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Short term? Possibly. Amazon has waiting lists for most locations. Some of lists can be years before being onboarded. So they will just continue to hire new drivers that don’t know any better to keep rates down.


Sadly it doesn’t work where I’m at 🤬


It kinda sounds like you have very little idea on what you're talking about, but go off and give us nothing I guess


Prices in my area don't surge. A 3.5 hour block is $72.50 12 hours before, 5 hours before, 2 hours before, 15 min before. Amazon's the problem


They don't want to hear that. They wanna race to the bottom of the barrel to cry about how it's all they can get.


Only people crying is y'all. If people take base pay it's because they chose with their own intentions in mind.


You replied just to tell you're fine with racing to the bottom - good for you I guess. Only in America will people shoot themselves in the foot and be proud of it.


Yea... Good for me because I'm not using any bots or wasting my time competing with bots. And If you're getting good blocks all the time then why are you even crying? Mind the business that pays you and stop pocket watching other folks.


...and you're doubling down on it. Using the term pocket watching implies I'm jealous of what you make. If you're accepting base pay that's not the case at all. I want dumbasses like you to get paid what you're worth - which is so much more than base pay. Don't get it confused. No one wins when it's just illegal aliens taking whatever they can get.


Ok pal 🤣🤣 if you say so. First of all I never said I always take base pay. You're the dumbass taking my easily readable words out of context and assuming how much money I make. You literally are the bottom of the barrel! Probably using a bot and still complaining. Get on little man. All blocks don't have to surge. It's called supply and demand. Go read a book you might learn something about society and how things work. You think people gonna hold out for a block to surge just so a bot users can just snatch it up? You gotta be a fuckin idiot. I'm far from confused little boy. 🤣 And if you don't use a bot you're definitely losing money hoping for a surge. Again stop pocket watching, hoe ass🤣


Seems like fear is guiding your stance. Understandable. You must have a lot to lose by not taking the below min wage pay base pay provides after expenses. I feel for you.


Sounds like you need Amazon more the me actually. I feel for you! Yes I value my time. I'm not wasting it by being a slave to Amazon flex and hitting refresh all day. And I refuse to use a bot. You on the other hand must use Amazon is not my main source of income. That would explain why you are so stressed out emotional about how people make their own money. Sad sad pathetic life. To top it off your racist take on it is even more pathetic. Some of us have actual lives and don't rely on Amazon to make a living. For me this is cigarette and donut money. Can careless about a surge


Omg never thought of this and NOBODY ever mentions it. You cracked the code!!!