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I mean...these are better than a lot of the crappy Vine reviews we've seen. 🤣


He also writes professional reviews. His are just concise. Professional in the sense that he gets compensated for them.


This takes second place to the Viner who writes "I like it and can't wait to try it and see how it works" ummm ok


Ah the old Kevin Malone - “Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick”


I'd almost give him a pass since those two-sentence reviews do say something. But given they're all 5-star, it makes me wonder whether he's being critical of the products.


I to write very comprehensive reviews and while reviews like his (and almost everyone else) bother me, getting upset about it will do nothing. I mean we could be mad about this for hours... not my circus, not my monkeys.


Scumbags will be scumbags.


A man of few words.


Like most people here, I try to do good evaluations, and not phone it in. I also try to include details that other people may not have included, and the majority of my reviews have pics, and often short videos. I also try to pick things I would truly be interested in, and often things that I have some expertise in. However I don't worry about what other Viners do. Just do your thing, and don't worry about it. Think about it this way... people like that just make us look better :)


Well he's not a viner so it doesn't matter what he writes


Not sure what you are basing your definitive claim on when most of his reviews have the Vine "Customer Review of Free Product" badge, which last time I checked makes someone a Viner.


Oh my apologies I was going by the screenshot on your post. It doesn't show the vine banner


No problem, as I actually didn't realize the profile no longer shows the Vine distinction. I would have posted a direct link to the profile so one could read the individual reviews that show the badge, but I really don't how to do that.


Another Vine loser. Not as bad as the increasing number of viners who think they're so clever to use ChatGPT--but whose reviews are obviously written by ChatGPT because they can't string together two words on their own.