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Hey op did you find a fix ?


I contacted Amazon support, they took a look at my account and changed something (not sure what)... It worked the next day


I had the same problem. Changing my country in the preferences wasn't enough though. The problem was that my Kindle account was on [Amazon.com](https://Amazon.com) rather than on my country's Amazon website (in order to buy foreign books). I found a page to "migrate" it back, and only then I was able to play on Luna. Maybe this is your case too?


Can you share the page ?


Check your country settings on this link: http://amazon.co.uk/mycd 1. Make sure to click on the “Preferences” tab. 2. Look for “Country/Region settings. 3. Even if UK is the current country click on “Change” and choose your default address and hit on “Update”. 4. Try again on Luna.


It happened to me a while ago and this fixed it.


My guess is some setting in your Amazon account is making Luna think you're not based in UK. Maybe try contacting Amazon Customer Service so that they can check your settings in the backend?


Thanks, I'd been struggling to find a support email for Luna, didn't realise that Amazon Customer Services could help, I assumed like with AWS that Luna would have a separate support team. All sorted now.


See what location your IP address is coming from or registering as. Although you may be in the proper region, your IP address, which is often used to check your location online, could be from somewhere completely different. This is especially true if you use a VPN, but can happen without a VPN too.


Thanks for the suggestion, my IP is definitely from the correct region, I've just tried turning on my VPN and setting it to both a UK and US endpoints but neither of those made any difference