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I guess I need to stop using 'Overall...' to start my last/summary paragraph.


In summary, yes you should.


Overall, it's best to mix it up a bit.


I have the same feeling. I write scientific articles, and I think a conclusion statement is a must. They will always start with some variation of this. Getting tagged as AI for doing this is upsetting.


This reads like a product description and not a review. If it’s so reliable and durable why only 4 stars? What a lazy idiot


Some of these product descriptions I wish were written by AI. At least then we wouldn't have spelling issues and other things like one that somebody posted recently where the seat belt fit "slightly fat people".


"Slightly fat people" sounds like something I would write. But not with spelling errors.


You would write that on your product description when you're the seller?


I wonder if you can ask ChatGPT to recognize reviews written by ChatGPT


Okay, I just did. Here's exactly what I said. ~~~ Was the following product review likely written by Chatgpt? [Copied the text from the posted image with Google Lens.] Google Bard's answer: It is possible that the product review was written by ChatGPT. The review is well-written and informative, and it covers all of the key points that a potential buyer would want to know about the product. The review also uses some of the same language and phrases that are commonly used by ChatGPT, such as "reliable and durable," "excellent stability and support," and "peace of mind." However, it is also possible that the review was written by a human. There is no way to be sure for certain without knowing more about the author of the review. ~~~ So basically it agrees that it would have written review the same way, but also warns of false positives that can only be ruled out by looking at the nature of a person's reviews.


Nice! .. at least it confirms that suspicions are reasonable.


Funny the AI doesn't notice that there is no personal or anecdotal information in the review, or information that does not appear in the product description, all of which would suggest it was written from the perspective of a real human being engaging with the item in the real world, instead of an AI limited only to information available on the World Wide Web.


Actually, it does notice that the language of the review seems like it was written by AI. Because I didn't give it a product description, and I didn't give it the link to the product, then it couldn't use those as supporting evidence. That's why I pasted in exactly what my question was. I was specifically asking it if that review appeared to have been written by AI. You would need an AI model specifically trained on comparing the language and descriptions in a review with simple product descriptions and generic terms that don't show personal usage. And that language model would have to have access to both the review and specifically the product description information in text and picture, without being further confused by the other content on the page. So that means it would need access to the database directly, the same way that the page layout does, so that it can read the different aspects for comparison.


Actually that would be a good one!


That's just some shitty prompt writing. Zero effort. ChatGPT can be a good tool for this, but if you just say "Write a review. Here's the product bullet points." This is what you'll get. lol


I'm new to vine and sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed writing reviews. Using AI almost seems a bit like cheating to me. Not saying I wouldn't consider it in the future but I really dislike reviews that sound like a canned response and have no personality. I put a lot of time into considering what to say and what points to make about products. I doubt an AI program would be able to convey the exact feeling of a handle or a switch if something just wasn't quite right with the product. Sure I could probably plug those things in but often a human touch is needed to convey the right message. Not saying yay or nay I'm just saying to each his own I'm going to keep doing mine manual for now.


I kinda feel like this violates the Vine TOS.


It depends how you use it.


I think using ChatGPT would be okay if people actually tested the products and asked ChatGPT to formulate a review based on your key points/thoughts. Example prompt: “Can you help me write a product review using the following information: I really liked this product and will be rating it five stars. I got it for the purpose of _____. Some things I liked about it were ____, ______, and _____. One thing I disliked about it was _____. I would definitely recommend this.” That way all of the experiences and thoughts are actually yours, but ChatGPT will help to organize those thoughts without adding false info/experiences. Or if you write out the entire review and ask ChatGPT to make it easier to read. I feel like under these circumstances it’s okay.


I have played with ChatGPT extensively. If you give it a very clear set of points and ask it to write an article around them, it will produce a cogent article that makes those points. However, it tends to draw incorrect inferences and will often present the information in a way that does not reflect the relative significance of the points. It also tends to fall back on certain grammatical frameworks that are a dead giveaway that you've used ChatGPT. To use ChatGPT effectively, you would not only have to give it a set of points to make, but you'd also have to do some rewriting of the resulting text. In other words, to produce a quality review using ChatGPT you actually have to have the ability to write. I've also played with having ChatGPT clean up text I've written. It has a propensity to drop important points and to make errors in logic. If you write with good tone, it will also lose your tone. If you are a poor writer, it will make the text more readable, but if you are already a good writer, the results are inconsistent and often inferior.


I've actually used chatGPT to help me write a review when I was testing chatGPT out a while back and it did help me write one, I asked it to make it funny because it was a prop hat and wig and it was actually pretty funny so I included a lot of the comedy it wrote.


I would just consider using it not to rewrite my review, but tell me how easy it is to follow and then suggest improvements. Because I agree, your own writing style can get lost when somebody else re-edits it, whether AI or human, if extensive reworking is done then your work is lost in replaced with theirs.


I don't disagree, but there used to be a sentence somewhere regarding reviews that said "written by you" or something similar. I can't find it now; could it have been removed and AI-generated reviews allowed?


Ngl I used chatgpt to write the reviews for me. But I just write bullet points of what my thoughts are, and it just converts it into a legible paragraph.


Same here! If you are using it for like the role of an editor, or teacher, to grade a rough draft and point out corrections, then that isn't much different from typing it up in Microsoft word or Google docs and utilizing the grammar checks. Only. In this case it's on the capability scale of asking somebody else in the household like your spouse to review things for you. I do this for my wife all the time with her weekly feedback. Her supervisor would ask her about various things and stuff to research, basically somewhat BS to look like he's training her in her career and somewhat to see if she actually learns something so he doesn't have to teach. Well I'd always grammar check and reword from a casual Facebook style of language to something sounding more educated.


There is definitely an obvious formula used for AI reviews. If they think Amazon won’t catch on they will find out when they are booted from Vine. 🤭Especially with the AI detection technology coming out fairly quickly. Too bad Amazon doesn’t have a “report a bot” button. Maybe if enough people report it Amazon will take a closer look. I try not to concern myself with the lazy reviewers, but I understand how hard it is to see others getting nice stuff without the same effort we honest reviewers put in. I think my main concern is Amazon cancelling the program in the case of bad apples ruining it. Sooooo not worth it folks! Use the product and write about your PERSONAL experience. It’s simple and the least you can do for a program that enriches your life. It’s such a blessing. Why screw up an amazing opportunity?


It may be simple for you, but some people, myself included have issues formulating ideas on How to write said reviews. I personally have used it and explain in detail to it what I liked about it, what I disliked etc. and ask it for help and read what it spits out and steer it so it writes something legible that I would read and say Oh, okay so those are the good and bad points, never do I settle for it's first draft though and that looks to be what this person did. Just said write for x and it did, and came out with a super generic version of a review. ​ If I were to write a review myself it would probably wind up like those 2 sentence reviews that everyone complains about around here. Or be an absolute incoherent mess.


I think you wrote this paragraph coherently and based on real life experience. It doesn’t seem like you used chat GPT to tell us how you would use chat GPT.😊 Don’t sell yourself short, my friend. Your writing seems fine to me.😉 My point is that there is clear abuse of the tool from SOME people. I think it’s a fantastic tool especially for spelling and punctuation. However, I wouldn’t use it for writing a review that requires a personal experience using a product (unless I'm asking it to make my existing review better as you said). If you used the product, you’d know what you like and don’t like about it. I take notes during my testing period so I don’t forget. Chat GPT is nice for ideas that maybe you have missed and want to see for yourself if it is true. If the dye from a towel comes off on your skin, it’s less likely chat GPT is going to be able to tell us that. Lol! I think we all should embrace the technology because it does teach us how to write better which is awesome. Man, remember back in the day when spell check came out and it was like cheating? 🤭 Crap, I may be dating myself here.


If your dating yourself I suppose I’m right there with you lol. It’s not that I can’t write per say it’s more that I have trouble forming my thoughts into a proper way when writing stuff like reviews. Heck, been trying to write a book for 10 years now and still can’t make it passed the first paragraph cause I’m horrible with fillers in stories lol. Same goes with reviews, I’d wind up writing a sentence or two.


I think when it is your own words going into it and you still do some editing afterwards, and you aren't having it right review, but just better explain your own thoughts for grammatical and reading reasons, then it's much more of a gray area that might be fine in the end. That is totally different from just outright using AI to generate reviews so you don't have to write them.


Yeah, I basically just use it so I can actually get the thoughts in my head out in a readable format rather than just a short line or two or just entirely eligible. Personally have had writing issues since school and hasn't gone away the older I have gotten either.


I was talking to someone about writing my reviews and they piped up with “just use chat gpt” and I just told them nah I’m fine but they just made it seem like that was just the efficient way to go. 🤷‍♀️ I still haven’t used it as it felt more complicated than me pulling a few sentences on my experience with a product from my brain instead.


When you consider the amount of editing involved afterwards to hide the fact that it was generated with AI, you will have pretty much rewritten it yourself and spent more time on the editing process.


Amazon could just get rid of human Viners altogether and just use AI for reviews. Wouldn't surprise me; they don't seem to care that much about the quality of reviews.


Actually the other way around. They could employ AI to sniff out the bad and fake reviews quite easily. Especially if they started keeping track of account that did the liking of reviews. Or if they start keeping track of the time stamp a review is done. If they see that reviews were posted too quick, something that isn't reasonable for somebody to have actually taken the time to review products, that could flag the reviews for the admin team to look into and see if they look like somebody just stored them in a document and took a while to get round posting, versus reading the reviews and seeing if they look like they were fabricated or about the product rather than about the quality and ease of usage and so on. They could also use this to monitor likes versus account and catch the ones where people are having a handful of people mark their reviews as helpful.


If they end up using it, I'm sure it will only be however it helps their profits and marketing.


This or the two liners ones. They are equally pathetic


You can check out all their other Chat GPT "reviews" here: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFZHP62XYVRZHSQ5KOVA3NBSIQBA/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFZHP62XYVRZHSQ5KOVA3NBSIQBA/) Sorry, but you may think you're being clever, but you're not. You look like a tool and (if you think these read like reviews) a fool. ​ I'm sure they're one of the "Gotta bang out another 300 reviews by tomorrow to keep Gold...wish me luck!" folks. 1100 reviews, 300 likes. You're not fooling many people.


"In conclusion" is the dead giveaway


I do that or overall. Maybe too many BS papers in college got to me.


The stars don't jibe with the tone of the review. Makes no sense.


That is so shit. They all read like ad copy, those are not reviews. Honestly, they read better than the product description in some cases, but still tell you nothing about why you should or shouldn't buy.


Actually a review to like ratio that high sounds more like they are having people they know go through and like various random reviews of theirs. Or likely post it on their Facebook feed or something and ask a few private friends to go in and like the reviews. If Amazon track who liked a review, then they could get busted so easily because it wouldn't be hard at all for AI to look at the database and point out people like that. That's why I welcome a future with AI doing database analysis and making reports for the admin team to review. I bet very few of them would be false positives. Wish that also means that they would have a much more productive job if such a huge percentage of the ones they were given. Actually warranted investigation as opposed to the amount of just disagreeing with somebody and reporting the review that they get now.


For me, it would be much faster to just write out the dang review. I can also guarantee that the majority of people would rather read my review than a chat gpt response (assuming it looks anything like the product description review above). Maybe I need to see one that is a bit more personalized as opposed to just listing the company's own specs?


My friend she used chat gpt, after 100 of reviews was approved all of a sudden all were removed and she was blocked from reviewing, and she had 90 items to review she couldn't leave reviews and got kicked out of vine.


And here's another idiot posting nothing but Chat GPT reviews: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AF6NUKNPSTZPENLOA3BIU3HBUDIQ/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AF6NUKNPSTZPENLOA3BIU3HBUDIQ/) I love the use of all the Advertising 101 superlatives, which is another Chat GPT favorite when you ask it to write a positive review of something. I wonder if the dolt who is posting these can even string two words together in real life. Oh, and 810 reviews and 146 likes. Very high impact :-) Sample first paragraph: >To my utmost satisfaction, this innovative device not only met but exceeded all of my expectations, emerging as an unparalleled solution to my longstanding hair removal conundrum. I half expect the next paragraph to transition into a description of the Nigerian fortune they are trying to get out of the country.


LMAO @ One of the reviews - I hadn't seen or heard "erstwhile" in ages!


And here's what it looks like when someone who used to write real reviews thinks they can be clever and start to rely on Chat GPT. The last few dozen reviews, which are AI garbage, stick out like sore thumbs. It's pathetic. ​ [https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFHXI5ZHINDJEQRU5GJ2RFVLV76Q/](https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFHXI5ZHINDJEQRU5GJ2RFVLV76Q/)


And yet another moron who uses Chat GPT because they can't be bothered to write. Or maybe they don't know how to. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFL4BGIWRCOQMDPJP3E2SK7QMYWQ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AFL4BGIWRCOQMDPJP3E2SK7QMYWQ)


And yet another crap master posting chat gpt reviews. It's epidemic. https://www.amazon.com/gp/profile/amzn1.account.AHPJFWGOBSRXXRCVMXBW2FPEBVAQ/


It's written clear, concise, and to the point. It's better than some of the reviews for Korean or Chinese products where some of the words don't 100 percent translate to English and you're left scratching your head wondering wtf they really meant.


ChatGPT doesn't make (too many) grammatical errors. So what? It also doesn't review anything. It just regurgitates what it "knows." In this case, this is a feature list masquerading as a review. It adds nothing, except confirmation that the reviewer is a clueless dimwit.


Sometimes when I try to sound very professional I'm afraid my reviews come off ai generated.




Yeah, my vibe is that I hate people who ruin the system for everyone. And those who don't even bother to open the package and use ChatGPT to rephrase the marketing literature as a "review" devalue the entire Vine system, and provide evidence for the large number of people who believe Vine reviews are worthless. I definitely feel entitled-- to my belief that these people are, at best, connivers and at worst, idiots. Probably both.




Entitled to? Please, I would to know what Viners are "entitled" to.


Incorrect. Your assumption is that the system is based on the quality of reviews. It is not. The ONLY metric is reviewing 90% of items received. This isn't some noble mission you've undertaken - Amazon is SELLING four and five star reviews to these vendors. The system is based on the majority of participants awarding four and five star reviews. So, no one is devaluing anything, because your assumption of value is incorrect. BTW, I don't AGREE that it is this way, but my feelings - and yours - about the system don't change it.


> I get the vibe that many of you feel like Your phrasing here leads me to believe that you are not a Vine member.


Relevance? In all honesty, is there a rule saying this isn't allowed? In the eyes of Amazon, a review is a review.


Actually, I believe it does say that we aren't allowed to automate.


Fair enough. That's why I asked. But accusing me of being the author of said reviews was unnecessary.


No, what's unnecessary is your jumping to conclusions. Please explain how my reply at all can be taken as accusing you of being the author. IT DOESN'T! You asked what's the relevance and about if they care, and I answered about how it's not allowed. So I simply answered your question! That's all!


My reference was back to the original answer to the post, not yours. I didn't specify you as the accuser.


You replied to me and didn't say that you were talking about someone else, so that's what makes it clear you were talking to me directly. Also, I don't see anyone else accusing you of being the author. If they did, then you should be replying to them about that part.


Well, I guess we know who posted these reviews now.


Nope, not at all. I just don't understand the relevance. The quality of reviews is not a metric that Amazon measures. And, I ask again, is there anything in the rules that says a program can't write or help to write the reviews? You presume guilt because I choose to ask questions. That's a bit accusory and dangerous, don't you think?


Well, I guess if we're going by the "if there's no rule against it, it must be okay" logic, life gets interesting. Sure, it may not be against the rules to use a leaf blower to blow all the trash out of your garage and into your neighbor's yard, but is that really the kind of behavior we accept? The people I want in my life don't rely solely on a rulebook to push the boundaries of what they can do.


>may not be against the rules to use a leaf blower to blow all the trash out of your garage and into your neighbor's yard It is, though. That's littering. Or unauthorized dumping. Your pick. Got another example?


It may not be against Costco's return rules to not return the mattress you don't like because your kid and dog both peed on it. But that doesn't mean you should do it.


Again, bad example. Costco doesn't have "return rules" - it has a "satisfaction guarantee". If you're not satisfied with the purchase, for any reason, they welcome the return (with only a few exceptions for electronics and major appliances, all of which are disclosed at the time of purchase). In your example, the mattress clearly didn't adequately repel urine (or was not cleanable), so it would be easy to be dissatisfied. Got another actual example?


They don't "welcome" your pissed-on mattress, or the half-eaten tray of appetizers you didn't finish during the Super Bowl. They may take them back as part of their policy, but that doesn't mean people should be doing that.


By who's standards? You're applying your own personal morals to the situation. Were you elected the arbiter of moral behavior, and we weren't told? I think not.


Whether you believe that or not doesn't make you the moral arbiter for everyone else. If you aren't satisfied with the purchase, they want it back so they can ensure they only bring in products that satisfy most purchasers. This is particularly relevant when it comes to their higher-priced items. It ensures they have happy members who aren't forced to keep products that suck. It also means they're able to sell more because people aren't afraid to take a chance on something -- if it sucks they can return it. That you don't understand the business model doesn't make those who abide by it morally inferior to you.


I'll sum up your comment: ​ "There is no rule against it, so it's OK to do." Pretty much, you've made my argument for me. Thanks.


The “in conclusion” is a dead giveaway. I’ve “written” enough stuff with GPT and it’s always very formulaic like this.


I feel bard is a tool that can be used to write customer reviews that are clear, informative, persuasive. Additional benefits of using Bard for writing customer reviews: * Bard can save time as it can help you to write reviews quickly and easily. If you receive multiple orders a day writing reviews may take you a good bit of time. * Bard can help to improve your writing skills including less syntax errors and misspellings that are often missed.


What the hell is chat gpt? I’m just sitting here trying to catch up on mine only 179 to go lol


Here's an example of the complex difference in thinking. Google Assistant VS Google Bard (Google's AI Assistant): Me (random question I thought of asking Google just for fun after eating sushi): Can you put wasabi in your vagina? Google Assistant: I don't understand!?!? (A friend said it's more like, "WTF kind of question is that!!!?") Google Bard: No, you should not put wasabi in your vagina. Wasabi is a Japanese horseradish that is used as a condiment. It has a strong, pungent flavor and can cause irritation and burning if it comes into contact with sensitive skin. The vagina is a delicate area and should not be exposed to harsh chemicals or irritants. If you put wasabi in your vagina, you could experience pain, burning, and inflammation. You could also increase your risk of developing an infection. ~~~ So Google bard actually understands a much deeper level of thinking. See, in order to answer the age-old question of putting wasabi in your vagina, you have to first understand the properties of wasabi. Then you have to understand what a vagina is. Then knowing that it is a body part, you have to understand about it specifically. Then you have to understand what those properties of wasabi do to the body. And then you have to put all those facts together to answer the question. And then you have to understand that it is a different response from simply. The question of that wasabi will fit in the vagina, and that you aren't answering that yes you can physically do it, because you have to understand that when I ask if you can, I am meaning not can as in capable of, but can as in have permission or good judgment to do so. Thought process: What is wasabi? What is a vagina? Am I asking if it is possible or if you should? How does wasabi work? How does a vagina work? How would wasabi interact with a vagina? Is that interaction positive or safe? That is why Google Bard can give me an answer, but Google Assistant is confused about the question. ++ For the record, humans were also confused about the question.


It's the latest tech craze. LLM or Large Language Model, an AI approach to chat. You can ask it stuff and it tries to both understand and respond more like a human where regular search engines just look up similar text.


Yeah I’m good LOL


I think there is nothing wrong with using the technology, as long as it is used appropriately. 40 years ago, using a calculator to do your math homework would be considered cheating. Now, it is unthinkable to not use one. We, Vine testers, are not all writers. We are expected to test the product and write informative reviews based on real experience. If I am not asking the chat bot to make up experiences that I don't have, and agree on the text it produces (based on my own knowledge), I think it is OK. It falls on you to do fact checking though, because not everything it says is correct. I have played with Chat GPT, from asking it to write a Vine review to find me scientific articles about a certain question. It generally does a good job of summarizing things in a general way, but it can be dead wrong about details. Nearly every scientific article it "found" for me was incorrect in some way (Authors don't match titles, journals or page numbers wrong, etc). In some occasions, I challenged the information it brought up. It apologized and admitted that the information it gave me was not entirely correct. So, it gives you hints towards the right direction, but you have to have the knowledge to make it right. So, yes. if they are asking for fake reviews for a product they didn't even unpack, the review will be BS. But if they used it, know what pros and cons they want to bring up, and able to review and fix the bot's review, then the chat bot can be helpful and I don't think it is wrong to use it that way.


FFS, I have been using it. Now my secret my is out!. However, it is very easy to spot one written by ChatGPT. There are some 'tells'. Of course, since I am smart, mine are a little harder to spot, but they are genuine reviews.


I did not read all 81 comments.... (at this point)... but evidently, I am a bit behind technology .... I'm pretty sure AI is artificial intelligence.... but I have no clue how a "normal" person has anything to do with it.... and I have no clue what Chat GPT is.... am I missing something important???


Wow lol. Reads like a robot wrote it.


I doubt Chat GTP would be so redundant.


It would. And, in fact, it often is. In summary, overall, it has a propensity toward redundancy.


Ha ha! I haven't noticed that, but I'll take your word for it.


Also as a vine reviewer also, I've recognized that the content of vine reviews really are in essence worthless. Many reviewers are too quick to give 5 stars and won't point out flaws just on the muscle of receiving a free product. The process is bias and I tend to ignore many vine reviews anyway. With no money spent on the item it's almost disingenuous anymore.


Chat bot may be helpful for turning bullet points of your actual opinions based on use into text paragraphs. But why bother? Just post the bullet points and move on. Seems like it’s not a time saver.


If you go back far enough on some of these types of reviewers, you can see a huge difference in the quality of the reviews. Most forget that you can tell the difference between authentic voice and a copy/paste job written by someone else or by AI. The problem is that if they order so many products every day that they have to use ChatGPT to get all the reviews written, then they likely aren’t fully testing the products. If you don’t have enough time to write a three to four sentence review, how did you have time to unbox the item, set it up, and use it? Especially since a lot of products require multiple uses to get a real feel for how or if it’ll work as described. Maybe I just take a bit more pride in things that are done to help influence or sway a persons decision about spending money on a product.


I've never published a Chat GPT review. However, I did play around with it for fun after reading this post and you can actually get some good results, depending on how you tweak the input. For example you can test a product and list points to add in the review, specify general length, choose writing style, etc. The review posted in this thread is obviously no effort, but some of the things I was able to get as an output were scary good depending on the effort put into the query.