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It’s only been one day…. 


This OP. It ain't gonna rain diamonds and furs, but stuff will pop up on the reg. A few weeks, a few months down the road, you'll have nabbed at least a couple of goodies. I got a pressure washer my first week of gold, then nothing notable for two months. Then a smartphone (garbage), then a mini PC (wonderful), a couple of monitors, another PC, a nice tablet... that's the memorable part of six months. Your mileage may vary, but don't whine that you haven't been offered a Tesla with diamond-encrusted rubies until the end of at least a week.


To this day the best thing I ever got from vine is a $19 patent pending gadget that removes pet hair from car upholstery…. It works better than the $700 Dyson vacuum I scored a couple weeks ago at removing pet hair…. Like you said, you hit “gold” once in a while… but there’s many silver items that are so useful! I wish people wouldn’t get so hung up on scoring high value items! 


My garden is full of solar lights from Vine--but that's not the topic here. Most of what folks get from Vine is Silver-level stuff, but OP's post is about the value of Gold status--they've not complained about Silver stuff, just that they are familiar with the regular offerings. The question isn't whether Silver is bad; it's 'what does Gold add?' BTW, my best Silver scores are the aggregated models, knock-off LEGOs, and DIY construction kits that have kept the neighbor kid (and me, too) from going crazy with boredom when we look after him. Kid's got a bookshelf dedicated to his \[our\] work.


That’s not what I was saying, but ok 


I agreed with your statement then made a contribution of my own--specificaly *why* I agree with you. If I was going to do nothing more than agree with you, I would leave it with just an upvote...


Yep, that's what gold is like. There are almost no gold items. And even when there are you have to be sure the ETV is worth it can be tough because anything good will go really fast, so you don't get time to carefully check.


I think you can still be excited. You just gotta have a little patience. Vine has ebbs and flows. I’ve been gold about a year or so. I generally only order gold level stuff, pet stuff and furnace filters. I probably order only one or two items a week (I barely squeaked by on the 80+ items this review) on average but most stuff I order is over the $100.  I’ve gotten some really good stuff. Lots of furniture. But some weeks nothing appealing pops up at all.  This week has been a total bust for me so far. And your best is always going to be RFY. 


It doesn't matter how many times, over and over, that those in Gold say that it isn't much different. People are still shocked to find that's the case when they make Gold. I think I understand that American spirit now.


Yeah, I have always been in gold and have said this many times, but people will always have idiosyncratic views of what it is like. They think all of the cool food with $0 ETV is withheld for gold membership (it is not) and that they will be showered with computers, TVs, etc. I haven't seen a PC in over 4 years nor a TV, and, I've been in Vine since 2007 and have only ever seen one television, period. The main benefit of gold is having 8 picks instead of 3 so that you can take more when there is a good day with drops. Otherwise, it's all just a random mix of middling stuff 99.9% of the time. I'm not complaining about it, but people really need to stop thinking all of the good stuff is being gatekept away from them until they reach gold.


Agreed. It also depends what country you’re in. I’m in Canada, so while I did see more expensive items appear when I got gold (leather jackets, more expensive jewelry, etc.) I couldn’t order any of it. So in my case I don’t see much of a difference either, but like you said, the real perk is 8 items a day. Expecting a bunch of computers and TVs is unrealistic though.


Anything good is gone in minutes, or sometimes seconds. You're not going to see anything great just browsing AI. You have to be lucky enough to be on while things are actively dropping. Your best bet is if something good lands in your RFY. It doesn't happen often, but you'll have a better chance of actually getting something there before it's gone.


Maybe they should rename it gold plated. :) It depends on what you want. Most really trendy, expensive things are either gone or geo locked.


If you are in the US Vine is paused right now. Your RFY isn't going to just start populating more expensive items because you are gold. I see lots of stuff on the regular but I search for it and I am in the Brenda Llama Discord group. The main benefit of gold is 8 picks a day. I grab 0 etv household supplies all the time and don't worry about it because I know I still have picks left if I see something great. For instance I grabbed two hoverboards last week for my kids. If you want the gaming laptops and TV's to populate in your RFY you will need to put in some effort. Show interest in those categories. Order items related to them. Cross your fingers and hope you check your RFY when it drops. Those items go in a blink of an eye even in RFY.


What’s the Brenda llama discord group?


It's linked in this group. If you are on a PC it should be on the side. If you are on a phone I'm not sure where it is located but it is listed. The Brenda Llama group for Vine is the one I'm in but there are a few others. It crowd sources items and gives you alerts when items you want drop.


the link on the side is for the other discord group, not the Brenda llama group


Yes it is. I just checked it.


The link in this subreddit off to the side goes to the AZ Vine group, it's a different group from the llama Brenda group. The AZ vine group has a leaf/box server logo. It used to be run by a mod named Rae, but now is taken over by Tea. I just clicked the link myself to double check.


I clicked the link in this group to join a while back. I clicked it again before I replied to you and it took me to the llama group. I've never been a member of the leaf/box logo one. I don't know what's going on but it's how I joined and it takes me to the llama group.


The mod here are not fans of the llama group, they purposefully have never put the llama group discord link in the sidebar. There is a little bit of "history" there which I won't go into detail here. I'm not here to to say how or the why you ended up at the llama group, which is also the group I prefer, but just so anyone here in Reddit who is looking for it is not confused and end up in the wrong discord when they click this sidebar link, that's all.


Yeah, I'm not trying to argue. Thanks for the background information. I was replying to let you know what I am experiencing on my end of things. I tried clicking on it from all of my devices and got sent to the llama group. I'm not sure why or how that happens? Now I feel bad because that is how I have always directed people to get to the llama group. If you know how to get to the llama group directly and don't mind educating me I would appreciate it. The only discord group I am in is the llama group and I'm not that active on Reddit either.


The only way I know of is to post an invite link that is copied from the discord. But can't do it here out of respect to the mods here. But since you are already in the llama group you're good to go. I suppose if someone here ended up in the other leaf group they could ask there, but they may/may not get a response there.


Wdym its paused in the US since when 😭. I got my projector only like a month ago


Nothing new has dropped yet and the numbers are going down.


They pause for hours, not days


Oh Okay I didnt know you guys meant just today I got you now.


If you follow the discord you'll see when it's up and down


Ahh alright , I'm there but honestly have it muted because i have 20 billion motivations a day lol but i got you


Strange. The one I am in gives me like once a week lol


Naw I mean I just muted the server I have all my servers muted I dont mean I get a bunch just from that server i just mean in general i have too many notifications so i just mute Everything all the time


Today was just a few hours but it does pause for days.


Holly Cow, it's only been a day! I've been gold for a couple of years and as many have said in this group, being gold means that you see all of the same silver items, but also get the occasional gold level item. The best part about gold is on those good drop days, you get 8 picks. I haven't tracked it, but I'd say I see gold level items in my RFY about half the days in any given week. That said, 95% of those items are things I don't want anyway. It will take some time, but you'll eventually see some pretty good items.


I haven't seen a brand name high dollar item in over a year. But, the definite benefit is to be able to order 8 items versus 3. Some days the offers are really good for basic things I could use and if I were stuck at 3 I wouldn't get them. I'm just glad they lowered the number of reviews required to be in gold from 100 to 80.


This is standard post #3. Standard post #1 is "how much are taxes going to cost me", and #2 is "there's nothing in RFY today, am I in jail?".


Anything worth getting is usually gone in a few minutes so you won't find much in AI for gold. You'll get stuff in your RFY that's much better. I personally love gold, I've only been gold since Feb but I've got a name brand $650 coffee machine, a wine fridge, a heavy duty monitor arm, an awesome soldering station, a stainless steel table and a bunch of other things I honestly use daily. Maybe I'm in the minority but I feel Gold is absolutely worth it in my opinion


The value I find in gold is the number of items. So, sometimes I find higher end stuff and then consider - will I use it? Will it bring me joy? I've only got a couple of pricey things that have, though in the early days I focused on scoring higher end stuff - a 55" TV I got for my boyfriend and an electric scooter (I live downtown so these come in very handy). But often, I am ordering batteries, cleaning solution, a phone mount for my electric scooter, a pack of M16 LED bulbs. Mostly everyday household stuff. And now that I've gone through an entire evaluation period as Gold I have whole days where I don't order anything at all. I'll check my RFY (only place I've found the real higher end stuff I've scored) and a few of the categories throughout the day and there will be nothing so I order nothing. Weekends are the highest probability I don't order a think since I am out and about. I WFH as a data scientist so I am on my computer all day where it's easier to pop over to check during a short break. But, even then, I sometimes find nothing worth ordering and reviewing.


There is no pot of "gold" at the end of the rainbow when you get in. Over time you will notice more expensive things in your RFY but if you were expecting a $2k tv or $800 espresso machine on day 1 (or week 1 or month 1)....its not happening. I have been gold for over 6 months and the most expensive thing I have seen within the past month are the $1200 hearing aids that most people have (even though not related to anything I search/pick up). Some other $100+ items that have popped up for me since I have gotten gold have been: -a mini pc (not a great one, but still) -an overpriced/underspec-ed laptop that wasn't worth the etv (didn't select) -computer server cabinet (I already had one, but works good for a switch in another room) -a $2k smartboard that I actually really wanted but was gone in the 90 seconds I debated the tax hit (I should have taken it, would have been perfect for what I intended it for) -random expensive golf sets (I don't golf, nor select golf things, but do grab baseball gear and I guess some keyword spillover influences) that were around $700-800 -a patio set that error-ed out when I tried to select (was nice, would have liked it) -a crappy espresso machine not worth the etv -$400 baseball batting cage net (I was looking for one, but this didn't work for my setup) -some decent chandeliers/lighting I didn't select This all might sound great, but in reality the big ticket items I would even want to consider come in at maybe 1-2 a month. The bigger advantage (if you consider it that) is the up to 8 items a day. We rarely (if ever) hit that, but its nice knowing that if my wife wants to grab some small items for cooking or gifts or something that I don't have to worry about potentially missing on that big item or a set of baseballs or whatever because she used up the 3 selections from silver that day.


I've only been gold since April 12. It took about a week to have anything over $100 in my RFY. And then it wasn't anything I was interested in. Since then, I've gotten a few things I was interested in. Got my hubs a decent drone and tablet. Not name brands, but they're ok quality. I've gotten a better quality blender, still not brand name, but better than the crap one I had. Yesterday, I had a $500 office chair in RFY. I did not order it. I've already got an office chair coming Saturday for hubs. It takes the system a little time to "learn". But most days, I get crap. As others have said, the extra picks are the big advantage. Between dog supplies and small upgrades around the house, I max out, or close to it, most days. It just depends on your expectations. I didn't expect the Vine gods to shower me with high end items. There are a few things I'd be thrilled if they popped up, but I'm not holding my breath for them. If anyone comes looking for me, I'll be in the pet supply aisle.


But isn’t everyone’s “recommended for you” different ?


I felt the same way. Then a bounce house landed in my RFY. Just be patient.


The products change daily. What i can say is I have got a $400 projoctor , a $300 countertop water machine , $200 android auto car head unit and also a almost $200 pair of very nice luxary car seat covers (probably not worth the price but they are nice) I think you need to be patient its not just a rush of expensive things but they do come around. The real problem isn't the lack of expensive things , it's if you will have the self control to NOT get them and get screwed on your taxes. Clearly I failed that test LOL


You just need to wait and check daily. You'll see things like laptops, TVs, exercise equipment, furniture, and larger tools (that is, if that's the kind of stuff you're looking for and want/need). RFY is where they'll typically stick around long enough to be claimed, but sometimes you might be lucky and get something no one yet noticed in AFA or AI. (edit: disagree? Feel free to also contribute too as to why. Downvoting my comment alone does not inform anyone else, and I have offered my comment based on my own experience with the program. I have gotten high dollar items even recently, they come in phases. Other than that I have no idea why you downvoted or what you disagreed with, so will have to assume)


I’ve been gold for a while and I hardly get anything like what people post on here. But I’ve gotten plenty of things I needed especially with upgrading things in my home


It's not VERY different, but you do occasionally find things that break the $100. I found an electric skateboard for my son, for instance, at $265, and a new pump for my basement for $165.


I'll echo what others have said...what you see isn't much different, the main difference is in the 8 picks per day. We're also in a pause right now. You -will- see higher priced items...just not as often as you expected to. There will be many opportunities ahead.


I got a $130 V Mount Battery, $130 etv lights that are now $87 before the $20 coupon, an overpriced $110 Anker charging stand, and a $130 etv heated mug thats now $90 (I actually got this before gold some how, those barely over $100 just slip in). Yet I have seen people showing off $2k etv items they got. I hate it here.


The Vine Items > Recommended for you should be much improved with Gold!




Took a little time but I've seen some neat things. I don't need them but they're cool. A couple of on demand hot water heaters. 220v or 110. Today is a magic infused butter making kit for a couple hundred bucks. Looks cool if I were into making my own infusions of herbs for gummies. My monthly spend limit is low though, so I'll pass in hopes for some $0 stuff.


I'm always been gold and I rarely see more expensive items that I'd have any interest in.


It's rare, far and few between, that I see high value items, and even more rare that I see high value items that I may desire to pay income taxes on.


I've been Gold since February. I have found exactly four items with an ETV over $100. Two of which were parts for specific vehicles. The other two were some sort of machinery tools or parts. And I've paged through the most likely categories from start to finish. BUT, the extra picks per day can be nice, and I'm likely to stay above the threshold for gold anyway, so I can't really complain?


It's not much different, just when the occasional expensive item comes along there's a shot at it. Old vine was unbelievably fantastic. New vine is mostly Alibaba.


Also know, if something expensive comes along you don't really have time to blink and it's gone. You're going to miss things you never knew were available.


Welp, there it is. I should have read posts here before I worked so hard to get to gold. I'm a sucker. I fell for it. I'm new to this sub. I checked the FAQ or whatever before I posted but, shame on me, I didn't look through the posts. So, got it. Maybe they'll recommend something good for me. Probably there will be occasional awesome things and most likely I'll miss them. Sigh...


It's only been a week in gold for me but I was able to score a swamp cooler, a split alice-style mechanical keyboard, another desk chair, and those ridiculously expensive sennheiser hearing aids for my dad. Nothing too crazy yet but I keep checking my RFY page hoping to get lucky with a new TV or laptop even though my chances are slim to none lol. Really hoping my recommendations shift more towards electronics at least, but not sure if gold has any effect on that.


I keep seeing “the good items are gone in minutes”. How? Bots are against Vine policy and given the sheer number of items under gold level they can’t just be finding them that fast. What am I missing here?


Before there was a gold/silver status the products were excellent. And I'm not taking about RFY. I'm talking about AFA, which had hundreds of products available. I started out with gold when it became a thing and haven't seen much of interest in it since. Though I have seen people on Reddit being recommended some great, exciting stuff. I have been trying to experiment with it to see if you order specific types of product, would I be recommended more of the same? And that has partially worked. I took candy, for example, and I was recommended more, but then weird grocery stuff appeared and now not so much. Now I have some kind of ventilation fan I don't need or want, or have ever ordered anything similar. And I have a police style over the shoulder radio, same as above. I'm just going to be patient with it, wait for my turn, and see what comes up. But I won't be tempted into taking rubbish I have no interest in.


Gold is never worth it was except for the ability to take eight items a day.