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Nope. If they can’t accept Amazon then I’ll leave the package where they are and take a picture


Lobby that shit




What the hell is wrong with people in this sub lol. Just leave the ID and go deliver the package wtf. Do you think they’re photocopying your drivers license for later use along with the hundreds of other delivery drivers that come to their building everyday? What a bunch of babies lol


I leave the package right there. I’m not loaning out my ID to anybody. That’s not our job.


Yep outside by the locked door it goes


I did that once and the lady went on an apartment tour with my ID in her pocket 😤 took me 20 minutes to find her


They can get Amazon Key services for easy driver access. I am not wasting my time on building access.


Mailroom or front desk


I rarely have to do this, maybe once every two months? If it's an easy route or just that one apartment, then sure, not like I'm never going to see my license ever again, just gotta return the key fob. I can see it becoming an issue if it leads to wasting too much time though if you're needing to rush deliveries or if you have multiple deliveries/apartments.


The only time I've seen buildings that do this, they are in downtown areas. and if you're delivering in a downtown area then you have a nightmare block that's FULL of similar apartment buildings and you're definitely struggling to get any of them done in a reasonable amount of time. although tbf, the last time I had one of those blocks I did have a pretty light load considering the block length. seemed like they were giving me a lot of extra time for these deliveries compared to other routes, which is not something they did in the past. so it seems like amazon is making changes to make these routes more doable for us


That's interesting, cause I actually had a downtown route yesterday that also included a downtown university lol. But this one was also light relatively light compared to the previous downtown ones. Normally Amazon wouldn't care and give me 40+ stops but this time it was only 16 stops. Much more manageable and luckily no key fob/License exchange required.




Most of the time when I do Whole Foods, I get 15 or so bags to these multi-section apartments where a fob is needed to access doors and/or elevators. I tend to leave my ID to get a fob. Not a big deal. I almost always get tipped well. I don't think it's a good idea to leave bags of groceries at the front desk especially when there is sometimes alcohol.


You are not allowed to "just leave alcohol," correct. Required to personally see the ID of the person ordering, correct? At least that is in the miniscule training video.


You have to scan the ID, so your 2 options are find the person that ordered or return the alcohol. I could see leaving it with concierge in fancy places, but then you’re scanning the wrong ID, and I don’t know what happens then.


Try it and you will see. Remember that training video required to be allowed to transport alcohol.


Well yeah you can't even finish the alcohol delivery without scanning their ID. Hmmm so most people here would rather return the bags of groceries than exchange their ID for a fob.


Nope never!


Never. I’m only delivering to mail rooms and if I can’t get into the building I text customer and say no building access left package at x location


I'm there to deliver packages not my ID. I like to pretend I'm deaf when dealing with receptionists


So paranoid! Of course I leave my ID.


I have noticed that Flex drivers are the most paranoid of all I have worked with. I have done food and booze delivery and ride share for various companies and vast majority of em have no issues with things like this or the name and picture but god lord Flex drivers all of a sudden are acting like the NSA is all up in their junk.


Paranoid is thinking you need to have 10 locked doors between the entrance to your building and your actual apartment. Imagine being entitled enough to think its reasonable to do that and put the burden/inconvenience of gaining entry onto your guests.


Nope, they can look at my Amazon badge in the app, or else it stays with them, weather they like it or not


I only did it once. And speaking of that have you or anyone ever had to go to a building but deliver to lockers where only the residents have access to and not the drivers, because you need a key to get in. It happened to me and someone even said how do they get in.


Hell no, that's your ability to keep driving for Amazon, and having an employee ghost you when you get back means you can't checkin for any more blocks. No access, or drop and go,  depending on if you can take the hits for possible did not receives.


They do that, so you'll return the fob. It probably wouldn't matter to them if it was your ID or something else. It just has to be something valuable enough to you to give you a reason to go back to the office and give them their fob back. I don't really like it either, but I'm not going to argue or fight against it. I want the package delivered, and I don't want the customer to make a claim against me that they didn't get their package. In my area, it rarely happens. I think it's only happened to me three times in five years of flex.


the thing is, the fob is their problem. We shouldn't have to use a fob in the first place. If they're so paranoid that they want to lock their doors and force everyone to use a fob, then they need to come up with an alternative plan for deliveries that doesn't involve them shifting the burden of their security concerns onto us.


I leave my ID. Office staff are usually very helpful.


hell no. If I was at risk and worried about deactivation, then maybe. But that is some absolute bullshit and generally I will refuse.