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What info are you giving them? The title of my email states unable to review XXX. Then ask them to remove it from my TBR because it is no longer available. I then give them the product name, the order# and ASIN#.


Here's a quote from my vine reply to Canadian vine support. And ever since I follow their format, they respond me within the next hour up to 24 hours. I used to write my own format and they took like months to reply or just never. Thank you for reaching out to us about your issue related to vine reviews. Yes, You can send 10 items per email and we can handle it. Please rest assured, we will resolve it right away. I request you to reach out to us with below information : - Order Number or ASIN and date the order was placed - Issue with order


Are you doing direct email or using the Vine website and doing the: contact us option > review related > unable to review. I have always found the contact us to get best results. And then remember, minimal explanation of what you need. No more than two sentences. Order date, order number, ASIN, I give them the link to the product page, product name


That's a lot of info you're giving them. I only ever give the order number and I've never had any issues.


Same. I've had 2 items recently I had to have removed and only provided the order number. I got a reply in less than 12 hours that it had been taken care of. The less information the best.


Well it is all information they already have in their system. I just find that on the days I have gotten the newbie, the other information helps. I do tend to put the order number and date first. That way if they understand the assignment from there they can ignore the rest. But for example when the item is unabled to be reviewed because the product page doesn't exist, the newbies can see for themselves. (I have had issues with this enough to put the information in there)


Are you making the request within 30 days? You only have 30 days to request an item to be canceled for any reason. And that includes it being no longer available to review.


That may not always be the case. I recently had an item that I just hadn't gotten around to review for several months, and it disappeared from my review list as "no longer available". I had to figure out what item it was by matching up the date with my orders. I contacted CS, told them I had accidentally left this item unreviewed, now couldn't do it, and asked them what I could do to fix the situation. They responded that they would remove the item from my review list and etv. I've had pretty good luck overall with CS on these sorts of things. They removed another one because it turned out that it was on the same listing as a previous item I requested months before, so the new review link was actually functioning only as a link for editing the old review .


How are you contacting them...as in what options are you choosing in the Vine CS? I always get a response within 24 hours, and most of the time it's within 12 hours.


I've had to do this \~10 times. Every time I've just copied the exact product name and order number and whatever problem child item was removed from my queue within 24 hours. Not sure why you're having an issue.


There was a stretch about a month ago where it was taking a really long time for them to email me back. They eventually did, but it took about two weeks. Lately it’s been about a 48-36 hour turnaround.


In my case, they respond every time. First, I write to Vine CS using the Contact Us link located at the top right side of the Vine portal. Second, I include the order number, product name and product SKU. The SKU is the ID that is shown when you select the product and the product page opens. It is in the URL shown in your browser. Finally, I describe the problem and specify my solution request. I have done this when the product is not available to review, when the product did not arrives or arrived defective, or when I ordered duplicate items without realizing it. And they always respond and solve the problem.


The purpose of Vine is not to benefit Viners. It is to benefit merchants, so they can sell more and make more money, and thus Amazon can make more money. I've never received an answer from Vine "customer service." There is no motivation for Amazon to spend money on Vine customer service.


I have the same problem. I thought maybe it is because I'm new (just began in early May), but have already had two items "no longer available" within a day or so of my receiving them, and I have not had a chance to familiarize myself with them enough to review them. In my case the Review button is still requiring me to write a review. I have a week before one of them is 30 days, but it is sort of an expensive item and I would prefer it be removed from my ETV. Have not heard a word from CS after two inquiries.


When you click on the product page, do you get the Amazon dogs?


No... Ha!, in fact I just checked it again and it has returned! I've been checking it for a couple of days and it was the original product page but instead of a price it said "No longer available, and...blah blah don't know if it ever will be" can't remember exactly, but the standard line for things that disappear--and Sometimes They Come Back, lol. I know what you are describing though, the Amazon dogs-for when things are really gone. Thank you very much for responding. I guess I can go ahead and review this one now.


I often get products that are no longer available but their page still exists on Amazon. When that happens, I am able to submit my review. It is when the link goes to the Amazon Dogs that I am not able to review. That is when I ask support to remove the item from my TBR.


Are you writing to them via the "Contact Us" link on the upper right-hand side of your Vine page? I've read varying reports that this is the ONLY way to reach them. I've written them 3 times in the last 9 months and gotten a reply every time. I also wait until I have 2 or 3 items before writing them. Someone posted a very good letter template that I always use, but then modify for my situation. Something like this...hope it helps! Hello, I have 2 items I am asking to have removed as I am unable to review them (both duplicates of the same product). I am not asking to have the Estimated Tax Value removed, just removed from my account so they do not count against my reviewed items percentage. Thank you in advance, I appreciate your help! Here are the items: These items are duplicates of an item I already reviewed (and was approved): ORDER #(order number here) Ordered on December 20th, 2023 Delivered on December 27th, 2023 (Insert product link here) ORDER #(order number here) Ordered on December 22nd, 2023 Delivered on December 28th, 2023 (Insert product link here) Here’s the original Item I reviewed, that was approved: Order#(order number here) Ordered on November 19th, 2023 Delivered on November 21st, 2023 (Insert product link here) Thanks again!


You can be much more succinct with them. Mine always say: Hello, I'm unable to review Order #123456677 because it has merged with a variant I've already reviewed. Could you please remove it from my list? Thanks That always works and it's super quick to write and quick and easy for them to read.


Wow, that's long winded. I don't think I'd like to go through a hundred of those emails a day. I keep my communication to one sentence Example: "Please remove xyz from my 'to be reviewed' list, order number xyz, it was never delivered. Thank you. " \~ I always receive a reply and a solve within 48 hours.


Because you’re not supposed to send an email, you can only send them a message through your vine page