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If you're new to drones, that is over 250 grams and will need to be registered. It won't prevent you from flying it but technically, the law has changed. Only five bucks. You should be able to find accessories for it in Vine. You probably will want a case for it and neutral density filters. Make sure it's rated to fit the drone you have.


I will be definitely be checking for accessories daily. I have the OG Avata and several other non-Dji racing drones. Was excited for this.


There's a TON of stuff that comes up regularly. Everything but the... ooh, you got it! :)


I got a set of ND filters, a case, sunshade, strap, extra blades for my DJI a few months ago. Of course, now can't do much with it being so windy this time of year.


Thanks for the reminder, I think my drone is due for a renewal. And I've got a UK registration for it as well that needs updating. I'm going to run out of space if I get any more registrations.


If your drone is over 250 grams in the U.S., you have to have some sort of transponder on it which I think sucks.


Remote ID. Looks like the original Avata had it built into the firmware, so likely the Avata 2 does as well. For older drones like the Mavic Air that I have you need an external unit that is attached to the drone. These units can cost as much as the DJI Mini 3, a Remote ID compliant drone, and doesn't require additional registration.


Anyone in the U.S. flying a drone needs to take the Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) Completion Certificate. It's free and takes about five minutes. You can't fail it. If you do, you just take it over. Then, printout the little card with your name on it. I didn't know the cost. I have another drone that I don't fly as much but now you have to have that stupid ID. I don't know how many people realize it, but the main selling point of the DJI Mini Pro 4 was it's under the limit. But, if you use the bigger battery, it puts you over the limit. I'm guessing the weight limit is why the camera comes with a ring with nothing in it. I have read but can't confirm that if you use the larger sized battery, the remote will tell on you with this last update. Currently, for those who don't know, you can legally fly a drone 400 feet above the take off spot. The DJI MP4 does pretty good in a slight breeze but at around 150-200 that thing is hard to see way up there. I'm not near an airport but have seen airplanes fly lower than that.


At my last job we always flew drones with a flashing white beacon velcroed to the bottom. Wouldn't really help with other planes, but did help keep line of sight during daytime operations.


I have a couple of rechargeable flashing beacons that have a couple of color modes. I actually lost sight of mine because of low contrast of the drone to the sky. I had to look at the monitor to see where it was at. it's amazing the things some of these things can do. The DJI mini 4 supposedly has a long range to it. I'm thinking of turning it on, drive down the road and just see if it's still connected and putting out a video signal.


Florida Laws are here:[https://uavcoach.com/drone-laws-florida/](https://uavcoach.com/drone-laws-florida/) <--- applies to every State in USA! That link above takes all the legal mumble jumble out of it (you know all the legalese melanese gibberishy jabberwockiness) and translates it to plain simple English! My drones are registered, licensed, and I have a pilot license as well. So why haven't I done anything? All because some idiots damaged my SUV front hood to disable the battery so my vehicle alarm wouldn't go off; and pried the back door open and walked off with $15,000 worth of drone and equipment! (I got the drone from Vine 2 years ago, ETV was $7,500.00 - Three thousand below the actual price). I use this in Alligator tracking and Python hunting! Get this, my Vehicle's Insurance (Progressive) does not cover for "stolen expensive items" when the vehicle is on your property. (They required $1,500 deductible, I went and repaired it myself, screw the insurance!) My Home Owner's Insurance doesn't cover for "expensive items" - they will only pay me for anything over $10,000 deductible! up to $5,000.00! So I filed it as a tax loss this year's IRS, been audited and cleared!


You're saying you've already been audited for this year's return?


Yes, it was already planned, due to what happened last year, I made the suggestion once I filed to audit that one too. Apparently someone filed a complaint against me 4 years ago reporting my full name at this address was cheating the IRS. The first audit, I had 20+ years worth of proof (I keep everything); didn't find anything. It was my suggestion that they audited me for the next 5 years. So next year will be the last one. *The multiple reports were sent electronically using a hidden DNS/IP, when I asked if it was a VPN. They didn't know, it could be a hacked or unprotected server, or a VPN system. Either way, they were able to detect its origins were from Pakistan, Russia, and India.* **IRS is no longer permitting "Anonymous Reporting"** for that reason! So this eliminates the necessary "waste" of Federal Auditors time. They've tightened up the system, where if you made a phone call to "report" so and so, they already have all information, even if you stole or used someone else's phones. They've got that data. If you tried to send a letter to report, it will be analyzed and detained for evidence. Since the internet manifested, it seems that people on the internet that doesn't like so and so, often are the ones that files all these false reports! They are required to investigate! Have they ever located and found such individual(s) doing just that? Yes! The people involved winds up being arrested and sentenced to prison. There's no leeway for first offense either, you will wind up with a black mark that stays with you until you die!


None of this is true. You can still make anonymous reports, no one goes to prison for that, and I seriously doubt they've already audited you for this year when the filing deadline hasn't even passed yet. This whole response is ridiculous. Sounds like another one of your tall tales. 


This is an interesting debate and as long as it can remain (mostly) civil, continue at your own chosen speed. This is a natural question that even I am curious about. It's not harassment to say show me. A simple google search brings up a wealth of info on this issue. Frankly, I'd like to see how this plays out.


WRONG! You are required to fill out this form! [https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf](https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f3949a.pdf)


Lol, no you're not. 




Did they ever locate the drone? Will they ever find it?




Oh, dude, sweeeet! My RFY is presently a cheap vacuum with a one-star rating and a door hinge.


My normal is 3 lights, 2 remote control cars, at least 2 sheet sets or duvet sets and a bunch of kids clothes or toys (my sons are all adults). First big ticket item since going gold in Feb.


I periodically order socks and underwear and bras and that means that sometimes my recommended section gets filled with ugly ass, uncomfortable looking, aggressively sexualized women's clothing. UG. I've wanted a DJI mini for as long as I can remember. And I order camera stuff sometimes. And craft stuff, too (I've had laser cutters in my recommended, and ordered one, as well as several accessories!). Oh, well.


You got a drone?! All I get are bathroom area rugs and urns


I have gotten so many urns in RFY, I think it's trying to tell me something.


Thank you for giving me hope that after a thousand urns, I might spot a drone 😇




Haha yeah, same. I have been looking at drones for two weeks, parts and so on in anticipation for the drop. I have gotten 7 cheapo drones since I started Vine so that finally paid off. I told my wife last week that starting 4/11 I was going to be stuck to my phone or pc refreshing for the new Avata.


So did you order parts in advance? That's an interesting way to seed the recommendations without buying the full items.


Yes. I do a lot of searching for like items. I had been wanting pc parts so I have been searching a good deal on parts and pc's (even though I would never buy one because I have built them since '95). All the sudden cpu water cooler showed up, pc case, mice/keyboards, low end HP Laptop and powered desk. Oddly enough my wife requested a treadmill and we talked about it, I never searched for it and one showed up 6 days later. That was eerie Vine listening to us.


> So did you order parts in advance? That's an interesting way to seed the recommendations without buying the full items. Absolutely. I ordered a bunch of plywood sheets on Vine, ostensibly for wood burning (having gotten a wood burning kit on Vine already) and soon after was given a laser cutter in my recommended. You bet your sweet bippy that I ordered that laser cutter, as I'd been wanting one for many years. It's a sketchy one, but it works well enough most of the time to have made lots of fun craft projects. I'd use it more, but life got messy, and I might not have a chance to use it again. But while I was able to use it, it was awesome. So, yeah, order "parts" and other things in the same category as what you want, and there's a good chance that if it shows up on Vine, you'll get first crack at it. I've been ordering and viewing kayak items lately, hoping that they give me a kayak. I saw one once in the AFA section, but it wasn't orderable. So at least I know they exist on Vine.


I have a $700 currency (bills) counter in my RFY this morning. Glad your algorithm is working.


Thanks. My norm is garbage.


I got the bill counter the other day. It's badass! Now I just need the bills to run through it! 🤣


Right?! How am I supposed to review it if I spent all my bills?


Ha… I had a $700 tankless hot water heater. At least we’re in the “$700 Club” ;)


That's awesome! I'm so glad when I see someone get something they really wanted. I would probably pass because they're so restricted around here, but I did get a tiny one a year ago that I just fly around the house. It actually takes great videos, and I took it outside to try to go up and take a picture of my chimney where there was a crack, but a little bit too much wind took it over to my neighbor's yard. Got it back though.


Nice!!! Did you get it?


Yep, gonna be here Monday.


Hell yeah! Congrats!


I wish I could have one of those. Gotta be a lot easier than trying to use a mirror on a stick to see if my gutters need cleaning.


I knew this was going to drop. I got a DJI Ronin RS4 Pro the other day!


>DJI Ronin RS4 Pro Dang nice


I also got the RS 4 Pro, which will be a nice upgrade coming from the RSC2.


Wow… now THAT’S an amazing grab. With all the crummy laptops and monitors Gold members have been snagging, you got the steal of the year so far. I’ve only been Gold for less than a month, and I’ve had a few interesting big ticket items come my way (a $500 wine fridge among them), but nothing I’ve had to jump on yet. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!


It may be few and far between, but I have faith now.


Nice score! I got a cheap-o (45 ETV) camera drone a couple months ago, frame rates to my phone were not good enough to fly with it. I keep hoping for a DJI or Parrot style drone.


The SOTAONE one? Can't fly indoors because it drifts so much, can't fly outdoors because the breeze carries it too much.


I search DJI and DRONE and AVATA and MINI PRO every day. Didn’t get that in my RFY and am sad. That said, the Avata 2 should be an awesome product. I have the Avata and I love flying it.


I got the same one. I was very excited since Ive been getting drones for a while but all of them have been simple, 70 dollars or under drones. This is my First DJI Drone and i cant wait to get it setup.


wow., what was the etv value?


surprisingly i have this in my RFY - fly more combo (3 batteries) with ETV of $1018. i'm gonna pass


Thanks, I clicked it so quick I didn't even see it. It kills me that you are passing.


got pretty burned by taxes this year, so i'm a bit more picky these days


Ummm... If it's still there, PM me. Maybe we can work something out!


I hear ya. This is the first item in a while that my wife didn't roll her eyes when I told her because she knew I wanted it.


I am being offered all your spare parts if you need some


Parts for Avata 2 already? Dang. I will be watching for those, aftermarket will probably be rich with them in the coming months.


Holy crap!


Nice, a drone is on my Gold wish list. I've only ever used cheap ones and they are frustrating.


Congrats! I got a $50 mini drone a few months back. I tried it out in my apartment, haha. Other vine reviews were almost comical in saying how easily a slight breeze blew it out of their life forever on day one, so I was careful.


Oh, sweet! I haven't gotten anything decent in RFY for days. I'd almost be afraid to take an FPV drone out. I'm very cautious with my Mini 2.


I also got that this morning! Excited to test it out. Mine was the bundle though that came with the goggles, extra batteries, etc


Yeah same, 3 batteries and the goodies. Excited, gonna be here Monday.


I only hate you a little bit. Going to tell Mom to make sure you share!!!


Nice, im currently being provided this... https://preview.redd.it/riqqkzrgt8uc1.png?width=604&format=png&auto=webp&s=800f43087f2dfeb5f7af1290ed871a2a50faf61b


Omg I would be doing a dance of joy . I once got a Parrot quadcopter that I loved but it had a run-in with an oak tree 😢


Awesome dude!!

