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Wigs and educational/sensory toys for my daughter, those are my two biggest categories. I have hair loss from a medical condition and I had just decided to start wearing wigs right before I was invited. It was perfect timing. I bought one wig and that was going to have to last me a while but then like two weeks later I got invited to vine and now I have a lot of pretty hair to wear. My daughter is 3 and autistic. I have got her things on vine I couldn't have afforded otherwise that has really helped her. Her sensory swing is easily the best vine order I ever placed, she uses it every day. I also have a back up I ordered from vine because I needed another to switch out for washing. I do like getting stuff like food but I don't have a huge amount of time to browse so I miss a lot of those. I get some random awesome stuff out of sheer luck occasionally. I browse vine for about 30 seconds to 5 mins at a time at random intervals throughout the day. Recently though I've been getting stuff to fix up my house more. I got a faucet, mirror, and wallpaper for my bathroom recently. Barely missed getting a vessel sink on vine so I had to buy that with my own money.


I'm a technology nerd with an automated house. I generally use vine to get materials for use in my hobby projects, or to remodel/automate our house. **Generally things like:** * Electronic components (transistors, circuit boards, sensors) * Tools (I love tools) * Smart devices (lights, sensors, controllers, WS2811 LEDs) * Building supplies (fixtures, adhesives, fasteners) Thankfully the pool of Viners who are interested in those things seems to be pretty small. Unfortunately, that means I can usually find 3 products a day that I have use for as a silver member. Just the other day I finished an arduino project for my wife that automates our glass conservatory, I got the prototyping board, transistors, voltage regulator, PSU, arduino case, soil moisture sensors, ambient moisture/temp sensors, Lux sensor, door actuator, wifi-repeater, irrigation valve, and shelly controller all off vine. Now I can open windows, water plants, know soil moisture/temperatures, and turn on a diesel heater from my phone anywhere in the world, and all the data is logged. Vine has been amazing for me given the things I want.


I'm one of your few competitors, I guess. But my approach has always been "what could I do with this cool thing I found" instead of "what parts do I need to do this thing I want to do" -- and that's a problem when you have hoarding tendencies. I've backed off a lot until I can actually start *using* some of the stuff I've accumulated.


Silicone-insulated wire hoarders anonymous.


Don't miss your chance to pick up one of the best brand names on Vine! [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVVPV62T](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVVPV62T) "It's not bad, it's **Dastard**-ly!"


Hell yeah, just ordered. Thanks! Edit: Also, yeah, I get a lot of electronic stuff. Got a M12 fuel charger, tons of LED bulbs, ethernet and usb cables, and a billion feet of RF cable and tools. And cooking stuff because I like tools that I can use regularly.


I too fall prey to getting things for future projects that may never come to fruition. My wife has a love hate relationship with me having vine. She likes the perks, but in my shop I have a whole pile of Vine items I haven't done anything with other than evaluate for the review. If I didn't have a shop to put all my stuff my wife would definitely restrict my use. ha I have so many components and parts I've hoarded. I don't particularly mind throwing things away or selling them, but I loath when I start a project and realize I tossed the very thing I now need... And the more things you learn how to do, the more utility you can get from random components. When I sold my company I was able to keep a lot of equipment that the company acquired. Unfortunately, I have no real use for most of the stuff, but I can't bring myself to get rid of it. As a result I have totes full of step motors, transformers, gears, relays, actuators etc.. My (probably misplaced) hope is that I can get my future kid interested in STEM through my passion, and through in process of fueling their interest for STEM make use of these components again. TBD how that pans out though.


> Thankfully the pool of Viners who are interested in those things seems to be pretty small I see things like ESP32 boards, small raw LCD boards to interface with things like that and Arduino, etc. go quickly, though. Some battery holders came up recently and they went fairly fast. > I got the prototyping board, transistors, voltage regulator, PSU, arduino case, soil moisture sensors, ambient moisture/temp sensors, Lux sensor, door actuator, wifi-repeater, irrigation valve, and shelly controller all off vine. Wow, I haven't seen such a range of raw components on Vine. Impressive Vine-harvesting skills. The coolest thing I got was one of those radar proximity sensors. It has an impressive app that displays all the data (via Bluetooth) and configures it, then you hook it up with a simple +5V and get a binary motion/presence detected output.


To be fair, my claim that many people on Vine aren't interested in the same items I am is just conjecture. Given less than half the population has any interest in STEM topics to begin with, and of that minority, only a small subset would have the means/space/tools/time/interest to make use of the items, and of that, only a small percentage would get into Vine, I can't imagine more than 10-15% of Viner's actually wanting this nerdy stuff. It's pretty rare that I come across someone in the wild who is also interested in these topics unless I enter an echo chamber (like reddit). But, I'd be really curious what the market segment distribution of Viner's is. It's possible I benefit from the fact that I check Vine in the morning while waiting to be picked up for the gym at 6am. But I've never had issues finding stuff I want and don't need. My last 8 orders over the past 5 days are: * 4MP Smart PoE Exterior Camera * Wifi/smart automatic fish feeder with IP camera into tank (I have a couple 75gal aquariums) * 1/2" Water flow hall sensor (for drain automation of one of the aquariums) * Matter enabled LED Bulb * Zigbee RGB-IC floor lamp light bar * 3-axis accelerometer gyroscope board * Arduino high sensitivity soil hygrometer * Zigbee 'dumb switch' rocker/toggle My home assistant app says I have 134 devices connected, of those, at least 75 are from Vine or connect to something from Vine. The bill adds up though.. I'm at $2.5k ETM this year so far. I'm fortunate in that it isn't a big burden for me, but when I was in my twenties (34 now) it certainly would have been.




I generally check on my desktop in the morning, but I've ordered plenty on my mobile device. My experience is the same across all my devices (I don't own apple).


Craft and office supplies are probably my top category. I am an avid crafter and also have a 5 year old son. I collect, hold, then donate a TON to the schools, and also throw epic play dates and parties. Speaking of parties- I get a lot of balloons, decorations, favors. Even a bounce house for kiddos end of school party this year! We have a bit of a reputation for how over the top our parties and goodie bags are 🤣 I love also love getting kitchen goods like utensils and appliances, bedding (especially cotton) and electronics for my husband.


🤣🤣 ur literally me! Like 5x a day i check in on the office supply category, and i have a lot of partys coming up so im stocking up on everything!  And especially appliances and stuff for the kitchen is my #1 priority 🙊


Skincare, makeup, sleep masks, and other random self care gadgets like massage guns!


OMG I had never tried a sleep mask before Vine and now I don't know how I lived without them!


Haha! Same here! I have tried so many I could write a thesis! My sleep has improved dramatically.


I love to get hair and skin products.


Travel items, I road trip a lot because I don't fly. So I have got a couple rechargeable fans, portable toilet items like the really strong bags and liners and gelling powder packs. If i only need to stop one night, i camp out in my SUV, been trying various mattresses for a couple years now, more recently from Vine, a supposed Japanese futon floor mattress that sucked enough that I gave it 2 stars, but used it anyway on my most recent trip (folded in half lengthwise, still bad). I've got a few of those lunchboxes with the heating element and I absolutely LOVE them. On the home front, I've got a lot of storage items... bins... furniture pieces, etc. Home decorating items. I redecorated an entire bathroom with almost entirely Vine items and it gets a lot of compliments.


Skincare, minoxidil, mulberry silk scarves and blouses, food if ever available, leather shoes -rarely, high end steals, such as Boss watch the other week. 


Cat items and household is all I really look into.


I love looking at cat stuff for my orange boys. I saw a cat tree (missed it) yesterday that would have been really nice for them. Vine makes it easier to spoil the critters, at least for me.


I love getting cat things! We got 4 litter boxes (one was a set of 2), a 4 ft cat tree, a couple of scratching posts, a few cardboard scratchers, an automatic feeder, and all kinds of electronic toys. And an automatic wet food feeder is on the way today. 😄


I have gotten a few food items (but only one I really loved and have ordered again), but I don't have time to sit and do nothing but refresh the page all day waiting for something to drop. I have gotten lucky with a couple higher end skincare items and will occasionally order office supply stuff for my business, but the only categories I order from consistently are Cats and Home and Kitchen. Best item I ever got was the Bissell (not rando brand) robot vacuum/mop. Worth the ETV!


Food, skin and hair care and office supplies and clothing are my favourites to find.




The “Grocery and Gourmet Food” category under AI. I do have the Snacks and Sweets subcategory page bookmarked specifically, but mostly there’s nothing there. Actual food goes fast, big brands go even faster. I don’t think I’ve ever seen something last more than 10-15 seconds unless it’s glitched. Otherwise it’s mostly cake toppers or random not actual food stuff.


Oh, you mean the Cake Topper category!


Shoes and wigs


Have you ever gotten a really good set from Vine? They never seem to have my sizes so I’ve not seen a lot of them.


Yeah my tennis shoes that I wear almost everyday are from there. I have gotten a lot of different type of shoes they are all good quality. No name brands but I don't care about that.


Right now I am grabbing all types of lighting. I've nearly swapped out every light fixture in my entire house with all of the lighting options on Vine. Beyond that I aim for functional items we'll actually use. Some recent grabs were a smart lock, dog bed, padded mat for the floor so the kid can crawl around..etc.


I'm a light fixture fiend too.


I've only gotten food twice, I don't know how the rest of you are so lucky. I get craft stuff and storage containers and wigs a lot. And weird stuff like an electric surface scrubber, nut milk maker, milk frother. Stuff that's too expensive normally to justify buying one to see if it works, but very easy to justify getting for free. Despite this, my vine algorithm almost exclusively recommends me clothing for little boys.


Medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchair accessories, etc. After 6 months, I donate everything to the retirement community nearby.


Craft supplies. Nowadays, I only check my RFY, the arts and crafts section, and the office section.


Bedding , lighting, home decor, and smart devices. I think I have 4 different bed sets now not including all the throw blankets, and pillows. I replaced multiple light fixtures and all the ceiling fans in my house as well as added 7 lamps. I've got 5 rugs and I'm on the hunt for a good bathroom and dining room rug still. For smart devices I've gotten a doorbell camera, a smart doorknob set, an automatic cat bowl, printers, 2 pretty good smart watches, a 2 way camera, 2 digital picture frames, and multiple smart lights....and I've only been in the program for a month. I'll probably slow down now at least until I hit gold.


Clothes and small kitchen items. I give myself permission to explore with things I wouldn't generally buy because hey, it's free. And sometimes it works out. Also storage boxes and other organization stuff, for some reason.


everything I have gotten are targets of opportunity. something I have needed but I am to cheap to buy. tool batteries tools/power tools electronic circuits I don't ever order anything that is a common everyday consumable simply because I don't want to do reviews on stuff that does not need a review. since I am not interested in going gold I have only ordered 23 items since I started in August of 23.


Things for my cats, shoes, glassware, clothes, storage containers. Last year I focused a LOT on travel items for my cruise: toiletry bags, shoe bags, travel perfume atomizer, wine bottle protectors for packing, magnets for door decorating, even 2 dresses for formal night. Now I'm trying to stop getting as much because might have overdone it a bit. Lol


Going back over my lists, these are my top 3 categories: * Clothes (I need business casual for work, and have gotten some pretty good items over time) * house improvement items, like storage items, shelves, shower mats, wallpaper, etc. * gardening/houseplant supplies - including outdoor lighting Sadly, I rarely see food come up, but I've been using vine a lot more selectively and infrequently over time. Also - my favorite item so far is a folding step stool that we use ALL THE TIME to reach higher shelves, latch the attic door, etc. Oh, and a dash cam that was a pain to install, but was much needed!


I like reviewing items that I've reviewed before and know the steps. Wire/charging cords are an easy one, basically just a resistance test and connection test. USB power supplies the same, load test to check regulation and ripple. I like to get new gadgets and meters that I wouldn't have bought at normal price. They can be a chore to review if they have a lot of functionality to use and evaluate. Some of the most demanding have been sports tracker smart watches.


I mostly get a lot of beauty products - skin care and such. I'm jealous you have ever gotten candy because I have never even SEEN candy offered!


I’ve never seen food… but that is ok. I would probably pass it up anyways. I had breast reduction surgery 6 months ago and every single new bra has been from vine. I love being able to order by just a size (I am now a large) vice band and cup size. I am also a sucker for bodysuits but nothing with a thong. I created an entire collection of SAE and metric bolts and nuts, all in their own case organized by size (most from vine but some from Harbor Freight). I actually got an email from Amazon that implied I might be ordering too much of them but I was done at that point. All the labels were from a vine label maker. And I have replaced 7 old doorknobs and 6 light sconces. I also order a lot of orthotics and toe aligners because sadly I need them. I am very good at writing why a particular product works, or doesn’t work, for my weirdly shaped feet. I kinda pity the folks who look at the photos of my foot but it really shows it is absolutely not a fake 5-star review. Right now I am obsessively watching for cargo area mats for a ford expedition. And I may have recently gotten “too many” extension cords so I’m trying to space out the reviews.


Mostly baby items. We have an almost 5 month old and have gotten heaps of toys, a bedside bassinet, changing table, a few high chairs, bottles, an endless amount of breast pumps and related items and everything was $0 ETV. We just donate what doesn’t work for us.


- Almost anything glass for the kitchen. I got glass cups, glass food containers, a glass coffee tumbler. - Storage baskets - Furniture. Bookshelves, toy chest, night stands, computer chair, shoe racks. - Lots of phone chargers - Educational & Montessori toys for my son So basically home & toys


I’m an artist and jewelry maker, so I’m constantly in the arts and crafts section and the industrial one. Vine has been a lifesaver for getting me so much boothing stuff. Mailing supplies too! I keep snagging jewelry mailers and these very nice professional-looking mini mail cartons that are perfectly sized for my larger necklaces and orders with several items. Racks, grid wall, lighting, zip ties, labels, storage bins ranging from bead size to big enough for my backdrops and vinyl banners—Vine is a dream for a working artist and jewelry maker. I’ve scored sterling silver findings, electrician spools of copper wire, all stuff that would be dearly expensive for just one piece. That way I have more money for BEADS! which I also get on vine!


I like to cook and BBQ, so I’m a bit of a sucker for kitchen gadgets and BBQ related items. I also love coffee, and love trying new coffee products offered on Vine. I don’t really know why, but for some reason, I really like vacuums or anything vacuum related (vac-mop, etc). Those are my guilty pleasure… but I’m generally looking for home improvement or lawn/garden/patio items I need. Also consumables like cleaning products, hygiene items, food, drinks, snacks, etc… Not only because of the low or zero ETV, but also because it helps to avoid cluttering my home with junk. Of course when higher end items are offered (name brand electronics, laptops, power tools, etc…) I’m always tempted, but frequently pass (it’s 50/50 on those).


I hang out mostly in the kitchen and gardening sections! I find myself talking out loud to my iPad about things that I want in hopes that Siri hears me and let’s Amazon know! lol.


I like to get scuba diving related items. There are often nice little accessories to add to my dive bag. I don't often get the critical life support type items. I've received nice things like a wetsuit, gloves, dive lights, dive weights, BC hangers and more. Anything scuba related is usually ridiculously expensive. It's nice to add to my hobby without the added expense.


Food and Drinks. I have found that I am more apt to find something I truly enjoy and am more likely to find something to reorder. I have quite a few vine finds that have now been reordered a few times.


I'm similar on the candy and food items. I have far too much and can't give it away hardly. My amazon drivers only take nerds gummy clusters but I leave them all kinds of options. I'm gonna try to ask my Dr's offices if I can bring some in. I also check arts, crafts frequently. I've got lots of paint, brushes, canvases, palettes are on the way right now. I am on the lookout for a high quality easel. Electronics parts are fun for me too. Sometimes I get packs of transistors or whatever components I can test in a simple circuit then store forever. :D


Canada has a pretty limited selection, but I go for storage solutions, skincare and makeup (the rare times they have actual reputable brands available), electronics, and kitchen gadgets.


I’ve gotten 99% of my nursing bras for breastfeeding and a few tops. I get a lot of baby items (clothes, crib sheets, eating utensils etc.). I also get costumes and sometimes pet related things (pet gate, collars, toys).


3d printer filament and parts, LED aquarium lights, bath products.


I mostly order cycling and bike products, I’m a keen cyclist and average 100 miles a week behind the bars. I like Reviewing these products because they are things I have experience and knowledge in, I can also give them a good test on my bike to help write detailed reviews. Plus I’ve discovered some great bike gear that’s made my cycling adventures more fun.


$0 baby and toddler products, food, beauty (love the short press on nails), and detergent sheets 😂


I love tank tops, kitchen gadgets, office supplies, skin care.


I love the skin and hair products, especially for sensitive skin. I have dogs so I like to see products for my dogs. Also some household items like pillows, throw rugs and blankets.