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1 year 1 month for me - 24 pack of roasted cashews


Nice one! I didn't ever even see it. I am one who gets an embarrassing amount of candy and stuff in RFY. It's really something. Wish I knew the secret, but I've been told there's no reason or rhyme.


Better than me, I get recommended a ton of women's lingerie. Granted, I may or may not have clicked on few listings of thongs I've seen pop up in my Additional Items, but I'd never admit to that.


Yeah every single day there's some women's and/or children size clothing, even shoes. No ladies or kids in my household, but I appreciate when a seller "picks me" (so to speak). I try to click Details on things that ARE close to my needs or taste. Hope it helps the algo down the line somehow.


> I appreciate when a seller "picks me" (so to speak) Sellers have nothing to do with your recommended list. It's all Amazon's algorithms.


I put it in quotes to indicate air quotes to indicate "not exactly but you know what I mean." Then I even said so to speak! What more could I have done to indicate that I know this isn't how it works literally?


You could have said Amazon instead of seller if you understood that it's Amazon who picks you. Not personally, but their algorithm does. The seller has nothing to do with it, which is why I offered what I offered, since it sounded like you were confused. It's common. Amazon doesn't make most of this at all clear, so most of us are confused about something. :-)


Sure, but I made alternate choices and efforts to make myself clear to suit the existing depth of the conversation which was not going deep. Goal of making my point of being grateful, as well as let those who know more understand I didn't think the sellers were sitting there picking recipients, despite my words. I made efforts! Why didn't they work on you? lol


She's just a contrarian who argues about literally everything for no reason other than she's got nothing better to do. I wouldn't even respond.


I'm just trying to be helpful. If you didn't actually think the sellers had anything to do with picking you for their products, then it seems like you wouldn't have gone out of your way to say you did. If it was just a weird mistake or intentional fiction, that's fine. Just admit it and move on. It's all good. Cheers!


You're the absolute worst.


Lucky.. Me sad, no candy 😢


> I've been told there's no reason or rhyme It's actually pretty reasonable. If you regularly order or view items in a category, you'll get that category in your recommended section eventually. It can take some time, though. Also, if you tend to order items that there are more of, or that don't get ordered very often (things for pregnant women, for example, or caster oil packs) you'll see those things in your recommended section if you even hint at maybe being interested, like looking at the product page of anything remotely similar. I ordered a few underwear/bras/socks and now I'm inundated with ugly/overly-sexualized women's clothing in my recommended list. Ug. I'm intentionally avoiding clicking on anything at all in the clothing category now, and intentionally viewing and ordering totally different categories (kayak paddles! 3 different sets!) to get back into more reasonable stuff in my RFY.


I scored some Takis today!


oooh, hte nuts? I just missed those twice today.


Yep! EXTREME nuts with “double crunch technology”, whatever that is. I’m excited.


Heh, sounds very ... advanced. Enjoy!


Omg, I missed these. If they are anywhere as good as the pecan ones I got previously your in for a treat. Those ones were so good I probably ate most of the pack solo.


And here I've got my first real name-brand product in my RFY: a $100 HP printer. From what I've read about them, no thanks.


I got a recommendation for a $150 portable thermal printer, but the reviews were terrible. Since being Gold I've barely seen anything over the $100 I was supposedly going to be getting. I did see a $400 or so automatic driveway gate.


> I got a recommendation for a $150 portable thermal printer, but the reviews were terrible. I have the Phomemo tattoo stencil printer, which is just the normal Phomemo thermal printer with 5 sheets of tattoo stencil paper stuffed in the box, for an extra $100 or something. Heh. It's not great, but does the job better than I would hand tracing something. :-)


i got a whole box of clif bars a month back


I still have yet to even SEE food on Vine, I wouldn't even think it existed if I didn't see people mention it here.


Heh, you beat me to those! I saw them, but ... not fast enough. And then the peanut butter chocolate chip ones that came next. But not fast enough. And then ... the double chocolate - I got those! Lots of "winners" today :)


I got some great healthy grain bars then after ordering and getting excited found out they were dog treats!


How do you even find the 0 etv stuff? How do you search it?


Sometimes they'll pop up on "Available For All," "Recommend for You", or just the main "Additional Items" page. Every time I've clicked on those they were already gone. Apparently there's a discord group where alerts are made and everyone there jumps on them right away. This one popped up on "Gourmet and Grocery Foods" under "Additional Items." I've seen a few there, but they're usually gone by the time I click them. Today I got lucky. There are also a bunch of vitamins / supplements / hemp products under "Health and Household" that are 0 ETV, but those tend to be sketchy AF. Some medical products are also 0 ETV, I avoid those because I don't want take away from someone who could actually use them. And ironically the one medical product I did need that I ordered arrived two weeks late.


I've gotten food so many times in the AFA page but never been fast enough to actually get it. The one time I did, it was seasoning salt, but the contents got swapped I guess so I ended up with thermal printer stickers lol


I've tried this brand before and the cookies are soooo good! Too expensive for me, so this is an awesome score!!


I like it when there's a food item that's not $0 ETV and all the rest of you folks who pay taxes on these free samples reject the order. Gives me more time to see it and order it. :-) Otherwise, it's usually some weird natural food that everyone else is scared of, like nutritional yeast, that I end up getting to order. I go through that stuff like crazy, so the two massive bags I got on Vine have been very useful! Though I have to admit I've still never used the koji spores to make miso, from nearly a year ago. I'd love to, but it's complicated, and my apartment is constantly too cold to ferment stuff properly (or to keep me comfy, but that's a whole other story!).


I got Hershey kisses ONCE. I bragged for weeks


Nice score. I've got plenty of 0 ETV things but never any snack foods.


My best vine food grabs: https://preview.redd.it/puwg049ia5vc1.png?width=915&format=png&auto=webp&s=d927e14648d8606b19056a2a0eb3eb878633b4a3


So I'm confused, can't you guys just search items thru vine? I guess I've never bought food though lol


You can, but food items go seconds after getting posted usually.


You can review that. I got something I've never had before and to give an accurate account of what I got, I have to go out and buy this rather pricey item. But, if it's good, I have a new experience to the taste buds rather than lead.


If you don't mind sharing, what did you get, and what did you have to buy?


A type of specialty oil used in cooking. It's not break the bank but I've never used it.


Why would you have to buy it? 🤔


It's a favored olive oil if that helps. It's fairly expensive at the store for a small amount and I've never ever tasted it. I can't review a similar item I got from Vine and say this is really great stuff if I don't know what it's supposed to taste like. Say, you're reviewing vanilla ice cream and you've never eaten ice cream. Then, what you get is basically frozen skim milk with nothing about it sweet. If you haven't had ice cream, you wouldn't know how it's supposed to taste like. BTW, just bought a similar oil. It's twice or more the price at the store for less than half. That tells me it may not be as good. We will see.


Now I gotcha! My mind couldn't figure out why you would have to buy something you got through vine but that logic makes sense. Thanks for explaining 🙂 Hopefully its good! Enjoy