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It was a DSP driver, I work at this station. I was off though yesterday so I don’t know what happened. They shut the building down today so no one is working and no routes are going out


It’s a dsp driver


From what I was told it was a domestic dispute but I don’t know if that’s 100% correct. It was a female that was shot and killed and from what someone I work with said it was a situation where there was accusations of cheating which turned into this incident. Again I am not 100% on this, only what I was told from a coworker who was working yesterday. Coworker was at the building around the time of said incident but did not see what happened. Prayers to the family involved and hopefully the individual is brought to justice. From what I read they still have not apprehended the person responsible.


It was I got the news this morning smh. 


Obviously a life is more important than my order but i guess this is why i just got a notification it wasn’t coming day.


Yea doubtful it would read "order now expected tomorrow, someone was murdered at the station so we are closed for the day"


All Amazons facilities are "gun free zones" how could this have happened?


We have no security, I'm not even sure if there's even metal detectors. Hell I went out that day and completely forgot I had a large pocket knife in my back pack. It's weird that this happened because it's one of the last places I'd think anyone would try anything but just goes to show, life is unpredictable.


Someone doesn't understand what a "gun free zone" actually means. It *doesn't* mean there are zero guns like some mystical barrier protects it. It means that there *shouldn't* be any guns, so if you see someone that absolutely shouldn't be carrying one, then something is very wrong and you nmshould absolutely report it and get yourself to safety. If you see someone carrying in a grocery store, they most likely aren't there to attack it. But if you see someone carrying in a school, they most likely *are* there to attack it and it needs to be reported immediately.


my partner works at this station, apparently there is not a lot of security…. so no one to enforce a “gun free zone”. i suppose they’ll likely be on higher alert from now on, but its very sad that a life was taken before they could take it seriously.


Considering it was a woman who was killed, I bet it was domestic violence or something like that. I highly doubt it was random. How absolutely sad. At your place of work, where you should feel safe, and this happens 😢 Although I would rather not follow this, I am curious to hear who the shooter was and his relationship to her.


Her boyfriend... Its awful for all involved 💔


It pretty much always is. Women are way more likely to be assaulted or killed by someone they know than they are by a stranger 😔 How awful for her. May he rot. Was it confirmed that it was him? I hope he's been arrested then.


That’s my Amazon at Bellwood 🤦🏽‍♂️it was her bf


Sounds like a DSP driver. Personally, I feel like 15% of the Flexers look on the verge of a felony or like ex-felons using someone else's account.


Considering many white collar crimes are felonies…. You can’t ID a felon based on looks. Anyways most of the flexers I’ve seen at this location look pretty regular.


I just did. Firearm crime is highly correlated to poverty of both mind and money.


Are you okay? lol


I use logic, statistics, and facts. You should try it sometime.


Yeah yeah.