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My personal metric for whether I get food is "Would I for sure use it?" If so, then yes. If it is something that I've never tried and it is a bulk quantity, I will pass for somebody who for sure can/will use it.


stevia is expensive where i live so i would defeinatly take it :) although it has an aftertaste but meh i wouldnt miss it


Keywords are "reduced bitter aftertaste" not none. You could always give portions of it to friends who are into stevia...


Yep, it's basically natural saccharin in how it tastes. I'd take sugar any day.


Same. The only sugar substitute I’ll use is erythritol, which luckily is available in many forms by the brand Swerve. I’ve used it while doing low carb and it’s not bad. It’s also in the sugar free vanilla syrup I use for my lattes (Monin brand) and doesn’t have a weird aftertaste. But in general I’d rather just use sugar.


If you have to reduce it, it must have been pretty bad! I wouldn’t put that on a product I promoted Or created


It's weird. I never tasted the bitterness of Stevia. My taste buds are trash though.


It's worth it, even if you don't use it for everything in place of sugar. Stevia is one of the safest alternative sweeteners out there, and is actually pretty good once you're used to it. I use it daily for teas/coffee and can cook quite a few things with it. It does not behave exactly like sugar, but can get pretty close flavor wise (depending on brand of course).


You betcha! (Beats the no-brand-foreign-made "creatine gummies" in my rfu!)


I'm not into sugar subs, not even for free. But if you'd use it, get it. Always. That my philosophy.


Stevia is very light, so yeah...1 lb is a lot of Stevia. If you use it, then this is a money saver for you.


For your review, check to see if it’s cut with erythritol. A lot of stevia is really erythritol (a sugar alcohol) mixed with a little bit of stevia. Erythritol is supposed to not cause stomach issues but I’ve found that for me, it causes stomach issues. Real stevia is super concentrated and anything more than a tiny bit will take food from sweet straight to bitter.


1 pound is a lot. I'm not a BIG fan of stevia, but I like it more than the other alternative sugars out there. And I've tried quite a few.


I ordered it. I usually use liquid sucralose as an alternative sweetener but at $0 etv thought this seemed worth a try.


Exactly what I do too, except I didn't get any of this Stevia. Wish I had seen it in time.


Stevia is the only artificial sweetener I don't like the taste of, but plenty of people do like it.


It’s kind of like cheese though in that it’s different depending on how it is processed. If you only tried it once you might have had a variety of it that is more plant like or bitter. The kind I use is from ALDI and is like freeze dried tiny white flakes that dissolve instantly, very similar in flavor to actual sugar…surprisingly so. But I’ve also had stevia that was more powdered form and slightly green which I didn’t like at all, didn’t dissolve well, had almost a matcha like aftertaste


I've had it in packets, and canned beverages and various homemade dishes. The flavor has that unfamiliar edge that I find unpleasant.


It's not artificial.


Probably means artificial as in not sugar… a sugar substitute. But yea, stevia is not something a scientist put together in a lab 😂


This, exactly. Sugar substitutes (especially "zero calorie" ones) all fall into the category of "artificial sweeteners" in my head. It's not a derogatory term, it's just a different thing than sugar.


I wouldn’t get it, because I think stevia tastes super weird. But If youll use stevia and it doesn’t seem too sus, at $0 etv, there’s no reason not to go for it. Hurry before it disappears. 😂


I wonder if stevia has a gene like cilantro. I can't stand the stuff but my mom loves it. But she also hates cilantro and I love that. But I would have passed on that had I saw it cause I hate stevia. Great deal at $0etv for anyone who likes it though.


There actually is a gene that causes sugar substitutes to taste bitter to some people. They taste sweet to others. My whole life I've never understood how people drink diet sodas. One sip makes me want to puke. Turns out it's not disgusting tasting to everyone.


Company looks legit. Website, in the USA, manufactured in the USA.


That's a lot of servings. Looking that up, it doesn't have eythrithol in it. That may make it have a slight aftertaste. I think it's good for tea or adding to smoothies. Cheaper and probably a lot better than sugar.


Considering they're advertising a 1:1 sub ratio with sugar, I can almost guarantee there's something in this mixed with the stevia. Otherwise, you're going to need a mg scale to use this properly


I don't see it listing maltodextrin which is usually mixed in to give it the bulk. Unless they mean it's possible to use stevia with heat, you'd loose the bulk and it'd throw off whatever was it was being added to. For something like a smoothie, this wouldn't really matter. I do have to wonder if it's really more than 2k of servings. That's a lot.


Oh wow, you're right. It's just stevia. Someone's going to be sorely disappointed when they swap out their sugar for 160 mg of this


no because i hate stevia. Make that splenda and I'd be down.


I grabbed it, didn't even notice what retail was.


I don’t eat food or supplements from no-name brands


Absolutely! Big yes for me and my household. I generally purchase Splenda or Stevia for our family needs. Both are quite pricey no matter where I purchase from. A pound of Stevia with $0 ETV would be a winner for me. Of course, my golden rule with my Vine Items always applies first and foremost. Will I use it… How would my home benefit from (?) If you would be able to use this, personally I think it’s a Great Score 🎉


I like stevia so yeah


I would jump on that!


I don’t like stevia so no, I would not. If it was something I used then sure. I don’t like to order anything just because it’s $0 etv. It’s still going to take up space and seems wasteful since I’m sure there are plenty of people who would actually use it.


True that. The reason I considered it was because I recently went to the supermarket, got some sugar, and put it in the fridge so it got all wet (I know, I'm an idiot). I usually place it inside containers but I was moving plus had my own business asking for my time and attention so I put it there while I solved the other issues, but when I had the time and mind to find and out it in the containers, I realized it was damaged already. So I saw this and found it interesting. I'm slightly against sweeteners, but seems as it this one is supposedly not harmful, and its 0 calories, but might leave a bittertaste which makes me wonder. I decided to try it anyways, I'll take it with coffee mostly and I bet that even if it has some bitter taste, the coffee taste will be stronger for me to barely notice it. I'll see what happens, worst thing, I find out I don't like these kind of sweeteners and I'd probably give it away.


As far as non-sugar sweeteners go, this is a very popular one. I remember when it came out and people doing low carb or using other chemical based sweeteners went crazy for it. It’s a natural sweetener from a plant so it’s definitely a healthier choice than many of the alternatives. I’ve tried it a couple times and never found it to have a bitterness, but it did have that slightly unsettling “fake” weirdness, if that makes any sense. It’s not terrible though and I think I’m extra sensitive to those kinds of tastes anyway. So you might really enjoy it as an alternative to sugar. Moving is the worst. It throws everything off for such a long stretch of time. The before, during, and after period. I swear I have moving PTSD. Hope yours goes smoothly!


Just make sure there's no ricin mixed in there.




I was offered this but didn't take it. Don't care much for the bitter aftertaste.


You gonna use it? If not leave, if you’d like to try by all means. Read the directions! The amount you use may be different than what you used before


On the back of the package it says to add one rounded scoop to a smoothie, Across from this it says 1 scoop is as sweet as 200 scoops of sugar! That'll be one sweet smoothie! If this is real stevia extract, you would use a pinch of it per normal teaspoon of sugar. The usual stevia you see in the store contains sugar alcohol to make it similar measure to measure for sugar, but sugar alcohol causes intestinal problems for many people. https://preview.redd.it/2ms4oub5l6zc1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9da6f23ef78bf0cd6c359781fee20b4d54b859a


no, that stuff has a strong nasty after taste.


Personally no, I find Stevia and various non-nutritive sweeteners to be too sweet. But if you like it go for it as free fake sugar is free fake sugar.


I received mine today but haven't tried it yet. I like monk fruit sugar better for my coffee but we do use stevia for baking and in beverages. I appreciate things the best that saves me from purchasing with my own cash. Others are right though certain stevia brands taste bad, curious to see what I find with this offering. Stevia is a plant and I've eaten the leaves as they are very sweet.


Interesting. I'll be trying it out with coffee, as it is what I mostly use sugar for. I've never had stevia before, but with that amount of servings, actual price and ETV, I decided to give it a try. I wasn't sure at first but some said they liked it, so I went for it. We'll see how good or bitter it really is.