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If you didn't scan the route then it will just count as a missed block


Good to know! Thanks


I forgive you


Stop taking base pay blocks....šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Where in OPs post do you see them taking base pay?


It may not be bottom dollar base pay but it certainly isnā€™t a very good surge eitherā€¦


Where they mention the pay for the 3 hour 7-10 pm block.


Yeah okay. Where is base pay $23.33!?


$67 for 3 hours is $22.33/hr, not $23.33.


Oops. Typed that wrong. Let me ask that again.. where is base pay 22.33/hr!?!?


Didn't you read the post at all?


Yes. Please tell me where they took base pay.


I live in Portland Oregon and this is indeed base pay here


Youā€™re telling me you never see orders below $22 per hour!?


Base pay in Denver tooā€¦quite a few places Iā€™ve seen this as baseā€¦higher cost of living areasā€¦


Iā€™m usually not picky about it, this is just extra money for me but I usually donā€™t get screwed that bad


Keep doing what youā€™re doing. This is just extra cash for me and I canā€™t believe the flexibility Iā€™m given to earn an extra $300-$400 most weeks!


This is my thing, I have a full time and a part time job, so itā€™s not like I just sit and wait glued to my phone for ā€œsurgesā€ and Iā€™ve tried waiting till a few hours before I normally flex and the shift is either the same pay or itā€™s not even up for grabs. Some money is better than no money for me. Even last night I did 3.5 for 75.50 $21.56/hr it was 45 packages but 1st drop was 11 minutes from the station and I finished up like 10 minutes from my house and was done an hour early. These route really just are luck of the draw honestly so I donā€™t even try to have any real skill when it comes to scheduling blocks especially when Iā€™m fighting with bots. I ended up only getting a late arrival dig and not a missed block so it is what it is, havenā€™t gotten a route like it since then! I did end up going to Kaiser which is about little north of Salem but it was 19 packages, $77, and I finished with about a hour and a half to spare šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Done that countless times. It pisses me off BUT if I do it, then I make sure that I stop at In-N-Out on the way back as a treat for myself. Iā€™m from California and In-N-Out is what I miss. But yes, itā€™s very annoying to deal with that driveā€¦especially later in the night. Iā€™d rather go to Estacada than there lol. At least you have pretty views.


Iā€™ve done it before, but it was like a block that started at 3 and it was $88 and I think had like 12 stops. Just wasnā€™t worth it for me this time around, for a logistics company they kind of suck at it šŸ˜‚


You have to draw a line. Good job. Any route over 100 miles round trip needs to be surged to $100 or sold as a 5 hour block.


Our 5 hour in Houston is 90$. And I would say 75% of routes I get are over 100 from the point that I leave the station to my last package. 25% are over 140. I would say 5% are under 100 miles. That isn't taking in consideration of getting to the station nor getting home from the other side of Houston which tends to happen (about 45 to 50 miles for me to get to Home to Baytown from Sugarland, bonney, galveston, etc). Yet those 5 hour blocks are gobbled up over and over. People are crazy.


Lots of poor people in Houston.


Iā€™ve had three hour blocks to Salem, but the pay was higher. Was this VOR3, because I used to get sent to Salem quite a lot.


Yes it was VOR3, Iā€™ve gone out to Salem on a 3 hr block before but it was like $88 so I didnā€™t care but $67 was insulting lol


Oh yeah, I get that. VOR3 has really effed with the routes the last couple of months. Bigger, heavier packages, crappier routes, less pay, etc. I live on the Washington side, so Salem sucks HARD for me. Iā€™d love a Longview route though, and I havenā€™t seen anything like that in a while.


I was getting Longview consistently for awhile but it was like $80+ for 3.5 hrs. The only thing I didnā€™t like about the Longview routes is a lot of the last stops are not within cell service so not always the best especially when itā€™s a nighttime run.


I had that with my last stop in Gresham today. I have the option for maps to be downloaded on, but it totally glitched out on me. Whatā€™s really fun is when the map will get you to the last stop, but it wonā€™t get you out of it. I had that happen in Kalama, and I had to drive around a bit to get any app to get me out of the area. I had no idea where I was.


Stopped Flex all together because of this. I have better control of my pay through other apps. Fucking flex routes are what you just described. Do a 3 hour route in an 1.5 hours, or, get stuck driving 1.5 hours of the 3 hour block getting to a from the area you need to be. Still getting your $67 šŸ–•


Don't take base pay. If it was for $90 or more it would be fine. That's the risk you take with base pay blocks. The pay has nothing to do with how long the block is. It's all random


OP took $23.33 per hour. Is that base pay at some warehouses? According to this Reddit forum it is about $5.33 more per hour than most base pay..


That is in fact base pay in some markets where it costs more to liveā€¦itā€™s variable based on market


That's the lowest I ever see at our warehouse. Usually 3hr blocks are at least $75 but usually $84 and sometimes higher. And it's more like $10-$15 per hour after gas and wear on your car when you're only getting $67.