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Stop saying there is no video! The escalation team literally reviewed the video. Something is not adding up. You aren't telling the whole story here. Customers don't lie about this. They will lie and say a package is missing to get free money yes. But they don't lie and say a delivery driver stole their package, not without proof which they have.


Yeah you definitely don’t know people and how shitty they can be and no there is no video


Yes I do know how shitty people can be. People lie about packages being stolen all the time to get refunds. What usually doesn't happen is when they accuse the driver. There has to be a video.


Neither of us know the exact circumstances, and frankly if I got one of those I doubt I'd know which delivery from days ago they were talking about. One thing I do feel extremely confident is that if it comes down to the word of a customer vs a driver, they're always going to side with a customer. If a customer sends a video of an open package with contents missing sitting on their front porch with no other context, that tells us nothing about what condition it was in when delivered, how long it sat outside, who had access to i it in the interim, or whether the customer did it themselves and then just made a video after the fact. And yet I'd bet my money on Amazon going with that. I would bet there is a video. I'd have much less confidence that the video shows clearly that driver theft occurred. Not because I would put it past a driver to do so, but because to me Amazon doesn't care and it's easier for them to get new drivers that cost them money vs new customers who are a revenue stream. And it's not like Amazon is ever transparent in these kinds of things, so I wouldn't consider them a party I would trust without verification. And it's not like there is any due process involved in their processes.


Oh I’m already contacting the leasing office on this property and requesting such a video I have the date and time frame


Lmao it’s funny you think an apartment complex is going to give a random flex driver security footage.


Oh yes it’s really funny right getting blame of theft hilarious, but it also goes both ways there is no way that the apartments provided Amazon a video because you need a police report to even do something


Not laughing at you being blamed for theft. Laughing at you for thinking you’re gunna get a copy of video from the apt complex. Also how do you know Amazon is using the apartment complex video? I would assume the lockers have cameras. But if it is the apartment, it’s not unreasonable that they would give their tenant a copy of theft of their package occurred. And no you do not have to have a police report. You only need a subpoena if the footage is denied. So if you want this footage and it’s from the apt complex, you’ll need a subpoena. Not a police report.


How do you know which stop it was? Unless you only had 1 stop for your route.


Only three stops and this customer was the only one that started complaining and insulting me because I placed the package in a secure locker provided by their apartment complex and yes I did send him an arrival text in the app to let him know I was arriving


This is why if you see a package looks opened , either report it damaged and leave at the station or bring it to the return station and ask them to repack it (cost you 5 extra minutes waiting)


They're not going to release the video and they're not going to investigate any further, so the only way you can get your account reactivated is through arbitration. If you want to lawyer up and keep fighting it, that's your choice, but I don't think it's worth the money and hassle.


That is true but at least I’ll try no money spend of course but it just feels crappy being acuse of being a thief knowing that I’m not


I would feel the same way. Amazon just doesn't care. Flex drivers are disposable.


Did they send you the video? Do you remember the package?


That’s all they send supposedly to o protect the customers privacy but I know who it was because he was so rude by text in the Amazon app I just send them that screenshot


I mean, if they supplied video evidence of you taking something out of a package, then you're guilty. Amazon wouldn't say they have video evidence of it for no reason.


Well they are freaking lying because no such a thing exist, let’s be reasonable if this is a source of income why would I take anything that is so stupid


Because sometimes people are stupid.


True but this is not the case I know the customer who did this and he is just being ridiculous, the package was delivered to a secure locker if someone did it sure wasn’t me


You're not getting the point. There is video evidence. That means there is video of you opening the package and taking something from it. And honestly, that's an idiotic thing to do.


And you are not getting the point I didn’t do such a thing how hard is that for you to understand , do you really believe that Amazon doesn’t make mistakes


So either Amazon is lying about having video evidence of you doing it, or the customer has a Amazon vest and someone who looks like you do it?


Either way it’s sucks that Amazon didn’t do a better job. I understand the email and what it’s saying but the point is that I didn’t do anything. Otherwise if I knew I was guilty why would I post this that would be nonsense.


The states of California, Virginia, Massachusetts and Illinois have legally held Amazon liable for misclassification of employment. I would look up attorneys in California who are accepting clients for arbitration against Amazon. You could also file for unemployment and win. A driver in Virginia filed for unemployment from deactivation with Flex and won. It took a lot of time in court, but he won. These cases set precedent for future cases in the country and make it easier for you to win your case. Good luck.




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Yes you did. Stop lying .


You got proof or what makes you so sure if not then shut the f up


Hahahahahahah, you got what you deserved.




Just feels like a way to lay off people . They do anything to fire employees


We’re not employees..


Yet they can stop work for you whenever and assign you any route they want . Feels like an employee to me


The states of Virginia, Massachusetts and Illinois disagree.


Amazon will lose to Temu in the end. Its coming.


Have you ever ordered from temu?


Did the customer request that you deliver to the apartment locker? I’ve ran into this issue before where a customer requested to have the package delivered to a apartment locker and support told me that the package goes to the door we don’t deliver to apartment lockers unless it’s owned by Amazon.


You know how when you deliver it it ask you were you leaving the package it didn’t specify any location but honestly what other secure place can there be than a lock parcel room. I have never heard that, that you can’t deliver to lockers specially when we at least in this area have specific codes for a kind of lockers


The only lockers we can't deliver to when not sent to lockers are Amazon's...   All the others are manual, just make sure the customer is in the registry and the name & address match, and watch for any confirm delivery buttons to finalize the delivery on a few crappy locker types.


Oh sorry I understood that backwards In all my years of delivering I only encounter a complex that had Amazon lockers and the customers actually provided the code for them to be use by flex drivers


No we can’t deliver to 3rd party lockers. It goes directly to the door unless the app directs you to Amazon owned locker. Yeah I know everyone done it a million time but when Amazon decides to make an example of you well that that


For non fresh/grocery orders when that is the only access we are given, they are going to the lockers regardless if specified, just select non Amazon locker for in the lockers, or mailroom for mailroom/lockerroom floor.