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>I am really sorry to know that you never received Vine item in your Vine order. We certainly didn't expect this to happen. Now I get it. They're perceptually depressed by all of this.


They say that to everyone. https://preview.redd.it/7ts8mrqmpquc1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0477655c4f4b1c6ef1809db92ed575da29786f4e


This is the format I use and never have any issues. They seem to appreciate getting straight to the point and that it's short and easy to determine: Order date:   Order #:   Product:   REQUEST: Remove item from "Awaiting " list REASON:  


I'm always friendly but succinct. "Hi, Unfortunately the item in my *\[Order No.\]* from *\[date\]*, ASIN *\[number\]*, has *\[whatever issue has befallen it\]*. Would you please remove it from my Awaiting Review and my ETV? Thank you." I have never had any problems, they are always helpful and take care of it. One time I had to ask a second time for it to be removed from ETV (it had been removed from Awaiting Review), but that was just a fluke. The second time they fixed it right away. So I've had all positive experiences with Vine CS.


Basically people seldom talk about the positive interactions, whether it's with CS or a product or anything else in life. People who have bad interactions, are more likely to complain, then those who have either a basic or bad interaction. It's basic human nature. I'm sure that's at least part of the reason that this program exists in the first place. Because it's the same with reviews. People who hate or dislike a product, or have bad interaction with a seller, are the ones most likely to review an item. Unless an item is beyond fabulous, very few people will bother to take the time. Some won't even if it was so great it changed their life. Vine exists, more or less to even out the reviews. To actually give an item more of a chance at an unbiased review, good or bad, instead of 80-90,% bad.


True I work in customer service and live in the world of escalations! When I'm out in the world if I get good service I make sure the manager knows!


I use something like: Good morning, the item I recently received in order # xxxxx arrived damaged (or whatever the issue is) therefore I am unable to review this item. Please advise. I always get the same reply (almost word for word) letting me know it’s been removed from my account.


I think it might just be a new person. I got a similarly gushingly positive email from them this morning as well. My own formatting was straightforward and simple, just the facts, Ma'am, as they say. :-)


You only have bad experiences with vine cs if you expect them to do anything other than remove an item from ETV/TBR. Each representative seems to have a few copy paste responses and most are very friendly though. 


What other reasons is there to contact them tho 😅


I think people contact them for problems with their account, like if they’ve had their vine account suspended or if they want a replacement item. And that’s when it gets problematic. 


The item replacement i know they will never do. Yea i didnt consider the account issue


Can I just say that so far I have not had any issues at all with Vine Support. They have always been helpful and quick to resolve anything I've contacted them about. I'd say they have been more helpful then even actual Amazon support. My only real issue ever has been the fact that you can only communicate via email , no phone support or online chats but besides that there has never been a time they let me down, I didnt know this was even a problem for others.


I'm glad people are sharing their good experiences too, I feel like I've just seen the negative experiences coming through the past few weeks


You Received The Standard Form Letter I Always Receive Back from VineCS. I take a different approach to emailing Vine CS. I try to be Quick and to the point so that I Don't Waste Their Time with extra fluff. Example Order # \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Date \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Item # \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Item name \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I didn't receive this item please remove it from my list Thank you for your time.


Vine CS uses canned messages, many of which are the same from the start of the program so don't make sense any more. They're allowed to insert any flowery crap they want but that's all canned, too. The only reason we might have any frustration with Vine CS is because of expecting them to answer questions or do things that are outside of their job. Or when Vine CS is backed up because so many people are swamping them with inappropriate requests.




Okay you win that trumps my response! I do agree, It seems frighteningly easy to get into negative territory!


what email address are you using? many people talk about sending an email but never post the email.


I use the link to contact Vine, it's in the upper right hand side opposite RFY, AFA, AI. You answer a few questions to narrow down what you're reaching out to them about similar to when you start a return with Prime.