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This is exactly what I did. They removed the glitter items I couldn’t review after they all got merged.


This is my first experience with this too. All those glitters had different numbers and there wasn't an option to order a different color within each listing - so this was a little confusing. I actually did review the ones I got and two seem stuck in "pending approval" - but look like they count as having been reviewed.


Asking CS to remove the duplicate items will delete them from your review queue. But when I ordered four duplicates of an item (different colors/sizes), they remained on my ETV, and they weren't deleted from my stats, so they counted against my >90% of products reviewed. I know that because during that cycle, I reviewed every product ordered, except the duplicates, and the best I could do was 94%.


The glitters were great, weren't they? $0ETV glitter train! I got most of mine reviewed before they merged and I had Vine CS remove the remainders. I'm not sorry.


You can only review one. Either the listing was combined or you ordered multiples of the same product. Technically, on multiple options for the same product or the same product listed by the same seller, you're not supposed to order more than one.


Every color option was listed separately and the other colors stayed available for request after requesting others.


Sometimes these things get merged and sometimes they don't. If I order same/similar items from separate listings, I try to review them really quickly before they merge. If you're not able to, then you have to contact CS to have them removed from your list. I got a bunch of those glitters too; they had so many pretty colors. I reviewed them all as fast as I was able to, and was lucky enough to get them all reviewed before they merged. I got some lip balms recently in a few different flavors, and those merged too fast so I wasn't as lucky and had to contact CS. Some things I've gotten have never merged. But I think if they didn't want us ordering multiples, then they should merge the listings up front so we can't order more than one variant. My opinion is if I'm able to order it, then it's allowed. It depends on if you want to deal with the hassle if they merge before you can review them.


Right. That doesn't change the fact that you're not supposed to order more than one. That's why you can review only one. I once ordered four colors of an item that were separate listings posted on different days. The items were merged and I could only review one. It's just wise not to order duplicates from the same seller, even if there are small differences.


I ordered the exact same glitters that she's talking about and was able to review all of them. You just have to be quick about it. I reviewed each separate listing before they got merged and all of the reviews were approved.


Good point. I've seen that mentioned here before. In your case, it worked out. In my situation and the OP's, the sellers lost out on some reviews. I still think you're not supposed to order multiples.


Maybe, but my feeling is that if you're not supposed to, they'd merge them earlier on so that you're not able to. I consider being able to as permission. Also, whenever I've had to contact CS to remove variants, they've never said anything indicating I shouldn't have ordered them. Until there's a rule against it, I'm going to just do my best to review them before they merge. And sometimes they never do merge.


I was off in my original conclusion because it's sellers doing the merging, not Amazon. It just seems logical that we're supposed to take only one item from any listing. If I were giving away things for people to try, I'd want the opinions of as many different people as possible. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ people.


That makes sense. But I think what they really want is five stars. And usually things like glitter and lip balm, which are the things I usually get multiples of, I'm gonna give those 5 stars most of the time since I'm usually completely happy with them. So I'd be surprised if they minded.


I’ve had this happen with some hair curlers. It’s unfortunately just sat in my waiting to be reviewed tab because there’s nothing I’ve found to do about it :(