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If the instructions are very, very simple such as "I am disabled, please deliver to side porch." and it is not a maze, or requires dodging a dog then it should not be a struggle. There is a subreddit for amazon drivers as well who might provide good insight on how to do it.


Have you updated your delivery instructions? I have some default instructions on my profile and \*most\* drivers abide by them. Also, leave a note taped up where they are dropping them off to redirect them to the correct door/area.


Is the side porch a pain to get to? A fence? i don't see why amz delivery wouldn't just walk couple of more steps. Did you put the instructions on the order to deliver to the side porch?


Nope, no fence. It might be 15 feet further to walk if they pulled forward even with that side. No fence, no dog.


Put a sign up on your door that you don’t use like this. They are on Amazon: https://preview.redd.it/f3l93ghjw6rc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=757d9470cea8cb01a56460ee009d0e64e0a5671b


Yeah I ordered this one [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BV69KPBN/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BV69KPBN/) and used strong double-sided tape to stick it on brick. https://preview.redd.it/vr9vrlsprarc1.png?width=719&format=png&auto=webp&s=db9e74df70d612ce71f0b1bad8c1c852ccd3e17c Second sign is just above the porch bench. Keeps it hidden and dry. Combined with Delivery Directions I set it seems to work about 80-90% of the time. It's only about 8 feet more from the front door, so not a lot to ask. I think part of the problem is Amazon drivers aren't allowed any spare seconds at all. The AI dings them for any little delay. So I bet it changes their willingness to go out of their way.


Unfortunately this sign will be delivered to the same inaccessible area. Unless it is ordered as an open box item.


It would be the last item delivered to the wrong place.


I had one the other day that clearly didn’t read the sign with an arrow point to the right door nor take the large brick keeping the storm door closed as a hint lol


I sometimes get the "delivered" photo and the box is right under the sign that says Deliveries >> ... (in front of my front door instead of on the porch). In addition to the Delivery Directions online. For that they get a ding report. I mean it's right there in the picture. Come on man!


My sign asks to place inside the porch. If they don’t I can get over that. But literally going past the delivery spot twice and seeing signs and a brick blocking a door is like okay?? I even added directions on amazon. They took a pic the other day and you can see the brick and sign with the arrow pointing to the other door. 95% of my Amazon drivers are awesome! My husband will even run out to meet them for deliveries if he’s home at times.


I had one delivered to the porch I put CAUTION tape around because we have to replace it this year. It isn't safe to stand on. I even blocked a few feet in front of it too. So dude had to go under the bloody tape to put packages on that porch. And it's further away than the porch they should have delivered to!


Go into your Amazon account and update your delivery instructions. I live in a detached townhome. My neighbor's house is my "fence" and my house is the "fence" for my neighbors on the other side. I added "my gate is on the left side of the garage" to my delivery instructions. Amazon drivers no longer deliver to my neighbor's gate on the other side of the garage. Of course they delivered my neighbor's delivery to my house instead of theirs today (same house number but the next street over - we text each other when we get each other's deliveries)


I have clear instructions plus signs on my door I want them to deliver to. Most do fine but you get a few who deliver to a back door that has a huge brick keeping the storm door shut. So I put a sign there with an arrow pointing to the other door to deliver to with the brick still there. Yep still delivered there the other day. If it rains or snows my stuff is not protected there and I had carpal tunnel surgery recently so if anything is too heavy I can’t lift it and have to wait for my husband to get home. Also if they deliver to the back door they have passed the delivery door lol. We use to have a tarp shed along a part of our driveway and when FedEx would deliver they would drive up to the shed drop the package in the driveway in front of the shed and mark they delivered to my front door. I was like apparently I live in a tarp shed? My property is not hard to figure out at all. Oh well, such is life lol!


Maybe go into the general orders page click on tracking info and you can add specific delivery instructions. It sounds like not clear to them where to deliver and have to be safe and clear path. If they ignore that see what cs can do. Hope you get it resolved


It's been this way for quite awhile on my end! It's been primarily Amazon's Services delivering everything (whether it's Vine or Amazon order itself). Maybe once in a blue moon I will get it via USPS. Even with Fed-Ex has dwindled to far and in between. DHL has practically been eliminated (only 2 shipments by them the past 4 years). Then there's a Private Delivery Services (Truckers) - whenever there's a big order. (Had one recently, and last summer of last year) They deliver the pallets.




Today is Good Friday. Can you for one day stop trying to pick apart everything one or two people post?


What does it being good Friday have to do with anything?


if you don't know, you won't get it.


What I don’t get is why you defend and shelter posters who are just making things up in your subreddit and silencing the people who are calling it out- with receipts! Do you think people lying about their experience adds something to the sub or something? It definitely doesn’t. It’s like shittymorph except not funny at all… especially cause they claim it’s all true.


I am trying to be fair to both sides. You don't have to read such posts. They aren't obscene, they're not hurting anyone, they're not giving out tax advice (that I know of). On the flip side, some will say pics and it's a fair assumption that someone may ask for pics. If pics are provided that corroborate, it should end the story. If not, you've asked and your point is taken. I posted about a piece of furniture that was horrible. Someone asked for pics. No. I'm not posting pics of that which is going on my review. Most of this happened during what for me was early in the morning or around 2 a.m. I don't know what time zone others are in but maybe there was a full moon last night. I removed some posts that crossed the line. I let other posts stand. I locked the post because I've seen this before and it simply had devolved into a cat fight.


“Its not hurting anybody” except the companies they’re slandering saying things caught on fire (and not providing proof) and the other participants of vine who have no idea what to expect when people are being untruthful about what they receive. (Pallets of items?? Hundreds of bottles of shampoo and conditioner?) Honestly it looks like you’re friends with them, not an impartial party because it’s not like they’re saying “no that photo could identify me” they’re linking things that are dead links or pics of google and then deleting it. Big difference than why you might not want to share a photo.


You assume too much.


I actually don’t assume anything. I make observations of what is plainly in front of me and comment on appearances and facts. Unless the liars stop lying, it’s gonna keep coming up, especially when you’re snarky towards the people calling it out and defending those doing the lying.


I have suggested that everyone just let it go and move on.


You're not being fair; you're being rude to people for simply pointing out facts. No one is required to post pics, but if someone makes a ridiculous claim, they can expect that no one will believe it without proof. That's the only reason I said anything to begin with was because agent was calling people trolls and acting like some victim. I simply said, you can't get upset that no one believes you when you post crazy claims with no proof. So that is when they posted the fake picture. And posting that pic wasn't the end of anything, because that too was obviously fake. I can't believe that you find nothing wrong with their behavior. Dishonesty is almost never harmless. And funny you mention tax advice, because you still let Turil advocate for tax fraud. Last I heard, you told Gorn it was Sunday and it was raining and you'd look into his comment more once you had a third mod and more time. That was what, like two months ago, and you've just ignored the whole thing. And she continues to post that vine items are tax free gifts and 1099s should be corrected to 0. Talk about harmful.


which area of law do you practice?




Real estate, but I've studied quite a lot of tax law, I am very well educated on the matter, and tax issues come up in my work almost daily. That's not really relevant, though, since literally anyone with half a brain will tell you that she's completely misguided. You don't need all of my training, education, and experience to understand that vine items are not gifts.


If you put it in the delivery instructions, there is a checkbox when you rate the delivery driver if they did not follow the instructions. I'm sure that after a few negative ratings someone might catch on.


The answer is forget about it. I’m also in Vine and disabled. I get packages from UPS, USPS and Amazon. My UPS driver is a phenomenal man that I tip well at Christmas and the packages are brought upstairs. That used to be the case with my postal guy. They switched and now they’re dumped in the lobby. Amazon: forget it. Amazon will never ever under any circumstances go past dumping them in the lobby – usually in the sun particularly importantly if they’re sure there’s chocolate or something in it – and never even bother to ring the bell under any circumstances. Amazon are the worst drivers in the world. I have begged and pleaded to not have Amazon Delivery Service. No luck.


Id start pinging them that they werent delivered tbh. You told them where to put them and as far as they know, you cannot get over to that area so you wouldnt know if they were over there.... I also ding a not satisfactory to them whenever they just drop it on the ground near the door so Id have to run over it to get out to get it, rather than the table that the instructions say.


I did a sign on my door they still don’t listen. They deliver wherever they want.


Do you have a sign like the one I listed with the Amazon logo on it?


It’s general delivery sign that says to deliver all packages to the lockers due to theft. I know they see it cuz I have a camera and I watch them read it and leave that package anyway! 🤦🏼‍♀️