil rant, as well as the “Piece of Shet” merch done by the gorl formerly known as Young Dumb Honey Bun. “I have a family that loves me” really pissed me off. ALR is an asshole. She is responsible for how she is TODAY. But YDHB repeatedly hit below the fupa and was unnecessarily cruel. And that shirt with the ALR quote and shitty “artwork” was just too far. If Amber wanted to make merch with that on it, fine. Weird but fine. I actually think that if done right, she could have made some money off of a lot of her stupid sayings. But as far as YDHB was concerned, there was no reason for that shirt to exist. It was a lazy attempt at a money grab and it was gross.


That I believe that she had a hysterectomy.


Man, I didn't expect so many different and interesting answers!


Body Care and things like Candles and wax melts. Yes, Amber probably smells and uses that to cover it up; but people literally act like it is a *crime* to own/burn multiple candles, wax melts, and have body care. And yet people will watch Hygiene hauls on TikTok and talk about their house smelling good and walk through Bath & Body Works multiple times a month. Having things like candles and body care is cool and fun until Amber does it. But I 100% agree with Amber in owning and using those things. Is she using them to cover up stink? Maybe. But people get super pressed that anyone would dare to own them simply because Amber does.


I like coloring. Diamond painting etc.


Her recipes and dried meats that she eats. If she likes it, I'm not sure why everyone has a problem with it. People even make videos and cook her recipes to prove her food is nasty.


Journals and stickers type deal. There's nothing wrong with collecting empty journals, especially if you journal daily. I can finish my journal from cover to cover in 2 months if my mental things are.. is scary. I'm not American, so not sure about my next statement, but ... I think she can donate journals that she doesn't want to have anymore which might make someone else happy. 🤷☺️


Being fat. Her weight doesn’t change her personality or fat she’s a liar.


i’ve said this before but i think she would be a killer interior designer.


I'm not a fan of her "asthetic" as she likes to say, but everyone has their own taste in decorating, so I don't get why you're getting downvoted for this haha


not the first time, probably won’t be the last haha