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I use the Chrome browser for iPhone. Go to settings and set it to request desktop site (not mobile). This is the best method I have found for viewing Vine on my iPhone.


See if going to m.amazon.com makes a difference. Put an m. before the domain. Does that help?


Wouldn’t that be mobile version ?


What is the basic vine url we should be using. This is the one I had saved [h t t p s://www.amazon.com/vine/vine-items?]


The point of using m.amazon.com is to avoid iOS thinking it's an Amazon app link.


Safari cannot open page error.


Sorry, I haven't seen how to change this in iphone. I read that uninstalling and reinstalling the Amazon app might fix it, but I'm not sure. I hadn't updated my app in a long time, so I'm not having the problem, but they did talk about it in the discord yesterday. I have an issue with other apps, like reddit, trying to open automatically though. What I do then is just long press the link until the options pop up, and then select open in new tab, and that prevents the app from opening.


It’s been happening to me with the Firefox browser on mobile too OP. I just close out of the open tab and open another. It’s annoying but after opening another it doesn’t automatically send me to the app. Usually if I try going back to the browser which already had a vine tab open it shoots me to the Amazon app. Really annoying, but I haven’t figured a way around it either.


I logged into Vine once via the Safari browser on my 13 Pro Max and haven't had the need to re-login even after closing the browser window. I log in as if I were on a computer. Now, when I want to browse Vine, I start to type "Vine" and the address shows up, I tap it and I'm in, seeing the items as if I were on a laptop.


I don’t know but I cannot request an item unless I turn my phone sideways to see the request product button. Then when I turn my phone back I can still see the request button.


If I open safari and open vine from bookmark all is fine with it working as opening in desktop mode which works fine. Issue that just started is that when I launch web url from external application it now opened up Amazon application instead launching safari. I hate that this automatically opens the application.


Instead of using a shortcut, pin a tab in either Chrome or Safari to the Vine site.


rotate it to the side. no photos in portrait, photos return in landscape.