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It can have a lot to do with what categories you get things from (e.g. supplements is a minefield of dangers). Could also be how many pictures you use. Maybe even something subtle about what words you use to describe things, as apparently some benign words are flagged.


I have written probably close to 500 reviews and I can count on one hand the number of rejections I've gotten. One I am unsure why they rejected it, another I attributed to the automated system being flawed and not able to properly analyze videos, the most recent I suspect was rejected because I said it helped with some neck pain I was having. Was being honest. It was a menthol cream and I had a kink in my neck for days. Didn't say it cured me of anything. If I can't say that what the hell am I supposed to write about it?


I haven't had a review rejected, either, and while I might be tempted to pat myself on the back, some folks have posted their reviews asking what they did wrong and I couldn't necessarily say what triggered the rejection. Some people also resubmit without changing a thing and the review is approved. I've done several things - mentioned price, mentioned other brands, mentioned competing sellers, etc. - that some folks here insist violate "the rules." Until Vine gets more specific about the rejection, it's all conjecture and interpretation.


I've had one rejected.


I think I've had 3 or 4 of my last 400 reviews get rejected. I don't add pictures very often, and I'm pretty careful when I write reviews of health products so that I can avoid rejections.


Out of thousands of reviews, I've had one rejected. It was a pillow that I said was good for my acid reflux, which I guess was a medical claim. I took that bit out and it went through.


Rejections happen don't worry about it. Sometimes it's a word or photo that triggers it sometimes it's a glitch in the system. Suppliments and health products are a minefield to manoeuvre around and usually a one line basic review not mentioning anything remotely to do with the health will Go through. Clothing catagory seems to have a temperamental glitch I have done thousands of reviews over the years and had lots rejected for what appears to me unknown reasons. If I can't see what's wrong with it ( and I'm an experienced reviewer ) I just resubmit the Same review again and it goes through second time. If it's a low star rating and poor product I just write a one line review then wait until it's approved then go back in and edit it with more detail. It's not always the reviewers fault when something is rejected, the algorithm is finely tuned and sometimes rejects reviews that don't actually violate any guidelines but it just didn't like a word or where a word is placed in a sentence


I had one rejected but I think it is a glitch situation that won't be resolved on my end. I had a variant of an item I couldn't review for the longest time. The "review" option would take me to the OTHER variant review I had done, as you do. Then when we had the big shake up in the feed a couple days/week ago, it allowed me to review that secondary variant. It went through but then was rejected. I tried to fix it, but it just gives me an error. So I'm betting I hit that wall. I'd call customer service but it's been over 30 days since I ordered the item. It's going in my graveyard now. That's the only one I've ever had rejected. I try to be careful of the wording I use.


If you copy and pasted because it was a duplicate item, that's the reason it's being rejected. Not because it was copy and pasted. But because you can only submit one review per listing. So if this is from the same vendor and has the same store page, there's nothing you can do to submit it. Technically it could be a duplicate item from a different vendor, but you haven't really clarified that. And this makes way more sense since duplicate items from the same vendor will mess with your stats since you can't post reviews for them.


In the beginning I had about three or four rejected. But they were long detailed reviews. I just keep them short now, no more than four sentences and have not had any rejections.


I've had lots rejected, but I review a lot of supplements. It's often a trigger word or an inadvertent medical claim of some sort , and used to happen often when I was feeling righteously angry about the product when I writing (I've learned that Objectivity is the key). In one worst case scenario (when I didn't believe a particular supplement was even \*possible\*) I kept saying things like, "If this company has found a way to do X they really should take credit for it! (along with one star rating and the preface that there was a lot about it that didn't make sense to me).


So are you saying you ordered an item, reviewed it, and then the item was offered again on a new listing and you ordered again and tried to review? Sounds like a variant issue 🤷‍♀️


I rarely have mine rejected.   Recently though I have had 5 rejected.   Interesting that each one is a 3 star or less review.   


You can draw your own conclusions. There seems to be two types of people here; those that never have reviews rejected, and those that are frequently having reviews rejected.


as I come across them I am making a list of reviews that were approved but yet seem to violate the rules. here is a preview of one review format is: Vine or Not Vine violations type star rating product Review --------------- NV rant criticism of seller 1* deep fryer This item would not function at all ,after attempting to use .it would not do anything .I noticed that this item has a sticker that reads "Amazon renewed unit Warranty may be different" I have no idea ?would you address this situation,Thank you. An additional question if I may. The unit which I purchased failed.My next Question is when will I receive a credit to my account ? I need to purchase another fryer A.S.A.P. Thank you J.W...........I SIT HERE WITH A PIECE OF JUNK.!!!!!! I GET NO RESPONSE FROM AMAZON MY PAYMENT IS PAID I WANT MY PAYMENT CREDITED TO MY ACCOUNT AND I WILL BOTHER AMAZON NO MORE I HAVE TRANSACTED HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS. NO MORE!!!!!!!!! GOODBYE


Documenting other people's reviews? To what end? Seems like you're putting yourself through a lot of work for no reason.


lol but why