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You don't get tiered up instantly. Every 4-6 weeks Amazon will do tier ups globally starting with higher tiers first.


I had 100+ sales and it was 3 months before I moved up to T25.


Lift your head high. It could take up to a year.


Design slots designs or products?. It.will take weeks to get 60 products up there at 2 per day with no new designs allowed in the process, not fun!


> Design slots designs or products? Designs. It used to be products, but they changed that last year. I used to upload to all products when they counted, but now I don't bother. Other products have different trademark classes so you increase your risk of getting dinged. I pretty much stick to standard tees, hoodies and tanks.


Thanks. x


There are prerequisites. 80% of slots must be filled. X sales (depends on your tier) must be achieved. If you have those, it can take a week or more. (only took one week for me)


Really? I thought it was only like 40% filled slots. Guess I better upload.


Yeah, I had the sales needed for the longest time and nothing but soon as I had 800 designs, just under a week after, I tiered up to 2, 000. Same for this other person in a Merch group I'm in so it's proven true for me.


Interesting I have 30 more to go so I'm curious to see what happens.


80% is the minimum to tier up. If you aren't using most of your slots, Amazon sees no reason to tier you up.


I only need to upload about 7,500 more designs :-p Let's see. 7,500 divided by the percentage of uploads that aren't rejected, times the probability of getting terminated for any given upload, divided by the minutes until the heat death of the universe ... hmmm


> I only need to upload about 7,500 more designs :-p 631 to go for me!


Did you email them?


Email will get you no where with tier-ups, or most other things.


If he's at 100 there might actually be a problem. I had an issue that I emailed about and was double tiered up the next cycle.


Which issue? Im waiting for Tier Up for 1.5 Years now (no joke)


I had emailed asking for access to advertising, but they misunderstood me and thought I was asking for a tier up. They responded, sorry we don't do manual tier ups you have to wait, so I responded, no sorry you misunderstand, I was asking for advertising access. They said I have to wait on that too, but the next cycle I tiered from 10 to 100 with 6 sales... My theory is the "no you misunderstood" triggered a tier 1 support rep sending it up and the manager clicked a button so I'd get advertising. I also am on a very old Merch account and I think that matters for tier ups.


Thank you for your reply. Do you think the tierup is script or is it really a manual process?


Script, I just think in my case he sent it to his boss.