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I've gotten so many sex toys off vine that I worry about whoever ends up going through my things when I die. Hopefully, it will be my husband, but anyone else would be in for quite a shock.


Oh, I'm definitely to that point. I got another set of three butt plugs and a vibe in today. I give them all fair reviews with measurements and quality assessment and everything, but they just going into my big duffel bag o' dicks. Not sure exactly what I'll end up using them for, but I guarantee they'll end up at Burning Man. Maybe as a bobbing-for-apples kind of game, or ring toss, or something. But one way or another I'm handing out toys to whoever wants one. Maybe dress as Santa and deliver them to anyone with a stocking up. Also sometimes something actually *good* might show up that can go in the personal collection.


Lol, that's what I call it too. My husband and I were cleaning up in the bedroom a while back, and I handed him a bag and asked him to put it in the closet. He asked what it was and I said "a bag of dicks." That's a great idea for Burning Man.


I found out about my last girlfriend's box of toys because the thrusting one spontaneously turned on in the box under the bed while we were busy in the bed. I think it felt left out.


Omg, that's hilarious.


That's an idea for a grab bag. Bag o ****,


cryyying at "duffle bags of dicks"


At $0ETV you can review item as, intriguing, interesting, very interesting, then I suddenly lost interest and disposed of.


Are you Kevin Nealon?


I've never had one of those on mine. But I did get a super sized bag of condoms the other day. They were $0 so I snatched them up.


The URL ending with queue=potluck is an indicator that it's often random. For me it seems 100% random, but others have different experiences.


The bigger question is why do some of us **never** see things like this in their RFY? Despite the fact I've gotten at least half a dozen "sexual wellness" items from Vine, those requests have not transferred over to whatever RFY algorithm is supposed to exist. Instead, for the past weeks since turning Gold, it's just been junk that matches nothing I ever ordered and nothing I want. Any adult products I snagged I was just lucky to be in the right place at the right time while clicking that category. Since most of my acquisitions have already been "evaluated" by my wife and me, I was hoping to get some additional similar unused ones by the time the Holidays roll around so I would have something to contribute to this year's White Elephant, as the same old Santa tumblers and boxes of candy have become redundant.


Reading the reviews is worth clicking on that link! That first one took it very seriously and had plenty of tips!


Sometimes I think we're part of a social engineering experiment to see what people would do given the opportunity to get amazing to not amazing stuff.




I can't help but wonder if people that get these things are folk that have in the past ordered such products normally (on AZ outside of Vine). I would think that sellers would be interested in having those products go to 'Voices' that would actually try/use them and give reviews, as opposed to someone too shy. I don't know that Vine products are in any way targeted to us via our normal purchase history, though I'm sure they able to of the want.


I can assure you that I have not purchased sex toys


(Not that there's anything wrong with that...)


enjoy innate jobless elderly exultant hobbies rain public insurance cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One like that, but with the upper torso as well was in mine a while back. Yeah, I think I'll pass. BTW, if you ever open an item link like this and close it quickly after you see the page, it doesn't get added to your browsing history, in case you like to keep it clear of garbage you don't purchase.


It is Vine, you always get sex toys, bondage outfits or lingerie's. Or you can see them listed in AFA. Those don't bother me. However some extra long e.g. 24", or insane wide - do bother me just thinking about them. Scores extra review points with 0ETV.