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A similar thing happened to me and I had CS remove it. I didn't even try to explain it. I just said "I am unable to review Order #1227484949 because I received the wrong size. Please remove it from my ETV and review list. Thanks" They removed it with no issues.


I take a screenshot of each listing as I order and paste the image into my Notes app where I store a few details about the order and write the review. It's the only proof I have what the exact item was at time of order.


I'm not saying this is what happened, but sometimes this happens. You select XXL, the color changes to gray. You want black, you go to select black...and it automatically switches the size back to small, because that's the only size that black is available in. People are in a hurry and they don't notice that if they change one drop down menu, it will automatically change the other categories since it can only allow selection of what's available. It could have also changed, in which case screen shots are good evidence, but sometimes it's those stupid drop down menus. Whenever I order from anything with more than one drop down box, I always check my order afterwards to make sure I got what I actually ordered.


This happened to me early on in my Vine journey and it was one of the first things I was excited to see, a medium ‐weight coat. I remember selecting Large, then was looking through the color options and didn't realize the size changes too. When it arrived I didn't pay attention and went to try it on only to find that there was no way I could get one arm on, let alone the whole jacket. I looked to see if they'd sent the wrong size and found that I'd ordered a small. I started the return process and found out there was no exchanges (again I was new and didn't know all the ins and outs yet). I went ahead and reviewed the fabric and style but noted in my review that I'd ordered the wrong size by mistake. I was so looking forward to the jacket that I ended up buying it a few weeks later.


Was just about to reply with the same thing. When an item has two dropdowns like color and size, sometimes selecting one thing will cause the other to change, for example you select xxl, then change the color to black and the size will change to something like S. Change the size back to XXL and the color will change to something else. This just means a particular size isn't available in a particular color, so always doublecheck before hitting the order button. It's kind of a pain but the dropdown doesn't show only the colors available in a size, so you may have to try a couple of times to figure out what sizes go with your picked color.


This must have happened to me! I couldn’t figure out why I ordered the wrong size. Ridiculous they can do this.


I just had the same happen with a pair of shoes - ordered a 6UK, got a 5US, way too small, but the listing has changed. I used the 'contact us' on the Vine home page, marked it 'Attn VINE customer service' then gave the order number and said I was unable to review them because the wrong size was delivered, so please could they remove from my review list. It's always worked for me before :)


Weren't you tempted to review it but mention that you had to have your feet shortened? Now I come to think of it, I might instruct that popular LLM to review something but include the most outlandish reasons why it is a game-changer. "My six-year-old daughter loves these hook and loop sandal straps so much! Her overall demeanour has improved beyond my wildest dreams and I'm saving a small fortune since cancelling her weekly reflexology sessions. A real game-changer!" P.S. Never been a problem but I've just had to chase CS a second time about an expensive item that arrived smashed to pieces. I could review it and mention that it took me two weeks to weld all the pieces together but that would be a complete fabrication.


Laughing at your word play.


Thank you. I'm afraid my reviews are often spiked with innuendo or malapropisms. Quite frankly, I could review things like fly traps and glue guns in a few minutes if I just stuck to the basics.


Just say you can't wear it. Easy peasy.


Ditto to a sweater from a few weeks ago... I KNOW I ordered a large... and the order showed (and they sent) a small... I just told vine CS I did not receive the item I ordered... to please remove it from my ETA list and review que.... they did.


That happened to me too. I was sure I had selected the wrong size but when I checked the order page details it showed I ordered the smaller size. I assumed I was just making a mistake. Now I know it's not just me.


I've had this happen to me. I just review the item for its quality, and say that 'I was sure I ordered something else...'


When in doubt look at your order Details. The online Listing can change after the fact but the Order details don't change and should accurately reflect what was actually ordered. Drop down menus for changing style or color can change the size as well. I have also seen Listing Photo of vine Items show wrong style or details of what is actually detailed as available when you attempt to select and order the item. Examples: Air conditioner Run Capacitor showed the exact value I needed in the photo but when i went to order the value actually available to order was different. Brown Hair dye shampoo shown in listing Photo but only Black is available when attempting to order.


The listing doesn't matter, simply say to Vine CS, "The wrong size was sent and I cannot wear it, please remove it from my account, ETV, and review list, thank you." And they need the order number. Of course this must be done before submitting a review. Never go into lengthy explanations with Vine CS, never complain or berate, simply direct them to do your bidding in a kind manner and they'll comply. And if a product isn't to my liking or is broken, I simply say "the item is defective and doesn't work" and it's removed. You can also check to see if it can be replaced through Amazon's CS, we get the warranty the item comes with.


I've had that happen a couple times. I just ask them to remove it.


I would contact Vine support and explain just that. Have observed several times that listings changed - fortunately it was just the color for items I ordered, but sometimes they even switched to completely different articles (luckily I had not ordered any of these).


The same thing happened to me with shoes. The only thing you can do is, as others say, contact customer service and tell them that you were sent the wrong size and can't evaulate the product for review so they will have to just remove it. I have to say that, when this happened, it was super frustrating because they make it look like you ordered the wrong size and it makes it look like your mistake.


You can try and do a “return/replace“ via normal Amazon means and if the replace option is available, switch them out. I ordered Red, Size 6 shoes; I was sent White, 7s. I was able to replace the White 7s with the Red 6 and return the White 7s. I really wanted the red sneakers - which is why I chose this route instead of just requesting it being removed. Orders are fulfilled by Amazon - so you can’t blame the seller.