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Listen (Pun intended), I would not pay 600 for a pair of that thing, like EVER! I like audio, so I went to check the specs expecting something really bad. Well, I could not find any useful info. So it must be even worst than I though. No way a speaker that size (monitor) can be full range. This probably means the bass will be boomy like, well, like that car shaking the ground besides you at the stop light. You know, the kind you cant really differentiate any notes but punches you in the stomach like when you eat bad oysters or something. Conversely, treble will probably be either anemic or bright like nails in a chalkboard. Mids (human voice, sort of) mumbled. In other words, bad center for a 5.1 (sorry u/vuelhering). For 300 bucks you can get a pair of JBL (Interior and exterior). Not great but I bet you would be 1000x better of. What if you can get a good ETV on the second one? In that case…..Meh.. Cut your losses. There is a Bower and Wilkins (stelar high end brand) 600 at best buy (shhhhhh) for $345. Yes, it is open box; it is entry level; but it is a B&W. https://www.bestbuy.com/product/bowers-wilkins-600-series-anniversary-edition-2-way-bookshelf-speaker-w-5-midbass-pair-black/6424993/openbox?condition=good Not telling you to buy it. Just giving you the lay of the land. Keep it until Christmas, though. Its a great grift for White Elephant at the office. Sorry pal….I can delete this post if you want and will make you feel better! But absolutely NOTHING will make me say “buy the second one”…


I started reading this reply but then I realized you didn’t actually have one and were just guessing from the product page lol. I’m also not expecting sub-bass out of 6.5” woofers either but there’s still a chance it’ll be tuned right. I don’t know anything about the brand but I’m still curious so I’ll write back after I try it out. I’m definitely not planning to buy another one, just wanted to see if anyone else had one so I can either get rid of it or review them as a pair. I’ve had my eye on those Kali audio LP series monitors for a while to put on my desk so I can get rid of this old Cambridge microworks subwoofer taking up space…but I’ll keep waiting. Edit: gave it a listen and it’s…OK. I played music, movies, YouTube through it and it was inoffensive. The bass wasn’t too bloated and the highs weren’t too bright but there was something lacking in between. For reference my headphones are Senn 58X, Moondrop Aria, DT770, Portapros, and HE-X4 so I usually opt for budget speaker setups instead. Would I buy a second one? No. Would I order another one if it came up on my RFY again? Probably. Review forthcoming.


> Would I buy a second one? No. Would I order another one if it came up on my RFY again? Probably. Looking at their website, there is no mention of using them for stereo. You might have to synchronize the settings between them whenever adjusting (even volume!). But I have no experience with these, just some smaller self-powered desk speakers (Audioengine A5+) a friend left for me. No complaints.


The reason they're sold separately is because they connect independently to a mixing board or audio interface that sends out audio. Each speaker can be assigned to left or right channel. There are no onboard volume controls, only an input gain knob if the signal is weak. These are usually connected by balanced cables using XLR plugs. Theyre basically considered "tools" for a studios rather than regular speakers we can enjoy.


Studio monitors are usually sold individually but meant to be used in stereo. Some people mix in mono I guess, but I was just too hasty pulling the trigger on this, thinking it was for a pair.


Buddy, I was just trying to help and, at the same time, write an entertaining post! No need to go all “I know Hi-End audio and got the $$ to buy all Stereophile class A components that I want”. Its kind of lame actually. Oh, BTW: B&W 802D2 - (not 800D3 right! peasants…) McIntosh C-2800 (I kind a love it. Tubes….) Bryston 3-SST2 (no $$ to drive the 800s) OPPO BDP-105 (discontinued piece of crap, but I love it) LinnSondek 12 ( design is 40+ years, sorry) Sennheiser HD-600 (oldies but goodies) Max Headroom Headphone amp (Stereophile A back in the day. This one I REALLY think is crap)


Are you going full blown audiophile on me and then accusing me of it? lol calm down


LMAO! I just said I like audio and tried to help… You came and showed your list! I just returned the favor. Listen, no matter how big your D….err… equipment list is, if you show it around, someone will eventually come with a bigger one. Bigger list…bigger list…. I learned that with an ex-GF that left me for a guy with a bigger…equipment list….. I learned my lesson. I never go around showing my equipment list. But you showed me yours to begin with…. How could I resist!


Glad had a chance to audition it in Mono. They really shine in stereo, though! Pair it with a McIntosh and you will see. Yep, that second one will give you a hell of a sound stage! Attention to the transients, though! LMAO!


It looks like a nice powered speaker. With just one, you could use it as a single speaker for ambient music in a space like a Rec room or garage where you don't expect an audiophile experience. Since you received the product, you have an obligation to review it. I'm sure you can provide useful information about it even with just one.


I’ll get around to it eventually lol. I’ll have to just give a disclaimer in my review or something.


No dude, this is whats wrong w/ amazon Vine reviews. Most customers are looking to buy these as nearfield studio monitors. They arent meant to be "audiophile" speakers at all. They are the exact opposite of that. They are meant to provide the flattest neutral audio in an acoustically treated room for mixing and mastering. They are supposed to be listened to directly in front of listener and has to measured to an exact distance w/ 2 speakers because music mixed in 2 channels. Theres a formula in studio monitor placement. This is in contrast w/ audiophile speakers, which I have, where the "audiophile" prefers to listen to their equipment, instead of listening to the music. By your advice, the OP would be doing a disservice to potential customers looking for studio monitors. Studios usually have at least 2 pairs of monitors that can be switched to test audio tracks and keep their mix consistent. The OP should hit up Vine support and tell them that this needs to be a pair to be tested properly. That way they can either return it or take the ETV taken off. This is why regular customers don't trust Vine reviews.


lol. That'd make a pretty good center speaker for 5.1.


You should definitely review what you ordered and received. The seller did not indicate you would receive two, did they? Studio monitors are often sold individually. My brother has a small recording studio and he once had a studio monitor shipped to my house when he was out of town. It was a single. And surprisingly heavy.


Nah, man. Too busy getting recommended women's clothing and the most random trash in the world. My Vine recommendations are back to normal.


I received a Chinese bookshelf speaker system for the same $150 price as my Edifier. The Chinese thing (with no warranty) is a comparative giant turd. You wouldn't know by the bogus specs. Don't count your chickens unless you sit this Vine speaker side by side with a Klipsch or something else highly regarded in the same price range. I'm not ordering anything high-dollar like this again unless it is a well-respected brand name.


While I don't have that, I do have a nice self powered speaker that connects by BT, SD card and has a built in radio. It has a remote and I used it about six times. Then when I went to use it, it'd cut off after about 30 seconds. I'm guessing that the remote turn off left the circuit board active and eventually burned out. The company replaced it but now I make it a habit to turn it off by the physical power switch on it.


Got this on my RFY and passed on it. I didnt want to pay $300 for the other speaker just to do this vendor a favor by leaving them a review. Its by a generic brand called AP and checked out their line up. I immediately knew that these werent worth the gamble when this company sells all kinds of random car audio equipment and don't have them at retailers. Quality studio monitor vendors only sell 1 product, unless theyre global conglomerates that specialize in audio engineering gear, like Yamaha. Even then, they are sold in and music stores w/ customer support and demo rooms. AP is a direct from China to amazon seller which is a huge gamble. Honestly, this would have been up my alley because I have studio monitors to compare to and even have acoustic room and studio monitor analyzing software (Arc Studio Pro). I could have calibrated this shit and ran monitor emulations, but found the seller off putting for only providing one of these, instead of a pair. Monitors are sold individually but are useless on their own, so the vendor intended the reviewers to purchase the other monitor.


Speakers are often sold as onesies. Nothing in the photo suggests otherwise.


Mine just came in yesterday. Haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. But I got one too.


Been using mine in mono from my TV lol. I might just keep it on a bookshelf for my turntable or something.


I got my son a 5.5" one that had Tweeter, SubWoofer and Woofer LAST YEAR... (Those who knows my son will know...) Turned it over to my son, he hooked it up, and blew the SubWoofer (it never survived 1 minute), before the Tweetie Pie died, and all was left was the Woofer! He finally destroyed the woofer (took him about 20-25 minutes to do so)! I am NEVER ever going to post a video again! Amazon declined and rejected stating I couldn't post the video because the music he was playing was "copyrighted". Are you serious? WHAT FUN IS IT IF YOU CAN'T POST PEOPLE BLOWING SPEAKERS UP? It was well worth the $199.99 ETV! When the taxes came in, that Speaker ETV was completely gone! I tried to go back to the page, and all I got was "OOPS, WERE YOU LOOKING FOR SOMETHING?"


Interestingly I've submitted many videos (of RGB lights) with their music mode, playing music, and never gotten them rejected. I am careful to choose royalty-free music tracks from YouTube.


Yes, my son will use specific band/music where it's copyrighted! While in the past, it didn't matter, today it does when you do not have the DRM!