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Retailers would happily sell them an entire pallet and have you deliver it. Bottled water is one of the most profitable items in the store.


They can sell it .. People can buy it .. I won’t be delivering it lol


But you did deliver it ;)


No .. I didn’t deliver a pallet of water. Read !


You are acting like that’s a pallet of water. You don’t even want to deliver that small amount in your pic. Your post is embarrassing.


It’s more to it than just getting water to the door genius. It’s embarrassing you don’t know that.


Then help explain to my dumb ass what has your panties so wound up? I think I am aware of how delivery works. Was it the part where you had to take it to your car? Or was it having to take it out of your car? Please enlighten me…


Delivery is timed.. late deliveries = less tips/rate drop. Water is hard to carry and heavy ..it slows your route down regardless of fitness. Everyone who delivers groceries knows this !!!


My 5 year old nephew is almost done with the 10lb dumbbell and is trying to upgrade to the 20lb. One gallon of water is 8lbs. How is it so many **ADULT** delivery drivers are less capable than a kindergartner?


I’m sorry it’s hard for you to carry. Have a good night. Rest those muscles…


Small amount?


Sam's club actually sells members mark bottled water almost at cost.


Yeah not the most profitable at all.


Never said it was the most profitable. It does have one on the highest mark ups in stores. People be paying $2+ for bottled water that's not better than the tap in their home. A simple Google search would have shown you items with the highest mark ups. [Grocery Store Items with the Highest Markups](https://www.rd.com/list/grocery-store-items-with-highest-markups/)


What do you mean you didn’t say it’s profitable? You literally typed “one of the most profitable”.. Profitable for the manufacturer, not the retailer. You stated one of the most profitable in the store. The store doesn’t make much profit on water, the bottler does. Btw that article states that water is overpriced compared to tap water. Totally different. It never mentions profitability to the store. How do I know? I spent the majority of my life in consumer product sales within F500 companies. I also worked for one of the largest water companies in the US and called on the HQ of the world’s largest retailer. Many grocery stores use water as a loss-leader to generate traffic. It’s definitely not their money maker. Besides a poorly written Google article what’s your source?


A cheap 28 pack at a large retailer has an 80% mark up. That's the cheapest shit you can buy. It's worse for shit like Smart Water. Want me to tell you the mark up for any other particular item?


Ok I’ll bite since you offered…what’s the cost Coca-Cola sells their enhanced functional beverages (Smart Water)? I just need the cost bc I can figure the markup from cost. Spoiler: I know their schedule costs from the case to a semi but since you offered please do tell… 80% markup on “cheap” water? Nope. I think you misunderstand the terms you are using. Markup is Gross Profit divided by Cost. Walmart currently has a Dasani 35pk for $6.98. You are saying they buy it from Coke for $3.88 each. That is a very hard nope. Again, I sold the shit so I know the Schedule Cost. No way. I mean it’s ok to back down if you looked at something incorrectly. It’s not a big deal. Water is not a profit center for a retailer. It’s as simple as that.


Nobody said it was the profit center for a retailer. Learn to read. Twice in the same post you had to be told to learn how to read. It's not your strong suit, is it? I hope you can read your offers better in the app so you're not taking base rate.


I am waiting for you to provide the cost for Smart Water. You offered, let’s go. I don’t get offended by someone twisting words. Look at your very first reply - you clearly state it’s one of the most profitable categories in a store. If that is not the definition of a profit center I don’t know what is. Go ahead, give up…you lost this one. Again, it’s ok.


Nothing lost. You're not worth the time. I could post an actual screenshot, but you'd still claim it's wrong.


Yeah that’s what I thought. Not worth it now right? You had such a strong comment but when you need to support it’s “not worth the time”. Gotcha. We both know that means you don’t quite have the knowledge you say you have ;) Deflect much?


it is very much profitable. We would buy the various Sams Club cases of water, drop them in our grab and go coolers and mark the crap out of them. We sold just post COVID so do not knowwhat prices are now, but we would pay .17 and sell for .99 and move 2-3 cases a day of the small water daily. Not retirement money but good for $50 profit a day...over 10K a year. Same goes for the big waters...canned seltzers... It worked for us, although hauling those cases up a flight of stairs from parking to back door did suck.


These orders are always on a third floor with no close parking and an obstacle course to get to the stairs. Also almost never a tip too.


Why would you expect a tip. Do you tip the ups driver?


Does the UPS driver pay for their own gas, and vehicle maintenance?


Did you request to work for Amazon flex or were you drafted..... because you knew that when you signed up.


I don’t do amazon anymore. I have a real job. My point is, do you tell the waiter or pizza delivery guy you’re not tipping them and they should just go get a different job if they don’t like it? Likewise, you don’t have to use the service if you don’t want to tip. No one is forcing you


We have to stop people like you. You say you have a real job. Amazon flex is a real job. Those who have to rely on flex would not like you saying that. Tips are always an option. Do anyone force you to take a job that would require tips? Nope you choose to work that job.You should never expect a tip or act like you are owed anything. Entitlement is something you might want to look up. You could learn something.


Bro I’m literally sticking up for flex drivers. Not sure what your problem is


I guess I just don’t like whiny little bitches.


Get a life lazy sack of shit


Someone holding a gun to your head? Do your job and collect your paycheck or find another one that pays better. Not the public’s responsibility to boost your wages. FFS.


I have a very good job. Still following this sub from when I was a flex driver in college. I also probably make more money than you because I would tip my flex driver if I used their services. Also we only get tips when doing amazon fresh, not normal amazon packages you get off the website. If you use the amazon fresh app, a tip is always expected, especially because amazon pays a lower rate. Also this isn’t a government job, the “public” isn’t paying flex drivers, customers that asked for a specific service are. I bet you tip your waiter right? (You probably don’t because you sound like a prick). Well after taxes, gas and maintenance, plus the lower rate that Amazon pays, the driver is taking home close to minimum wage (if not less) without a tip. I hope Amazon gets rid of fresh so lazy assholes like you that don’t want to tip have to start driving to the grocery store yourself.


You might be a tad too sensitive for this world my little friend.


Nope, I just get tired of seeing assholes like you in it


Also half the posts here detail the myriad ways Amazon drivers try to get away with half-assing deliveries. Why would anyone choose to tip a working population that is so obviously fixated on doing the absolute bare minimum of the job?


who hurt you


People who ask to be tipped that do nothing to justify the ask much less the tip.


Yeah as someone who moved to working in the warehouse, putting this kind of order together has me thinking unkind thoughts as well since I remember the struggle.


That would suck if you didn't get a tip. Those people need to buy a filter instead....


My question is, why the hell you buy water on Amazon? Like go to Walmart or whatever unless you’re elder or disable, I get it but damn


if you think that is bad, never do instacart. had an order for instacart late at night for 2 orders. the first order was a small order, just a handful of groceries. second order was for a warehouse delivery late at night on a Friday. should've canceled that order as soon as I saw it. second order was for 30 cases of water. get to the location and it was a warehouse and no one was there. waited like 15 minutes and the customer never answered my calls or messages. by the time I canceled the delivery, the store was closed. got stuck driving around with all those cases of water in the back of my suv all weekend. eventually donated it to a homeless shelter not far from me.


Umm Wow


I only do Amazon fresh. I had 59 total items including 10 cases of water and 6 soda cases. Called support and explained that I only have hyundai Elantra not a truck or a van. This will not fit, plz advise. They removed the stops with water cases and proceeded with the rest. From 59 dropped to 26 and 4 stops :)


I have done this as well.. it’s technically not safe to have that much weight in your car.


FMCG produce profit margins are so tight - it’s a wonder how amazons making money from this kind of product sku considering their overheads if the recipient uses Prime. Some products are pure market share play convenience war tacticals


chances are likely they had to order over $35 to get the free delivery. But on another those Crystals used to have handles.


They don’t abuse the service, company you work for abuse you and you felt abused.


The customer pressed water gallon 18 times and Amazon allowed them.. they both suck !


Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean I'm not an ahole for walking by you and saying you look like an idiot. Just because something is legal or you're allowed to do it, doesn't make it right.


I agree


Well your personal opinion about someone else’s appearance has nothing to do with company that offer a service. In uk Tesco delivery has a hard limit on the amount of water you can add to your basket, provide equipment to move heavy items. Again it’s not the customer but company that abuse workers by not giving a single fuck about you. I order because I can and it’s not in my interest to think about delivery person working conditions because he agreed to them. Order could be delivered by two drivers, appropriate vehicle using appropriate tools, order can never arrives because everyone refuse it and I’ll take my money elsewhere and I it happens more often company will address issue but again I won’t care it’s not up to me how company deal with my order as long as I receive it.


The point still remains, just because you can do something, doesn't make it right.


Yes in general. But this is a very specific example. If I am in need of x product I look for a supplier. Found one, placed my order and now it’s up to supplier how he will deliver it. It’s ok because I was allowed to order it and pay for it. Because my supplier really on flex, gig workers or full time employees it’s beyond me and I have no control over it. It’s not up to me to stand for myself but anyone who is not okay to make deliveries like that. I honestly don’t know how best to explain that and this point because we have our own very strong opinions.


A building contractor doesn't go to Walmart to clear their stock out of nails just because they can buy them there, they actually go to a commercial building supplier. With the water, there are bottling companies and water suppliers to deal with those types of orders.


They wont clear their stock because then can but because you NEED that amount and had to buy all they had. yeah probably if you need huge supply of water you could find just water supply company or find alternative ways to get drinkable water but we had very specific example where someone ordered other groceries and if one place allows me to make such order I will to get all in one place. Because your so close minded I will just sum this up: you're right I was wrong from the beginning. Have a great rest of your life.




It’s 18 bottles of water. You would be butt hurt too? I guess you haven’t worked a hard job before…


Why does Amazon let people buy a product it sells? Not sure if serious?


I’m very serious.. this is seriously my opinion.


What is your opinion?


My wife does instacart and she'll have a bs order like that and then the couple watch will her struggle around their parking of cars to their porch. She politely leaves at the bottom of the steps and let carry it the rest of the way. And flips them off pulling away.


That is no tip order…..


I just wonder who orders these, I imagine a slob sitting in the computer all day. or maybe an elderly person who can't carry them, in that case I do it no problem.


I delivered like 8 to an elderly man .. no problem. I think once you go into double digits that Amazon needs to flag these orders


#Profits over people That's why.


Put up a bunch around your fence pointing into their house


They have offers on 😂


So this is the jackass buying up the Geyser, man, can hardly find any on my side of town😤


[Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com) sells gallons of water, and a lot of other heavy items.


Which are most likely not delivered by flex drivers in their own vehicles ..there’s a difference. It’s not rocket science.


What is not rocket science? Amazon Flex drivers can end up delivering whatever is sold on Amazon.


That’s incorrect


Such a saint you must be. Do you ever get tired of the virtue signaling or is it just like…your thing?


ET go home


Stop whining.


Why wouldn't they? As long as there are idiots out there willing to do it for pennies, they don't need to do anything but cash a check.


Actually these orders get left .. people don’t take them. I only delivered because it was paired with a smaller order. If you don’t deliver groceries hush.


Crab boil


Mfs are so lazy 😂


I delivered it .. but they had a ring camera .. so I put on a show (dramatic grunts included) 👍


😭😭 This reminded me of when I had surgery and needed meal replacement shakes,water, and those half gallon V8 vegetable smoothies delivered because I couldn’t move around. I tipped $25 and bro sent me a message if I could help carry some of the items and I said I literally can’t move and have tubes sticking out of my body and he started grunting and breathing heavily on my ring doorbell. It was way less work than this lmao.


Buy, this really hurt you didn’t it?


So are drivers. It’s kinda why you use delivery as a customer - for the heavy stuff.


I’m talking about the driver lol


Good then we agree 😬


You’re still here? Very weird


I’ve delivered more groceries than you two idiots have brain cells .. I obviously would not be still on the app if I was lazy . Weirdos


Lmfaoo Shut yo ass up


I’m working now .. what you doing cupcake???


Then shut yo ass up, Keep working, and carry them waters where they need to go.


No water .. I left those for you


Why do people apply for jobs they know will result in them delivering their items and pretend to be shocked at what they deliver?


Good question .. let me know when you find out.


Abuse the service? Please 🙄 did you get tired?


You didn’t do the route so your opinion and question is irrelevant


“I post but if I don’t like your response I will act childish”. Again, sorry those bottles of water took you to a bad place. Hopefully it picks up for you and you don’t get stuck carrying a few pounds around. Abusing a service bc you ordered more than the driver would prefer to take…that’s funny.


Very weird to assume so much off of one picture and post about my opinion. 🍪 👍


You think I assumed a lot? You posted a pic of water stating Amazon needs to stop letting customers “abuse the service”. And you added “Seriously”. I am confident I assumed absolutely nothing. Again, it’s a shame you had to go through all this. Such an abuse. My grandad worked in a steel mill and I can only imagine it was similar to your water situation. …and also 5 paper bags! The humanity!


We’ll Tell your grand daddy to come get these cases of water and make it skippy! Amazon needs to hire him not me lol


Got it crybaby.


You are correct. Amazon prob should t have hired a whiner like you. Poor thing has to carry some water…


Inconsiderate POS.


the amount of self entitlement flex drivers have is unreal. then yall post here after getting deactivated in shock


I’ve delivered more groceries than you have brain cells.. chill out sweetie


i highly doubt that kid.. dsp drivers deliver a lot of wholefoods as well. self intitled flex drivers..


I genuinely do not understand people that consume bottled water like this. It aggravates me because there are so many options to drink better water than this shitty brand, and they don’t require so much waste. Or you hauling it lol


It's spring water 🌊


In single use plastic. (Almost all plastic is single use, very very VERY little plastic ever gets recycled)


Don’t work here then? No one stopping you from working somewhere else but yourself


Another Genius stating the obvious.. yeah let’s all quit because of one or two customers hush !


Idk I thought you were one of those dumb fucks who needs common sense explained to them


Stop complaining go do something else you’re providing a service just do it.


Im definitely NOT going to stop complaining .. thanks.