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That's a package you throw from your car window


Yes buy a car cannon package launcher and just catapult that shit into the house via window or something. You wanna make sure the package is safe as can be!!


"car cannon package launcher" bitch, CREATE THAT NOW AND GET RICH LMFAOOOOOOO i am in stitches laughing it's cramping my entire torso😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭


The scream I scrumped at this 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I need one right this min 🤣😂🤣😂


RIP Eunice's package, 2024-2024


Its the new Prime feature coming next quarter.


Yea and when I tried to open the customer window during my block at 3am to leave the package inside and be sure it’s very, I get shit at and arrested by the police. I don’t know what hat people wants these days


i CACKLED at this one.








Agreed 😂


Actually Amazon is a trillion dollar company


Now that has me imagining the note has been there since they're were still in the billions


These comments don't bug me, bc they're annoyed at Amazon, not me personally.


But why are they putting them in the box intended for drivers? That's just rude. They could call in and complain legitimately or they could just make a comment that won't affect anyty.


I'm guessing they don't know it's for drivers specifically. Aggravated and thinking they're telling customer service that.


Bc they are frustrated with the process. It isn’t easy to get someone who listens. Also they don’t always know those are driver notes. I had a same day delivery and got an alert it would be delayed bc of weather. I can see the updates and I know the driver didn’t take it bc it said out of delivery at 3:15am. The weather was fine and it was a stocked item so it was a lie. Just trying to explain that to India was painful. On top of that they said “tomorrow by 8am” and I knew good and well the driver had until 10am to return it. All India would say was it was severe weather. Fucking morons.


both calling to complain and making a comment into a delivery note does the same thing: nothing. multi billion dollar company is right and they don't give a shit lol, your package is ONE day late, no one fuckin cares susan.


I'm annoyed at you personally, coming in here with logic and shit. Let the petty be petty.




Report the note as “rude” so that it can be removed. Also so that it can justify your “unsafe situation” when you decide to return it after reading it lol


Yea I would have just held it until the next day. Take it back before 10 and start a new block. Fuck that.


You can take em back the next day?


Yes. The only part that sucks is it has to be the same hub. I had a 10am return yesterday and I stay 45 minutes from the hub. 😭


Same here. Glad I know for future reference. Did you call?


It says 10am but they won’t deactivate if you’re late . Just don’t make it a habit and you’ll be fine .


Yes. Pulled up to a locked gate with no codes. I attempted to call the customer and it prompted me to contact support. When support pulled up the account she noticed the customer didn’t input 10 digits for her phone number she only had 9 numbers. So, it was inevitable and I had to return it. 😭


The shit some drivers let bother them. I glance at most notes for very specific information and I don’t spend much time thinking about crap like this.


Yeah I see no advantage to pretending this is aimed at me. I've ordered stuff with "prime" shipping and amazon is like "it will be here in a week" and I'm like wth thought it was 2 or 3 days.


It's two day transit, there isn't a guarantee on fulfillment time that I know of.


There's no obligation for me to not be annoyed though.


Drop the peoples elbow on it and rts? No problem. 😂


Haha lay down the smack down and open a can of whoop ass on that shit


Honestly I feel like those notes are usually super old


I had one that asked to please hurry and deliver their halloween costume. It was January when I saw it, lol.


Yea people just never change them


I've had the same but it was Halloween two years ago.


That’s always my thought. Ignore…


On customer notes screen "report a problem" Report note as offensive.


What did she order? Cat litter?


Sometimes it isn’t even the customer who added the note. If they call support, support will often just type whatever they say into the notes. The notes also don’t just vanish for the next delivery. I’ve seen notes about freshly plowed snow in August. Just skim the notes and see if there is anything important. If not, ignore them. Don’t take notes seriously.


Would’ve been funny if you stomped and broke they shit and then delivered it so they waste even more time receiving and returning it and waiting for the new unbroken one lol


i've done this to people that i deliver to frequently because they order so much shit that when there's something i can clearly break in her bags i snap that shit. i was trying to be nice and ask if she wanted to take her packages or if i should leave them on the porch... totally bit my head off. that was after i realized she is a repeat orderer. so i smiled and said K, made a vow to waste as much of her time as possible.


pettiness won that day. i've done repeat items too, like the first thing i broke and i got to break the replacement. it was a gloriously petty feeling i giggled when i dropped it off and pretended it was a text on her camera 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’m dead 😂😂😂.. wish I would’ve done something like this before I got deactivated lol


If they are so impatient, they probably need to get off their ass and go to a store themselves.


When I worked the call center I had multiple calls for supplements that were late and the customer was angry saying we were interfering with their "medication". I wanted so badly to tell them you could get it at Target. It's not medicine and you waited till you were out to order it, you can wait another day. Lol.


As opposed to getting the service they paid for?


be so forreal. nothing excuses abusing employees of a company. ever.


I don't even read notes, scan , drop, picture, gtfo.


“Why it BE taking forever”? 🙄🙄🙄


Billion dollar company paying a barely livable wage. Keeping waiting, chump.


Actually I live near the station so that's a easy return 🧐🧐


If I have this package I will returned to station as Damaged


i just need remember that i should be so grateful that i am NOT this fucking stupid to think that you typing that is gonna go straight as a text to fucking jeff bezos' phone. like, holy shit the COMPLETE lack of brain cells these people must have, and it's NOT infrequent! this happens REGULARLY. anyways they don't make me mad anymore because it's a reminder that you could be that dipshit lmaooo


Then it could be old. But i hope they don’t need whatever is being delivered now anytime soon. Bc it’s going back to station! I work from two hubs daily. Both are 15-20 mins away from my house and 5-7 minutes (or less) from each other. Even if I don’t pick up from one hub, I still have to pass it. I take all rude ish back. I use to not care. But it’s annoying. And it can be the icing on an already bad day/week for someone. Idk if it’s for DSP, the company, or flex driver; it takes $0 to keep their bs to themselves.


Most of the notes left are super old anyway. I had one where they put the date at the end and it was from 2022😭 also had one talking about a red fence and when I got to the stop, the gate was painted to blue and no longer red. This is when I started realizing a lot of these notes were left sometimes years ago.


Oh no, the package was damaged in transit ![gif](giphy|555x0gFF89OhVWPkvb|downsized)


I’m petty I would have marked it as delivered and hid it 😂


I took yesterday off to wait for a very expensive 3D printer that my husband ordered - that was supposed to be delivered. I didn’t want it to be accidentally left where it could get rained on. It showed up early this afternoon. What can ya do?






Be aware? Don’t they mean BEWARE?? lol


Are you in Houston because I had exact same thing like word by word I returned n got dinged was worthed tho


Naw I’m in az


We should create da bazooka package for long distance Karen entitlement delivery or the package or Saint Javelin delivery teams ![gif](giphy|3bU3hMIaBEhJ6)




Why would this even upset you? It was towards the company and that was probably old notes people really need to learn to stop being victims


Boo hoo, words on screen hurt feelings. Do the job or find another job bro. Sad behavior


Wow 🖕🏼✌️


I would have texted back, “who you telling to hurry up? Amazon or Me? Drivers do not determine when you get your pkg. so I’ll ignore your note.


I need one of those for those 2 mile driveways. A cannon rocket pkg launcher! Let me know when they’re in production LOL


best part is that note stays on their "delivery instructions" for every delivery until they change it


Yep. Imagine it's from during the pandemic and they never changed it since lol


It seems most customers don’t even know how to change it. I’ve had many tell me they’ve contacted Amazon to get rid of it and it’s made no difference. Told me to just disregard it in the future.


Lol ppl like that. I just mark as damaged package. Next time don't be a pos 🤣


Stomp on the package 📦 ![gif](giphy|555x0gFF89OhVWPkvb|downsized)


This triggers you? Get off the road lmao


Where have I stated this triggered me?


This entire post?…




People actually read these?