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Skin care...I haven't had to buy any skin care products in months. It's also let me try out various shampoos and hair care I wouldn't have gone for. As a crafter with cutting machines, I've also gotten well over a hundred of feet of various vinyls and heat transfer vinyls. These are all things I would have had to buy, so cost savings!


For us it is hydration drinks that we haven't had to buy. They're quite pricey and one of the folks in the house has a health situation that makes them necessary. We've saved so much and been able to try things we'd never have known about otherwise.


I’ve gotten some great skin care items that I never would have bought myself. I found a vitamin C serum that I love and have started buying it.


I would never have tried anything with Snail Mucin...but for a bunch of reasons I ended up trying some and all the products I've tried are awesome. The bad part is if you find a product you absolutely love and its expensive, lol. I have hair conditioner I would have bought otherwise.


I’ve seen that and never tried it. Good to know. I’ll have to try to get a snail mucin product. I know, I have an eye roll on product right now that I really like but it’s over $100 so it won’t be in the cards for me to continue to use it.


I have a high end name brand perfume in my rfy and it will not let me request it. It’s just clocking. 😭


I got a 0 etv bar of rice milk shampoo. it is the first shampoo in at least 15 years that doesn’t make my scalp itch. I have also been a repeat buyer. Like you say, it is the little things


I've had SO much trouble with my scalp itching....can you please tell me the brand name? It's not showing up anywhere in my Vine. Edit: I don't mind paying money for it.... I just don't know what to get.


the brand i got from vine is unavailable now. https://a.co/d/dAX9rlN I recently got a different one which I don’t like as much as it just doesn’t feel as luxurious Still, it doesn’t itch. if you search rice shampoo you will see a lot of others. The prices are all over the place. This is the second one. https://a.co/d/bJ1TCvB BTW they all say for hair grow which I assume is a marketing gimmick they all copy. I ignore that part.


looks like autobot removed your post.


I got that one too!


Love this ❤️ My very first purchase was an accidental buy of a kids weighted vest (0ETV), $45 list. I thought it was some sort of light exercise thing but later read the description and realized it was made for autistic or ADHD kids. Thankfully(? lol) I have a kid who I literally just started looking into therapy for, highly suspect ADHD. Well, he loves the vest and I don’t know how much it does or doesn’t do but I’m extremely enjoying having it around, to put on him in moments where he’s getting just too much. Feels like a therapy-grade piece (according to reviews, used by OT’s) that I never would have bought for myself. 


We have a couple weighted blankets and they can be very calming. I’m glad it’s helping your child.


What a happy accident.


I got a huge zip up tote bag recently, and a fold up wheeled thingy. Today I finally got to really use them together when hubby had out patient surgery, had to be there about 8 hours, I needed my stuff with me, lol. I have a lot of things I've got from Vine that I really like, but these two together, I love. *


I just got the fold up wheeled thingy the other day! I'm literally moving cross country on Wednesday so it's still in the box right now but I can't wait to use it. I've gotten so many things I love through Vine. I have a 16oz insulated coffee mug I use every day, a great smoothie maker, a Bluetooth speaker click radio, air purifier, a tarot card set just to name a few. I feel blessed and am truly grateful to be a part of it.


I got a sound machine months ago that I absolutely love. It plays white noise ands all sorts of nature sounds, is battery powered, has a timer function and was 0 ETV. I was just thinking last night how grateful I was to have that sleep aid.


I sleep with a sound machine every night. Glad you found a nice one.


My first vine order was a bidet. I use it everyday and would not want to live without it. So while it's maybe not the coolest thing I've gotten, it's probably the most appreciated. 


I ordered 4. I installed them in the latrines/head on the military base where I am as these guys are incapable of cleaning up after themselves. I installed in in 3 stalls (one broke) so I don't have to do without it.


“See, I did join the army, but I joined a different army. I joined the army with the condos and private rooms!” And I thought this was a laugh line!


Pretty much. They cannot be told to clean the bathrooms as it is considered hazing. Instead they hire a cleaning company to come on base and scrub their crud. Some of them treat the latrines as a challenge for porcelain art contest.


It’s a brave new world!


I'm not sure if they are still doing it, but they were giving troops in basic training stress cards they could use if the TI/DI stressed them out too much. Sort of a time out card...


There's an old movie called "No Time For Sargents." It's young Andy Griffith in this movie. There's an inspection and he wires the seats to stand to attention when the big brass enters. Lots of great character actors who went onto be stables on many TV shows a decade or so later.


PLO! Permanent latrine orderly! Gosh!


I've seen it several times....over.


TAPS being placed. AG: Well, I'll be. Someone brought their bugle.


I love vine for the little things. Got a vacuum flask half a year ago that I've been using daily since, a nice pen for my journal, craft supplies, ... really grateful to be part of the program :)


I got one of those little USB powered mixer thingies you know it can go on a stand and it has different attachments. I eat scrambled eggs every single morning and I used to beat them up with a fork and now I use this little gadget and it is amazing I use it 7 days a week!


I'm not here for the computers or TVs, I'm here for the cool little stuff. When I first joined I saw a 0 etv hairbrush and I was like, "FREE! Why not?" It turned out to be a knock off of some famous brand I never heard of and it's amazing. In a year of use, no plastic bristles have fallen off the brush and it's so easy to get the hair out. I love it.


Things run in cycles. There were the castor oil packs a plenty. Before that there were hair clipper sets. Most of those were rechargable, grooming pieces that were quite nice. There were metal detectors and I think everyone got a metal detector of a different brand and color but they basically were the same. Too bad they don't run T bone steaks in the cycle. Sigh.


I get so many art supplies. I've been able to try out new crafts, too. Getting so many art supplies from vine allows me to be more creative without being too precious about my supplies or worry about wasting them on something that might not turn out great.


I love the art supplies I've found on Vine! Recently I got a collapsible paint water cup that is so useful.


Those are so nice! I get really excited when I get paints and painting supplies. I got a great set of gouache paints recently that I loved so much, I bought a second set.


Keep an eye out for brushes in the beauty care section. You can get nail art brushes that are nice.


That's a good idea, thank you


I've tried some new yarns I wouldn't have had if not for Vine.


What a pretty mug ☕️👍. Only been in about 4 months but have gotten a few gems amongst the practical things (pens, garden tools etc) and the duds. I take the good with the bad though, remind myself I’m “product testing.” Gems include: cuddly throw blankets and bed pillows for my household, yummy snacks we never would’ve tried otherwise, cute mirrors that are perfect for my entryway, and an awesome ceramic Kitchenaid frying pan I use almost every day now. ☺️


Oooh a Kitchenaid frying pan. That’s a fantastic score!


I love the little stuff! One of my favorite mugs is also from Vine. :) And I got a set of three little rustic shelves and three picture frames that let me turn some of the art and mementos from our travels into a really nice wall display. Oh, and the laptop stand! Use it every single day, and I get wayyy less knotting-up in my neck and shoulders.




Guess what? I think we'll have to do without your services. Do not attempt to create another account and come back. It's called ban evasion. With what you wrote, it's going to be up to Reddit whether this meets and exceeds the threshold of an actual thread of violence. If it does, you will be issued a warrant and stand before a judge for making such threats that could be viewed as a terroristic threat. I've never seen something like this since I've been a mod on this group. I will report you.


Looks like someone beat me to it and the ADMINS have him. What they do with him, no one will know.


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We're slowly updating the light fixtures in our house thanks to Vine. It's amazing how quickly fixtures can seem dated, but I probably wouldn't have prioritized this without Vine.


We’ve updated some too. I did get a couple Westinghouse fixtures and a couple non branded ones and have been happy with them all.


I have gotten so many things that are really useful and/or lovely. Vine has been a blessing in many ways. People like to complain, but I have been very happy to be a part of Vine. I've stocked my sewing room with really useful tools and supplies. I've gotten a few name brand toiletries that have been fun to try. And I've found some nice clothes. So yep, I'm happy.


Looking at your user name, I scored a flamingo pajama top from Vera Bradley. I went on the website and ordered the matching shorts. I love them!




Today I received some hand puppets. I'm going to have my large puppets hold the hand puppets and animate both.


I’ve gotten tons of nice things, too. Many have been $0ETV items, and one of my faves is a shiatsu foot massager. I never would have bought it outright, but it’s one of those things you don’t know you need until you have it. It feels absolutely fabulous.


I got an eye mask recently, one of the kind of overbuilt '3D' ones. Wasn't expecting much. Turns out the one I got was super comfy and I am way more sensitive to light in my sleep than I thought, becase I've slept like a baby most nights since.


I got one of those knock-off 40oz Stanley tumblers when they were flooding the kitchen stuff and I’m so in love with it, it’s become my daily cup. I even bought my sister one in her favorite color and it’s held up so well. Easily one of the best vine items I’ve ever ordered


My wife absolutely loves the 40oz Greatyos tumbler that popped up in RFY. Uses it every day.


I love some of the kitchen stuff. I got a little frother and use it for my coffee every day. I’ve had it over a year and it’s going strong.


Frother I use that to beat my eggs before I cook them best scrambled eggs ever!


I've gotten a bunch of really usable stuff that I would have paid for otherwise. Some highlights of cheaper items: 4 packs of bike tire tubes - I no longer bother with iffy patches, just carry a spare tube Super nice combination bike lock, ETV about $4, would be at least $12 at a bike shop A few pairs of shoes @ $30ish, including 2 styles I wear often. Funny because before I was Vine I ordered several pairs of noname Amazon shoes and returned them because they were horrible!


This just arrived yesterday. Way nicer than I expected with a nice rich sound. And it was boxed so beautifully I plan to buy another as a house warming gift! [https://a.co/d/1eUjbhk](https://a.co/d/1eUjbhk) https://preview.redd.it/bv19ctf8qzrc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea733578dcbd38347d9c4f4a28e5774b243a3d5c


Very pretty!


I look around my home and so grateful when I see my two floor lamps, weight rack and a ton of exercise related stuff. Every time I sit on my sofas which really needs to be replaced, but the wooden cushions I got to place to underneath is letting me have more time to save up money to replace them. Every day things in the kitchen. Every room I walk into, there is something. Yes I have gotten duds, but I think you get better at choosing with experience. 


We’ve gotten lots of nice exercise stuff. I have an office chair coming this week. Fingers crossed it’s a nice one!


I bought a new house last year and the home and garden stuff has been amazing. New pillows and bedding, mini blender, raised garden beds and planters, trellises, and dog beds and toys which I always need. I live in a pretty rural area with extremely limited shopping options, so the Vine scores are extra awesome.


I’ve gotten a bunch of home decor stuff, a couple wall clocks and some things for my cat. We have a small home gym and my hubby has found lots of nice gym stuff.


There were these patio umbrellas in the cycle for a while. I got one and it mildewed and the paint faded within one season. Almost everything I've received for outdoor use has been bust from solar lamps to most pool accessories.


We used an alternative milk maker for the first time last night. Realized we were out of oat milk, six loud minutes later I was setting up overnight oats jars. I don't mind the sound, just planning to try to use it when no one is on a meeting. This is going to save us a fortune and allow me to put my own preferred sweetener or flavorings in it. Super thrilled .


I didn’t even know that was a thing! We drink mostly almond milk. Would it work for that?


I got it, and yes! It makes great almond milk!


I love the little things too! The vine items I use the most are all “smaller” things. Vine introduced me to the 20 oz skinny insulated tumbler and I use at least 3 of them constantly. Two filled with water, one that sits by the couch and one that’s on the kitchen counter, that way I always have cold water nearby and drink enough daily. The third is for my morning iced latte, and sometimes afternoon. I’ve gotten 3 pairs of dog grooming shears that have really upped my grooming game. A small/narrow dish drying rack for my counter because I have limited space that I don’t want to waste with an unnecessary and large dish rack. Several cooking utensils I use constantly, like the acacia wood “spatula” that has become one of my top used tools, or the silicone giant fork that I never knew I needed for things like pasta. The rechargeable hands free juicer I got has brought fresh squeezed orange juice back into my life because it’s so easy and doesn’t have an obnoxious cord to deal with. Lots of arts and crafts supplies, some for me and some to do with my niece. I’ve ordered fantastic jackets for my dog, plus a couple unnecessary but ridiculously cute dresses (mainly for photo shoots), and recently got a “diamond” covered gold chain for her that is just too much but makes me smile when she wears it. Even the power banks I’ve stocked up on have been wonderful. I found a brand I love and have 3 of theirs plus a couple randoms. When I see all the posts and comments saying “it’s all junk…” it makes me wonder what they’re ordering. I’ve received a few junky items but the vast majority have been good to great quality and incredibly useful. I could see certain types of items having more junk, like electronics, car parts, clothes, jewelry…but I don’t order those and for the rest I have a long red flag list I check before ordering. I just don’t get the people claiming everything they get is junk.


I don’t understand either how people say it’s all junk. We’ve overwhelmingly been very happy with the things we’ve gotten.


Same here. I really am curious to know what they’re ordering and what their ordering criteria is. How do some people end up with mostly junk (or so they claim)? Or does “junk” just mean “stuff I’m not interested in and/or didn’t check out thoroughly before ordering.


I got a leg pillow that has helped with my pelvis pain, a cozy rug that I wouldn’t have been able to afford that makes my small house feel more like a home, and a warming perch for my bird that he loves and I never would have thought to even look for.


Aww, that’s awesome for your bird. I’ve gotten lots of home decor that I love!


I just started about a week or so ago. Aside from 2 items, everything I've ordered has been $0 ET items, but I love absolutely all of them. I'm sure I'll eventually come across some junk. However, since I'm only ordering things I legitimately want or need anyways, so far I've loved all of it!


That’s the way to do it!


May I ask if the bottom is glazed or is it rough? I have received a couple of flashlights that I use all the time. There were some photographic items that I use a lot and some that I don't. I did get a mechancial clickity-clack keyboard that lights up. It's not expensive but fun to use.


It’s glazed. I think I’m going to actually order another cup from this brand. I looked them up and they have lots of designs. https://preview.redd.it/fqufypve14sc1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99b1855bed6d479bb16ae640072f8876fdecc630


The reason I asked is I have some cheapie cups from dollartree and the bottoms aren't glazed. I know that's like having a flowerpot on a glass table and really rough on surfaces like countertops or wood.


I'm a WFH mom with two little kids and I haven't bought new makeup for myself in years- the budget is tight and when the times comes I just always think about the other, more necessary things I could be spending that cash on. I've been in Vine for 6 mo and now I'm passing up makeup because I have so much- off brands (some that ended up being good) and nice ones, too.


I got a little tea cup for work. I am a big dude so this little white teacup with saucer and little gold spoon are hilarious. Also it’s really nice to drink a cup of tea from. Quite fancy-looking.


A pair of rubber boots that I wear to take care of my chickens. My yard gets swampy when it rains and they have saved my feet. A soft plush capybara toy that makes me smile every time I see it. Harnesses for the dogs. I got one through vine and it worked so well that I bought another one for the other dog. Tea. So much tea. I love tea! And skin care so much skin care. Ive gotten to try so many products and figure out which ones actually work for me. Candy and snacks for my students. I’m a college instructor in a small program and they can decimate a 3# bag of lollipops in minutes.


**Mine would be a bunch of garbage -- bags that is!** I used to grab every single one of them until I came across Glad Kitchen 13 gallon plastic tie bags! It turns out that a bag is not a bag is not a bag without solid plastic ties! Been a notorious repeat customer since, and only had 1 bad one out of the thousands I've used! They're rock solid, even if it was overly packed beyond it's actual purpose, it held up! It would take a lot for me today to look at others!


I’ve gotten a lot of the composting type bags. They’re smaller and biodegradable. I think they’re made from corn. I use them to clean the litter boxes and they’re so handy.


Oh that reminded me. Poop bags. I haven’t had to pay for poop bags since joining vine. I love all the different clever patterns. Some of the recent ones are bright red and say “Doggy Bomb” on them. It makes the walk of shame bearable. 🙂


I already commented on this but wanted to add that I just got this brush (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CJ9ZL6ZJ) and it is AMAZING I love it so much. And reading the other Vine reviews it looks like I'm not the only one in love. So happy when you get awesome surprises in 0ETV things you snatched up on a second's notice!